P2 Mrs Currie Daily Update 13.05.20

Good morning everyone, it is Mrs Currie back today.  I hope you all got on well yesterday.

Here is your grid and links for this week

Learning Grid Week 6

Further Spelling Activity Suggestions

Escape from Black Mountain WB 11.05

RRS Article of the Week P2 11.05.20

Home Learning Grid

How are you getting on with your Global Goals work this week? It is all about listening and talking so remember to pay close attention to the video.


300+ Beautiful Butterfly Pictures · Pexels · Free Stock Photos

Butterflies need warmth to be active and fly. I have seen a few in my garden when it has been really sunny. Watch this short video about caterpillars changing into butterflies. There is no talking in the video so pay attention to what you can see.



Try to work out this problem:

Set Of Colored Cartoon Pencils, Vector Illustration Stock Vector ...

David has 24 pencils and Mark has 36 pencils.  How many pencils do they have altogether?

Have a lovely day everyone

Mrs Currie


P1 Mrs Currie Daily Update 13.05.20

Good morning everyone, it is Mrs Currie back today.  It was lovely to catch up on the messages from yesterday.  Well done for all working so hard.

For easy access here is your weekly grid again


If you are having any difficulty with any of the home learning activities please remember to ask your question in the comments section below. We will try to answer your question as soon as we are able to.

Learning Grid

Plant and flower hunt.

Can you work out what flower is in the good morning picture above using your hunt guide.

Now try these pictures

Daisy In Grass Pictures | Download Free Images on Unsplash    50 Beautiful Rose Pictures


Here is some handwriting practise.  Look at how to start both the capital and lower case letters.  Can you see that that lower case q bumps its chin on the line.  Remember capital Q should be the size of the whole space between the bottom and top line on your page.

Letter Q is for Queen Handwriting Practice Worksheet | Free ...


Can you help me please?

I bought a packet of biscuits which has 12 biscuits in it.

I want to share them between my family, there are 4 of us.

How many do we get each?

Have a great day P1.

Mrs Currie

P2 Mrs Currie Weekly Grid 11.05.20

Good morning P2

Please find below the attachment for this week.

Learning-Grid-Week-6 (1)

Further Spelling Activity Suggestions

For your reading this week we are trying out the bug club on the Pearson Active Learn Primary website. Please follow these instructions below along with your login details that you received last week.

Active Learn Primary Login Information

If you have been allocated the text “Escape From Black Mountain” please see the worksheet below.

Escape from Black Mountain Reading Activities WB 11.05

RRS Article of the Week P2 11.05.20

Activity Instructions – Virtual Sports Day

Have a lovely day,

Mrs Currie

P1 Mrs Currie Weekly Grid Monday 11.05.20

Good Morning P1,

Please find attached your learning activities for the week in the grid:

P1 Learning Grid 11th May

Here is the link for the power point presentation for the qu sound:

QU Power Point

The link for the ee and oo pictures for sorting:

ee and oo pictures

Logon to active learn (for reading) and have a look at what reading book you have been allocated this week. Then select the document below which corresponds with your book:

At the Fun Fair

Fun Festivals

Hop Swim, Run

Make an Egg Card

Alliteration examples link for writing task:

Alliteration Phrases

Outdoor learning activity for a plant and flower hunt when you are outdoors:

Plant and Flowers Hunt Sheet

The article of the week activity for Mrs Conway and Rights Respecting Schools:

RRS Article of the Week P1-3 11.05.20

Finally, Mr Cummings has created a virtual sports day. See the attachment below if you wish to join in:

Activity Instructions – Virtual Sports Day

I look forward to seeing and hearing how you get on with the activities this week.

Please get in touch if you have any questions.

Mrs Currie

P2 Mrs Currie Daily Update 8.5.20

Good morning!

It’s Friday so that means self-assessment time.

As it is a short week, there is less work for you to assess. Here is an extra challenge for you. There are six differences between these pictures. Can you find them all?

Health and Wellbeing

This week we focused on Les Mills for PE. Pick your favourite routine and think of a reason why it is your favourite e.g. I think  ‘Wanna Go Crazy’ is the best because I love the air guitar dance move. This is sharing your opinion.

The Pilot: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7GkiHHYoHa4&list=PLWdOE2WgqFYYoVdHUA4NK1sJ57sd6736R&index=19

Robot Dance: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B-ulfVFtFBs&list=PLWdOE2WgqFYYoVdHUA4NK1sJ57sd6736R.

Wanna Go Crazy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EnmK0LS7xrA&list=PLWdOE2WgqFYYoVdHUA4NK1sJ57sd6736R&index=5


Check how you got on with our facts and opinions work:


Enjoy the weekend!

Mrs Currie

P1 Mrs Currie Daily Update Friday 8.5.20

Good Morning P1,

I hope you have had a successful short week of learning. Today we are going to be talking about how you got on with your learning activities this week.

I have put the jolly jingles below for you to listen to with over 40 sounds on it! There will be some sounds you might not  know yet but the songs will help you learn some of them. We will be learning a new sound next week, the qu sound, did you spot it in the songs?


How did you get on with your numeracy tasks this week of making equal groups? I had a go at this task too. For the 2 ice cream cones I put 2 cherries on each cone. How could you equally share 10 cherries between 2 cones?

For the 3 ice cream cones I put 4 cherries on each cone, that is 12 cherries altogether. How could you equally share 9 cherries between 3 cones?


How did you get on with your RE task this week? Did you say the ‘Hail Mary’? During the month of May we would say the Hail Mary every day in class so this is something you could try at home too. I have put a copy of the prayer below to help you.

Have a lovely weekend.

P1 Mrs Currie Daily Update Thursday 7th May 2020

Good morning, for easy access I have included all the attachments for this week again below.

P1 Learning Grid 6th May 2020

Maths Attachments

2 Equal Groups Ice Cream Cones

3 Equal Groups Ice Cream Cones

Reading Attachments

In the Garden

Look Outside

Look Up, Look Down

Strawberries at School

Rights Respecting Schools Attachment

RRS Article of the Week P1-3 06.05.20

Supporting Your Learning Grid

In our Health and Wellbeing part of the grid we are looking at the journey some foods make to get onto our plate to eat.

You have been asked to draw the process that carrots take to get to our dinner plate.

Here is a video link to help you.  It explains the journey the carrot makes.


As part of our IDL work we have been looking at differences and similarities between ourselves and our friends/family.  Here is a table of Mrs Currie and Mrs Davenport’s similarities and differences.

Similarities Differences
·         We both work at St Ninian’s PS

·         We both like chocolate cake

·         We both drive cars

·         We both love teaching Primary 1


·         Mrs Davenport has two dogs, Mrs Currie has no dogs

·         Mrs Currie likes to wear high heeled shoes, Mrs Davenport prefers flat shoes

·         Mrs Davenport likes to go on rollercoasters, Mrs Currie DOES NOT!



You have been making equal groups.  Have a look at the following discussion cards, which cards show equal groups?  Why?


If you are having any difficulty with any of the home learning activities please remember to ask your question in the comments section below. We will try to answer your question as soon as we are able to.

Have a lovely day,

Mrs Currie

P2 Mrs Currie Daily Post Thursday 7th May 2020

Learning Grid Week 5 Short Week

RRS Article of the Week P2 06.05

Home Learning Grid

Good morning, P2! How are you getting on with your grid.

A couple of weeks ago I planted some seeds in a pot in my garden and they have started to grow, have a look!

It was a mixed packet of seeds so I have no idea what colour the flower will be. When it does flower I will post another picture.

Have you planted any seeds or plants?


Let’s develop our science and literacy. Here is a link to a short video to learn all about the rhinoceros beetle.


Would you like a rhinoceros beetle as a pet? Why or why not? Can you write down or tell someone else at home two facts about the rhinoceros beetle?


Count how many dots are below. How did you count them?

Have a lovely day.

Mrs Currie


P2 Mrs Currie Weekly Grid Wednesday 06.05.20

Good morning everyone, I hope you’ve had a lovely relaxing weekend.

Learning Grid Week 5 Short Week

RRS Article of the Week P2 06.05

Spelling Activity Suggestions

Look out for something new coming soon!

Next week we are going to be trialling using a new online reading resource called The Bug Club on the site Pearson Active Learn Primary.  At some point this week you will receive a group call email giving you details on your child’s log in details.  Next Monday (11.05.20) alongside the grid I will post a “How To Login Guide” and how to use it.  This resource will allow your child to have a book set for them by myself.  You and your child can then read the book aloud to each other and as you progress through (some of) the books there are quizzes to be completed.

Have a lovely day today.

P1 Mrs Currie Daily Update 6.05.20

I hope you’ve had a relaxing weekend.

Please find below the grid for this short week.

P1 Learning Grid 6th May 2020

These are the numeracy attachments.

2 Equal Groups Ice Cream Cones

3 Equal Groups Ice Cream Cones

On the Active Learn Resource everyone has been allocated a new book this week and below are the guided reading activities/question, choose the one that matches your book title.

In the Garden

Look Outside

Look Up, Look Down

Strawberries at School

Mrs Conway has provided us with this week’s Rights Respecting school PDF to discuss at and some suggested activities. It is all about having the right to express your views and opinions.

RRS Article of the Week P1-3 06.05.20

If you complete any of the activities MrsConway has provided an email address for you to send your work to her.

Have a lovely day

Mrs Currie



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