Primary 7 Weekly Blog



This week and last week have been very busy. Last week Primary 7 pupils were at transitions and this week we had sports week. It has been great so far, so here are some of our own opinions on this week and last week.

Isla: I have enjoyed health week so far. All the activities were really fun, but my personal favourites were Parkour, Tough Mudder and golf. Tough Mudder was tiring but fun and I liked doing it with my buddy.

Rachel W: I liked parkour and Tough Mudder and St Margaret’s transition week.

Grace: Here are my favourite things about transition week and sports week. My favourite about transitions was doing art with Miss. Plenderleaf. My favourite thing about sports week was doing the apple swans with Mrs. Conway.

Chi-Chi: I didn’t go to the St. Margaret’s, but the favourite parts of my own transition was biology, art and music. My favourite thing about health week was parkour and tough mudder.

Paige – Over the past 2 weeks, it’s been crazy.

In health week, my most favourite 2 activities were parkour & tough mudder. I’ve also enjoyed learning about substance misuse.

During transition, I loved meeting new people and moving all around the school to learn different things.

Louise – over the past couple of weeks we had a transition to St.  Margaret’s academy, this week we had health week. My favourite part of transition was meeting new people and I also really enjoyed sports day. My favourite  part of health week so far was parkour and tough mudder. I really enjoyed doing the tough mudder with my buddy .

Vanessa – I enjoyed the past 2 weeks because they were both very exciting!!! The first week on Tuesday 4th June til Friday 8th June we had transition at St. Margaret’s Academy. We did our subjects, had a sports day and had a mass on the last day of our transition. The second week/ this week it was Health Week. From Monday to Friday we had fun activities like Fit and Flex to Tough Mudder and Bootcamp to Parkour. This week has been amazing and i can’t wait for the next weeks to come!! xx

Kerrigan- I have really enjoyed the past two weeks, especially with our transition and camp, this week we have had health week which we had a sponsorship for our tough mudder which afterwards we got to do it again with our buddies, transition at St. Margaret’s we had lots to do with our buddies taking where we needed to go ,camp had a lot to try also our dorms seemed to be a paradise for spiders!. I can’t wait for the weeks to come.

Gaby -I have really enjoyed the past two weeks because of the visit to St. Margaret’s academy but this week my two best activities were tough mudder and parkour

Lucas: At St Margaret’s I loved the sports day that we had on Thursday where we had stuff like softball, football, swimming etc.

Oskar: At transition in St Margaret’s  I enjoyed the whole day of PE, my favourite thing was football and swimming.

Lewis: At St. Margaret’s we did a lot of different subjects and my favourite subject was science and PE on Thursday we had sports day and my favourite  sport was swimming and basketball.

Lucas: At heath week we have been doing activities and my favourite was football.

Oskar: At the first day in St Margaret’s we went in the morning to the main hall to our houses (Aiden) and then they told us our classes, our first activity was Health Technology we made subway rolls in my class we have 26 children altogether.

Lewis: This week is health week and so far it has been really fun we have done parkour football and many more wonderful sports. On Friday is the last day of health week and for every P7 is the last health week in St Ninian’s and it has been a fun last health week.

Lucas: On Thursday we did parkour for one of the activities for health week.

Oskar: This week we did parkour and tough mudder and it was really raining, then we did it with our buddies.

Taylor, Zara & Rebecca:

Transition were so much fun. We all had to make our own way there then we had to go into one of their halls, were we found out our house and class. There are lots of classes that we had to go to. Like science, were we had to get the Bunsen burner and get wooden sticks and dip them in metal solutions. Then we needed to hold the stick over the flame and it changed to a colour! Some of the colours were red, orange and purple.

In art some classes had to draw 3d shapes, patters and designs using different colours. St Margret’s theme for there was the Woman’s FIFA World Cup and all their classes were based on it. Like in maths, we had to work out how many games 3 teams would have to play, if they had to all play each other. In English we had to guess what each poster of sports was meaning.

Everyone had lots of fun!

Health Week

In school we have had so many different coaches come in, parkour was so much fun because there were big metal poles and we had to climb up them and jump off the top of them. We also enjoyed the Tuff Mudder activity were we had to run 2 miles with obstacles all along the way!

Maxx: At St Margret’s I enjoyed swimming and sports day, I made many new friends my favourite subjects were science, Maths and English

Maxx: For Health Week my favourite thing was parkour we got to jump about and do tricks I tried to do the Kong over a box.

Kalin: I enjoyed doing water polo in the pool at St Margret’s.

Kalin: my favourite thing for health week was making a swan out of an apple.

Joseph: my favourite thing at St Margret’s was maths RE and making new friends.

Joseph: My favourite thing about health week was parkour because I like jumping from high places.

Rachel M: My favourite thing during our transition week to St. Margaret’s was the water polo on sports day.

Rachel M: My favourite thing about Health Week was parkour.

Harry: My favourite thing about health week was the golf because I found it really fun. I enjoyed maths at transition.

Loui: My favourite thing about health week was football and parkour. I enjoyed moving around different classes at St. Margaret’s.

Lukasz: My favourite thing in Health week was football because I enjoy doing sports. I also enjoyed sports day at St. Margaret’s, especially swimming.


Teacher Comment:

Primary 7 have had a fantastic Health Week! Photos to follow!
A reminder that Thursday the 20th June will be our leavers’ event. The pupils voted for an evening of bowling and food at Deer Park. Pupils should arrive to start their first game on bowling at 6pm sharp. If there is anyone who cannot make their own way there please let us know as soon as possible.

Ford Castle Day 3

Day 3

Another exciting day at Ford Castle!!

Groups A & B both took part in a Discovery walk through the local area. The walk was 3 hours long and the scenery was beautiful. We even went Geocaching along the route!
All groups have successfully completed the Assault Course (all very muddy again!), climbed Jacob’s Ladder and took part in some problem solving activities in the Initiative Challenge.
Group C also completed High All Aboard with everyone getting to the top for a duel and worked very well as a team to complete the Low Ropes Challenge.

Sarah- we did a 3 hour walk and it was VERY tiring but had so much fun.

Charlie: Today we did Jacopo’s ladder I did it with Zara and we managed to get two steps away from the top I really enjoyed it.

Isla: I really enjoyed doing the discovery walk and the Jacob’s ladder.

AL!!!: Had a rather tasty scone for his lunch, and can’t be sure but thinks he saw a unicorn in the back garden playing cricket.

Rebecca: I really enjoined doing the Jacobs Ladder with my partner and we got very high.

Bea: Camp has been fun through-out the week, and it’s been great being here! Can’t believe its nearly over.

Beth: Camp has been GREAT! The activities are so fun, my favourite one today has been the assault course which I was very fast at and Jacobs’s ladder which I made to the top but with very sore hands!

Mrs McCabe: My legs are so sore after that walk!

Mrs Roy: I take my hat off to you parents, so glad I’m handing them back to you all on Friday (only joking). Shattered after our 6 and a half mile walk today.


Day 2 at Ford Castle

Day 2 has been excellent!!

We had a very wet morning which made lots of our activities very muddy! But the same came out this afternoon which was even better!

Groups B and C  took part in survival today – most muddy awards go to Zara, Kalin and Paige!! (Apologies in advance for the VERY dirty clothing).

All groups have now taken part in a wide range of activities with everyone making it over the zipline and working together to build the highest crate stacks. We had to follow lots of instructions during our fencing session and everyone took part in a duel! We have also all taken part in a photo trail of Ford village and learned lots about the local history. Everyone is building on their teamwork skills and overcoming fears! The pupils have been encouraging each other to push themselves and we are all having a great time!

Miss Diamond worked with those in the cooking club tonight to make their Banoffee Sundaes.


Pupil Voice:

Lewis –  Today we did crate stacking and it was really  fun and scary.

Rachel M – We did zip-lining today and it was one of my favourite activities so far. I was absolutely petrified, but after I tried it I loved it!

Grace-Today we were with an instructor called Sam and we did an activity where we made shelters and made a fire.

Jay-P – Today we did fencing we did four games and I really enjoyed it

Charlie: Today I have Enjoyed doing create stack I did it with Sarah and we managed to climb on top of 12 create.

Day 1 at Ford Castle

We arrived safely at Ford Castle and have had a jam packed first day!

Group A have been in the words for Survival! They all enjoyed den building and making fires. Lorena was first to fall face first in the mud! They also took part in a photo trail of Ford village.

Groups B and C enjoyed a castle tour, archery and zip lining! Everyone made it across the zip line – even Miss Diamond and Miss McCormack!

Some pupils found it tricky to make their own beds but eventually all dorms are now ready for sleeping in!

We all enjoyed a lovely dinner and even had some free time to explore the castle grounds and play games.

Now on to our last activity for tonight – Grail Hunt!

We will update at the end of each day (internet connection permitting).

Hopefully everyone will have a good sleep tonight after such a busy first day!


** issues uploading photos – will do our best to get them up tomorrow! **

Primary 7 Weekly News

Primary 7 Blog

This week we had outdoor P.E and we were practicing our sprinting skills on the track and we were also throwing Frisbees and we were playing bouls!

On Wednesday the house and vice captains had their last ever assembly. On Thursday we showcased our movies all about Global Goal a lot of parents came in to watch us share them and we could tell by their faces they really enjoyed them!

Personal Comments:

Taylor- I really enjoyed showing the parents the global goals movie and I also enjoyed making it with my friends!

Zara- I enjoyed doing sprinting outside for P.E.

Charlie- I enjoyed writing about animals because I love them.

Rebecca-I enjoyed making the posters for the showcase.

Isla- I liked when we did the area and perimeter in maths this week.

Reminder: Primary 7 will be hosting a bake sale at parents night to raise money for our leavers event. Any cakes should be given to Miss McCormack on Wednesday.

By- Taylor Quinn and Zara McPhee


Invitation from St. Margaret’s

There is a family fun day and BBQ at St. Margaret’s on Sunday 9th June 12:30pm-2:30pm

All families of new s1 pupils welcome!

Primary 7 Weekly News

This half week we have been very busy preparing our class showcase about Global Goals. We have gone into groups and have been given a goal to research about and then make a movie.

We also made Global Goals posters all about pollution and climate change.

Mrs MacDonald came in on Thursday and we worked on number patterns.

Rachel: We had the high jump for P.E and we had to go really high.

Rebecca: On Thursday we had Mrs McDonald come in and do Maths and we worked on patterns.

In the week we had a visitor called Mrs Hunter and she came to see some of the classes.

On Friday we got Extra P.E and we played dodgeball and then we did another version called the Hunger Games.


Louise: I enjoyed doing high jump in PE.

Charlie: This week we have been working on Global Goals for our showcase.

Joseph: I liked making our Global Goals project with my group.

Chloe: It was Funky Friday and we got to listen to music at break time.

Brandon: On Friday we played dodgeball; it was super fun!

Kerrigan: I enjoyed Funky Friday because the music in the playground was so loud and a lot of people were dancing.


Good luck to the gymnasts competing tomorrow!!



Primary 7 Weekly News

We have had a very busy 2 weeks in primary 7 after our Easter break.

In Maths we have moved on to learning about measure. We are working on converting units of measure and measuring perimeter and area. Mrs Lauder also took us to the pond where we worked in pairs to calculate the height of trees. We used 3 different methods to do this. 1 was using a pencil to estimate; 1 was by measuring the height of out partner and making an estimation of how many of our partner would fit in the tree; and the other was by looking through our legs at a 45 degree angle. It was good fun learning outside and we would like to do it more often.

In writing we have been focusing on descriptive writing. We have written a factual description of the school. We also worked on writing a persuasive letter.

Our topic for this term will be the Global Goals. We have already looked at being responsible citizens by thinking about our consumption. We are working in groups on a different Global Goal each to create  short movie to show our parents.

Primary 7 leadership team were involved in showing Education Scotland around our school on Tuesday. It was a busy day but everyone did a fantastic job.


It is set to be a very busy last term for primary 7. All transition information will be shared as soon as we know about in. The pupils are very excited for secondary school and for school camp.

I’m sure it’ll be a great last term!

Primary 7 End of Term 3

Primary 7 Weekly Bog


We’ve had a very busy last week of term. This week we all took part in our LAST EVER St. Ninian’s show!!! The Gospel Show was a massive hit and everyone was amazing!! The families and teachers were very impressed with the talents of our class!

This term has been packed full of learning and fun. We are looking forward to returning after a well-deserved Easter break!

Term 3 highlights:

Harry – Visiting St. Margaret’s

Lukasz – I enjoyed visiting St. Margaret’s for transition

Viet – It’s got to be the St. Margaret’s trip – especially the swimming!

Rebecca – My highlight is winning the Netball competition!

Kerrigan – I liked the Pizza Express visit and our transition visit to St. Margaret’s

Isla – I liked going to St. Margaret’s, especially the swimming

Rachel W – I enjoyed the science and swimming at St. Margaret’s

Chloe – I enjoyed the Gospel Show!

Joseph – I enjoyed Art at St. Margaret’s and I really enjoyed my solo songs as Jesus in the Gospel Show

Chi Chi – My favourite thing this term was visiting Pizza Express

Lucas – I enjoyed the swimming at St. Margaret’s

Lewis – My highlight was going to St. Margaret’s for swimming

Maxx – Definitely winning the netball competition!!!

Zara – I enjoyed Mrs MacDonald coming in for maths every week

Brandon – I enjoyed our second visit to St. Margaret’s, the swimming was the bit I liked the most!

Taylor – Going to Pizza Express and the St. Margaret’s visit were my term 3 highlights

Paige – My highlight was going to St. Margaret’s

Vanessa – My highlights were the Glee competition and winning the netball league

Jay P – Going to Pizza Express was the best part about term 3

Loui – I enjoyed our visit to St. Margaret;s

Oskar – my highlight was also the visit to St. Margaret’s for swimming

Grace – My highlights were the St. Margaret’s transition and singing a solo in the Gospel Show

Gaby – I enjoyed going to St. Margaret’s

Plastic Bottles!!

This week Mrs Purdie asked some people to work with Mrs McCabe and Mrs Simpson and we were seeing how many plastic bottles we waste every week. Paige, Lewis, Maxx, Louise and Sarah gave up their lunch time to help our school cut down on plastic.

So when we did this job we were all in different places around our lunch hall to collect used water bottles. Half of us were up at the sink and half was at the bins.  Then just before the bell went we all gathered up and counted the bottles. We wrote down the amount of wasted plastic bottles on a chart.

When people gave us their used water bottles we emptied out the excess water then put the bottles around the sink. We then counted them and wrote down how many we collected.

We worked out that per year we use roughly 16,800 plastic bottles!! This shocked us and we would like to do something about it. Our plan is to reduce the amount of plastic bottles we are using and make sure that any we do use are recycled responsibly. Our plan is to use jugs of water and cups at lunchtime.

We hope that other schools will do this too and together we can all help reduce plastic waste.

Primary 7 Weekly Blog

This week p7 have had quite a busy week.

On Wednesday we had outdoor P.E we played different types of rounders’ with Miss Ford.

On Tuesday we had a show rehearsal for our show and another show rehearsal on Thursday for our big show next week.

On Thursday Mrs Macdonald didn’t come in because they were really buys up in St Margret’s.

On Monday we had a very important visitor in our school it was a mascot from a football team and we got to see a trophy. On Friday we had our first dress rehearsal it went well.

Pupil comments:

Brandon: we did our first dress rehearsal today it was fun.

Lewis :this week I enjoyed seeing the mascot on Monday.

Rebecca : I really enjoyed our first dress rehearsal today I found it fun .

Rachel M: I enjoyed the dress rehearsal today

Isla :I enjoyed the authors live on Thursday .

Zara ; I liked P.E with miss ford

Vanessa: I enjoyed working on the show .

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