Primary 6 Weekly News

This week we  had so much fun with all the teachers learning.

We completed our comprehension on Monday and our class had a lots of fun .

We did a maths assessment, it was a bit hard but we finished it all.

We also completed our writing assessment which was a recount.

For PE we played heady Handball with Miss Ford.

We did a talking and listening assessment.

After lunch on Thursday we helped nursery in PE.

Today  we had our Gospel Show Dress Rehearsal. It was nice to see everyone’s costumes.

Have a lovely weekend!

Written by Vanesa and Aleks


Primary 6 Weekly News

 This week we met our buddies and it was very exciting. We are looking forward to having this big responsibility.

All thanks to Mr,McCurdy in PE we had an option of Football, Basketball or Heady handball. This was great fun!

We are also very proud of some of our classmates as they participated in a Glee competition at Howden Parks Centre.  Well done girls!

We had PM writing and it was great and fun learning. We have book for the PM writing it was the ‘The Apple Orchard’. We are using this text to build on our knowledge of nouns, pronouns, verbs and past tense verbs. This is helping us to develop our writing skills and writing a recount.

For our Writing we wrote about being Nursery Buddies in PE. We have the chance to do this every Thursday and we really enjoy it. Please check out twitter to see us in action.

We have been working hard practicing for the ‘The Gospel Show’.  It is very fun to do and it’s exciting to see how it is all coming together.

This week was fun and exciting!

Written by Aidan P, Vanesa and Kacper

P6 Weekly News

P6 blog

In maths this week we completed an end of unit assessment in fractions, decimals and percentages.

We also did a fun maths challenge pretending that we were apprentices. We were set a challenge by Mrs Sugar aka Mrs Kerr which allowed us to use our knowledge of calculating percentages in real life situations.

In this weeks writing we wrote a recount about a personal experience.

In PE we done some more gymnastics using two skills control and fluency we also brought out special equipment to practice advanced skills.

Today we had to watch the primary 3-5 show and it was about the blast from the past it. There were lots of great songs and it was really funny.

That is the end of our weekly blog stay tuned for next week.

Bye 🙂

Primary 6 Weekly Update

This week we wrote a discursive essay about school uniform being compulsory. We had to write a balanced argument looking at both the pros and cons. Here are some examples:

It is important to learn to dress correctly for future events your life, for example when you leave school or studying and you get a job.

On the other hand a con for keeping school uniform being compulsory it is way to expensive for the parent to pay for it every  year.

On Wednesday we went see a show at Dedridge primary school it was about these two boys that were best friends and then broke up and they never seen each other in 30 years! And they met in njjjan airport.

In maths this week we focused on simplifying fractions & the link between fractions, decimals and percentages.

In P.E we were learning how to control and make your moves fluent.

Thanks for reading our blog


P6 Weekly News

On Monday the first day of school after the winter holiday we were back from home to school we started off with a smart start to get our brains working. We did some other things to reintroduce our self to school.

On Thursday we did an obituary about Mary Queen of Scots and we started an art project on her as well. It was an interesting art piece because half of it was coloured and half dark.

On Friday we had a visitor that was the NSPCC and they told us the importance of calling them in an emergency.

Written by Adrin, Joshua, Jan and Mark

Primary 6 Weekly Update

The blog

On Monday we went to the panto to see Jack and the beanstalk [version 2.0]

It was very well played and had an amazing plot  it also had a very fishy beanstalk.

After we came back from the panto we went to the nursery nativity it was very cute and nice.


On Tuesday we had a maths assessment it was tricky but some of us moved on to a harder assessment which we could score extra points for.

On Wednesday we had are Christmas lunch and it was delicious.

On Thursday since we missed P.E on Wednesday we did a sports quiz with Mr McCurdy. We also did co-ordinate reindeer it was really fun! J


Altogether it has been another great week in P6 have a great weekend and goodbye.

By Mark, Jan, Josuha abnd Adrin

Primary 6 Weekly News

We had an amazing week in p6!!!

This week in p6 we have been doing maths. In maths we have been learning how to calculate decimal tower sums.

In PE we played dodgeball and we had a really good time.

Jan in our class is part of the road safety team with Ailie in p6/7. They presented a great presentation at assembly. Well done!

We designed posters for our functional writing on the true meaning of kindness.

On Wednesday and Thursday we had parent’s night in our class and we think we got some pretty good feedback.

Hannah and Adian P



Primary 6 Weekly News

This week we have been doing Jazzmatazz. In Jazzmatazz we have been improvising on xylophones and the glockenspiel. We also learned to sing some songs whilst playing a tune. We had to copy the beat that Mike was playing on the piano.

In maths this week we have been continuing to learn about decimals and some of the class have been learning to put decimals into an order. In number talks we have been sharing lots of strategies and learning from one another.

In writing we have been using a visual stimulus based on a twisty road and had to write an imaginary story.

We have been continuing with our class novel Pig Heart Boy and this week we had a visit from an author to reading his book Fairy with the broken wings.

Have a lovely weekend!

Shannon and Finlay

Lead Learners

Maths Week in Primary 6

This week in primary 6 we have been doing lots of activities for Maths Week.

We completed a murder mystery at the cinema with Mrs McMullen and we had to work out different sums to find out who the murderer was.

We also created our own parabolic designs were we had to join all the numbers together for example 1 to 1, 2 to 2, 3 to 3 all the way to 10. Today we have been creating curves of pursuit.

On Wednesday we were using our problem solving skills to build a bridge. Our bridge had to be strong enough for a toy car to go over. We had a budget of £100 to buy paper, cellotape or paperclips. It was great fun!

Written by Ryan and Marcella

Primary 6

We have had a busy and hard working week in our classroom.

This week in maths we have been doing place value for whole numbers from 1 000,000 and beyond. We have been identifying the value of digit within a whole number and recognising and writing numbers in words.

In writing we have been using our senses to help with describing a setting. We used this to help us to describe different settings from our class novel Pig Heart Boy.

In art we were drawing the main character Cameron using colour to think about emotions. We used charcoal to represent the character Cameron’s feeling of sadness, anger and loneliness.

In PE we have been developing our tennis skills with Mr McCurdy. We have been practicing our gentle swing technique.

Written by Louise, Marcella and Aoife

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