P5/6 News

This is our last blog post as P5\6! On Monday we had music, we learned some new songs, they were called ‘build up’ and ‘you are a star’. On Tuesday we had French we made origami French ‘fortune tellers’ to practice French questions, colours and numbers that we have learned this year. Wednesday was a very exciting day as it was Sports Day! We loved all of the stations and also enjoyed watching and taking part in all of the races. Even some rain didn’t stop us! Everyone was able to meet their new teacher on Thursday, we are excited about next year. We then got a huge surprise! We got to watch a pantomime called ‘Treasure Island’. This week we have also been keeping up to date with the latest on the EU referendum by watching Newsround. We have also been having discussions in class and creating posters about our opinions on the referendum.

We cannot believe next week is our last week as P5/6, we hope you all have a wonderful summer!

Thank you for all your support this year!

By Billie, Broady, Isabella, Darryn & P5/6.

P5 Nearly There

This will be the last blog post of the year.  I asked the children for a best memory or highlight from the session.  Here are some of their responses.

Deacon – I liked Health Week when we did all the cool activities.

Kieran – I liked sports day because we got to do fun activities.

Krzysztof – I liked the Science Assembly that we done.

Rayn – I liked the basketball festival

Kalvin – I liked the potato bus because we got to plant potatoes, eat potatoes…lots of potatoey reasons!

Declan – I liked the fun run because we got to run around Dedridge and not just inside the school.

Amera – I liked it when we done our art folders because we got to decorate our own ones with our own ideas.  I also liked doing our love hearts for our value wall display and the spooky house pictures at Halloween time.

Emma – I liked it when we went to the Forth Bridges Trip because we learned lots of information and we got to try on the clothes that they wear when building the bridges.

This week we also finished off the class novel we have been listening to, it was The Magician’s Nephew by CS Lewis.  (*SPOILER ALERT*)  It was so interesting and exciting to learn how the wardrobe from The Lion The Witch And The Wardrobe came to be.

It has been such a busy, hard working and fun year…I have loved every minute P5!  Well done to all.

Mrs Currie


P5 are busy

Last week it was Jammin’ Fitness, this week it has been Judo.  Here are some photos of the highlights.

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In class for our writing this week we watched a short animated film linked with the Euro 16 championship.  The children then had to turn this into a comic strip.  Our learning intention was to see the importance of sequencing a story and including enough detail for the reader to follow the story line.  The results were all super!  And hopefully the children can see making a comic strip as a good way to plan when creating an original extended story.

In Maths we completed a fun Number Hunt.  Mrs Currie put questions all around the classroom and area and the children had to find the questions and then work out the answers recording it on a sheet.  Our learning intention for this lesson was to use a calculator to help us solve the problems as well as developing our ability to interpret the word problem.  The children all worked successfully in pairs showing that they were all effective contributors as well as successful learners!

On Monday the weather held us back from completing our athletics work in PE.  So instead we played extreme dodgeball in the hall, this is a HUGE favourite with the children and I cannot believe how well their ball skills as well as team spirit has improved over the course of the session.

Well done P5.  As always I am so proud of you all.  Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Currie.

Primary 5/6 News

This week in Primary 5/6, we have been very busy.

We had a visitor on Monday who taught us how to perform some basic judo moves.  It was a lot of fun! In PE, we continued our races – this time practising our long distance running with the 800m. On Tuesday in PE, we had an exciting game of Russian long ball, which ended with a very close score of 20-21!

We also learned about the heart in a Science lesson with Miss McDonald and found out some scary information about what can happen to our hearts if we don’t look after ourselves.  Our last lesson with Miss McDonald was this week and we summarised everything we had learned over her 6 lessons into an informative leaflet to help encourage others to stay healthy.

In literacy this week, we’ve been learning about alliteration and onomatopoeia to continue with our imagery work.  Here’s a link to the video we used to help us: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f1b5kCvVBo8

Talent Show auditions were held this week and both Paris and Aurora have been chosen to perform – congratulations girls! We are all looking forward to seeing the show.

Summer is coming up very soon now, and we are all getting excited thinking about it! Today we are going to find out who our new teachers are and this is making us look forward to moving up in the school even more.


By Aaron, Moiz, Aurora, Oskar & Billie

P5 Going for Gold

The whole world are on the road to Rio and are starting to get Olympic fever! So P5 have started a mini focus on “The Olympics Games” this week.  Read on to see how we have linked our learning through this topic.

Reading for information

We initially looked at the history of the Olympic Games and learned a lot of facts about how it all began.  From here we have identified the differences between the Modern Games and the traditional Games.


We became city planners and created our own Olympic Park.  We used our knowledge of coordinates and direction to complete this work.  Through this work we discussed the massive consideration that has to be given to the infra structure of a city which is hosting the Games.

Art and Design

We looked at examples of Olympic torches and medals from over the past few decades.  We were inspired by these and then used our own creativity to design our own on paper.  Our next challenge is to try and create a small scale 3D model of these designs.

With the weather being so good for most of this week we have also been discussing how to be Summer Safe.  Last week during assembly the children were all given information regarding this topic and they received their Summer Safe sticker from West Lothian Council.  In writing, they were given the opportunity to turn all the information that they were given into a poster or an information leaflet.  Many are still on going, but so far they look really good.

Another great week P5.  Well done.

Mrs Currie

Primary 5/6 News

We’ve had a very busy week in Primary 5/6!

We enjoyed the last of the sunny weather during PE running 400m races and playing Rounders on the field.  Both teams played excellently, but unfortunately Mr McCurdy forgot to keep the scores!

Our focus in Maths this week was solving word based problems, and we used our practice with these to create our own maths board games – there were a lot of interesting themes, such as pizza, Minecraft and football!  We also had a Health and Wellbeing themed Maths lesson with our visiting teacher Miss McDonald during which we learned how to add up the calories in the foods we eat in order to help us to make healthier choices with our diet.

The Health and Wellbeing theme continued during a Science on Monday with Miss McDonald, as we found out how much exercise we need and how exercise can help our hearts.  We used this information to create a weekly exercise plan for another person in the class to make sure we are all keeping fit and active!

In Literacy this week, we learned about similes and metaphors.  We used this song to help us to remember the difference between them: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uoSBVNUO2LU .  Once we knew how to use these to help our writing, we worked on character descriptions.  We watched a short film about the characters Rock, Paper and Scissors, and thought of some excellent adjectives to describe their appearances and personalities.  We then wrote a paragraph about our favourite character using our adjectives and imagery.  Here is the link to the film: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GymppwZ7lU4 .

To end our week, Mrs Purdie held an assembly about staying safe in and out of school.  Mrs Purdie also announced our new House Captains for next year, and we were all very pleased to hear that Kaden had been voted joint Vice Captain for Galloway house! Well done, Kaden!

By Paris, Jessica, Broady & Jack

P5 Up date

We have now completed all our class talks linked with our Food Glorious Food topic.  Here are the remaining foods/companies covered,

McDonalds – Reece

Honey – Rachel

KitKat – Mia So

Quaker Oats – Edwin

KFC – Shiv

Irn Bru – Kieran

Mountain Dew – Leon

Coca Cola – Neave

Well done everyone and thank you for your patience, it may have taken longer than expected to listen to all the talks but it was a really worthwhile activity.  Hopefully everyone has been given feedback which will allow them to progress their talking and listening skills further.

In our writing this week we used an audio stimulus to inspire us to develop a scene in our imaginations.  As preparation for this we listened to an orchestral performance of Peter And The Wolf and learned how instruments can be played to represent animals and objects.  From this we then listened to the following composition,

Our imaginations were really fired up by this music and everyone created a very descriptive piece of writing about the imagery the music inspired in them.  Parents please have a listen and you can share your inspired scene with your child.  You can also post a comment back with your description of a scene and we can share these with the class during our follow up lesson next week.

In maths, we have continued to work with money and creating a shopping list/receipt for each other to work out.  Your maths homework task was tricky so well done to everyone.  Here is a link to a money game for you to try out.


We also developed our art skills this week through still life drawing.  We are going to extend this next week so sharpen those pencils!

Have a lovely weekend

Mrs Currie


Primary 5/6 News

This week in Primary 5/6, we did Jammin’ Fitness with Andy and learned Capoeira (Brazilian martial art) and how to think positively under pressure.  On Tuesday,  Primary 6 attended a Cross country running competition at James Young High School.  Jack won the boys’ race, which means that St Ninian’s have been invited to attend the Primary 7 cross county school competition later in the year.  Well done, Jack!

On Wednesday, our visiting teacher Miss McDonald led a lesson on Health and Wellbeing.  We learned about the nutritional values of our food as well as how to determine which snacks are better for us.  On Thursday, Miss McDonald taught us science and we found out how much salt, fat and sugar are in different foods.  Did you know that 7-10 year olds should only have 24g of sugar per day and that a small packet of Haribo sweets contains around 63g of sugar – scary!

To end our week, we attended an assembly about keeping ourselves safe in lots of different situations, like riding our bikes and playing on-line. It was very useful!

We had a great week spending a lot of time learning outside in the lovely sunshine too!

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By Kornelia, Mark, Kaden and Danielle

P5 Presentations

Well done to everyone who have completed their presentation so far, I have been blown away with the standard!  There is still a group of 12 to present so this will take place on Monday afternoon thank you for your patience.  Here are some of the topics covered so far,

Coca Cola – Deacon, Amera, Ben, Alistair

Nestle – Erin O,

Yorkshire Tea – Isabel

Starburst – Jennifer

Walkers – Rugare, Declan

Salmon – Aiden

Lees – James

Cadbury – Erin R, Mia St, Emily

Lyo – Krzysztof

Kit Kat – Ciara

Greggs – Kalvin

Lucazade – Nicholas

Weetabix – Rayn

Kellogs – Erwin

Pringles – Aliza

Irn Bru – Emma

As you can see there has been a huge amount covered and the children are all proving that they have acted on their feedback given after their last presentation.  Most children are now showing that they are more aware of their audience by making good eye contact and by using an appropriate level of voice.

For our writing this week we have written a set of instructions about how to make Mac and Cheese in a Microwave.  Everyone got the chance to have some hands on experience of making this in class as well as watching a demonstration from Mrs (Deila Smith) Currie.  To ensure our instructions were of the highest possible standard we watched an M+S advert to learn about using adjectives to enhance our descriptions of food.  The results were not just good instructions, they were finger-licking amazingly well written instructions! 😉

If you fancy trying out the recipe at home here is a youtube tutorial on how to make it, enjoy!

In maths we have been looking at the topic of money and in particular how to understand a till receipt.  We will continue this next week looking to solve maths problems using information gained from a receipt.

Another great week P5.  Well done!

Mrs Currie

Primary 5/6 News

This week in P 5/6 our highlight was, the division  ‘hit the button’ competition, boys vs girls and the girls won yay!!

  • In Maths we learned how to read various pie charts and we continued to work on our division skills.
  • In writing we learned how to write instructions. We made sweet chili chicken vegetable wraps first and then we wrote our instructions based on how we made our wrap.
  • In PE we did a 200m sprint race this week for the house competition. Next week we will do a 400m race. The primary 6 children are looking forward to the cross country race next week.

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Have a lovely weekend.

By Isabella and Paris

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