P5 Weekly Update

This week we have had reduced numbers in class due to a variety of nasty bugs and viruses…for those who were absent I hope you are all feeling better soon.

In Maths we have consolidated our understanding of factors this week through our homework and in class we were rounding to the nearest 10, 100, 1000.  We used the saying “five to sky and four to the floor (just leave it alone)” to help us work out if a digit in the number should round up or stay the same.

In writing we completed our reports on the digestive system and as an extension we then wrote a story from the apples point of view as it travelled through our digestive organs.  This was great fun!

As part of our IDL topic we started to look at food packaging and we are creating a large classroom display label for an imaginative product.  We gathered suggestions on what to call our product and then voted. Kalvin’s suggestion of calling our product “Ninian’s Nutritious Num Nums” was the winner.  As a class we have decided this will be a healthy product, made suitable for vegetarians (but won’t be gluten free!) and its packaging will be made from 100% recycled packaging.  When we complete the label we will post a picture of it on this page.

Hope you all have a lovely LONG weekend.

Mrs Currie

Primary 5/6 News

In PE this week our class has been learning about shot putt, we now know how stand properly , twisting our hips, getting power from our legs and how to throw properly.

As part of our healthy eating topic we researched how to read nutritional labels on the back of packaging and did a survey to find out how much fruit and veg our class eats. We will do this survey again at the end of our topic to see if this improves. We have also been designing different packaging for our Eatwell Plate display. We had an interesting discussion and debate on Monday when we had to put different food and drinks into unhealthy or healthy categories, providing a reason for our choice. Here are some pictures of the survey we did…


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Using our knowledge of why we should all eat 5 portions of fruit and veg a day, how to write a letter and  learning how to use persuasive techniques we all created persuasive letters trying to convince people to eat at least 5 portions of fruit and veg a day.

We continued to practice multiplying 4 digits by 1 digit in maths. We also started our circles topic this week. We know the different parts of a circle, the circumference, radius and the diameter. We learned how to find the center point of a circle, calculate the radius and diameter and also the circumference using pi- 3.14. We will be continuing our circles topic next week.

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Bell & Primary 5/6


Our skiing and snowboarding adventure

Primary 6 had a fantastic time skiing and snowboarding! I was very impressed to see all of the children persevering and encouraging one another over the 3 days. On day 1 we all learned how to put on the ski/snowboard equipment on, so that we could do this independently the next 2 days. We had a lot of fun falling over and getting used to our ski’s and snow boards. By lunch time the children were attempting to use the tow lift to go up the slope. This was a big challenge for our snowboarders but we got there in the end! By day two the children were gaining confidence and going higher up the slope, learning how to turn, stop and control their speed. On Day three most of the skiers took on the challenge of skiing down from the very top of the slope! We have a great video of this! The weather was beautiful, we all enjoyed having picnic lunches on the grass and some of us even managed to get sun burn by the end of the three days. Everyone tried their best over the three days, listened to instructions and all up for a challenge. Well done to our Skiers and snowboarders. Here are some pictures of the skiers, I will add the snowboarding pictures as soon as I have them next week.

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Have a lovely weekend!


Miss Bell

P5 Digesting The Facts

This week we focused on learning about the digestive system of the human body.  We learned about the functions of the body’s organs involved in the process and how food travels through each section.  We then turned this information into a written report using diagrams as well as writing.

In maths we revised our understanding of finding a fraction of an amount, for example 1/5 of 25, and then extended this into finding  2/5s of 25 and so on.

We also looked at finding factors of numbers.  As an extra challenge find out what special name we give to a number greater than 1 that can only be divided equally by 1 and itself, post your answer for a dojo! 🙂

On both Tuesday and Wednesday the children worked with Mrs Thomson to produce some very colourful and creative sun designs, once you have looked at these you know summer is nearly here!  Where are my shades?!


Now the weather is improving hopefully more of our PE lessons will be outdoors, on overcast days you might want to bring warmer PE kit.  Our next step in PE is to use our sprint starts that we learned in the hall outside where we can run a full sprint distance!  Looking forward to it…I will definitely need to remember my trainers!

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Currie

P5 Welcome Back!

P5 were straight back to it this week and have all produced a good standard of work.

This week there was a whole school focus on Creative Industries.  As a class we completed a series of activities which would help develop our creative thinking skills and “thinking outside the box”.  We linked our writing to this theme and completed a piece of work entitled “What If There Was No (or only very little) Gravity!”, and the children all developed ideas of how we would need to change everyday life, routines and objects to cope with this.  There were some amazing ideas, for example,  filling our car tyres with cement instead of air, having to use food nets instead of cutlery and using magnetic shoes on metal pavements to walk around.  It was great fun sharing these ideas.

Over the course of this week in Maths we revised our understanding of rounding one decimal place numbers to the nearest whole number, and we used smile multiplication to assist our mental maths of multiplying multiples of 10 and 100 together.

We also spent some time discussing our main learning goals for this term,

  •  In Literacy we are working on our skills in talking and listening, revising our VCOP knowledge and using Reading Routes to further develop our reading comprehension.
  • In Maths we will be completing work on measure and volume as well as revising our knowledge and understanding of fractions, decimals and percentages alongside using the four maths processes in problem solving contexts.
  • Our class topic will be “Food, Glorious Food” which will focus on healthy eating, food packaging/labeling and the digestive system in the human body.
  • In RE we will be reflecting on “The Commandments of Life” as well as completing our “God’s Loving Plan” work.
  • In PE, athletics will be our focus.


Good work P5, enjoy your weekend.

Mrs Currie


Primary 5/6 News

This week we revised 2D and 3D shape properties. We also revised the multiplication and division strategies we learned last term. These have helped us learn how to multiply 4 digit numbers by a single digit. Next week we will continue with multiplication strategies as our class needs to continue to learn their times tables. Why not play ‘Hit the Button’ at home! http://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button

In PE we have started our athletics block by practising the skills needed to do the long jump. On Monday we also got to play capture the flag on the field.

We used our dictionary skills this week to find the definition of unknown words from our reading books and also revised how to put words in to alphabetical order.

This week was creative industries week and we enjoyed doing creative activities such as renaming objects in our classroom and creating our own games. In assembly we played ‘can you guess the object’.

Our topic this term is Health and wellbeing. As a class we decided to focus on investigating how to have a healthy balanced diet. We looked at the ‘Eatwell Plate’ and discussed the foods in each section and why it is important to have foods from every section, in your diet. Next week we will be doing a fruit and vegetable survey, creating meals with all food types in them and designing our new topic display. To help with our display we need lots of food labels. If you are finished with packaging at home please wash out and bring it in to school next week.

Primary 6 are extremely excited about their skiing and snowboarding trip next week!

Have a lovely weekend!

Primary 5/6 & Miss Bell

P5 data champions

Another busy week!  Last week we gathered data from around the school to see which fruit children liked best in each class (this will be useful information for the Friday Healthy Tuck Trolley).  We used the technique of tally marks to record the data and then we created a frequency table.  Once we had this data organised we turned it into a bar graph using our learning from last week of what makes a “good” bar graph.  Here are our completed graphs,


In our writing this week we recapped our knowledge of writing a science report and we completed another investigation where we heated up a salt water solution.  we watched as the water evaporated and left the salt behind.  We now know we can describe creating a salt solution as a reversible change.  We used the following interactive resource in class to show this and Kieran asked if I could blog it so you can try it out at home.  Enjoy.


This week we also participated in a basketball festival.  Many thanks to Mrs Stewart, Mrs Rafferty and Mrs Mortimer who gave up their time to come along and help out.  The children all had a great time.

Next week is our final week of the term, please remember we finish on Thursday!  There will only be reading homework next week 🙂

Mrs Currie





Primary 5/6 News

This week in primary 5/6 we have been working on our interview skills and answering questions as a character from our favourite book, in writing.

In maths we used different strategies to add and subtract decimals. The strategies we used are



-Take away the decimal

-Blank number line

– Formal method

We have been investigating which strategy is the most effective and we created posters to explain how to use these strategies. We will display these posters on our Maths Wall to help everyone in our class remember how to use each strategy.IMG_3704[1]IMG_3703[1]


The skills we have been working on in PE are shooting and quick passes. To practice these skills we have been playing Russian long ball.

Today we learned about the Stations of the Cross and had some quiet reflection time to consider this time during Lent. In RE this week we learned about Wednesday Word which is a website we can access to prepare us for Mass.

In French we completed our personal leaflets that will help us when having French conversations. We will be using these next Tuesday.

On Thursday afternoon we had Ninians Natter. We all created an action plan to help us achieve our current goals and we even got to enjoy the sunshine while creating our action plans.


Have a lovely weekend!


Danielle & Jessica.

P5 round up

This week we completed our imaginative story about finding a treasure map.  The children peer assessed each others middle section of their story which they wrote last week and Mrs Docherty and I were very impressed by the childrens ability to give really constructive feedback to each other.  The class then discussed what would make a good ending to a story and we developed a success criteria from this.  The children all listened really carefully to this input and as result we had some very imaginative endings…and there was not one single  “it was all a dream and then I woke up!” ending.  Well done everyone!

Our data handling in Maths this week has been focusing on gathering data.  We created appropriate questions which can be asked to give us good data.  We then practised recording that data in the form of tally charts and frequency charts.  We started to learn how to transfer this data into bar graphs.  To do this we had learn “what makes a good bar graph?”.  We used the following web link to a game to help us,


Next week we will record the answer to our above question in our Talking Book to showcase our understanding.  Also, working in trios we will create a bar graph which we can use to tell a Maths story about which fruit would be best to have on our Friday Healthy Snack tuck trolley.

Our Maps topic has been focusing on different ways of recording information on a map and we compared political, relief and road maps.  We watched this video presentation to deepen our understanding,


Next week the class will be going to a basketball festival on Tuesday afternoon with Mrs Thomson.  On Monday they will be given a team and we will revise the rules of play.  Basketball has already been a focus for the class in PE lessons this session and we have some very strong players.  The children will require a packed lunch for this day which they will have in class before changing and making their way onto the bus.  The festival will run from 12.45pm and we will return to school for 2.45pm.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Currie

Primary 5/6 news

This week in primary 5/6 we learned how to add decimals to make a whole number in maths. One of the activities we used to help us practice this was the rolling tenths game, all you need is a dice , some counters and a list of decimals. We have added a maths vocabulary section to our maths working wall. During our Maths morning on Tuesday we have be working on solving money problems. To help us decide which operation to select, to solve the problem, we have added a maths vocabulary section to our maths working wall.


We made Spanish passport’s which included the key information that we have learned this term, Me llamo…, Soy de and Mi cumpleaños es… I am sure everyone in our class can tell you what these three statements mean.IMG_3652[1]

We are always reviewing our Agar.io goals in our class and this week we had the opportunity to share our goals with the rest of the class. Our display is looking very full and colourful. It is fantastic that so many goals have been achieved!IMG_3651[1]

Everyone in our class had to pick a character from a book to be, as part of our writing task this week. We learned information about our characters personality and appearance. In groups we discussed good questions we could ask our character in an interview. Next week everyone in our class will be an interviewer and be interviewed in their character role.

Today everyone in our class enjoyed wearing their PJ’s to school to raise money for the Lenten Appeal.   IMG_3657[1]

by Mark, Aaron & Issei

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