Primary 6 Weekly News

This is what we have to say about our learning this week.


Mia- This week in P.E. we done the bleep test, In my group I was the last one in.

Mia St – This week we did a writing assessment about the Victorians. We took notes from watching some videos and put them into a news report.

Nicola –  On Tuesday we went to the  library and checked our books out and played some games, then we got new books.

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Neave – This week on our 2nd day of P.E we did a fitness carousel. During our carousel we done sit ups, planks, hold your squats, squats on a bench, star jumps and then we had to do step up on a bench then step off and repeat .

The reason we are doing this fitness thing is because next week we will be using the ropes, but first we need to prove that we are strong enough to use the ropes the way we should use them.

Kieran- this week on Tuesday we did P.E with Mr McCurdy. We did a bleep test there was 3 groups Mr McCurdy got 16.

Aliza- this week we have been very busy in class doing lots and lots of work about the Victorians. Next week it is VERY busy because we are having very special visitors come on Tuesday, on Wednesday we are having a service for Ash Wednesday, on Thursday it is word book day and on friday we will have an assembly! A VERY busy week!!

Amera-Today at golden time people who wrote our school song had to sing the song at the tea and coffee morning and they got crisps and a drink, it was very fun.


Thank you to the parents who came along to Ninian’s Natter this week, it was great to see you.  The pupils enjoy having the opportunity to share their learning and show you all of their hard work.  Next week we will be taking part in World Book Day.  The children can come to school dressed as their favourite book character.  We’ve had lots of great ideas about what we would like to learn that day, so make sure you check our blog next week to find out!

Primary 6 News

A short but fun filled week in Primary 6.  The focus this week has been catholic education week. Ask what we have been learning about in class and what our Faith Community means to us.

Pupil Comments:

Rugare- This week was catholic education week we learned a lot about it in RE.

Erin O- this week in P.E we choreographed our own gymnastics routines to eye of the tiger and showed them to the rest of the class.

Neave – This week every class in the school got a gift!!  You are probably wondering what the gift was, well it is a kaleidoscope, a pompom  ball, an emoji pillow, a 40 page colouring book, a light up thing, a red stress ball ,a snake puzzle and a slinky. This has been added to our mindfulness area with our bean bag and growth mindset posters.

Erin r –all the toys were delivered by Erin r

Erwin – This week on Thursday we have been writing about our 40th anniversary as a newspaper article and on Friday I have got chosen to be the prefect for the infants. AWESOME.

Amera- This week all the classes got a gift!! And our little change box is nearly filled, well done.

Emma-This week we got a basket of different things and we had priest come in to share his photographs from his trip to Israel.

P6 weekly news

What another great week in Primary 6.  Here are some of our comments.

Jennifer-Because it was our 40th anniversary we had celebrations. On Wednesday we had a special mass with the Arch Bishop and different people like old head teachers and people from the council. On Thursday we had a practise for the school show then we watched a movie called THE INCREDIBLES. After the movie we did a carousel with our houses: sumdog, quiet zones, art and puzzles.

Aliza- This week has been AMAZING! On Wednesday we had our schools 40th birthday mass, I’m sure everyone already knows about that! On Thursday we had a fun carousel in the afternoon and we all had some really yummy, homemade birthday cake (made by the amazing Mrs McCabe).  We have also been working VER VERY VERY hard for our school show which hopefully you will all see on Monday or Tuesday!

Emily- this week we had our mass for the 40th anniversary. We had a lot of guests also our past head teachers came along so did the Arch Bishop.

Neave- This week in P.E we played capture the flag sadly the opposite team  from my team won, we also still have been doing the daily mile and I think it has made me more fit and faster.

Do you see any changes in your child’s fitness and health?


Also the  hero  costumes for primary 1-2 were AMAZING !!

Rugare- Our 40th anniversary has been fun so far, Mrs Purdie decided to celebrate for a whole month!

Emma-This Wednesday we had our school mass for the 40th anniversary there was a lot of guests and Miss Smyth was there and the Arch Bishop so it was very exciting. Yesterday was a dress down day so we watched the INCREDIBLES!

Ciara-today we had a dress rehearsal for the show.

Kieran- This week in literacy we watched the music video for the song  Titanium by David Guetta FT Sia. It was all about a boy with special powers.  We used this to help us write newspaper articles.

Have a great weekend!

P6 Weekly News

Here is what we have to say about our learning in primary 6 this week.

Mia Sokoluk-This week we have been making comic strips in class, mine was about basketball and at the end of mine my team won, it was so much fun making it.

Kieran – This week we were finishing off our holiday advertisement and Scottish poems.  We all put Scots words on the wall they are oot, aye, tae, didne, ye, oan.

Ben- This week we made Scottish comic strips inspired by Oor Wullie and the Broons, we have also been practising for our class shows but if you want to know more about them you’ll have to wait and see.

Nicholas- this week we have been working on our writing creating different country advertisements about any holiday you choose and the price of the holiday. We included our own discounts for economy, business class and first class. We have also learned about the word superlatives.

Emma-This week we have been working on the show and it will be amazing. We worked on a type of poem called Standard Habbie for Burns night and we created are own, mine was about a fox.  Our writing was on a Scottish comic strip and we read some Oor Wullie and the Broons for ideas it was AMAZING!

Aliza- it has been a busy week because we have been rehearsing all week! It has also been quite fun though, we did some Scottish comic strips based on the book, Oor wullie and the Broons. I hope you are all coming to our fantastic show! Trust me it will blow your minds!!

Emily- this week we have done Scottish poems for Robbie Burns day and have also been rehearsing for our school show, I can’t wait for the show.


We have been using our classroom door to display our thoughts on the Rights of the Child. Each week we choose one article to focus on and discuss.  This week we were looking at Article 13, the right to find out things and share information.  Take a look at our door the next time you’re in to find out what the rights of the child mean to us.



A reminder that outfits for the 40th Anniversary concert should be in school by Wednesday 1st February.
Ghostbusters – black top, black bottoms.
Fame – bright top, black bottoms, leg warmers.

Thank you!

Primary 6 Weekly News

Primary 6 have had another very busy week.

We have started our new maths topic, money.  We discussed what we already know and focused on calculating sale prices. We used our knowledge of percentages and fractions to help us with this.

In literacy this week we have been looking at some Scots Vocabulary to help us write poems.  It was really fun finding out what all the words mean.

Here are some pupil comments about our learning this week:

Nicola – we are practising for our Ghostbuster and Fame song concert.

Emma-So this week we have been practising our songs for the 40th anniversary of St. Ninian’s, as Nicola said (Ghoustbusters and Fame) and I am really excited because I got a solo !!

Kieran – this week in literacy we looked at Scottish poems and put our holiday advertisement on A4 paper.

Amera – This week we did pie charts and how they work with Mrs Kerr.

Erwin – we’ve been singing Ghostbusters and Fame this week, working on our performance for the show.

Our focus in PE this term is gymnastics. Have a look at some of our balance photos!

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All pupils have been given information about the 40th Anniversary concert. This will also be shared on Dojo.  Pupils will take part in both songs, however will only be required to have a costume for one.  If your child is on stage for Fame they should wear a bright t-shirt and black bottoms (with leg warmers if possible) and Ghostbusters should wear all black. We will make Ghostbuster signs in class to use.

Miss McCormack

Primary 6 News

It’s been an emotional week in Primary 6! We had our last day working with Miss Smyth and we are all going to miss her very much! We wish her luck and hope to see her very soon! Keep smiling!!

Amera-today we had an assembly for Miss Smyth, it was very sad. Most people were crying including Miss Smyth and the staff.

Emma- This week Miss McCormack made a carousel about International week. My favourite station was tasting different foods. In my opinion the feta cheese and hummus were the best.

Reece-This week has been a very busy week with Miss Smyth leaving. We had to learn songs and do lessons for International week at the same time, it has been quite messy but it was fun! 🙂

Declan-This week in class we were looking on Google Earth and Miss McCormack let people look in on different countries.

Emily- This week we tried different foods because it was international week and we made guacamole.

Nicholas – This week we learned about Malawi in Africa and how St. Margret’s are going to help them.

Rugare-International week was fun; we learned about many places and food from different countries.

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Have a look at our completed artwork we started last week.  We know all about hot and cold colours and used them to create vibrant pictures.



Primary 6 News

Happy New Year!

It has been a short but very busy week for Primary 6.  We have been setting new goals for the year and getting back in to our school routine.  This week was Vision and Values week.  We discussed our school values and vision statement.

Our vision is to be a vibrant community of faith and learning where together we learn to grow in the image and likeness of Christ.

We discussed what characteristics would make someone like Christ and why they are important.  We all came up with our own ideas, including: kind, helpful, hard working, respectful, friendly, understanding and fair.

Here are some comments from the pupils about their learning this week:

Kieran – This week is the first week of 2017. We did number talks, where we have to say how we got that answer. We discuss what  strategy we used and find out the most efficient way to complete a calculation. In literacy we wrote about our Christmas holiday.

Emma – This week we decided that we were going to change our school charter to Disney and we painted waves inspired by an American artist, Drew Bophy.

Mia – We learned about hot and cold colours using a colour wheel and we learned about visions and values because it was vision and values week.

Amera – On Wednesday we designed our new class charter. We changed it to Disney characters.

It has been a great first week back and all children were ready to learn.  We have lots of great things happening in Primary 6 this term and I am looking forward to another excellent term.

Miss McCormack


Primary 6 News.

Another fun packed week in Primary 6! On Tuesday we visited Sky Skills Studio.  It was all very exciting.  The pupils worked in small groups to put together a news report.  They all took on different roles: Director, Producer, Reporter, Eye Witness, Experts, Editor. All pupils worked brilliantly in their groups and produced an excellent report highlighting all the learning from our science and technology topic this term. It was excellent to see great team work skills and all pupils getting into role.  I think we have some future TV stars in the class!

Here are some pupil comments about our fun-filled week.

Ben – Today was Christmas jumper day and lots of fun making snowflakes from cut paper.

Rayn – This week we have been doing a lot of Christmas activates we have been doing Christmas cards and other stuff.

Ali – Today we were making snowflakes from paper.

Emma-Today we were making snowflakes out of paper and on wednesday we had a pantomime and had our school dinners the pantomime was Beauty and the Beast and the school dinners were amazing! We also played tig with the PRIMARY 5 we also got golden time because the p7 were still eating their school Christmas dinner it was awesome!

Mia – On Tuesday we went to Sky Academy Skills studios and we made an Awesome news report about Fossil Fuels.

Rugare – We had a house competition and Whithorn won!!

Erwin – We had our amazing Christmas dinner on Wednesday and it was yummy!

Amera – Today we had an assembly and Whithorn won but Miss Smyth and Mrs Purdie had chocolate coins and they handed them out to all off the Whithorn house pupils and at the end Miss Smyth and Mrs Purdie ate them all.img_2327 img_2320 img_2318 img_2315 img_2316

It has been a fantastic term and the children have been working very hard to earn pop-poms in our popcorn challenge! They were counted for the last time today and the pupils smashed their target, reaching a total of 995 pom-poms! As a special treat they will be watching a movie next week with some nice treats!

Have a great weekend!

Primary 6 Weekly News

This week we have completed our writing and spelling assessments. Our writing assessment focused on imaginative writing with a Christmas or winter setting. Miss McCormack is looking forward to reading them all!

Emma – This week has been amazing! We have learned some Christmas French with Mrs Howley. We also have been converting fractions, decimals and percentages in numeracy.

Jennifer – We are opening our class advent calendar. We have to nominate people who are kind to open it. We nearly have enough pom-poms to have a full day of fun in class, I’m so excited.

Kieran – In numeracy we did sumdog, worksheets, textbooks, CLIC with Miss McCormack and jigsaws and dominos. What a busy week for P6.

Declan – In French we have also been working on a Monster Show!

Have a look at some of our photos from French this week.

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It was lovely to see parents at Ninian’s Natter this afternoon.  All jotters went home today for parents who couldn’t make it so please have a look at the work we have been doing and discuss this with your child. Thank you to all those who made lovely cakes, they all looked delicious.

Just a reminder that we have our class visit to Sky Skills Studio on Tuesday. The pupils have been working hard preparing for their visit. Please return any permission forms on Monday.

I hope everyone has a great weekend!

P6 Weekly News

Here are our class comments this week:

Aliza – In maths we have been learning about simplifying fractions and how you get it to its simplest form. It was a bit tricky but we got the hang of it!!

Erin R – On Wednesday, as part of our Christmas Crafts teacher carousel, we made Christmas decorations for our Christmas tree and it was fun.

Erin O – On Tuesday Aliza and I went to talk to two maths teachers from St. Margaret’s to tell them all about our learning in maths.

Erwin – On Thursday for writing we were describing winter settings to prepare for the writing assessment next week.

Jennifer – On Monday we learnt about spy quest and it was so exciting and tomorrow there is a signing day at the centre.

Kieran – Adding on to Aliza’s we did a numeracy carousel.  Stations were Sumdog, Number Talks with Miss McCormack, worksheets, 100 square pictures and HAM games. We also did some of work on our topic plus we learned all about our class trip to Sky studios and an overnight stay at Lowport in Linlithgow in April!

Emma – On Monday a famous writer called David Goucher came in and we learnt about his book Spy Quest and today after school we are having a festive fun afternoon it will be really exiting!!!

Rugare – Miss McCormack got a new novel called The Nowhere Emporium, it’s a cool story!


The week all pupils were given letters about our class visit to Sky Skills Studio.  This will take place on Tuesday 13th December. Sky sent over consent forms and photo consent forms so please make sure these are returned to school.
The children were also given some very exciting news about a P6 trip to Lowport centre, Linlithgow! This will be an overnight stay in April.  Some children had a lot of questions about this, if you would like to know anything else just ask.


Miss McCormack

P.S – Our popcorn challenge total is now 680!! – Well Done!

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