Primary 6 Weekly News

We’ve had a busy week again and managed to squeeze it our writing and spelling assessments!

Another fantastic swimming lesson today – it’s great to see everyone making improvements to their technique!

All jotters and report cards were sent home today – please have a discussion about the work we do in class.

Here are our comments for this week:

Mia- this week has been a busy week, what I mostly enjoyed this week was…THE BLEP TEST. I ran with my friend Erin R, I got 11.1. I’m the fastest girl and P6 in the school.

Erin R-we did our writing assessment and the single word spelling test. We were writing as if we were a refugee asking for help.

Jennifer-this week we did a writing assessment we were to write about poor children refugees. We wrote a letter to the home secretary, number 10, downing street. We had to write as if we were the refugees and asking for them to let us in the country. I enjoy writing assessments. This week has been really fun and we are now going swimming under the pool.

Emily- this week we did our writing assessment we wrote a letter pretending to be a refugee. I also saw my buddy and now we are going swimming.

Emma- This week we had the single word spelling test and on Wednesday  I went to see my buddy but she had the chicken pox so I never saw her – get well soon Abigail !! L We also had a writing assessment which we pretended to be a refugee it was tense and now we are going swimming at James young under the seaJ!

Rugare- Hello we all enjoyed the achievements assembly. I got a new badge in the girls brigade ,it is called the diamond award.

Aliza-  this week we done a spelling assessment and a writing assessment. It was pretty hard but most of us got a good spelling score!


I hope everyone has a great holiday weekend and I’ll catch up with everyone next week on parent’s evening.

Primary 6 Weekly News

This week we have been learning all about the human body. We have focused our learning on the respiratory and circulatory systems which links very well with our class novel. We also used our class novel for inspiration for our writing this week and worked on writing persuasive letters.

Here are some of our comments and photographs this week.

Erin O- this week we drew optical illusions some of us did spirals, circles and grids. They look great, we used all different colours and some of us did 2.

Erwin – this week for P.E we have been doing athletics with hurdles and relay races. It was great !

Emma-This week we learned more about what happens when you inhale and exhale we also drew optical illusions yesterday they look amazing! In P.E we have been doing athletics by doing hurdles, long jump/broad jump. It’s been awesome!

Neave – today is going to be a good day for  the girls football team. We are playing 2-4 schools from 1.30 pm -3.00 pm. It is going to be EXTREMELY EXITING! #girls football

Neave – today we found out in assembly when the talent show auditions are and when ST.NINIANS GOT TALENT starts.

Emily – today I got to see my buddy again it was really fun and we also found out that there is going to be a talent show which I am excited for.

Good luck to the girls playing in the football tournament this afternoon! I hope you all have a fantastic weekend.

Primary 6 Weekly news!

It’s been another short week in Primary 6 but we still maned to pack in loads of learning!

We have been focusing on weight and measure in maths, as well as trying to tackle very tricky multi-step word problems. With great team work and problem solving strategies everyone tried their very best to complete their questions.

We had our second swimming lesson today which was great! Everyone is making fantastic progress in the pool and it is great to see all the children encouraging each other.

Here are some of our comments about our committees today:

Declan – Health & Wellbeing – we were completing a questionnaire about the wellbeing tool kit box, we asked pupils how often they use it and what they would like to add to it.

Kieran – UN Ambassadors – We were making posters for the 17 Global Goals to be displayed around the school.

Kalvin – STEM – We were drawing the outline of a human.

Emma – Eco – We were in the garden taking pictures and listing what lives and grows in the garden. We also cleaned up the garden.

Isabel – 1+2 –  We were finishing off our carnival masks and next week we are going to have a party with Spanish food

Jennifer – Life Skills – We learnt all about first aid and what to do if people were hurt and we also completed a cross word about first aid.

Krzysztof – Globe Trotters – We were learning about the rainbow being a sign of peace and made a rainbow using different coloured tissue paper.

Leon – Pupil leadership – We counted how many votes we had on the pupil questionnaires.

Primary 6 Weekly News!

What an interesting and informative week in Primary 6! We have been lucky enough to have Michelle from West Lothian Drugs and Alcohol services in to present 2 sessions with us. The pupils have learned lots of facts and new information about the dangers of smoking and now know all about what’s in a cigarette.

I was very impressed with their learning this week and the writing they produced to show of their new knowledge was excellent!

Also this week we have started our Athletics block in PE. We are hoping that PE will take place outdoors this term so please make sure everyone is prepared with the appropriate PE kit.

Here are some comments and photos from this week.

Erin Roy- We had Michelle in talking to us about smoking on Tuesday and Friday.

Aliza- This week we learned about tobacco and for writing we made a leaflet about anti-smoking,

Neave – This week in P.E we were doing the long jump and 60m and 200m run around our new lined field and it was awesome. J

Kieran- This week in maths we did a carousel and there was 4 stations.

Emma- This week I really liked it when Michelle came and talked to us about tobacco and the dangers of smoking.

Isabel- This week Michelle from WLDAS came to tell us what’s in a cigarette and why it’s not good to smoke and today we lit a cigarette and a doll “Smokey Sue” smoked the cigarette.

Emily- This week Michelle came in to talk to us about the dangers of smoking and I learned a lot.

Mia so- This week in P.E we were doing 60m sprint, I think I came 1st.

Rayn- I learned that one cigarette has 4000 chemicals in it.

James- I learned that the tar in cigarettes sticks to your lungs.

Ben- Michelle from WLDAS taught us everything we need to know about smoking.

Declan- This week we have been learning about tobacco and I have learned that there’s four to five thousand chemicals in one cigarette.

Rugare- I enjoyed doing P.E, it was fun.

If you have any comments about the tobacco education input your child has received this week then please let me know. Either comment below or send a Dojo message.  I will feedback this information to WLDAS with my own feedback of the project.

Have a great weekend!

Primary 6 Weekly News!

It’s been a busier week than usual in Primary 6! We spent our first two days at Low Port and everyone had a fantastic time! The children all tried their best and got stuck in to all the activities. They were all excellently behaved and the staff at Low Port were very impressed with everyone, especially their fantastic listening skills.

Yesterday we continued with our outdoor theme and took our lessons outside.  We completed some measuring tasks in our groups and work on converting between mm, cm, m and km. Today we had our first swimming lesson.  Everyone tried their best again and we have already seen improvement due to lots of hard work and focus.

Everyone had lots to say about our week! Here is a selection of our class comments and some of our Low Port photos (there are more on Facebook).

Ciara – This week we were at camp and we did canoeing.  It was fun! Deacon fell in and we could not stop laughing.  We all ended up walking into the water and Mr McCurdy dropped Amera in!

Isabel – We all loved Low Port and today we all went swimming.  Mr McCurdy assessed our swimming lesson and we had lots of fun in the pool.

Erwin – On Thursday we went outside for PE and played Rounders.  It was different from normal rounders, it was really hard but fun!

Rayn – I enjoyed the sailing at Low Port, it was very interesting anf fun.

Aliza – This week we went swimming and it was so fun.  We all got to have fun and get comfortable in the water at our own level.

Ben – We all had great fun at Low Port.  I think the canoeing was the best.

Emily – I have really enjoyed this week.  We have done a lot of sports at Low Port and swimming.  I really enjoyed canoeing and sailing.

Emma – Today we got our break during swimming.  I played with a swimming noodle, it was awesome!

Declan – I enjoyed Low Port because we got to go sailing and canoeing and we played a huge game of capture the flag beside the palace.


I’m sure everyone will be tired after such a sporty week! Have a nice relaxing weekend.

Primary 6 Weekly News

We have managed to pack lots in to our last week of term.

On Monday we were able to go outside for both numeracy and RE.  In Numeracy the children were working in groups to create their own problems to work out averages.  They all proved to be very energetic, a theme that continued throughout our week.

In RE we used our drama and role play skills to act out scenes from the Bible.  We filmed them and played them back to the class – they were all excellent!

We have been working hard to improve our fitness this term and the bleep test and fitness class this week really showed just how hard you have all been working – well done!!

I was also very impressed with our writing lesson this week.  The pupils were asked to create a leaflet promoting the Rights of the Child.  This highlighted just how much work you have all put in and how passionate you are about ensuring equal rights for all – we are all very proud!

Have a look at our photos from some of our outdoor activities this week, followed by our pupil comments.

Aliza- this week we got to see our buddies! We also done the bleep test in p.e . We have also been learning Spanish phrases and words everyday.

Declan-This week we were learning about the rights of the child and made leaflets about it in writing.

Erwin – This week on Monday, we had a spelling test, we also did fitness with Miss Mc Cormack on Thursday. It was hardish !!!!!

Nicola-Today Mrs Black and Mrs Craig are leaving, we were upset that they are leaving but they were on the wall or hall of fame.

Emma-This week we went to see our buddie! My buddy is called Abigail people say I look like her as well.  Today Mrs Craig and Mrs Black are leaving L

Rugare- This week we had the Ninian’s Natter and a bake sale; the cakes looked delicious J

Emily- this week we got to meet our buddies!!!! And mine is called Victoria we met them on Monday. Today we had an achievement assembly, also Mrs Craig and Mrs Black left.

Neave- this week we had French with Mrs Howley. In  French we played lotto (bingo)there were 3 winners me –Neave, Declan and Erwin. During our bingo game we got a visit by (drum roll please )
Mrs Purdie. She played one of the games and hade 2 numbers left  to win.

Amera-this week we had reading with the p1m. We also had French with Mrs Howley.  We counted up to 30 and back down. This was a challenge.

Kieran- I was prefecting the infant area. And the rest of the week we did numeracy and Literacy.

Jennifer-today was a dress down day and after this no more school!!!!!but only for two weeks.


I hope everyone has a great time over the holidays!!
I’m looking forward to our next term, starting with our Low Port trip – please remember to bring everything you need on the first day back!!

Primary 6 News

Another packed week in Primary 6! We have finished our Time topic in Maths and all the children are more confident telling the time, using timetables and solving problems involving speed and distance.

This week the children also presented their findings on how animals use sound to communicate.  The group posters and presentations were all excellent and we have added to our knowledge about sound waves – fantastic!

Whilst watching Newsround this week we were inspired by one of the stories about using British Sign Language.  We were all very interested and used a video to help us learn the alphabet.  It was great to see everyone trying their best to learn this and helping each other to remember some of the tricky letters! If you would like to try this, here is the video we watched:


Here are some of our comments about our learning this week, as always it’s great to have a class full of enthusiastic learners.

Amera-this week we had to do 2 division sheets. We also had PE and in PE we worked on the ropes and we were working on our abs, core and thighs. We also got buddies and my buddy is Seren.

Erin-on Friday we had our committees.

Kieran- this week we did the junior writing contest.

Shiv – this week we used the ropes for PE.

Jennifer-this week we used the ropes in PE and I climbed them by myself twice. We learned sign language and it was so fun, I now know the whole alphabet in sign language and can say anything I want.

Emma-This week in PE we did more on the ropes and hockey, I personally love hockey so much!

Emily- this week we did more ropes for PE and it was so fun but really hard to do certain things. Some of us found out who our buddy is going to be!

Aliza- this week we found out lots of exciting information about our overnight stay at Low Port! Some of us also found out our buddies! This week I loved doing hockey!

Mia So- This week we had  a Low Port meeting , and chose what we would have for lunch and who we might like to share a room with. My buddy is called Kayla .

Rugare- This week we got told who our buddies will be, my buddy is called Blake.

Primary 6 Weekly News

This week has been pretty exciting.  We were out of class for 2 days whilst our classroom was getting painted.  It’s now fresh, bright and looks great! It was very exciting coming in this morning and seeing what a difference the bright colour has made to our classroom.

Whilst out of the classroom for 2 days we used the space in the dinner hall to help us with our science.  This week we focused on the Solar System and Sound Waves.  We focused on the size of the solar system and used lots of previous learning in maths to help us map out the solar system to scale. We even managed to do this in the playground!  Also, we used our knowledge of drawing circles to draw all the planets to scale, this was a tricky task as some had to be drawn very small, whilst some were too big to draw with a compass. The class worked excellently in their groups and produced fantastic work.

Here are our comments and photographs this week:

Erwin – this week we been talking about the solar system for science in class and it was fun!

Jennifer-this week our classroom got painted lilac and we got to work in the hall I think it’s good working in the hall because we had more space we were put in groups to work in and learned about the solar system, sound waves and animals. We have also been taking part in a daily lent challenge.

Kieran- This week we done science which included things about the solar system and sound waves the top is called the peek the bottom is the trough. We were in the lunch hall instead of our classroom as it was being painted. We went outside and drew planets they were Mercury , Venus, Earth, Mars, Uranus and Neptune the dwarf planets are Pluto and Eris.

Aliza- This week we all gave in our buddy applications and soon we are going to be buddies!! On Wednesday and Thursday we had to sit in the lunch hall because our classroom was being painted purple. We have been learning about the solar system this week and we learnt lots of information about all the different planets!

Emma-This week we had to hand in our buddy applications and on Wednesday and Thursday we got moved to the lunch hall in the lunch hall we learned about: The solar system, Sound waves  and Animal communication. IT WAS AWESOMEEEEEE!!!!

Emily- this week we were working in the hall because our class room was getting painted. We were learning about the solar system. and got to meet our new deputy head teacher.

Amera-this week p6 were in the dinner hall because our classroom was getting painted. And we had to hand in our buddy application to try to get a buddy and if the teachers in the nursery liked the application we would get a buddy!!

Primary 6 News!

What a fantastic week in Primary 6!

Pupils who are interested in becoming buddies next year have all been given an application form.  The forms handed back so far have been fantastic! It’s great to see how our school values shine through our pupils.  All buddy applications should be handed in before Friday 17th March.

Here are our comments for this week:

Neave – on Thursday in P.E our amazing teacher showed us how to flip half way round and come back again on the ropes. We were also doing sit-ups, push-ups and dips on the bench.

Jennifer – at P.E we went on the ropes. I love the ropes, we did half flips and Miss McCormack is amazing at them she was the best

Emma – This week in P.E we had hockey on Tuesday and on Thursday Miss McCormack showed us how to go upside down on the ropes it was awesome! And on Thursday we learned about bossy verbs. I’m really excited today because we’re having a football tournament!!

Rugare – I participated in a fun netball tournament.

Aliza – this week we handed in our buddy form and most of us might become buddies!  So exciting!

Kieran – on Wednesday we did cameo pictures, which are Victorian photographs with Mrs young. We used photographs and black and coloured paper.

Edwin – on Thursday we wrote instructions on how to get ready for school and it was fun.

The Victorian Silhouettes look fantastic! Great work! Hopefully we can get them up on display after our classroom has been painted. It’s great to hear that so many of you enjoyed PE this week.  We will continue to build our skills on the ropes.

Finally, a big Thank You and Well Done to those who have been completing the Lenten Challenges.  Mrs Purdie has been posting these everyday, keep trying on the lead up to Easter!

Primary 6 Weekly News

What a fantastic week in Primary 6.  We have been learning more about the Victorians and what jobs the children had to do.  We know all about the horrible working conditions and the awful things that happened.  We used our knowledge to write excellent diary entries, pretending we were a Victorian child.
In numeracy we are focusing on timetables, working in 24hour time.  All pupils were enjoying reading the train timetables and were able to make up their own challenging questions.
Yesterday we celebrated World Book Day.  All the costumes were fantastic!
Have a look at our photographs after the comments from pupils.


Emma-This week we did a lot of things: on Tuesday we had some very VERY important visitors inspecting us and on Thursday it was world book day so we dressed up – I was Dorothy!

Declan-On Wednesday it was Ash Wednesday and it was the first day of lent. I gave up fizzy juice.

Aliza- this week was AMAZING!! We had Ash Wednesday and we said our Lenten promises. Mine is to give up chocolate. We also had world book day on Thursday and we all dressed up and done book related things. My character was red riding hood and I had a cute basket FULL of yummy, yummy muffins!! Hope you all have a FANTASTIC week!

Emily- this week has been really busy. We had a service for ash Wednesday where we got our ashes before lent, then on Thursday it was world book day. I was Alice from Alice in wonderland. We also got a visit from the St. Margaret’s Malawi team today.

Kieran- this week we had world book day, we dressed up as a character from a book like Harry Potter and Greg from Diary of a Wimpy Kid and lots more.

Rugare- World book day was very fun, we each made a page for our own book of wonders. Have a look the next time you come in!


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