P2 Weekly Round Up

It has been an amazing, fun (and tiring week)!  We have been learning all about being healthy and how to have good wellbeing.  Read on to find out what we did each day.

Monday – Relax Kids came into school and we learned how to be relaxed and calm by taking part in lots of different games and activities.  We also learned all about teeth; molars, incisors and canines.

Tuesday – We started the day with yoga and finished the day with Synergy Fit (this was exhausting!).  In class we were learning about God’s Loving Plan for us all; how to show love and to celebrate families.

Wednesday – For Walking Wednesday as a class we went on a long walk all around the school grounds, we went to parts of the playing field many of use have never been to before, everyone was tired after this.  In the afternoon we learned some golf techniques and then completed the Tough Mudder course (this was a very wet experience for all but ended up being the highlight of the week for most of the children!).

Thursday – We were thoughtful on Thursday and used our Keep Connected unit from the Building Resilience Pack to help us to develop our Two-Way conversation skills when there is conflict or a difference of opinion.  We then learned some Taewkon-do moves, some new dance moves from St Margaret students and finished the day with the amazing Parkour (this was the other favourite activity).

Friday – Today we had Fun Friday, we had our Fun 31 time, assembly and then watched the teacher/pupil Netball and Basketball matches.

I’m sure you’ll agree we have had a very busy week!!

Have a restful weekend.

Mrs Currie

P2 Post

It was brilliant sharing our learning with so many of you on Wednesday at our showcase.  We had worked so hard to create our books for you.  We hope that everyone also learned something new about owls too.  If you would like to learn our song that we sang for you on the showcase click this link.

Our books have shown you all that we understand about front covers, contents pages and different genres.  The genres we showcased were a personal recount, an information report and a poster, they were hootastic!  We loved all the five star reviews that we got too.  Thank you.

In numeracy this week we have continued to revise our learning from this session by answering questions using the four maths processes.  We also learned how to “read” a pictograph.  We worked out different information from a graph about favourite food and then created our own pictograph about favourite vegetables.  It turns out we have a very healthy class.

Next week we continue the healthy theme.  Please remember to come to school ready to be active every day, wear appropriate clothing that can be adapted for indoor and outdoor work.  We will also cover our God’s Loving Plan programme next week as part of our Health and Wellbeing learning.

I can’t wait.  Have a lovely weekend.

P2 Update

It has been a week of highlights this week in P2.

One of the major standout moments has been our trip to the Owl Centre at Polkemmet park on Wednesday.  The children all really enjoyed their time there and seem to have learned so much.  I have enjoyed listening to their stories and facts and I’m just sorry that I missed the trip due to illness, next time!  However after reading all the stories they have written following this trip I feel as if I was there.  Well done everyone.


This week saw two important dates in our school calendar.  All week it has been Digital Learning Week and also on Wednesday it was National Numeracy Day.  Read on to see how we marked these two occasions.

Digital Learning Week – we used a website based programme called Kahoot and completed an owl quiz using it.  It was such fun because we were in teams (collaborating and using our leadership skills) and each team had a laptop which was linked wirelessly to our class smartboard.  We had to choose an answer to a question using our laptop screen and this automatically registered on the smartboard in class.  We enjoyed it so much we played it twice!  A brilliant way to link our learning across the curriculum and to use technology to support us.

National Numeracy Day – Do you know that we can use our ten fingers to count to 1000?  If you don’t believe us just ask us to show you, we are amazing at counting in 100s!

Have a lovely long weekend.

Mrs Currie


P2 Update

It was lovely to see everyone back after the long weekend.

Read on to find out about our learning this week.

Global Goals – we discussed how The Owl Sanctuary at Polkemmet park are working alongside the Global Goals to help owls that are endangered.  We are looking forward to our trip next week.

Literacy – as part of our IDL we have been using the story Owl Babies this week.  We all enjoyed discussing how the three owlets felt during the story and it was such a lovely happy ending.  If you would like to listen to the story here is the youtube link.

From this we have looked at the life cycle of an owl and sequenced a diagram.

We have also completed a fill in the missing words exercise too.  Lots of fun!

Numeracy – In Numeracy we revised our knowledge of the numbers to 100.  Again we looked at before and after and crossing the decade.  If you would like more practise on ordering numbers to 100.


Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Currie


P2 Update

We have had a busy week.  Read on to find out more.

Numeracy – we have looking at number sequences and working out patterns.  If the numbers are going up in value we have learned that this means we need to add and if they are going down we need to subtract.  Then we had to work out what the intervals were between the numbers so that we could continue the pattern.  We have also been exploring our understanding of “doubles”, we then have linked this to our two times table!  so we now know that 3 + 3 = 6 can also be written as 2 X 3 = 6.  Ask us a 2 x table equation and we’ll solve it using our doubles.  As a challenge discuss how halving could be linked to this?

Literacy – we have started to learn how to write an effective description.  We read a description about The New Girl.  We then applied this to help us write a description of someone we know.   We learned that using the conjunction “because” was really useful to allow us to give examples of a characteristic.

RE – we have learned all about when Jesus rose from the dead on Easter Sunday.

Global Goals – we have been learning how to look after our planet Earth by using the messages from the Global Goals to help us.  The children also all received a letter today about our class trip to Polkemmet Owl Sanctuary that will link with this topic.

Have a great long weekend,

Mrs Currie

P2 Update – End Of Term

It has been a busy final week of term.

The children have been busy this week with Easter inspired lessons.

Hopefully you have been thrilled by some of the Easter art that the children have been bringing home.  When completing these activities we have been linking our learning across the curriculum.  For example, to make our Easter baskets we used our knowledge of 3D shape (cubes) to help us construct our baskets.  Well done everyone.

This week we met a new pupil who will be joining us after the Easter holiday we look forward to having a new member in our class family.

We have spent some time reviewing our work from this term and have evaluated our goals.  We then all had a learning conversation with Mrs Currie where we discussed what learning we think we have had great success with this term and also looked at what aspect of our learning we would like to continue to develop.  Lastly we discussed what our favourite lesson from this term was, it was great to spend some time talking about our favourite memories.  We took a photograph of our learning conversation sheet and it has been uploaded to our One Note profile page.

Have a lovely Easter holiday.

Mrs Currie

P2 Weekly Update



This week we had a visit from Super Movers and they were teaching us the importance of keeping moving when we’re learning to stay fit and healthy.  They brought with them the SPL league trophy and also the Mascot Lomond.  It was so much fun dancing with Lomond.

In Maths this week we continued to learn about the properties of 3D shapes.  We also looked at the strange spelling of the word sphere, we learned about ph saying f and also about magic e.

We have also been busy making and creating some Mothering Sunday surprises.

As part of our Literacy work we tuned into an Authors Live event run by the BBC and watched Lauren Child, the author of Charlie and Lola and Poet Laureate, discuss how she got her ideas to write.  It was great to revisit a class topic that we learned about earlier in the session.

In our numeracy work we have been developing our skills in tackling holistic questions which require us to use a variety of skills.  We had to use our reading for understanding skills, problem solving skills and our multiplication/addition skills.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Currie

P2 Update

Here is a snap shot of our learning this week;

Our newly resourced playroom is now in use and we are loving all the new experiences we are having.

For maths this week we have been learning the names of 3D shapes and we worked out which shapes roll because they have curved sides.

In Numbertalks this week we have used the rekenreks.  We have been working out how many swooshes it takes to make a number.  It has been a lot of fun and it is great to use the huge Rekenrek to share strategies with the whole group.

We had our class mass on Tuesday and it was beautiful.  The readers did very well reading the Bidding Prayer and we all sang our prepared hymns with enthusiasm.  Well done everyone.

We used this experience of going to mass to help us learn further how to write a recount.  We all recalled the order of events from Tuesday morning when we went to mass and then wrote a recount of this.  It was great to see all the details the we remembered!

As it was the end of National Science week on 17th March we finished our Science learning by looking at Stephen Hawking.  We used a book we bought as a class during World Book Day and learned who Stephen Hawking is and what he is famous for in the field of Science.  It was great to hear Leon’s own knowledge of Blackholes too!  What super facts Leon, thanks for sharing.

Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Currie


P2 Weekly Update

This week have had to say goodbye to Mrs Lauder.  She has spent the last six weeks with us in class helping us with our learning, especially in Science.  She is not fully leaving us though as she will be back after Easter to work with our P7 class.  Good luck Mrs Lauder.

This week we have been learning how to write a recount using our new resource PM writing.  We all decided to recount what we do in the morning when we are getting ready for school.  We have learned to include an orientation, sequence of events and a personal comment. The results have been fabulous and our star writers this week are Victoria and Eve.  Well done girls.

For numeracy we continued to develop our skills of estimating.  We have been trying to place numbers on a number line which only gives us the starting and ending number.  This has proved tricky but we have been practising really hard and using some interactive games to help us.  Try this one out.


Stay, Play and Be Well was a huge success in our class.  It was so lovely to see everyone and it is always special for the children to share their learning and classroom environment with their families.  Thank you again for the huge turn out.

Next week we have our class mass on Tuesday at 9.30am in the small chapel at the Lanthorn.  This is open to all to attend.

Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Currie


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