Primary 7 Weekly Blog

This week in P7 We had mindfulness with Mrs Smith in the hall. For Maths we did rounding to the nearest 100 1000 etc. to help us remember we use five to the sky four to the floor.
We were summarising an article. Our Boost words for this week came from the article.

We did a poster about understanding the role of Jesus the Healer. We used our novel wonder for Emotions work about the main character getting betrayed. We also made maths posters using our shape, angle and symmetry photos from last week.

In writing we did a diary entry to show the characters emotions –from Wonder. In maths we did standard written addition up to millions.

We had a special visitor in our class called Mrs McDonald that came from St Margaret’s to teach us some maths that was really fun.

Today we had our first house assemblies and we also had Golden Time.


Pupil Voice This Week

Lucas C “I enjoyed writing the diary entry from Wonder”

Isla “I enjoyed playing Rugby for PE”

Taylor “I enjoyed working with Mrs McDonald for maths”

Oskar “I enjoyed PE this week”

Grace “I enjoyed Rugby”

Rachel M “I liked working with Mrs McCdonald this week”

Kalin “It was fun when Mrs McDonald came in for maths”


Blog post by Charlie and Sarah (Lead Learners)

A busy week in P6/7!

A busy week in P6/7!


We are enjoying Kensuke’s Kingdom our class novel for this block. We have discussed the feelings emotions portrayed by the characters in the book and related them to our lives. We then looked at our leisure activities and how the help us to relax. We began our block of rugby with Mr.McCurdy and we need to remember outdoor P.E. kit for this block. In maths, we have been working on improving our Mental Maths through topmarks activities. We have been doing well in our addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. P7 pupils have continued to do a great job in buddying our new p1 children while p6 boys and girls did an excellent job in perfecting last week!

Our amazing P7 blog

Our amazing P7 blog

Our class novel is wonder and the main character is August.  He has Treacher Collins Syndrome and Cleft palate.

The book Woonder is about a boy called August and this boy has never been to school because of his face. He has had plastic surgery but nothing could change it. He has had 10 normal surgeries but nothing could change that. His mum decided for him to go to school. He gets a tour, meets new friends and has some complications to work with on his first day of school.

We got a class photo outside and we also took one with the p7 from the other class. We took one normal picture and a silly picture. It was for the school to recognise us.

In Maths we are learning different strategies for number talks, like making the numbers bigger or smaller to make them easier to work with. We also went outside to look for angles and shapes. We also learned about an acute, obtuse and right angle.

In P.E. we are starting our rugby block and we are working on our passing, throwing and teamwork. We have a team to remember for the whole block of rugby and we get to take our own warm up while Mr.McCurdy sorts out the P.E. lesson for us.

We are starting our prefecting Rota and we get to prefect indoors and outdoors.

We hope for all the best for P7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Vanessa, Rachel W, Lucas and Lacasz


Welcome to Primary 6/7

It’s been a great first week in primary 6/7 and everyone has been very enthusiastic to start our learning. Everyone looks great in their full school uniform – very smart, grown up and ready to learn.

We have started our new class novel, Kensuke’s Kingdom. We will be using this as our literacy and topic focus. The pupils have been enjoying reading the novel so far and are looking forward to finding out more about the main character Michael.

We have created our new class charter and agreed on what we think is best for our classroom. We have spoken about the three themes for our school: Ready, Respectful, Safe. 

Important information for this term.
PE days for this term will be Monday and Wednesday and pupils will be outside for Rugby (outdoor kit needed including trainers).
Pupils should have indoor shoes for wearing in the classroom.
Pupils should be ready to learn by bringing a sharp pencil to school everyday and any other equipment needed for that day.
Pupils should also bring a full bottle of water every day, which can be refilled if needed.

It’s been a great week working with primary 6/7.
Mrs Young

Welcome to Primary 7

It’s been a great first week in primary 7 and everyone has been very enthusiastic to start our learning. Everyone looks great in their new black school uniforms – very smart, grown up and ready to learn.

We have started our new class novel, Wonder. We will be using this as our literacy and topic focus. The pupils have been enjoying reading the novel so far and are looking forward to finding out more about the main character August.

We have created our new class charter and agreed on what we think is best for our classroom. We have spoken about the three themes for our school: Ready, Respectful, Safe. 

Important information for this term.
PE days for this term will be Tuesday and Wednesday. This block will be rugby and will be outdoors. Pupils will need full outdoor PE kit including trainers.
Pupils should have indoor shoes for wearing in the classroom.
Pupils should be ready to learn by bringing a sharp pencil to school everyday and any other equipment needed for that day.
Pupils should also bring a full bottle of water every day, which can be refilled if needed.

I am looking forward to a great year with primary 7 🙂
Miss McCormack

Day 4 at Ford Castle

Day 4 and what a great day yet again!

Today teams A and B completed the orienteering walk and the survival training! Everyone enjoyed the fresh air and especially the fire making!

Team C had a busy day with Enigma, Night Line, Low Ropes, Fencing and Den Building!

Some pictures from day 4:

Some pupils comments about camp:

Rugare – Hey we are having the time of our lives .We have done sooooooooo much we’re having a party tonight and I am so excited.

Neave – I have enjoyed doing Jacobs ladder, leap of faith and our walk today.

Amera – I have enjoyed the walk today because I got to touch horses and I got to touch give a piebold a hug and he licked me ,nudged me and hugged me so I really enjoyed it. i am looking forward to have a party tonight .i have had so much fun .

Ben – I enjoyed school camp a lot, and I especially enjoyed the high ropes activities.

Ali- I love school camp and really enjoyed the potions ( I loved mine)

Erwin- the leap of faith was amazing 

Aaron – I’ve tried everything and really enjoyed all the activities.

Oskar – it has been great fun being here and it has been fun doing all the crazy activities. 

Erin R – these past few days have been really fun there have been lots of activities like the zip line.

Emma-On Monday we arrived and then did archery ,zip lining and the assault course .I loved the assault course I was dared to faceplant into the mud it was AMAZING 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Shiv- On Friday we made a fire i nearly suffocated 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

Emily – camp has been really fun I loved Jacob’s latter and zip wire

Aliza- I really enjoyed going on the zip line and the survival thingy

Erin O – Camp has been so much fun my favourite activity has been Jacob’s ladder and the leap of faith.

Jennifer- Camp has been great fun, I loved the leap of faith and we did survival and I didn’t burn to a crisp, but I got sunburnt though.

Isabella- Camp has been so fun!😄 I wish I could do it again.


Everyone is having a great night at the disco! We will see everyone tomorrow.

Day 3

Another amazing day at Ford Castle!!

A great start to the day with everyone having a longer lie than yesterday! (Thanks guys)

Today team C started with a 7 mile walk around the local area for orienteering. There was a massive hill but the view was great! After lunch they spent their time in the woods for ‘Survival’! They made fires and had great fun outdoors!!

Team A and B also had very busy days! They cracked codes during Enigma, used their detective skills to solve a murder in CSI Ford, sharpened up their fencing skills, built fantastic dens in the woods and had a very interesting tour of the castle and grounds learning about the history of Ford Castle!!

We are just about to start our evening activity for tonight, Ford Castle Olympics! The kids are very excited and it will be a great end to the day!

Come back to read our post about tomorrow!

Primary 7 Snow Day

Hi everyone!

I hope you are making the most of the snow and have all managed to get out and have some fun! Please remember to wrap up warm and stay safe!

Here are some snow day activities to keep you busy:

Maths – Time: 

  • Create a timetable to show your snow day activities. How long do you spend doing each thing? Make up 8 questions to go with your timetable.
  • **Challenge – Speed, Distance and Time**
    Recreate our outdoor learning activity from last week. Calculate your average speed by timing yourself over a set distance. Remember this will be harder in the snow so be careful!! Can you try this with sledging?


  • We have been working on Algebra and number patterns. Create your own equations or number patterns for someone else to solve! Remember you will need the answers.
  • Head over to Sumdog – I’ve added a snow day challenge for you!
  • Or try countdown at home, can you beat the adults?:


  • Watch Newsround and write a report about the story that interests you most. You might have to carry out some further research. Don’t forget to acknowledge your sources.
  • Write a snowday blog to tell me all about what you have been up to!

World Book Day: 

  • Reading for enjoyment!!!
  • Create a biography about your favourite author
  • Interview your favourite character! You should have questions and detailed answers
  • Turn your favourite story into a comic strip
  • Can you re-tell your favourite story in exactly 10 words?
  • Create a new front cover for your favourite book

Topic/Show: Keep practising your songs and lines at home – remember you all have the music files on glow.

Lent Challenges: Keep trying with the lent challenges – lots of you have been doing great! Keep it up!!

and finally…..

Snow Day Challenge!!!!!!!
Who can build the best snow sculpture??
Forget snowmen!! I know how creative you can all be! Remember to send photos on Class Dojo!

If you complete any activities remember to add them to Dojo or be prepared to discuss them in class.
Stay safe and warm, and most importantly have lots of fun!!

Miss McCormack


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