Primary 7 – Term 1 News

It has been a fantastic first term in primary 7.

We have covered lots in our learning and we’ve been trying out lots of new things.

Here are our class comments for this term:

Kornelia – This week we had a parent’s came to stay and learn with us.

Neave – I have enjoyed doing fitness after school with the teachers ,I have also enjoyed  writing over   the past few weeks  and I have enjoyed P.E

Ciara-I enjoyed our rugby session

Emily- I enjoyed doing rugby this term because it was fun but not when it was raining.

Aiden-this term I have enjoyed learning about Japan.

Deacon-I have enjoyed learning about our presentations/posters about japan life.

Ben- I have enjoyed all of p7 so far and I am excited for next term!

Aliza- I have enjoyed our rugby session J

Erin O- this term I have enjoyed playing rugby in PE we learned how to kick the ball and tackle properly J

Jennifer -I really enjoy the locked boxed challenge yeeeeeeeeeeeeeey

Reece: I really enjoyed learning about Japan and liked to look into their culture!!!

Edwin- I enjoyed learning about Japan and learning the natural disaster in JapanJ

Aurora-I enjoyed making a powerpoint  with Neave, Erin R and Ciara .

Ali-This term I enjoyed our Japan topic because the Japanese culture is brilliant. Japan!!!

Rugare- This week on Thursday we had a assembly we found out that Whithorn has won this term we are going to have a meeting  to discuss about the prize.

Kornelia- we  were making porridge we had to do a smile on the porridge for Mary’s Meals.

Erin R-On Thursday we had to present our Japan presentation and it was fun.

Jessica- this term I really liked the locked box challenge!!!!!

Emma – This term I really enjoyed reading wonder I’m so excited for tomorrow !!!!!!!!!!!!!


It has been a very successful term – well done to everyone!

Thank you to everyone who has been using our ClassDojo stories for regular updates – the pupils are really enjoying posting their learning on to their own profiles.

I hope everyone has a great October break! Next term will be even better!

P7 Weekly News

This week in primary 7

This week has been maths week and it has brought lots of excitement. It has been more fun than we thought!

There is nation-wide Sumdog challenge and our class has not done great but we have put on our growth mind-sets and tried our best for the day remaining.

We also tried going outside and looking for maths in nature and buildings using the AAL to take pictures and put them in a collage. Here are a few of the collages!

We are on our rugby block for P.E and we were doing team drills where we ran in a line and passed the ball between each other. Miss McCormack gave us a fitness challenge on Wednesday and we all succeeded but it was tough.
Pupil Voice:

This week was fun because it was maths week .I enjoyed doing the marshmallow challenge.    Aurora

I have enjoyed this week mostly for sumdog because I have got given a sumdog star reward. Deacon

This week I enjoyed Ninian’s Natter because in p7 we got to do an extra maths challenge. Neave

This week I enjoyed writing, we were writing newspaper reports about hurricane Irma. Erin o

This week on Friday we had a school mass and I did the offertory. Ali

This week we had the dogs trust, they telling us how to treat a dog and it was fun. Edwin

Rugare –Today we had the mass for St Ninian, we all enjoyed it.


Another excellent Lead Learner blog – well done guys! hope you all have a great long weekend! Miss McCormack

Primary 7 Weekly News

This week we have introduced Lead Learners to our classes. Our Primary 7 Lead Learners this week were Neave and Ciara. The Lead Learner responsibilities include updating the class talking books, tracking our learning progress on our learning wall and writing our class blog.

Here is Neave and Ciara’s blog for this week.

This week started of with personal reading. We also have done a little bit of R.E. Here are some ideas that the class came up with .

Jessica – almost every day someone will say or do something they regret or want to take back so you should ask for forgiveness every day .

This week we have also done some P.E. We are still working on rugby and coordination and we are getting ready to start playing proper games.

This week we all went down to the infant hall to do some structured  play with our buddies. P1M and P1B did construction, dressing up, playing on iPads, comments for their talking book and some drawings and played snakes and ladders.

This week in maths we have been doing place value up to hundreds of millions and even billions. We have updated our maths and numeracy working wall.

Mrs MacDonald from St. Margaret’s also came in to do maths with us this week. We had to solve a murder case by solving some maths problems.


Next week for the whole of Scotland and there is a Sumdog competition that we will all be taking part in. Next week is also maths week.

We have been practising our school song and used some percussion instruments to help us. It was noisy!

This week in writing we worked on Diary entries for characters from Wonder. We focused on how the character of August or one of August’s parents would have felt after his first day of school. This week Jessica is writer of the week!! Well Done.


An excellent first blog post from our Lead Learners – well done!

Our classroom kindness challenge is continuing and I have issued a weekend kindness challenge to visit, call or send a card or letter to an elderly relative or neighbour. I can’t wait to find out who completes the weekend challenge and is able to add a pebble to our jar on Monday.

Have a great weekend,

Miss McCormack

Primary 7 Weekly News


This week in primary 7 we have been doing reading and maths for our smart starts.

The book we have been reading as a class is called Wonder. The reason we are reading Wonder is because we are focusing on kindness. In wonder the main character is August and he has a deformed face. We have made our own portraits of ourselves in the form of August’s picture on the front cover so that we realise that you shouldn’t make fun of people or judge people even if they look different. We included words to describe ourselves around our portraits which will be used for a wall display next week.

This week we have also been focusing on counting above millions. We have been revising place value and using this to help us with numbers beyond 1 million. We went outside for maths to revise our knowledge of angles and took pictures of angles outside.

In PE we have started Rugby with Mr McCurdy and Miss McCormack did a bootcamp session working on our stamina.

Pupil voice and photographs:


Isabela – On Tuesday we played Rugby.

Ali – On Thursday we went outside and found some angles.

Emma – This week we started to make a design for our wonder wall and we have finished making our class charter.

Edwin – this week for P.E we did rugby and it was fun.

Emily – this week we started playing rugby in P.E. and on Thursday we did bootcamp wich was really tiring but still fun.

Erin R- On Thursday we had assembly and Father Kenneth and Father Matthew came to assembly  and talked to us about Malawi.

Erin O- On Wednesday we wrote diary entries based on our class novel Wonder. We had to write as if we were august going to school for the first time in his life.

Primary 7 Weekly News

It’s been a great first week back in Primary 7.

We completed a very tough teamwork challenge to crack open the box! All teams worked well together solving problems. We had to remember some maths and numeracy knowledge, as well as some Spanish. Problem solving skills were used to try and decipher new codes and find hidden clues.

We have enjoyed taking part in the ‘Door Challenge’ and have created a kindness door. Our door is full of kind messages for anyone to take if they need a boost 🙂

Our class novel is Wonder. We have been introduced to the main character August, who is just about to start school for the first time. We have been building character profiles to show what each character is like. The book has been enjoyable so far and we cannot wait to hear the rest of the story.

We have been getting to know each other a bit better this week with lots of class work and games. We all tried to make connections with each other and passes some wool around as we found a connection. This resulted in a massive web and made it easy to see just how well we are connected as a class!

All the buddies haven been fantastic this week and are doing a great job – well done guys!

It’s been a very successful week and a great way to start our Primary 7 journey!

Primary 6 weekly news

Another busy week in primary 6 and not long to go now until the summer holidays!

It was great to see so many parents at sports day – thank you for coming and well done to those who took part in the parent races!

Here are our comments for the week:

Declan- This week we had moving up day and I’m in P7.

Mia So- This week we went to our new classes, I’m in P6/7 …… yayyy!

Mia St- This week we done Micro Fitness outside and we had to knock each other of the platforms, it was fun!!

Kalvin- My highlight was the tug of war on sports day.

Ben- This week the Fire Service came in and we got to fire a hose.

Reece- This week we had transitions into P7 or P6/7.

Neave- This week we had our transition days and we were doing fun activities from 09:00- 12:00.

Jennifer- I like transitions.

Emily – This week we went in our new classes. I am in P7 and we get Miss McCormack again.

Deacon- We did raves at sports day.

Kieran- We had sports day, it was great.

Aiden- This week I won the Sumdog competition.

Emma- This week has been amazing!! Because on Wednesday we had sports day which was amazing and on Monday we had the inflatable wrecking ball and the Fire Service.

Ali- In sports day Whithorn came first in the races.

James- I really enjoyed moving up day and we even got sweets!

Shiv- on Tuesday we got to use an inflatable.

Amera- On Friday at assembly Mrs Purdie gave out sweets, but she had a backup behind them. It was so fun!!

Rayn- we had sports day, I enjoyed it.

Aliza- we had P7 transitions this week and sports day.

Erin R- on Monday we had the Fire Service come in to talk to us about Fire safety.

Rugare- I enjoyed transition day.

Isabel- this week was transitions and in P6/7 we did the marshmallow challenge and we all got to eat marshmallows.

Krzysztof- This week I really can’t choose, was the wrecking ball more fun or was the transition day funner, but both were.

Have a great weekend! 🙂

Primary 6 Weekly News

Another busy week in primary 6!

Here are our highlights.

We have been working more on our class novel Pig Heart Boy. This week we thought about questions we could ask the main characters at a press conference. We then held our own press conference where we had to take on the role of one of the main characters. Some of the role play skills were excellent!!

We also used Pig Heart Boy in our writing this week to write a diary entry as one of the characters.

We had a visit from the Rights Respecting Schools team on Tuesday and it went very well! All pupils answered all questions excellently, highlighting how much effort they have all put into their learning this year. It was great to see how knowledgeable you all are – well done!!

For PE this week we completed the 200m with Mr McCurdy and joined up with Primary 5 to play some outdoor games. We competed in our houses to win points! It was an excellent afternoon with great teamwork – well done again!!

Hope you all have a great weekend – we have a busy week next week so get lots of rest!

Primary 6 Weekly News!

It has been a very exciting week in Primary 6! We have had lots of extra responsibilities with the 7’s being at St. Margaret’s. Everyone has stepped up to the challenge – well done!

Everyone also helped their buddies settle in to their transition day in primary 1 and went to the infant area at break time to help play some games and show them around.

Everyone who presented for the House Captain elections were excellent! Lots of hard work went into the speeches and presentations – you should all be very proud! Congratulations to everyone who took part and I’m sure our House Captains will do a great job next year!

Class Comments:

Aliza- This week a lot of children from p6 competed in the house captain election. We just found out today who the captains are: Glasserton- Erin O as House and Kalvin as Vice, Galloway- Emily as House and Amera as Vice, Calder- Emma as House and Erin R as Vice, Whithorn- Mia So as House and Ben as Vice.

Declan – This week in p6 we were learning about God’s loving plan and learning the proper names for some body parts.

Emily- this week we learned about God’s loving plan and today we found out the house captains and I was house captain for Galloway! With Amera as vice.

Ciara-Next week we are being assessed by the right respecting school so then we can get our 2nd level and also we found out who is next year’s house captain Glasserton Erin O and Kalvin, Galloway Emily and Amera, Calder Emma and Erin R, Whithorn Mia so and Ben.

Emm,a-This week we learned about God’s loving plan and we watched the p1 assembly it was adorable we also got told who was house captain and vice captain and I got house captain for Calder I was shaking and I started to cry happy tears!!!

Erin O- this week our buddies started their P1 transitions my buddy is called Isabelle she is in P1M. At assembly we got told who our house captains for next year our I’m house captain for Glasserton.

Amera-this week we people who wanted house captain or vice had to write a speech and then you had to present  them to your house and I done my speech it went very well and Emily got captain for Galloway and I got Vice for Galloway it was amazing!!!!!

Kalvin-What an outcome to the elections I am vice captain of Glasserton very surprising to say the least.

Erwin-This week we went to show our nursery buddy their new p1 class and it was sooooooo cute.

Edwin-we did a powerpoint about a sport person and I did mine about Stephen curry who plays for gold state warriors , I was quite shy but I tried my best it went well.

Nicola – this week we went to our buddies to help them go to their new classroom p1r they had so much fun at their new classroom.

Nicholas – on Wednesday this week our P:E teacher Mr McCurdy took us for about 1 hour 20 minutes we did fitness activities like 1 to 10 and rotation fitness.

Ali-On Thursday the whole school  watched the glee show with some p5s and 1 p6.


Have a great weekend!

P6 weekly news!

What a fantastic week we have had for Health Week! All the children have tried their very best at all the activities – well done! A big thank you to Mr McCurdy for organising all our events, and a special thank you to all the parents who came in to help!

Here are our comments and photos from this week:

Neave – Health  Week  – This week we were  doing really fun activities. The activity that I liked the most was microfitness, which is an inflatable obstacle course witch we all loved! (:

Erin R-This week was health week and we all done different activities. The activity that I liked the most was cross country. All the p6 from the area went to James young high school for a cross country for a race and it was really fun.

Aliza- This week was a very busy health week because we done a lot of activities and fun things. On Monday we done cross country, then on Wednesday we done a cross country race against other schools at JYHS and on Friday we done a fun run!!! JJJJJ

Emma-This week has been amazing !! and we have had loads of activities like cricket, cross country and lots more!!!

Amera-This week in p6 we had cross country and it was so fun everybody done very well and everybody got a medal. Mia Sok got 1st place and I came 6th out of the girls. Tomorrow we are having swimming but the people that are in un Ambassadors are going to St  Margaret’s  to do bag packing. I am not going swimming but I am going to st margrets and it will be REALLY fun.!


I hope everyone has a relaxing weekend! 🙂

Primary 6 Weekly News

Emma-This week we went to the nursery and we gave our buddies a tour of the primary1 and primary 2, 3 playground and we also went to the Lanthorn and went into the big hall and had a special mass for the Ascension! J

Amera-This week we seen our buddies and let them play in the playground. We also got to watch p1m show and Neave and I were doing the music and laptop. For golden time we are going outside to play that is going to be fun at school we are all TOO warm.

The sunshine has been out this week and all the children have been telling me lots of stories about outdoor activities after school – it’s great to hear how active the children are!

This week in class we have been working on our Spanish numbers and letters. We used a few songs to help us and played some guesing games. Here are two of the videos we used:



Well done to everyone for giving it a try! We are all learning Spanish together and help each other with the pronunciation as best we can 🙂

Our topic this week has been focusing on life cycles. We learned all about the life cycles of flowers, frogs and butterflies. We also looked at how the life cycle of the fairy wasp is a bit different because it is a parasite.

Thank you to everyone for coming along to parent’s night, it was great to see you all! A reminder that we have Health Week next week so all children should come to school in sportswear every day.

Let’s hope the sunshine lasts! Have a great weekend.

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