P2 Weekly News

Some pupil highlights from this week are below:

Emilie – We had our Halloween disco. I liked dancing with Freya and Lucy.

Michelle – We made candles for All Saints’ Day.

Shea – Please stay far back from fireworks. We learned to stay safe during fireworks.

Paul – Keep gloves on if you use a sparkler.

Lucas – Make sure you don’t get hurt with fireworks.

Freya – This week we had a hand and had to write adults that keep us safe at home and at school.

Connor – I liked doing Health and Wellbeing and drawing pictures for different words like ‘safe’.

Rojin – We wrote about people that keep us safe.

Anna – I liked the Halloween party. I loved the donuts on string best.

Pati – I liked what we were writing because it was for Halloween.

Lucy – I liked when we were doing writing. We wrote an acrostic poem.

Amelia – We could choose to colour spooky pictures at Smart Start.

Roma – We looked at our clouds we made for what makes us special.

Joshua – Do not throw fireworks or you could get really hurt.

Liam – I liked maths. I liked the Halloween code breaker challenge.

Luke – I liked the writing poems when each line started with a special letter.

P3 Weekly News

It has been a busy week in P3 and the children would like to share their highlights with you.

Mark and Leon enjoyed programming Beebots with a partner.

Abigail liked creating a charter for the Play Room.

Eve liked developing her creative skills in the modelling area in the Play Room.

Micah loved the Halloween PE obstacle course.

Joshua liked solving problems to create a robot in the modelling area of the Play Room.

Mirren liked comparing big numbers in maths.

Amelia and Cooper enjoyed our Halloween activities, especially the mindfulness colouring and listening to spooky music.

Seren liked creating a picture of the seasons using chalk and different textures.

Milena and Victoria loved the Halloween party.

Riley liked working on spelling patterns using marker pens.

Abu Bakr loved partitioning numbers in maths.

Jiya liked building numbers using the concrete materials.

Hanna and Maja liked translating the Play Room charter in to Polish and recording it for other children.

Robert liked creating our Play Room charter in Russian for other children to understand.

Oliver liked learning about The Real Me as we explored resilience.

Alasdair and Christopher enjoyed Number Talks with the Rekenreks.

Evie liked learning about greater than and less than in maths.

Kayla loved working in the writing area in the Play Room.

from Mrs Keegan, Mrs Caskie and P3




Primary 2 Blog

We had our first week of the second term this week ad made our new topic plan together for the ‘Local Area’ topic. We also planned ahead for our enterprise for the Christmas Fair and decided what we are going to make and sell at it.

Some pupil highlights are below:

Anna – We learned the ‘ay’ sound.

Liam – The ‘ay’ sound is in the vowel house. It goes at the end of a word.

Amelia – The ‘ai’ is in the middle of a word and ‘ay’ at the end.

Scott – I like building with 3D shapes yesterday.

Lucy – I liked doing writing. We wrote about our missing Worry Monster.

Rojin – We are counting in 5s and 10s.

Cordelle – The 5s all end in a 5 or a 0.

Michelle – We are doing PM Writing and we are reading a story in it called ‘The New Girl’.

Mara – We also are counting in 2s a lot so we remember.

Pati – I loved PE. We went to the jungle and had to go through tunnels.

Lucas – In PE we had to swing on stuff and jump over hurdles.

Emilie – We did sentences filled with ‘ay’ words.

Shea – I like counting in 10s. It’s just easy because they all end in a 0.

Celine – We made our own clouds to show we are different.

Roma – We did free writing for today because it is Friday and I wrote about a pumpkin.

Jane – I wrote about Halloween and drew colourful pictures to match.











Update from P3 Superstars

It has been another busy, exciting week in P3 and the children would like to share their highlights.

Abigail liked using Mighty Writer to write a spooky story about a witch who lost her cape.

Ibad liked going to mini football after school yesterday.

Robert liked making a ghost for Halloween.

Abu Bakr liked learning to join letters in handwriting.

Amelia liked working together to make plans for our play area this term.

Christopher liked investigating Needs and Wants in our new class topic ‘Livingston – Our Community’.

Eve liked learning new words in Word Boost through our story ‘Beaten by a Balloon’.

Evie liked reading with her bear during BEAR time.

Mirren liked writing a spooky story about a witch.

Maja liked writing carefully in handwriting.

Victoria liked listening to our Word Boost story ‘Beaten by  Balloon’.

Jiya liked investigating Needs and Wants and talking in groups.

Micah liked using Kapla and working with others on a model.

Joshua liked using the iPads to record his learning in construction.

Mark liked working with his friends during Smart Start.

Alasdair liked using Mighty Writer to build his story.

Milena liked making cards with Mrs Howley.

Seren liked investigating beat in music.

Leon liked using his imagination in PE.

Kayla liked BEAR time because she loved reading to her bear.

Oliver liked writing b, p and k in handwriting because it was fun and tricky.

Hanna liked all of our Smart Start activities this week.

Riley liked working in a pair to plan our topic.

Mati liked using his imagination in PE.

Cooper liked using feedback to improve his writing.

from Mrs Caskie, Mrs Keegan and P3


Primary 2 Blog

This week we have had an investigation afternoon, practised our new sound in different ways and did lots of little activities for Maths Week Scotland.

Some pupil highlights are below:

Pati – We made hot chocolate because our topic is water.

Paul – We painted our ‘aw’ words using little dots.

Emilie – Learning about the ‘aw’ sound was good. We did rainbow writing and we used little sticky things to paint our words.

Roma – I liked when we made clouds using jars and shaving foam.

Scott – We used that to learn about rain.

Lucy – I liked when we were seeing if things could float or sink in water.

Liam – This week I liked doing Number Talks. We did doubles and talked about near doubles.

Anna – I like doing the rain cloud. We filled a jar with water and then made a foamy cloud and added blue rain.

Rojin – I liked the ‘aw’ sound and rainbow writing.

Michelle  – I liked doing writing. We wrote a poem about water using our 5 senses.

Shea – Floating and sinking was fun. Little logs floated.

Joshua – I liked the sinking and floating. Plastic bottles floated too.

Logan – We learned about rain clouds through making some.

Freya – We were doing this thing where we had a piece of paper and we were trying to fill it out with ‘aw’ words and pictures.

From Miss Lydon and P2














A Busy Week in P3

At the end of Maths Week Scotland, the children in Primary 3 would like to share their highlights with you.

Abu Bakr liked reaching his goals when he published his story in PM writing.

Christopher liked throwing and catching in PE.

Mirren liked counting backwards in maths.

Eve liked learning new boost words in our story, “The Cultivated Wolf”.

Micah liked working with others to construct a big model in the play area.

Evie liked spelling on the netbooks.

Cooper liked creating a robot in the play room.

Victoria liked creating a seasons collage and exploring different textures.

Hanna liked throwing and catching in PE.

Abigail liked investigating pushing and pulling forces in the playground.

Alasdair liked sorting out toys for pushing and toys for pulling.

Mark liked playing footbag in PE.

Seren liked hunting for adjectives in the garden to help us plan our writing.

Milena enjoyed working with Lewis, our work experience student.

Riley liked mini-football.

Oliver liked counting backwards in tens on our Promethean board.

Amelia liked exploring pulling forces in science when she did a tug of war.

Joshua liked investigating forces in the playground and using an iPad to record his learning.

Maja  liked using exclamation marks in her writing.

Ibad liked illustrating his narrative writing.

Mati liked counting backwards in hundreds.

Please take a look at our One Note profiles as we’ve been finding lots to put on our WOW walls this week!

from Mrs Caskie, Mrs Keegan and P3

Working Hard in P3

It has been a busy week in P3 and the children would like to share their highlights.

Eve liked reading a narrative story in PM writing and looking for nouns and verbs.

Christopher and Victoria liked building a home for a bear in Science and thinking about which materials to use.

Joshua liked construction challenges during Smart Start.

Seren liked getting a new book in her reading group.

Milena liked counting to 999 and finding numbers before and numbers after.

Alasdair liked working in the play area.

Oliver liked writing a story about The Giraffe, The Pelly and Me.

Ibad liked investigating materials in Science.

Evie liked working with others to build a home for a bear.

Micah liked trying our new Promethean Board.

Robert liked role play when he was playing at schools.

Leon liked construction in Fun 31.

Maja liked building stories using Mighty Writer.

Milena liked creating sounds in music.

Riley liked investigating freezing and melting in Science.

Abigail liked our ‘Hot Seat’ plenary in maths.

Kayla liked everything this week!

from P3, Mrs Caskie and Mrs Keeegan

Primary 2 Blog

This week the class have been working more on ‘doubles’ in Number Talks and have started to learn about counting in twos. We have been trying to get outside for our learning across the curriculum and pupils have given ideas for more things we could do outside and we can’t wait to share more of our learning with you.

Some pupil highlights are below:

Paul – Our topic. We learned about water. We had people acting for how we would feel if we had an ice cube or water on us.

Mara – Boost Words were fun. We learned about words like ‘creep’.

Joshua – I’ve been counting in twos and fives.

Emilie – We’ve been learning that all animals need water, even lady birds.

Shea – Butterflies need water too! We also did lots of counting in twos.

Luke – We learned about how most of the world is water.

Liam – I liked using a textbook in Numeracy. I even chose to use it for Smart Start.

Michelle – I liked doing writing about The Gingerbread Man.

Scott – I liked doing that story too. I was very good at writing this week and it’s going on the wall.

Lucas – We learned that about 70% of the earth is water.

Paul – That’s more than half of the planet.

Anna – I loved writing. We did a retelling of a story.

Roma – I liked water too. We learned about it as a liquid, an ice cube and boiling.

Cordelle – We read and watched the story of The Gingerbread Man and used our Mighty Writer to help us

Logan – Fun 31 was good. I went to the garden.

Jane – I liked colouring in things that need water to live and leaving out the ones that don’t.

Amelia – I like reading my reading book. We get a new one on Monday.

Connor – We did spelling by finding rubber ducks and suitcases in the garden with hidden words.

Pati – We made our own

from Miss Lydon and P2

Primary 2 Blog

We had a short and busy week this week in Primary 2. We started learning about water for new topic in class. We are working on tens and ones for our number work as well. We decided to try reading our story outside in the garden this week too.

Some pupil highlights are below:

Shea – I liked playing out in the area outside the classroom. I made a bottle with lots of stuff inside.

Pati – We were writing about ‘Stick Man’. I liked the dog and stick man playing with fish.

Scott – I made a big giant plane at school.

Anna – I like our new topic. It’s science.

Lucas – We went on a water hunt for our topic. I like taps the best.

Connor – I liked going on the water hunt. I like when we saw lots of water outside.

Layla – I loved going for a walk. It was for my committee. It was so much fun.

Cordelle – I was in that committee too. We went to a swan pond and the swans had their babies and they were following us.

Rojin – I went to Art Committee/ We had to do a dot and then circles around it and then a big square. I had loads of fun.

Jane – I loved doing art too. I can’t wait to show my work at home.

Roma – When I did my special work in maths on tens you told me I did a great job.

Emilie – I liked doing maths. We had to count our tens and count our ones and find the answer. I also loved the committee. I picked Hakuna Matata for our song!

Joshua – In Mini Glee committee I chose ‘We Will Rock You’.

Lucy – I made a pirate ship at school this week.

Mara – I made a big car with red and blue in it.

Michelle – I liked doing spelling. I liked creating words on whiteboards with magnetic letters.

Luke – We did our milk and story in the garden outside.

Freya – We got to write about ‘Stick Man’. It’s a book and I like when Santa rescued him.

Liam – I made a robot this week.

from Miss Lydon and P2















P2 Update

Primary 2 have had a fantastic week filled with exploring what we can make with junk materials, attending our St. Ninian’s Feast Day mass and going on our first visit to the library.

Some pupil highlights are below:

Scott-I liked playing in the play area outside. It’s so much fun. I played with the lego and built a helicopter.

Mara – Our topic is The Lorax. We drew Truffula Trees and other things to do with the movie and the book on a diagram.

Pati-We did yoga. We sang ‘rawwr’ like lions.

Logan-I liked the kinetic sand in the area and the block launcher.

Joshua-I built a ship out of cardboard.

Cordelle-We were making things outside with cardboard and anything else we can find.

Connor-Writing for Free Writing Friday was good. I wrote about The Lorax. I was trying to copy the story and write some other stuff.

Lucas-Our yoga was a theme park yoga this week. It was a fun fairground yoga.

Lucy-I was making things out of shiny paper in our area.

Emilie-I enjoyed making my shop out of golden paper and cardboard. It’s a gold and shiny shop.

Michelle-We made our brains before and now we can look at them to remind us mistakes are good.

Roma-Mistakes are good. I remember making them in P1 and you get better and better at it.

Liam-I liked writing.  I liked using the Mighty Writer board. It helps you write.

Anna-I liked doing the diagram for The Lorax. I put in mine the tower, the characters and our cinema.

Celine-We made our own Truffula Trees and I like looking at them now they are on our window.

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