Primary 6/7 Weekly News

There has been a lot happening this week in primary 6/7.

We started Art with Mrs Conway and we all created a silhouette for remembrance day. We have also been continuing with drama box and everyone has been having lots of fun creating our class characters.

In numeracy we have been focusing on multiplication this week and have been trying different methods to see what one we like best. Continue working on this at home to increase your confidence! Challenge your parents – how many methods do they know?

We all became film critics this week. After watching The Grinch we wrote a review, including our personal opinion as well as facts about the film.

We have completed the Gift of Wisdom for the Pope Francis Faith Award – please check that this is all completed at home, ready for the next gift next week.

Pupil Voice:

Primary 6 pupils – Skills we have used this week.

Creativity – We used our creative skills in Art with Mrs Conway.

Responsibility – We had to be very responsible when walking to the cinema this week. We also represented our school very well.


Primary 7 pupils – Out first transition visit

“The best part was lighting the Bunsen burner.” Jan, Joshua, Joseph

“I liked how you could change how hot the flame on the Bunsen burner was” Aidan

“In science we monitored the temperature of boiling water for 10 minutes to find out what was the best insulator; bubble wrap, felt or cotton wool” Mark, Sean, Evie

“Science was really, really cool. We liked lighting the flame. We are looking forward to going back for swimming” Ailie, Shannon, Louise.

Primary 6/7 Weekly News

Learning in Literacy
Jan, Joshua, Ola, Oliwier, Hudu and Emma
In writing this week we were working on procedure. We all wrote a procedure about How to Programme Marty the Robot. Some people included how to add different commands.
We focused on using imperative verbs to help with our writing.
Kensuke’s Kingdom group continued to read and had to look up all the places Michael visited and mark them on our maps.
Skellig group discussed some questions and worked on improving our written answers.

Learning in Numeracy
Evie, Aidan, Adrin, Zuzanna, Aaron
During Numeracy this week we worked on standard addition and subtraction. Primary 7 have also all completed their SNSA tests. We also had time to play some maths board and card games this week.

Learning Across the Curriculum 
Shannon, Kacper, Louise, Levente, Sean, Ethan
We celebrated 2 masses this week. At today’s mass for All Saints day we learned about what “canon” meant. On Tuesday’s Mass the primary 6 pupils were enrolled for the Pope Francis Faith Award.
Primary 6 also started Bike Ability, becoming more comfortable on their bikes.  In rugby we focused on kicking the ball after scoring a try. We got to use Marty again this week and made up shows. We made backgrounds and props and filmed these.

Skills for Learning, Life and Work
Kasia, Robbie, Ailie, Mark
This week we used technology skills, communication, teamwork and imagination.
We used all of these skills in our group project working on Marty. We were able to programme him to do things and we all discussed our ideas and listened to each other. Some people were asked to nominate a classmate who showed excellent teamwork and they received a wristband.


Please see below photos for Maths and Numeracy questions that can be tried at home. There is a 1st and 2nd level calendar.

Primary 6/7 Weekly News

Learning Across the Curriculum
Evie, Adrin, Aidan, Zuzanna and Aaron.

This week we have been working with Marty the robot, we had to use a computer to navigate/programme him to do what we want. Some of the options we had to choose from were Kick, Walk Forward, Wiggle, Circle Dance and Walk Backwards. There is a video of Marty on our class Twitter.

During P.E we split up into different groups of our choice, Indoor Fitness or Outdoor Rugby. In rugby we did passing work and contact games, and in fitness we did Agility, Endurance and Strength.

Learning in Literacy
Louise, Kacper, Shannon, Ethan, Levente

This week in reading primary 7 have been reading Skellig ,its about a boy who moved house but stayed at the same school but found a strange creature in the garage. We had to answer challenging questions using our higher order thinking skills. Primary 6 have been reading Kensuke’s Kingdom and learning about sailing around the world! It sounds like a big adventure and we can’t wait to read the next chapter of our book.

In writing this week we worked in groups to create Halloween poems. We had to think of our own rhyming scheme and use lots of figurative language that we have been working on. When we finished we typed up our poems and we also recorded them and added sound effects.

Learning in Numeracy
Ailie, Kasia, Mark, Joseph, Hasan, Robbie

This  week in Math/numeracy the primary sevens had Mrs McDonald and we did bar modelling. Tt was very hard and confusing.

On Wednesday we learned how to use a compass. We drew circles with a  compass. We were given the radius or diameter to help us. 

On Thursday we  did adding and subtracting strings of numbers and calculating mentally.

Robbie and Ethan used the tens hundreds and units to do addition and subtraction. 

Skills for Learning, Life and Work
Ola, Jan, Emma, Oliwier, Joshua, Huda

Our class this week used many skills in all of our work. The four most important skills that we used this week where:

Teamwork: we used team work when programming Marty the robot together we had to use our individual skills in a group to program Marty to do different things and actions such as dance, kicking a ball and many other commands.

Creativity: we all used creativity when writing our Halloween poems. we had to come up with rhymes connected to Halloween to make a great Halloween poem. We then added our voice to a recording and added sound effects to give it a more Spooky effect.

Perseverance: We used the skill of perseverance to create lots of circles with a compass with many different diameters and radius. Many of these did not match the given radius or diameter so we had to keep going and trying.

Higher order thinking skills: We used these skills to find in depth answers to our reading question the amount of evidence and quotes gave us marks. To get high marks we had to find many different things to prove our answer.

Primary 6/7 Weekly News

This week was Maths Week Scotland and we’ve tried lots of fun maths activities.
We made angles and shapes using our bodies in PE, we measured angles on the desk (and wrote our answers on the desk!) and primary 6 used compasses to plan routes in the playground!

Pupil Voice:

Aaron: I enjoyed writing although I had a bit of a temper tantrum

Ethan: I enjoyed doing writing assessment.

Joshua: I enjoyed the trip to the risk factory it was intriguing and fun at the same time it was probably my favorite trip.

Louise:I enjoyed going to the risk factory and being the driver of the bus.

Shannon: I enjoyed going to the Risk Factory and learn about different risks.

Hasan: I enjoyed the maths activity because I got to learn new things it was hard but eventually I got the answer.

Emma- I enjoyed the girls active sports day.

Zuzanna-I enjoyed PE with Miss Ford.

Levente: I enjoyed doing Fibonacci in maths this week because it was very fun to do.

Mark: i enjoyed P.E with miss ford

Joseph: I enjoyed doing maths with Mrs Mcdonald

Kasia- I enjoyed writing.

Ailie: I enjoyed the risk factory

Jan:This week i really enjoyed going to the risk factory it was very FUN.

Huda: this week p6 girls went to James young high school to teach girls to get active and I enjoyed dodge ball.

Adrin: This week we went to the risk factory (my house burned down)

Sean: I enjoyed the writing assessment

Oliwier: I really enjoyed the Risk Factory because we had to escape a room for a test and I also liked the part when you phone 999. It was so FUN!!!  XD

Robbie: I enjoyed doing maths outside with all the primary 6s, we even exercised!

Kacper: i really enjoyed starting the posters about science and also for the reading and talking assessment.


Primary 6/7 Weekly News

Primary 6/7 have had a busy week of learning.

We have all started new class novels and have made predictions about them. We focused on using Higher Order Thinking Skills when writing answers to show our understanding of a text. We also started our spelling groups and all have our lists in our homework jotters.

In Maths we have continued working with shape, looking and regular and irregular 2D shapes. We then completed a challenge to make shapes using equilateral triangles.
In Numeracy we have been using concrete material to represent decimal fractions.

House captains have been involved in learning walks and focus groups this week – they all did an excellent job! A big thank you to the 6 pupils who represented our class .

Pupil Voice:

Jan: I really enjoyed doing the huge rugby match in P.E against the P7

Ethan : I enjoyed the rugby match

Aidan : I really enjoyed rugby  and maths.

Joshua : I enjoyed making shapes out of triangles, it really got my brain working.

Kacper:I really enjoyed making shapes out of triangles(it was a mayhem in the class)

Hasan: I really enjoyed science because I got to learn new things.

Emma- we finished Wonder and we all really enjoyed it and we  did a worksheet about the most important character

Ola: I enjoyed getting and doing questions about are new book and I really like the book.

Zuzanna: I enjoyed PE because we done one big game with the p7 class.

Oliwier: I enjoyed playing rugby because it was P7 vs P6/7 and also we gave them extra time for PE so that was very kind of us  XD.

Sean: I enjoyed playing against the p7

Mark: I enjoyed playing rugby against primary seven

Kasia-I really enjoyed writing narrative story

Aaron-I enjoyed everything

Joseph – I enjoyed maths and making shapes with triangles

Adrin-I enjoyed making shapes out of triangles.

Evie- This week I enjoyed learning about decimal fractions.

Huda in p6\7 we got new books

Louise~I enjoed painting for fun 31

Shannon~ I enjoyed maths when we made shapes out of triangles.




Primary 6/7 News

This Week in Primary 6/7…

P.E:  In P.E we have been doing rugby
This week we did little matches and drills.

Writing: in writing this week we were writing “I am from” poems. Inspired by the poem Where I’m from by George Ella Lyon.
We focused on emotive language and thought about our favourite memories to include in our poems.

In literacy we have been improving our figurative language and have continue reading Wonder.

Music: In music we were doing our own original piece of music In our groups using different instruments to do this task.

Today we are celebrating Saint Ninian by having a Mass with the whole school.

Pupil Voice:

Kacper: I enjoyed doing The figuritive language posters.

Oliwier : I enjoyed The mini rugby games.

Adrin: music was very fun and i really like The new teacher.

Sean: I enjoyed The poem writing it was very exhilarating

Ethan I enjoyed  music  this week

Aaron: I enjoyed writng and never expected I’d do so good.

Kasia-I enjoyed wonder the august part six.

Huda-I enjoyed improving my  language.

Emma- I enjoyed when we did a poems writing.

Hasan-I enjoyed rugby and learned new things.

Joshua- I enjoyed listening to film music and guessing the instruments and what film it was from. J

Joseph: I enjoyed hymn practice J

Robbie: I enjoyed meet the family.

Mark: I enjoyed music

Aidan : I enjoyed doing rugby and music :/


Miss McCormack:
Thank you to the families who came along to our meet the family evening, it was great to see you all.
Enjoy the long weekend!!


Primary 6/7 Weekly News

Lots of learning happening in primary 6/7 this week. We are all back in the swing of learning!
Primary 6 pupils have set their learning goals and primary 7 will be setting up their profiles soon! (technical difficulties!)

We have been enjoying reading more of our class novel and have focused our literacy learning around this. Hopefully we will finish the novel next week, ready to start group novels after the September weekend.

We all spoke about the Pope Francis Faith Award. P6 pupils will be starting their journey this year if they are taking part and primary 7 pupils will continue their journey. Miss McCormack aims to have this up and running by October.

Primary 6 pupils who took part in Bike Ability last year have been invited to complete level 2. Letters sent home today.

Pupil Comments:

Ethan:  I enjoyed  doing  rugby

Emma: I enjoyed when we did writing for a day with mixed emotions

Aaron: I enjoyed learning about 3D shapes

Louise: I enjoyed reading part 4 of Wonder

Joshua: The Games Rugby Games With Mr McCurdy Were Fantastic, Can’t Wait For The Weeks To Come

Hasan: I enjoyed rounding because I remember it more and I know how to work it out.

Aidan  this week I  enjoyed doing rugby with Mr Mcurdy

Sean:  I enjoyed reading about jack in wonder

Oliwier: I liked the PE lesson the games were fun I hope to do more.

Kasia- I liked writing about personal emotions I liked writing about my story

Adrin:I enjoyed  Rugby with Mr McCurdy

Joseph: I enjoyed doing the captains assembly

Mark: I really liked doing the house captain assembly

Jan: I really enjoyed doing and preparing the House Captain Assembly

Evie: This week I really enjoyed preparing & doing the House Captain assembly

Ailie: I enjoyed writing about personal Emotions

Zuzanna: I enjoyed reading wonder

Kacper: I enjoyed attending the house captain assembly

Levente I enjoyed doing Spanish and learning new words.

Huda I enjoyed free writing  Friday.

Robbie: I enjoyed music. We sang songs and played games.


Hope everyone has a great weekend!!

Primary 6/7 Weekly News

A busy week in primary 6/7 with lots of learning.

Primary 7 were visited by the Show Racism the Red Card team on Monday and really enjoyed the input. We have read more of our class Novel and have learned more about some new characters.
In numeracy we are working on place value and rounding, as well as learning about angles and symmetry in maths.

We have started our rugby block in PE and will be outdoors in all weathers! Please be prepared for OUTDOOR PE on Mondays and Wednesdays this term.

Pupil Voice:

Kacper – I enjoyed playing doge ball with my friends

Jan-I enjoyed rugby training and expanding our rugby skills

Evie- This week I enjoyed Rugby in PE it was my first time playing rugby

Joseph- I enjoyed doing the captains video

Mark-I enjoyed math with Mrs McdonaldJ

Adrin-I enjoyed rugby for the first time.

Joshua-I enjoyed dodge ball, it really got me excited. J

Sean- I enjoyed writing the diary entry for Wonder

Aidan – I enjoyed dodgeball and rugby.

Oliwier- I enjoyed playing dodge ball and the book called Wonder XD

Ethan – I enjoyed reading more of  wonder

Hasan – I am really looking forward to see what will happen in wonder.

Huda – In maths P6 have been learning shapes and angles

Emma – I enjoyed when we did free writing Friday

Levente-  I liked writing down the St Ninian’s  prayer and decorating it.

Aaron – I liked everything lol

Kasia – I liked art  because we got to do shades and chose every positive word to go with our portrait which was in the middle of our art picture.

Robbie –we done lots off math

Ola – I liked reading  part 2 of wonder from  Via

Ailie – I liked starting to read Via’s  part in wonder

Louise – I liked doing P.E . We played doge ball.

Zuzanna -I liked art because we could create ourselves and only two features for your face.

Primary 6/7 Weekly Bolg

Welcome back primary 6/7.


The first week in primary 6/7 has been exciting.

The primary 7 pupils have been spending time helping their buddies and are all doing a great job.

In PE with Mr McCurdy we played football and will be starting rugby next week.

We started our class novel, Wonder. So far we are enjoying it and looking forward to reading more. We found out that the main character has Treacher Collins Syndrome and is starting school for the first time at the age of 10.

Primary 6 had their spelling test and primary 7 had their first whole year group meeting.
Primary 7 pupils who would like to be prefects should return their contracts by Wednesday 28th August.

Today we had great fun solving clues to unlock the box! We had to use maths skills, Spanish and de coding skills to find the answers to lead us to the keys.

We wrote a letter to our future selves that we will get back at the end of the year.

Our classroom is becoming more organised and we are all settling in well.

We are all looking forward to having the best year ever!!!



Teacher Voice:

A reminder that PE days this year will be Monday and Wednesday.

Primary 7

P7’s Amazing Blog

This week both P7 classes did a run through for our Leaver’s Mass next week on Monday. We are all so excited for the mass as there will be awards given out, loads of people and many more. We also0 practiced our Leaver’s Song but it will be a surprise as we don’t want to tell anyone!!! We have did loads more this week like Sports Day but here are the pupil comments x


Vanessa: I enjoyed my last ever Sports Day at St. Ninian’s. I came 2nd in running, Chi-Chi came 1st and Zara 3rd. I also enjoyed practising for our Leaver’s Mass.

Kerrigan: I really enjoyed this week especially the leavers event at deer park bowling lanes, Friday moving up morning was also fun watching wonder in primary 1B.

Louise : this week I really enjoyed my last sports day ever in St Ninians! I also loved helping the infants in their sports day too . last night we had our leavers party and went bowling. It was so fun but sadly I wasn’t very good at it so I didn’t win

Gaby; I have really enjoyed this week because of a lot of things but my favourite part of this week was on moving up morning when we got to watch wonder and just chill.

Rebecca: The second last week has been so much fun and there has been so much happening. We have also been very busy planning our leaver mass and award ceremony.

Kalin: this week has been one to remember my favourite thing this week was helping out in sports day.

Ivana – On Wednesday we had sports day and I helped the infants with the obstacle course with Toni

Beth: I really enjoyed practising for the Mass and Award ceremony!

Lorena – I enjoyed the preparation towards the leaver mass and awards ceremony also I really liked the leaver’s event 2019

Matt- I enjoyed the bowling last night

Thomas: I enjoyed bowling last night

Cole- I enjoyed bowling last night

Oskar: I enjoyed bowling and the sport day.

Taylor: I really enjoyed working on our music video for our Primary 7 Leavers event.

Zara: I liked practicing for our leavers mass

Sarah: I liked practicing the songs for the leavers assembly

Brandon: I liked the bowling we went to on Thursday It was really fun! J   Thanks Teachers…

Harry:  I liked the bowling because it was fun and the food was great

Max: I enjoyed practicing for the leavers mass.

Joseph: I enjoyed getting into the talent showJ

Lukasz:I loved the bowling it was so fun

Lucas: I enjoyed sports day the P1 to 3 and P4 to 7 sports day

Lewis this week the p7 have  been really busy peaparing for us leaving school.

Grace: I really enjoyed doing my girls football game at Simpson primary school.

Loui: I loved bowling because that was the first time I ever went

Rachel M: The bowling was amazing! Things ended up getting super competitive between Loui and I, but in the end, I ended up beating him with 100 points.

Rachel W: I like bowling and the music video and the leavers event

Chloe: I loved the bowling party Rachel was first in the first round but I was first in the second round with 95 points

Toni: I enjoyed the leavers party.

Viet: I enjoyed the leavers party.

Ethan: I enjoyed the leavers party last night.

Maxx: I enjoyed the leavers party we went bowling



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