This week we have continued to work on our Science topic “Wonderful Water”. We followed up our work on floating and sinking and learned about buoyancy. Mrs Chirinos shared her knowledge of scuba diving with us which was really interesting. We also shared our Science learning to date with the whole school at our Friday assembly. The feedback that we have received has been very positive and the other classes were particularly impressed with the disappearing colour wheel! Well done P5 your delivery was excellent. I was really proud of you.
We also had a visit from the Scottish SPCA on Thursday. This was excellent! The focus was on wild animals, learning about their distinguishing features, habitats and how we can help if an animal is in trouble. We shared a lot of stories from our own personal experiences. We had a chance to be animal detectives by playing a game where we had to identify the animal from footprints, colour and habitat.
In our Health and Wellbeing learning this week we discussed anti-bullying and created posters showcasing our knowledge of different forms of bullying and how to seek help.
Another fantastic week P5, well done.