P1 Mrs Currie Daily Update 03.04.20

Good morning and happy Friday!  I cannot believe how quickly this week has seemed.  Thank you to everyone who has been in touch this week or have logged onto Sumdog to complete the challenge!  If you have not had a chance to complete the Sumdog challenge it is still live until 3pm today.

Today is about self-assessing; how have you got on with your learning this week?

This week we are using 2 stars and a wish to assess our learning. Some of the tasks you have completed you will be thinking about 2 things you done well with your activity and 1 thing you could have done even better. You can talk about this to someone at home or draw the stars beside the things you done well and a wand for a wish beside the thing you could have done better.

Health and Wellbeing

How did you get on with naming the different body parts? I have attached an image below of different body parts. How many of these body parts did you find and label?

Can you complete the 2 stars and a wish self assessment strategy for this activity.


Star – Labelled all the body parts on the face.

Star – I tried to sound out the names of body parts when spelling on my own.

Wish – Think about the body parts that are inside my body.


How did you get on with your research topic? What do you want to be when you grow up? Write a comment below about what you would like to be. When I was at primary school I wanted to be a teacher! And my dream came true, and so can yours!  Reach for the stars and you can achieve anything.


Can you use the 2 stars and a wish tool to self-assess your writing from this week? Did you spot the mistakes I made in my story this week? I have pointed them out below for you.

  1. first get two slices of bread and put butter on one side. I missed a capital letter.
  2. Next grate some chese and put it on the bread I missed a full stop and spelled cheese wrong.
  3. Then carefully cut the sandwich in half.
  4. Finally injoy your cheese sandwich. I spelled enjoy wrong.

I have attached the link for the reading activity for you self-assess your work against.

P1 Reading Activities Week 2 Self Assessment


When completing your number talks for this week did you spot dice pattern of 4 on the rekenrek and the 10 frame? I spotted the dice pattern of 4 and then counted on.

How did you get on using the online rekenrek to complete my number talks? I have given you the answers to my examples from yesterday:

  • Use the rekenrek (in link) to create 6. I made 6 by doing a double. What did I do?

I had 3 + 3 = 6. I had 3 at the top and 3 at the bottom. This also looks like the 6 dice pattern.

  • Use the rekenrek to create 7. I had 2 at the top, how many on the bottom row to make 7?

I had 5 at the bottom. 2 + 5 = 7.

  • Use the rekenrek to create 8. I had 5 at the bottom, how many on the top row to make 8?

I had 3 at the top. 3 + 5 = 8.

Counting in 2’s is another super number talks strategy. On Tuesday, we asked you to have a go at counting in 2’s and completing a counting in 2’s worksheet. I have attached the completed counting in 2’s worksheet to 60. You can use this to self-assess both of the worksheets attached on Tuesday’s blog post. See below:

Counting in 2’s past 60 Self Assessment

How did you get on with completing the pictogram questions this week? I have posted the answers below in the attachment.

Pictogram self assessment

Well done everyone who completed some of these tasks this week, also remember the importance of play and the life skills you can develop from helping out around the house.

Have a lovely weekend everyone,

Mrs Currie

P2 Mrs Currie Daily Update 02.04.20

Good morning everyone, a little bit of a wet start to the day but hopefully it will brighten  up as the day goes.

If it does get sunny this afternoon why not try some shadow drawing,

You can do this outside or if it is too windy or a little wet you can use the sun streaming in a window in the house to create the shadows on the paper.  Try using different types of toys to make the shadow then draw around them, afterwards you can decorate and colour your drawing.

Remember if you are having any difficulty with any of the home learning activities please remember to ask your question in the comments section below. I will try to answer your question as soon as we are able to.

Home Learning Grid

How are you getting on with your work on Global Goals? I would love to see or hear about the pictures of your ideal schools that you have created.  When I was in the Hub on Monday one of the tasks we did was to draw our ideal bedrooms; my room had a bed with the slide coming from it, it also had lots of storage underneath the bed for my high heel shoes!  My room also had a chocolate fountain in it!  What will your ideal classroom have in it?


Last week we changed season and now it is Spring. Your challenge today is to go on a treasure hunt in your house! Try and find something in your house that begins with each of the letters in Spring, such as sugar, pepper etc.

You could take a picture of your objects and send to the school email account or draw pictures and label them in your jotter.


We are using the skill of making arrays today.


Making arrays can help us to work out multiplication problems. Watch the video on the link below that will remind you how to make arrays:


Below the video are two different challenges you can try using a device.

Have a lovely day

Mrs Currie



P1 Mrs Currie Daily Update 02.04.20

Good morning everyone, a little bit of a wet start to the day but hopefully it will brighten  up as the day goes.

If it does get sunny this afternoon why not try some shadow drawing,

You can do this outside or if it is too windy or a little wet you can use the sun streaming in a window in the house to create the shadows on the paper.  Try using different types of toys to make the shadow then draw around them, afterwards you can decorate and colour your drawing.


Remember if you are having any difficulty with any of the home learning activities please remember to ask your question in the comments section below. I will try to answer your question as soon as we are able to.

Home Learning Grid

How are you getting on with the number talks section for this week? I have added a link for the number rack ‘rekenrek’ below.


I used the rekenrek yesterday and I was wondering if you could try to copy what I made (I’ll only give a few clues though!)

  • Use the rekenrek (in link) to create 6. I made 6 by doing a double. What did I do?
  • Use the rekenrek to create 7. I had 2 at the top, how many on the bottom row to make 7?
  • Use the rekenrek to create 8. I had 5 at the bottom, how many on the top row to make 8?


This is a listening and talking activity today. Today at 12 noon, Blair Drummond Safari Park will be doing a live keeper talk on Facebook. Ask an adult to find this for you. Listen to what the keeper is telling you about the animal. If you have a question, you can ask an adult to type your question into the comments section and the keeper might answer it for you.

When the talk is finished you might want to draw a picture of the animal you learned about in your jotter – you might even wish to write some facts you learned.

I will be listening too – I can’t wait to hear if some of your questions are answered!


I know how much you loved the Sumdog challenge last week so I decided to set you another challenge this week. I was so impressed with how many of you completed the challenge from last week and some of your scores were very impressive!

Log into your sumdog account (login details were in your home learning jotter), I have set you a measure challenge to complete.

Good luck!

Mrs Currie

P1 Mrs Currie Daily Update 1.04.20

Good morning everyone,

I have included below all the attachments  that were given in yesterday’s blog to make it easy for you to find them.

P1 Week 2 Weekly Learning Grid

P1 Reading Activities Week 2

Counting in 2’s to 20

Counting in 2’s past 60

I hope you are all getting on well with the weekly grid this week.  And remember if you have anything you want to send me or ask or even just to say hello you can use the comment section below OR you can send things to the school office email address.  Here are some further activities/suggestions to extend and deepen your learning.


Have you made a rocket yet?  Here is a list of the items I used when I made my rocket yesterday,

Large cardboard box

Yoghurt cartons

Coloured paper

Sticky Tape


One way to write a list is when you write items one underneath the other.

Have a go at writing your own list, it could be about your rocket too or about anything you have made/built.


I decided to write a set of instructions for my favourite sandwich but I think I have made a few mistakes, can you spot them?

  1. first get two slices of bread and put butter on one side.
  2. Next grate some chese and put it on the bread
  3. Then carefully cut the sandwich in half.
  4. Finally injoy your cheese sandwich.

CLUE – There is one missing capital letter, one missing full stop and two spelling errors.


To extend you learning about pictographs or pictograms use this link below to an interactive game from Topmarks.


When you open the link click on the option of either Vertical or Horizontal unit = 1.  This way each picture on the graph represents 1.

You can then choose from How many?, How many More….than…? and How many fewer… than…?

Think about all the different numeracy skills you have to use when working out information from a graph.

Good luck.

Mrs Currie

P2 Mrs Currie Daily Update 1.04.20

Learning Grid Week 2

Spelling Activity Suggestions

Good morning everyone,

please find below some additional tasks and activities I have for you today (including a Sumdog challenge!).

As always, please remember that if you would like to share anything with me or want to ask a question or just to say hello you can use the comment section below or use the school office email address.

Home Learning Grid

How are you getting on with your RE task? Have you learned something new about the Feast of Annunciation?


Let’s look more at spelling. Ck or k.  Watch this youtube video explanation about when to use ck or k.

In the video it talks about weak vowels that need protecting so these need ck, we usually describe the vowel as saying its short sound (like e in bed) and if there are two vowels together which do not need protecting they are making the long sound (like ee in sheep).

Are there any words that are not on the lists that you can think of that end with the k sound, can you work out if they need just k or ck.


I have set up a Sumdog Challenge for all of you. It focuses measure, shape and fractions (1/2 and 1/4), can you earn 50 coins?  Remember when you log on to look for the challenge. Good luck!




P2 Mrs Currie Daily Post 31.03.20

Good morning everyone, I hope you had a good first day completing some of the activities from the home learning grid.  I’ve included the attachment of the grid again here to give you easy access.

Learning Grid Week 2

Spelling Activity Suggestions

Home Learning Grid

How are you getting on with creating a dance routine to your favourite song? Feel free to post what song you chose in the comments.  Yesterday I learned a dance routine to the song Cotton Eye Joe.

If you are having any difficulty with any of the home learning activities please remember to ask your question in the comments section below. We will try to answer your question as soon as we are able to.


Both your reading and writing tasks this week are about The Gruffalo.  Click on this link and it will take you to a video of The Gruffalo’s Child being read.

Have a chat with someone at home and compare the two stories by telling them what is similar about the two stories and what is different.


Primary 2 have learned to skip count in 2s. Below is a link to a 100 square and you can ‘splat’ numbers on it. Splat all the numbers in the 2 times table up to 20. For an extra challenge, can you go higher than 20? You can try this with the 10 or 5 times table too.


Have a lovely day,

Mrs Currie

P1 Mrs Currie Daily Post 31.03.20

Good morning everyone,

I hope you have had a good first day with the new home learning grid. My family and I are making a rocket ship today, what activities will you do today?  I’ve given you the attachment for the weekly grid again to make it easy for you to access.

P1 Week 2 Weekly Learning Grid

P1 Reading Activities Week 2

If you are having any difficulty with any of the home learning activities please remember to ask your question in the comments section below. We will try to answer your question as soon as we are able to.

Home Learning Grid

How are you getting on with learning the ‘y’ sound? Have you been practising writing this sound? Make sure you keep the tummy on the line and the tail underneath when writing this sound. It should be like a ‘u’ to begin with and include smooth curved lines, not pointy lines. This image shows you start and end points to help.



Logon to the website Phonics Play using the login below:

Phonics Play – Username – march20

Password – home

The website will give you free access without needing to subscribe. Click on phase 2. Try the games ‘tricky words truck’ or ‘flashcard speed trial’.

Note for Parents – if your child says the correct word or sound click correct if not click incorrect. I recommend to select ‘pick individual graphemes (sounds)’ or ‘pick individual tricky words’ to select which sounds or words appear in the game.


To support your learning of skip counting in 2s and to get active try this link called The Dancing Twos.  It’s a good way to learn how to count in 2s and to keep active at the same time!

I have included two attachments of sheets that you can complete (print them out if you can OR get someone to copy them into your jotter for you OR just tell someone at home what numbers are missing on the snake or caterpillar.

Snake counting in twos 

Caterpillar counting in twos

Enjoy and good luck!

Mrs Currie

P2 Mrs Currie 30.03.20

Good morning everyone.

I hope you are ready for another week of learning and fun from home!  It’s a beautiful bright morning so hopefully you can also get outside in the garden or on a walk to enjoy that too.

I have attached your weekly learning grid below as well as a colour by number numeracy sheet (see numeracy section on the grid).

Learning Grid Week 2

Colour by Number multiplying by 2 and 5

Remember if you want to share any work or ask a question you can use the comments section on this blog page or you can send an email to the school office


I have attached the general suggestions again below:

Spelling Activity Suggestions

Website Suggestions

Primary 2 Key Words

Have a lovely day.

Mrs Currie

P1 Mrs Currie 30.03.20

Good morning everyone.  I hope you are ready for another brilliant week of fun learning from home.  I have put a link below for your weekly grid of activities, as well as a link to a reading exercise (check out the reading section on the grid).

P1 Week 2 Weekly Learning Grid

P1 Reading Activities Week 2

Remember if you want to get in touch you can leave a comment here on the blog or send an email to the school office email.


I can’t wait to hear about what sandwich you make, what your rocket ship looks like and what game of Tig you invent.

Mrs Currie


P2 Mrs Currie Daily Update 27.03.20

Good morning and happy Friday.

We have got to the end of our first week of remote learning together.  I hope you’ve all been able to stay active even if you are indoors or in your garden.  I’ve been trying my best too.  Every day I start with a ten minute set of exercises, I found a really good tutorial online for this.  Have you tried Joe Wicks on youtube at 9am?  If not give it a go next week.

Home Learning Grid

Today is about self-assessing; how have you got on with your learning this week?

This week we will focus on two stars and a wish.

For this I would like you to choose two things you think you did really well with this week with your learning (these are the two stars) and write them down or tell someone at home.  And then decide on one thing you would like to improve (this is your wish).

You can use your wish as a goal for next week to see if you can improve on it.


How did you get on with your writing?

Use a pink pen and green pen and read over your story again.  Using the success criteria that was on your weekly grid,

Your success criteria for this writing was to;

*Use capital letters and full stops in every sentence.

*Write at least four sentences.

*Try to use and/but/because to stretched one of your sentences.

Tickle pink by under lining or drawing a circle around each of the success criteria that you see in your story.  Ask someone at home to check over your work too, if you have any spelling errors they should choose three and underline them with the green for growth green pen.  Find out the correct spelling of the word and write the words out three times each.

For the reading section of your work where you had to write about a character from a book you can always use the comments section here to tell me which character you were writing about.


Please see the link below for the answers to your partitioning work.

Answer Sheets Week 1 Maths partitioning

Well done everyone this week.!

Next Monday morning I will post a new weekly grid for you.  Then on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday I will send out some daily activities to support or challenge your learning.  On a Friday we will have time to reflect and self assess.

Mrs Currie

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