P2 Mrs Currie Daily Update Friday 01.05.20

Good morning everyone.

It’s Friday so that means self-assessment time.

Let’s use the traffic lights to help us assess our work today.

What colour will your work for the week be.  Remember if you give any of your work red try to come up with a goal you could set yourself to help you work on the skill.


To assess your spelling get someone at home to call out the words from the weekly grid and you write them down.  How many can you spell correctly?

How did you get on with the reading skill of using inference.

For the bench picture I thought the bench was old was because it looked like there was some old faded paint that you could still see a little bit. I’m not sure I think it looks comfortable to sit on because the slats on the seat part are all at different heights so this might dig into you when you sit on it.  I think this bench is in a park because of the green grass that was all around it.  I used my imagination for who I think might sit on this bench and I decided it might be a giant because the seat has a dent in it from where the huge giant was sitting.

For your free writing use this writing skills success criteria to assess how you got on.


Word Problems answers;

Extension word problems worksheet;

Data Handling Answers

Well done everyone for all your hard work this week.

Remember there will be no blog post until Wednesday next week as Monday and Tuesday are school holidays.

Enjoy the long weekend

Mrs Currie


P1 Mrs Currie Daily Update Friday 01.04.20

Happy Friday everyone!

Please remember that there will be no blog on Monday and Tuesday next week as these would be days that we would not have been in school.  So check back in on Wednesday and I will have a short version of our learning grid for you to work on over the three days.

Self-assessment strategy today is traffic light system.


Well done to everyone who logged onto our new reading resource and had a go at reading the book allocated to them and completing the activities.  Well done.  Next week you will have a new book allocated to you, so check it out on Wednesday.

For word boost you had these four words, did you work out what they mean?

announce – to make a statement about something and give information

expect – waiting for something you know will happen

eager – very enthusiastic about something

a task –  a job you have been given to complete


How did you get on with your time worksheet?


Did you get a chance to complete the water activity this week?

If you put water into the freezer it turns to ice.

If you boil water in a kettle some of it turns to steam.

Water is a liquid. Ice is a solid. Steam is a gas.

Have a lovely weekend.

It was lovely to speak to some of you on the phone this week, for those who had a voicemail service I left a message if I wasn’t able to get through to you.

Rest and relax over the long weekend

Mrs Currie

P2 Mrs Currie Daily Update Thursday 30.04.20

It was lovely talking with you all yesterday and I am so pleased that you have all been able to access our learning here! Well done everyone.

Here are your links for the week for easy access;

Core Grid Week 4

RRS Article of the Week P2 27.04

Spelling Activity Suggestions

Make sure you keeping moving and stay alert. Take a brain break to keep your mind and body active. Here is link to the Just Dance for The Gummy Bear Song:


If you are having any difficulty with any of the home learning activities please remember to ask your question in the comments section below. We will try to answer your question as soon as we are able to.

Home Learning Grid

How are you getting on with your free writing task this week? Remember to draw a great picture to go alongside your writing. Pictures are like islands in a sea of words so make sure you try your best.

Can you add more detail to yours?

Can you make  it colourful?



If you are missing reading about Biff, Kipper and Chip here is a link to a site called Oxford Owl.


You will need this password and user name to log in, make sure to use the Class Login button at the top right of the screen;

Username – primary-ninian

Password – ninian

Once you have logged on go to My Bookshelf and click.

Now click on Series and scroll down until you find Oxford Reading Tree.

This will bring up lots of book from this series many of which are about Biff, Kipper and Chip.  As the books go down the page they get progressively longer with more text.  Find a book that you can read but also has some challenge.  I really like Key Trouble.  I like the stories that have Gran in them, I think she is funny.



Try this game to practise your data handling skills. You have to catch as much fruit as possible.


Use the picture graph after you have caught the fruit to answer the following questions:

How many pieces did you catch in total?

What type of fruit did you catch the most of?

What type of fruit did you catch the least of?

I hope you have a lovely day!

Mrs Currie

P1 Mrs Currie Daily Update Thursday 30.04.20

Good morning,

It has been great speaking with you this week, I am so pleased hear that you are all able to access the weekly grid on a Monday. well done.

Here are you links for the week for easy access,

Learning Grid 27th April 2020 P1

What’s the Time Mr Wolf – Worksheet

Booklet Template

RRS Article of the Week P1

If you are having any difficulty with any of the home learning activities please remember to ask your question in the comments section below. We will try to answer your question as soon as we are able to.

Home Learning Grid

How are you getting on with your number talks this week?

I have been using the link below to create different ways to make 8 on a rekenrek.


However, I haven’t managed to finish creating 8. Can you look at the pictures below and help me finish my number racks to make 8.



Try playing this listening and talking game with your family.

Good News/Bad News

Someone starts the game by giving some made up good news. E.g. My friend Sam won the lottery. The next person adds to the story with bad news. E.g. But he lost the ticket. Then it goes back to good new again. E.g. It was OK because his dad had the ticket. Continue with the good news/bad news etc. model to create a silly story!

It is important that you listen carefully to what has been said in the story so you can add the next part – have fun!


Use this link below to access a time game or search for the game in your search bar by typing ‘topmarks matching pairs time’. On this game I suggest selecting the 3rd option “analogue to words” and clicking the “o’clock” button. Can you match the times? Good luck!


Mrs Currie

P2 Mrs Currie Daily Update Wednesday 29.04.20


Good morning everyone, it is Mrs Currie back today.  Here are the links we are using this week.

Core Grid Week 4

RRS Article of the Week P2 27.04

Spelling Activity Suggestions

Home Learning Grid

How are you getting on with your 1 minute talk? Have you remembered the importance of using a clear voice and making eye contact?

Below is a song that will help you to remember the days of the week in Spanish. Sing along and see if you can say ‘hoy es miércoles’ (today is Wednesday) in Spanish.


Your maths work this week is all about data handling. Watch this video to understand why data handling is an important skill for learning, work and life:


You could try making your own survey at home to find out which flavour of ice cream is the most popular in your household. You can even ask toys or teddies. Here is an example for how you could lay out your survey:

Be careful of the spelling of flavour, this example was made in America! 


Can you spot the mistakes in these sentences? As an extension you  could write the sentences with the mistakes corrected. Ask someone at home to look over your work or post it in the comments section of this blog.

  1. It was the hotist day of the yere so ben culdnt play outside without ani sun cream
  2. the boy throwd the boll.

Have a lovely day

Mrs Currie

P1 Mrs Currie Daily Update Wednesday 29.04.20

Good morning everyone!

I hope you are all well today. I have uploaded this below for you to access easier:

Learning Grid Week 4 WC 27th April P1

Remember the importance of staying active throughout the course of the day.

One fun way you can stay active is by making an obstacle course (this can be done indoors or outdoors) and then challenging others to complete it too.  Here are some ideas; crawl under a blanket, go through the legs of a chair, run round the washing pole.  If you have any amazing obstacle course ideas you can always post them here so that others can try them too.

Learning Grid

What salty/sweet/sour food have you tried?

Which ones did you like?


For your numeracy this week you were given the idea of using chalk or just a paintbrush with water to write numeracy calculations outside, why not try this with some of your tricky words or the boost words?  Here is my example, I used a paintbrush with water.  In this weather it dries really quickly!


I really like the programme NumberBlocks.  It is a fun way to learn about numbers.  Have a go at trying to draw your favourite number block character.  Here are some reminders below of what some of them look like.

If you are having any difficulty with any of the home learning activities please remember to ask your question in the comments section below. I will try to answer your question as quickly as possible.

Have a lovely day!

P2 Mrs Currie Weekly Learning Grid 27th April 2020

Good morning everyone!

Please find below your learning grid for the week.

Core Grid Week 4

RRS Article of the Week P2 27.04

Spelling Activity Suggestions

I hope you have fun trying out some of the learning activities on your grid this week.

Remember to get in touch using the comment section below.

Have a lovely day!

Mrs Currie

P1 Mrs Currie Learning Grid 27.04.20

Good morning everyone!

Please find below your grid and the attachments you need for this week.

Learning Grid 27th April 2020 P1

What’s the Time Mr Wolf – Worksheet

Booklet Template

RRS Article of the Week P1

You should receive a group call text message at some point today with a username and password for a new online reading scheme that we are trialing this week.

Please see your grid and the attachments below for instructions on how to use the site and some suggested activities for the book that has been allocated to you.

Active Learn Primary Login Information

Can You See Cat Reading Book Information

Get Up and Go Reading Book Information

Goldilocks and the Big Mess Reading Book Information

King Pip and the Troll Reading Book Information

We would really appreciate any feedback you could give us regarding this online reading programme of work, so please use the comments section to let us know how you get on.

Have a lovely day!

Mrs Currie

P1 Mrs Currie Daily Update Friday 24.04.20

Today is about self-assessing; how have you got on with your learning this week?

We are using ‘thumbs up’ strategy to assess our learning. Some of the tasks you have completed you will be thinking if you can:

How did you get on with writing the ‘j’ sound? Which ‘thumb’ would you show for writing this sound? Are you remembering to get the tail under the line? If you practised writing this sound in your jotter draw a coloured circle which responds to the thumb on your page to show how you felt you got on with this task.



We will be using tickled pink and green for growth for self-assessing your work. Let’s begin with your writing task this week.

I made some mistakes on my story which was posted on the daily blog post on Wednesday? Did you spot my mistakes?

A little green alien wif a fluffy tail went on A rocket.

2 mistakes – wif spelt wrong = with. Capital letter in middle of sentence A = a.

the rocket was fast and took the alien to the beach.

1 mistake – Capital letter is missing at beginning of the sentence. the = The

At the beach thi alien went in the sea for a swim

2 mistakes – Sight word spelt wrong. thi = the. Missing full stop swim = swim.

i love the beach”, said the alien, hee didn’t want to go back to the moon.

2 mistakes – Missing capital letter i = I. Sight word spelt wrong. hee = he.

Did you manage to include all of the success criteria in your writing this week? I have included the success criteria below for you to check.

Leave a finger space between words.

Spells sight words correctly.

Use capital letters and full stops. Use awareness of sounds to sound out unfamiliar words.

Get a pink pen/crayon/pencil and draw a circle around 1 or 2 examples of each part of the success criteria you achieved in your writing. Using a green pen/crayon/pencil have you missed out any parts of the success criteria? Ask an adult to help you check that you wrote all your sounds correct way (no reversals) and formed letters such as y, g, f, j (letters where the tails comes under the line) correctly. Mark these with a green pen if not and write each 3 times to practise forming these letters correctly.


I have attached links for you to self-assess your missing numbers worksheets for numbers to 20; numbers beyond 20 and for counting in 10’s.

Counting in 10’s Self Assessment

Missing Numbers Worksheet Week 3 Self Assessment

Health and Wellbeing

Did you draw a picture for one of your friends that you are missing at school? I am missing you all. The St. Ninian’s team made a special picture to show you all how much we are all missing you!

Have a lovely weekend, and remember to check back in on Monday morning to the blog to see your new learning grid that will have a wide range of activities for you to choose from to extend and support your learning at home.

Mrs Currie

P2 Mrs Currie Daily Update Friday 24.04.20

Good morning everyone,

Let’s start today with some mindfulness. Try this link for a fun and short guided mindfulness session:



It is Friday today so we are focusing on reflecting on the week we have had.

This week we will focus on smiley faces to assess our learning. Draw one of these faces next to each of your pieces of work:

Now look at the work you have drawn a smiley face on. Pick your favourite piece of work and write a positive describing word on your work, such as fantastic, great or super!


How did you get on with your writing task?

Use a pink pen and green pen and read over your story again and use the success criteria to help you mark your check your work.

Your success criteria for this week in writing was to:

*Use capital letters and full stops in every sentence.

*Write at least four sentences.

*Write an ending that solves the problem.

Now ask someone at home to look for any spelling errors in your work.   If you would like to practise any of these spellings use rainbow writing to rewrite the words.


Look over your reading comprehension activity answers with someone at home. Together, work out if there are any mistakes in your answers or if you can add any detail to your answers. If there is nothing to correct, you could try to write your answers in full sentences.


Here are the answers to the division questions:

Look at your answers and strategies for Number Talks. You were asked to find 3 different ways of working out the Number Talk. Now choose which strategy you think is the most efficient. The most efficient strategy means the strategy that is the quickest and easiest. Draw a circle around your most efficient strategy for each of the Number Talks.
Number Talks

As a reminder, next Monday morning I will post a new weekly grid for you.  Then on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday I will send out some daily activities to support or challenge your learning.  On a Friday we will have time to reflect and self-assess.

Enjoy the weekend.

Mrs Currie

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