Primary 7 Weekly News

Primary 7 weekly news by lead learners Lucas and Oskar.

Kalin: I really enjoyed rounders.

Lukasz: I really enjoyed rounders and kick ball.

Lewis: This week Mrs Macdonald came in and did maths. We were also part of a West Lothian Sumdog competition.

Brandon: PE was really fun and we did kick ball rounders.

Brandon This week we were practicing for our show it was really fun.

Oskar: This week in writing we did a personal recount and I did it about St Margaret’s

Lucas: This week we did a reading assessment about women in STEM and we had to either do a power point,word,poster or report.

Oskar: This week in maths we did problem solving where we had to draw a map using a scale. We also calculated speed, distance and time.

Lucas: This week we were, building Electrical circuits using cells, switches, bulbs and wires.

Oskar: In writing Mrs Smith came in and watched us do our writing.

Lucas: Mrs Macdonald came in and we did some stuff on fact families and division

Lucas: Today we had an assembly about the stations of the cross.

P7 Weekly Blog

P7 Weekly News

The people that went to S. Margaret’s last week made presentations to show the parents for Stay, Play and We Well. They made lessons to go along with their presentations and everyone in the upper area got to take part in two workshops. The choices were: Sleep Scotland, Building Resilience, Mindfulness and Online Safety. Thank you to all the families who came along – it was great to have you here. The people who went to St. Margaret’s this week did art, science and swimming. They had lots of fun.

On Thursday we also had so much fun with Mrs McDonald, we were doing algebra using the coloured rods.

We had a look at some information about electricity and where it comes from and we look forward to following this up in the coming weeks.

Some members of our class also took part in an amazing Glee performance this week. They were all great and we are very proud of them!!

Here are some comments from some P7 pupils:

Sarah: I enjoyed doing the show rehearsal.

Brandon : I liked P.E and we were doing rounders.

Charlie : I liked writing about my inspirational woman.

Zara: I enjoyed doing mindfulness this week.


Zara and Louise

Primary 7 Weekly Blog

This week P7 group A went to ST Margaret’s for swimming, science and art. On Tuesday we played throwing rounder’s in P.E. On Wednesday we wrote a recount about our ST Margaret’s trip. Thursday was World Book day and we completed lots of activities to do with our favourite books. We have also been practising for our show and are all working very hard to learn our parts.

On Tuesday we had a lovely visit from Arch Bishop Leo Cushley. It was great to chat to him in our class and get the chance to ask him questions. On Wednesday Fr Kenneth came in for our Ash Wednesday service.


Pupil Voice:

Isla: I liked going to ST Margaret’s on Monday I liked the swimming the best.

Rachel M: I really enjoyed science at ST Margaret’s.

Taylor: I enjoyed having a glee work shop on Thursday.

Joseph: I enjoyed writing about our trip to ST Margaret’s.

Chi-Chi: I enjoyed playing rounder’s in P.E.

Kalin: I liked our double period of science in which we were identifying unknown food groups.

Chloe: I liked when your grace came to our school. He talked to us about how he met the Pope.

P7 Weekly Blog

This week in class we went to Pizza Express to make pizzas and after we used our experience to help us write a recipe for pizza.  The pizzas were great!

Also we had 7 Norwegian visitors come in and look at our school. They came to see us do Number Talks and they were very interested on learning about OneNote.

In PE we completed our gymnastic group sequences. We filmed these and will watch them back as a group to self assess our performance.

In maths we were focusing more on time. On Thursday some of the pupils went out in the area and played with some maths games and it was really fun and we played sumdog for a homework competition. We have also been using online timetables to plan and organise trips – we can all now read the train timetables and use the search tool on the Scotrail website.

Mrs McDonald came into our class to do our math lesson and we are still enjoying working with her every week.

Lukasz: This week we played group rounders with Mr Mcurdy my team lost but it was still really fun.

Charlie: I liked when the Norwegian visitors came in and we did some number talks.

Oskar: I really enjoyed when we walked down to Pizza Express and made an AMAZING margarita pizza.

Gaby: I am enjoying using our new reading comprehension boxes.

Joseph: I also enjoyed making the pizzas at Pizza Express and I like the cheese.

Chloe: I also enjoyed our visit to Pizza Express.

Prinary 7 Weekly Blog


In class this week we did lots of different things. 

On Monday morning we did our reading and some groups were answering questions on their task map and others were reading their book to try and finish it. 

This week was our first week focusing on our new math topic time. 

For time we are working on reading timetables. We were allowed to use are devices to search up the Scotrail website and answer some questions. 

Also in the week we had a special visitor called Allie who came in to give us a mindfulness session. She showed us bottles with water and glitter in it. This was to show us that when we shake it the glitter goes around the bottle and it is to show us that this is what are minds are like when they are full. Though the glitter soon settles and that is what are minds should be like. 

Mrs McDonald came in to do our maths and we are still doing our gymnastics in P.E. 

Pupil Comments: 

Taylor: I really enjoyed the gymnastics in P.E especially the wall bars because I got to do flips and have fun with all of my friends on the equipment. 


Rebecca: I enjoyed doing a newspaper report about Mary Queen of Scots execution for writing. 


Maxx: I enjoyed doing arts and crafts with MRS G!! Doing our pillow project for Father Simon for going to High School. 


Charlie: I liked having the monkey bars really high up in gymnastics! 

Zara: I liked having Mrs MacDonald for maths this week. 

By Rebecca and Taylor! 




P7 Weekly News

In Math we have been doing our assessments on fractions and decimals. We also did a holistic questions assessment.  

In P.E we are doing Gymnastics. 

Chi-Chi said that her favorite part this week was swinging on the ropes. 

Brandon said his favorite part was side vaults. 

In writing we made a diary entry of Mary Queen of Scots! We had to write it as if we just got told we were going to be beheaded. Grace said that it was hard but fun! 

Louise took our pictures and we turned them into a person from Mary Queen of Scots’ family using Paint on the netbooks.   

Taylor made Mary the 1st  and she said that it was very fun to make. 


Here are some things people said: 

Vanessa: My favorite part of the week was when we were doing gymnastics in P.E. 

Isla: I enjoyed it when Mrs. MacDonald came in and taught us Mathematics. 

Rebecca: I liked helping around with the food bank. 



P7 Weekly Blog

This week on Monday, we had an assembly with Mrs Purdie about how our school values are getting a bit old now and that we will be introducing new ones. We also are re-doing the infant and middle area toilets, and painting the upper area ones. 


Then on Tuesday we had our P.E with Miss McCormack and we were doing our solo gymnastics routines that we had written down in our jotters from last week. We peer assessed each other, focusing on skill, technique and performance. We also (in partners) did a fact file on someone related to Mary Queen of scots. We had to write where they were from, who their parents were and how they are related to Mary. 


Then on Wednesday, we had our second slot of P.E with Mr McCurdy, where we did gymnastics using the equipment. Then after we had our R.E with Mrs Howley, where we learned the story of St Paul (Saul). After lunch we went over to Dedridge primary to watch a show that took place there. The show was about friendship – one man played all the parts!  


On Thursday, we did  Art inspired by Chuck Close, which when we added all our pictures together it made a picture of Robert Burns. Mrs McDonald came in and taught most of us for Maths. The people who work with Miss McCormack had £800 and could go on a holiday and choose 2 activities. 


Then today on Friday, We had our active themed assembly by the house captains,  and we were just finishing off some unfinished tasks. 


Thanks for reading. 

Isla and Rachel W

Primary 7 Weekly News

It has been a busy first week back for primary 7!

Oskar – Writing was good this week I think I did a good job.

Maxx – For writing this week we had to split our paper in to 4 sections: me, my school, my local community and my world. We then had to set goals/resolutions about what we wanted for each area in the future.

Gaby – I enjoyed working with Mrs MacDonald for maths this week, we were working on fractions and percentages.

Lukasz – This week I enjoyed PE with Mr. McCurdy – We started our gymnastics block.

Viet – I enjoyed doing an art activity with Mrs Wassell about what is inside my head.

Charlie – I enjoyed doing our task map for our group novels.

Lucas – I enjoyed seeing all my friends after the Christmas holidays.


It has been a very busy week and all pupils have been working hard.
Primary 7 have a very busy term ahead and will continue to try their very best in all our school and class activities.

Primary 7 Weekly Blog

This week we have been doing Christmas dancing with primary 6/7. On Wednesday we did something different for writing we used the new John Lewis advert to inspire us. We made a story board of pictures of a celebrity who got a present that would end up being their career/passion. On Monday we went to go see the panto it was about Jack and the Bean Stock it was about jack’s son and  daughter taking the golden gees back to the giant. On Tuesday we done printing with ink we got a paper plate and had to draw a Christmas theme picture with a purple pen and whatever we coloured in purple it would come out white   we would pick a colour and role it in to the paper plate and push it on to paper

Maxx- Today is Christmas jumper day so we can come to school in a Christmas jumper.

Rachel W-we did a  solo presentation of who is inspirational  scot I done Gordon Ramsay. I also enjoyed playing countdown.

Charlie – I enjoyed the pantomime – it was really funny.

Joseph – I enjoyed number talks this week.

Lewis – I enjoyed working with Mrs Heather’s group for number talks.

Chloe – We had our Christmas dinner on Wednesday – we had a massive chocolate reindeer.

Viet – I enjoyed creating the story board.

Lukasz – For Christmas lunch I had macaroni cheese.

P7 Weekly Blog

P7 Weekly Blog – Lead Learners Vanessa and Paige


This week in primary 7, we have started our Scottish Dancing block in P.E. and we have started with a few well known dances.

Some of the P7s went down to St Margaret’s academy for a science lesson, which was a great experience.

We all worked together to finish our science lesson in class by completing a graph of our results.


Last night we had our Christmas Fair, which was of to a great start. We raised over £2000 for our school. We sold loads of things like toys, snacks, raffle prizes and knitted wear including, ninian the minions, small Christmas teddies, hats and scarves. It was a SPECTACULAR EVENT!!!!!

Some of the girls went to a gymnastics competition at Chraigswood sports centre and come back with a ton of medals. Vanessa, Beth, Emily and Abi got 2nd place as a group and Brooke, Marcella, Louise and Zayah got 3rd as a group aswell. Beth also got 1st place as an individual. We all enjoyed the good experience!!!

In Maths we started doing Fractions and they are not really hard. We worked on something like Fractions of an amouts and all that kind of stuff.


Pupil Voice:

Grace:This week I enjoyed setting up for the Christmas fair

Rachel w I liked the Christmas fair.

Sarah-  I went to the the gymnastics competition and I found it fun and it was an good experience.

Isla – Mrs McDonald came in and taught.

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