Thinking about our week in P3

(Title supplied by Micah)

The children would like to share their learning highlights with you.

Abigail loved using the rocket rounding game on the netbooks to help her to round numbers to the nearest 10.

Ibad loved using his hands to juggle in PE.

Micah loved sharing his creations from the play area with the class.

Oliver liked solving problems and making decisions in the play area.

Victoria loved learning about the seasons and developing her art skills as she created a winter collage.

Joshua liked investigating floating and sinking.

Milena liked reading and writing 3-digit numbers.

Seren loved visiting the library and choosing a book.

Mark loved creating a model of a boat.

Amelia loved Free Writing Friday.

Cooper liked using the netbooks and using his username and password to login.

Evie loved coming to Meet the Family and updating her OneNote profile.

Hanna loved Free Writing Friday too.

Christopher loved improving his hand co-ordination in PE.

Leon loved creating his own 4-digit numbers.

Eve loved making her spelling key words with pipe cleaners and recording her learning on the iPad.

Maja liked writing about vanilla ice-cream on Free Writing Friday.

Alasdair liked listening to the story of The Giraffe, The Pelly and Me.

Riley liked showing his mum our classroom at Meet The Family.

Mirren liked reading 3-digit numbers.

Jiya liked investigating the seasons through her art work.

Kayla liked writing about Brownies in Free Writing Friday.

Mati liked juggling in PE.

Have a lovely weekend.

From Mrs Caskie, Mrs Keegan and P3

Primary 2 Blog

Primary 2 have been busy across the curriculum this week. We have been exploring shapes for mathematics and finding numbers that come before, after and in between up to 100. We watched The Lorax film and thought about things that were similar and different to the novel.

Some pupil highlights are below:

Scott – I loved playing in our play corner. I made train tracks really long and they were rectangles and triangles. We learned about shapes in maths.

Anna – We watched The Lorax. It was fun.

Freya – We got to bring our teddies to the movie and have some snacks.

Cordelle – We had to make a colourful ticket to get into the cinema in our class for the movie.

Michelle – We did writing about our book called ‘Who’s at the Door’.

Paul – We got to try our big play area with magnetic sand. I made loads of tools with it.

Lucy – We have free writing Friday jotters. I wrote about my little sister’s birthday today.

Roma – We made our brains in growth mindset and we learned to not give up and keep trying. A yucky brain means you’re not working hard and a colourful brain means you work really hard.

Joshua – Our Truffula Trees we made are now up on our window.


Miss Lydon






Weekly News from P3 Superstars

It has been another busy week in P3 and we have so much to share with you!

Cooper loved Number Talks when we were learning to make tens.  He loved putting his thumb up to show us that he had  a strategy.

Leon loved rounding numbers in maths.

Amelia loved recounting the story of The Enormous Crocodile and thinking of lots of different time openers.

Oliver loved making a concertina crocodile.

Maja loved programming Beebots and working with her friends.

Alasdair loved joining letters.  We were working on c,o, a and d.

Mark loved programming the Beebots to travel all around the classroom.

Kayla has loved exploring different authors and reading in our book corner.

Abu Bakr loved creating an autumn collage.

Micah liked doing yoga in PE.

Victoria loved listening to the story of The Giraffe, The Pelly and Me.

Christopher loved PE.

Hanna loved reading and writing numbers to 100.

Robert loved making tens in Number Talks.

Seren liked making moving crocodiles with paper fasteners.

Evie loved throwing and catching in PE.

Abigail loved spelling our P3 key words with play dough.

Joshua liked using the iPads to video learning with the Beebots.

Eve loved using our boost words to play games.

Ibad loved doing Just Dance in PE.

Riley loved recounting the story of The Enormous Crocodile.

Jiya loved using the netbooks in maths to work on her rounding skills using the Rocket Rounding game

Milena loved creating our own fitness routine to use in the class.

And Mirren just loved everything.

We’re looking forward to more exciting learning next week when our new Word Boost Book is the Obvious Elephant. The boost words for next week are confident, curious, examine, connect, obvious and bewildered.  Our spelling key words are if, into, from, go, going, has, her and here. In numeracy we will be working on naming and ordering hundreds then reading and writing three-digit numbers.  And it will be our last week on our IDL topic ‘The Enormous Crocodile’.

from P3, Mrs Caskie and Mrs Keegan

What’s been happening in P3 this week?

It has been another great week in P3 and the children would like to share their highlights.

Christopher liked making a crocodile puppet.

Eve liked reading with a buddy bear (which her gran very kindly knitted for us!).

Milena liked rounding numbers to the nearest ten.

Kayla liked making her own guardian angel.

Cooper liked playing the addition slider on the netbooks.

Jiya liked playing games in PE.

Seren liked reading The Enormous Crocodile.

Abigail liked using number lines to round numbers to the nearest ten.

Amelia liked singing crocodile songs and playing instruments.

Mirren liked adding doubles and near doubles in number talks.

Ibad liked handwriting when we worked on the letters u, w and e.

Abu Bakr and Alasdair liked doing Smart Start on Free Choice Friday and using the play area.

Mark liked playing the Rocket Rounding game on the netbooks.

Victoria liked Fun 31.

Maya liked using the Mighty Writer board to create her own stories.

Joshua liked building huge towers with Kapla.

Oliver liked writing instructions to tell other children how to make crocodile puppets.

Have a lovely weekend.

From P3, Mrs Caskie and Mrs Keegan

Our first week in Primary 3

What a fantastic start to the school year we have had in Primary 3! Everyone has settled in so well and it has been lovely to see so many smiling faces.  The children did a particularly great job of creating our new class charter.  Please read on to find out more about our highlights.

Oliver – I liked adding.

Ibad – I liked building a trap for a crocodile.

Leon – I liked Fun 31.

Jiya – I liked exploring our new classroom.

Cooper – I liked reading the Enormous Crocodile by Roald Dahl.

Riley – I liked making a snippy snappy crocodile.

Christopher – I liked building a trap for a crocodile.

Evie – I liked drawing a crocodile.

Abigail – I liked making a trap for a crocodile.

Kayla – I liked using our new library.

Maya – I liked making a class jigsaw.

Alisdair – I liked using kapla to build at smart start.

Joshua – I liked reading the Enormous Crocodile book and building a trap.

Eve – I liked reading in BEAR time.

Amelia – I liked planning our topic.

Victoria- I liked building a trap for a crocodile.

Seren – I liked BEAR time.

Mateusz – I liked singing a crocodile song.

Milena – I liked singing a crocodile song too.

Mark – I liked making a snappy crocodile.

from Mrs Keegan and Mrs Caskie.

P2/3 Weekly Update

This week our highlights have been sports day, moving up morning and harvesting our crop of potatoes.  It was lovely to see so many of our families at sports day when the children worked so well together, displaying lovely sporting manners and team work.  We’re all looking forward to the final week of P2/3 – what a fantastic year it has been!

The children would like to share some of their highlights from the week with you:

Casper – I loved taking part in the West Lothian Sumdog competition.

Mark D. – I loved Free Writing Friday.

Joshua – I liked playing with my friends in the big playground.

Wiktoria – I loved meeting my new teacher on Moving Up morning.

Nathan – I loved making potato soup.

Marcel – I loved meeting my new class.

Abu Bakr – I loved showing our visitors around the school.

Bernice – I loved sports day because I won the race.

Poppy – I liked making potato soup.

Lloyd – I liked digging up our potatoes.  I got a big one!

Paul – I liked making my initials with my new teacher.

Seren – I liked making potato soup.

Abigail – I loved listening to the story of the Bolds.

Freda – I loved Free Writing Friday.

Rafay – I loved sports day.

Aiden – I loved using the play room.

Daniel – I liked PE because we played dodgeball.

Blake – I liked grating potatoes to make soup.

Have a lovely weekend.

From Mrs Keegan, Mrs Caskie and P2/3

Primary 2/3 Weekly News

The children in P2/3 would like to share all their highlights from this week’s learning adventure with you.

Aiden – I liked joining letters because I am working hard and getting better.

Casper – I liked writing an information report because I shared it at our showcase.  My mum thought it was amazing.

Freda – I liked reading because I am really good at it.

Wiktoria – I liked learning to type using BBC Dance Mat typing.

Joshua – I liked the showcase because I showed my mum my book and told her all about owls.

Abu Bakr – I liked doing maths with my talk partner. Sharing strategies makes us more confident.

Abby – I liked RE because we got to perform.

Poppy – I liked BEAR time because I love reading to my bear.

Bernice – I liked PE because we were throwing and catching.

Mark D. I liked building in smart start.

Rutendo – I liked handwriting because I’m getting much better at it.

Oliver – I liked sharing the story of the Owl Babies with my grandad and my brother.

Marcel – I liked doing maths when we were doing division.  I love doing maths.

Seren – I liked doing my reading task when my work went on the Wonderful Writing line.

Daniel – I liked using the play area.

Mirren – I liked the showcase.  My mum gave me a 6 star review!

Mark K.  I liked listening to the story of The Bolds.  It makes me laugh.

Abigail – I liked learning new Spanish.

Paul – I liked working with my talk partner. Working with my talk partner helps me learn better.

Nathan – I liked creating in the play area.

Have a lovely weekend!

from Mrs Keegan, Mrs Caskie and P2/3

Weekly news from the amazing P2/3

It has been a really busy week in P2/3 and the children would like to share their highlights.

Blake – I liked doing the quiz at the Owl Centre.

Abby – I liked using Kahoot!

Poppy – I liked learning about owls at the Owl Centre.

Rafay – I liked building stamina in PE.

Wiktoria – I liked visiting the play area at Polkemmet Park.

Abu Bakr – I liked sending and replying to emails.

Rutendo – I liked using adjectives in writing.

Casper – I liked construction at Smart Start.

Bernice – I liked making compasses.

Mark K. – I liked using my OneNote profile for my learning conversation.

Nathan –  I liked Fun 31.

Freda – I liked the play area.

Daniel – I liked programming the BeeBot.

Marcel – I liked reading in the reading corner.

Oliver – I liked reading and I love my new book.

Paul – I liked the shop at the Owl Centre.

Isla – I like listening to the story of The Demon Dinner Ladies.

Joshua – I liked helping to take photographs for National Numeracy Day.

Mirren – I liked dividing in maths.  I liked working with Joshua.

Aiden – I liked using Letter Join.

Lloyd – I liked writing a description of my school bag and using boost words.

Have a lovely weekend.

From Mrs Caskie, Mrs Keegan and P2/3


Primary 2/3 Weekly Update

The children in P2/3 would like to share their highlights from this short but busy week.

Rafay – I liked sending emails using Glow during Smart Start.

Wiktoria – I loved hearing the story of the Owl Babies.

Abu Bakr – I loved creating electrical circuits with Wiktoria and investigating which materials conduct electricity.  The answer was metal!

Freda – I loved Free Writing Friday and dividing in maths.

Blake – I loved our Word Boost story of the Highway Rat.

Paul – I liked using Sway on Glow.

Poppy – I liked division in maths.

Abby – I liked our division check up in maths.  I was good at it.

Mark K. – I liked handwriting.  We’re joining our letters.

Marcel – I liked playing Sumdog on the netbooks.

Rutendo – I liked writing about the Owl Babies.

Mirren – I liked working with my talk partner to divide in maths.

Aiden – I liked linking multiplication and division in maths.

Lloyd and Casper- I liked Free Writing Friday.

Oliver – I liked doing high jumps in PE.

Abigail – I loved all the Owl Babies activities.

Bernice – I loved using the play room and making model furniture.

Seren – I liked being the teacher in Number Talks.

Joshua – I liked showing Mrs Roy my Glow account.

Mark D. I liked Number Talks because I like numbers.

Nathan – I liked writing about Owl Babies.

from P2/3, Mrs Keegan and Mrs Caskie




P2/3 Weekly Update

It has been another busy week in Primary 2/3 and the children would like to share some of their highlights.

Abu Bakr and Blake – my highlight was learning fractions in our Fractions Factory.

Abby and Wiktoria – I loved listening to the story of the Demon Dinner Ladies.

Casper – I loved using the netbooks to write stories using Microsoft Word.

Bernice and Lloyd  – I liked doing the high jump in PE.

Aiden – I loved using the Chatterpix app then showing Abu Bakr how to use it.

Freda – I love Free Writing Friday.

Poppy and Seren – I like BEAR time.

Mark K and Mark D – I loved building with Kapla.

Oliver and Rafay – I like Fun 31.

Mirren – I loved learning to divide.

Daniel – I liked using the play area.  I like to use the kinetic sand.

Marcel – I loved gymnastics in PE.

Joshua – I loved making electrical circuits.

Rutendo – I loved seeing my name on the praise board.  My name was on it 3 times!

Nathan – I liked using numicon in the Fraction Factory.

Paul – I liked using the iPad to write a story during Smart Start.

Abigail – I liked learning about getting a sound sleep at night.

Isla – I liked writing a description.

Everyone has brought home a letter today about our exciting trip to the Scottish Owl Centre on Wednesday 15th May. Completed forms should be returned on Wednesday.

Have a lovely weekend.

From Mrs Keegan, Mrs Caskie and P2/3

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