P1 Mrs Currie Daily Update 27.03.20

Good morning everyone and happy Friday.  I can see some of you have even been on Sumdog already this morning, well done to those early risers!

Today is all about self-assessing; how have you got on with your learning this week?

Each week we will use a different method of self assessing.  This week we are using The Fist Of Five to assess our learning (five fingers mean you have fully understood your task and feel confident with the skill, four fingers means you are nearly there perhaps just a little more practise needed, three fingers you needed some support but then were able to do it, two fingers you needed support to do most of it, one finger you needed support and would still need support in the future with this type of task)

You can either show your score to someone at home or if you have recorded work in your jotter, draw a circle and put little lines coming out of it to represent your fingers.

Home Learning Grid

The IDL challenge this week was to match the names with their links to Livingston, here are your answers.

People From The Past

*Sir Walter Scott – The street names in Dedridge named after the characters and places in his books.

*James Young – A High School named after them.

*Saint Margaret – A High School named after them

*Saint John – A Hospital named after him.


How did you get on with your story? Using tickled pink, highlight the conjunctions you used (and, because). Also find any describing words (adjectives) and tickle pink those too.  If you used a capital letter and a full stop at the start and end of your sentence draw a pink circle around them.  Using green for growth ask an adult to underline only two words that you have spelled incorrectly, and then underneath write the two words correctly three times each.


Don’t forget that the Sumdog challenge is still live until 3pm today, it’s not too late to earn all your coins.

Here are your answers for the numeracy questions;

3 + 4 = 7 7 – 2= 5 10 – 3=7 6 + 3= 9 4 + 4= 8 6 – 1= 5 8 – 8 =0
5 – 3 = 2 5+5 =10 7 + 0 =7 9 – 0 =9 10 – 8=2 7 + 1 =8 5 + 3 =8

Or these calculations are a bit more challenging:

13+4=17 17–2=15 20–3=17 6+13=19 4+14=18 16–1=15 18–8=10
15–3=12 5+15=20 17+0=17 19–0=19 20–8=12 17+1=18 15+3=18

When completing your number talks for the ten frame or the rekenrek did you use any of these strategies?

  • Counting in ones
  • Five wise (seeing a pattern of five) and counting on
  • Counting in twos

For the number talks dot pattern did you use any of these strategies?

  • See a dice pattern
  • Count in ones
  • Count in twos

Well done everyone who completed some of these tasks this week, also remember the importance of play and the life skills you can develop from helping out around the house.

Mrs Currie

P1 Mrs Currie Daily Update 26.03.20

Good morning everyone.  It is a bit misty this morning but that won’t dampen our spirits.  Here are some suggestions to compliment your weekly learning grid.  Have fun.

If you are having any difficulty with any of the home learning activities please remember to ask your question in the comments section below. We will try to answer your question as soon as we are able to.


Home Learning Grid

Have you managed to play a board game with your family yet.  I’d love to hear what game you played and who won, you can post a comment below.  I played Cluedo with my family last night and I WON!


Find the website ‘teach your monster to read’. There is also an app for this resource which needs to be paid for but the full resource is free from the website. Create your account as a parent and then add your child onto this account. Your child can then customise their own monster. When asked to select which stage/level to begin with either select the ‘fun with words’ section for those children who are more confident readers or the recommended first section if you would like your child to refresh their learning of some initial sounds e.g. s, p, t etc.



Log onto Sumdog, I have set you a challenge to extend your money skills.

I can’t wait to log in and see some of your success, good luck.

Have a lovely day,

Mrs Currie

P2 Mrs Currie Daily Update 26.03.20

Well done everyone who has logged onto Sumdog over the course of this week, it was not one of your weekly grid activities but I can see how hard some of you are working.  You’re all stars!

Home Learning Grid

How are you getting on with the Spanish 5 a Day Fitness programme? Try ‘Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes’ in Spanish using this video:


The video repeats the song faster and faster throughout. Can you keep up?

If you are having any difficulty with any of the home learning activities please remember to ask your question in the comments section below. We will try to answer your question as soon as we are able to.


Let’s use our creativity skills to create and verbally narrate an imaginative story. Your story must have a beginning, middle and an end. You can plan your story using drawings or notes. Use puppets, teddies, drawings or toys to narrate your story and you can even showcase your story to someone at home.


For further extension of partitioning try this game and you can decide which level you would like to do:


If you think you are doing really well with partitioning a number then start to explore how you can use partitioning to help you answer addition calculations like these; you can also make up some of your own.

  1. 26 + 43 =
  2. 44 + 52 =
  3. 65 + 32 =


P1 Mrs Currie 25.03.20

Good morning everyone.  Please find below some ideas/activities to support your learning from the weekly grid.  I have also attached a copy of the weekly grid again here to save you from having to scroll down to find Monday’s post.

P1 from P2_1 Learning Grid Week 1 (1)

Please note that there is a current problem with the P1 Onenote profiles.  We will let you know once this has been rectified so that you can log in and add post to it.

If you are having any difficulty with any of the home learning activities please remember to ask your question in the comments section below. We will try to answer your question as soon as we are able to.


Home Learning Grid

RE – What design have you chosen for your Easter Egg?  You can post your design ideas using the comments section this will help inspire others. I’m having a go at this activity myself today, the design I’ve chosen to do is stripes.


I know not everyone was able to receive their home learning jotter from school before the closure so please find an attachment of the P1 key words that we have been working on this session.  For those who were given their home learning jotter you will find a copy of these in your jotter already. (I have also included a copy of the P2 words as well to support those who would like additional challenge)

When learning to write and spell these words try using the strategy of Look, Say, Cover, Write and Check.

Primary 1 Key Words

Primary 2 Key Words


To support your learning of money please use the following website


It is another Topmarks interactive game, there are different levels to choose from.  As a starter click on Mixed Coins up to 20p.  Once you have practised in this section explore using the other sections to deepen your understanding.

Have fun with your learning today,

Mrs Currie

Mrs Currie P2 Daily Update 25.03.20

Good morning everyone.  Please find below some ideas/activities to support your weekly grid learning.  I have also copied the link for the weekly grid again here to save you from having to scroll down to find the first post from Monday.

Learning Grid Week 1

Home Learning Grid

How are you getting on with your fact file for your Global Goals section of the grid?

I would love to hear what animal you have chosen to research and write about.

If you are having any difficulty with any of the home learning activities please remember to ask your question in the comments section below. We will try to answer your question as soon as we are able to.


Let’s use our art skills to help us understand more about the importance of the front cover on a book.  The front cover contains a lot of information; title, author, illustrator, publisher and a picture that helps you know what the book might be about.

Look at the front cover of a book and see if you can find this information.

Either, copy the front cover of the book as it is OR you can create your own front cover for the book (remembering to include all the relevant information).


In our learning grid this week we are practising partitioning, the following activity is designed to consolidate and extend this skill.  Copy and paste this link into your search engine for the BBC Bitesize website.


The video gives an explanation of how to partition numbers (even big numbers that have hundreds tens and units).

On this website there are two levels of quiz for you to try.

Keep in touch and keep safe,

Mrs Currie

P2 Home Learning Grid Miss Lydon

Hi there everyone please find an attachment below with learning activities for you to complete over the course of this week.

Use your jotter you were given last week to record your learning.

Check in on the blog every day to see some extended activities and support.  You can always leave a comment for me to respond to and help.

Learning Grid Week 1

Here are some of the information sheets that were in the jotter issued last week, they include spelling activities, key spelling words and website suggestions.

Spelling Activity Suggestions

Website Suggestions

Primary 2 Key Words

Miss Lydon

Primary 2 Learning Grid Week 1 Mrs Currie

Hi there everyone please find an attachment below with learning activities for you to complete over the course of this week.

Use your jotter you were given last week to record your learning.

Check in on the blog every day to see some extended activities and support.  You can always leave a comment for me to respond to and help.

Learning Grid Week 1

Please find attached the information sheets that were in the jotter issued last week just in case you were not able to collect the pack.

Primary 2 Key Words

Spelling Activity Suggestions

Website Suggestions

Mrs Currie

P1 Mrs Davenport Home Learning Grid Week 1

Hi there everyone please find an attachment below with learning activities for you to complete over the course of this week.

Use your jotter you were given last week to record your learning.

Check in on the blog every day to see some extended activities and support.  You can always leave a comment for me to respond to and help.

Learning Grid Week 1 (2) (1)

Mrs Davenport

P1 from P1/2 Mrs Currie Home Learning Grid Week 1

Hi there everyone please find an attachment below with learning activities for you to complete over the course of this week.

Use your jotter you were given last week to record your learning.

Check in on the blog every day to see some extended activities and support.  You can always leave a comment for me to respond to and help.

Mrs Currie

P1 from P2_1 Learning Grid Week 1 (1)

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