P2/3 Weekly News

It has been a short but busy week in Primary 2/3!

We celebrated ‘International Day of Peace on Wednesday and looked at international symbols of peace then we chose to create individual ‘Rainbows of Peace’.  Our rainbows were used to create a ‘Path of Peace’ to our friends at Dedridge Primary School on Friday morning.

We were so pleased to see Father Kenneth when he dropped into our class on Thursday morning and loved telling him all about our writing on St Ninian last week.

On Thursday we started our Big Writing lesson with a VCOP game where we threw a ‘snowball’ with a mystery word on it to each table.  The person who caught the ‘snowball’ had to come up with an interesting sentence which included the mystery word.  The sentences were very creative!

In Science this week we investigated weather, finding out about thunder and lightning.  Next week we’re investigating rainfall and would really appreciate it if anyone has any empty 2 litre plastic bottles which they could send in.

Today we all went to our new committees – everyone had chosen the committee which they would like to be on.  Everyone loved being part of their committee and working with children from all stages across the school.

We’re continuing to improve our fitness with the Daily Mile and getting fitter each week.

Have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Howley, Mrs Keegan and P2/3

P2/3 Superheroes

Its been another busy week in Primary 2/3.

We found out that our new topic was ‘Planet Earth, Moon and Sun’ and we all had lots of great ideas about what we’d like to learn in our topic.

  • Rachel – ‘What is the earth made of?’
  • Alishba – ‘What’s inside the earth?’
  • Harry – ‘Why do we get day and night?’
  • Hasan – ‘What do animals do at day and night?’
  • Chloe, Carly and Annayah – ‘What is the moon made of?’
  • Matthew ‘What is the earth’s surface made of?’
  • James ‘What is the sun made of?’
  • Aaron ‘Is there ice inside the earth?’

Some other highlights from our week are:

Calvin We wrote a story about St Ninian’s cave. We read our stories carefully to make sure that they made sense.


Alishba In maths we’ve been focusing on a number of the day as a maths starter.  Our skills are getting better every day.


Jakub We used felt tip pens to make the sun and the moon then we displayed them on our classroom windows.


Matthew We learnt about nocturnal animals.  They have big eyes to help them see in the dark.

Kasia We learnt about day and night by making earth by holding hands in a circle and Mrs Keegan held the torch to show us the sun.

We also used the globe and a torch to help us learn about day and night.


Rachel We saw a video which shows us how the earth moves around to make day and night.

Hasan We learned about St Ninian and where his cave is in Whithorn.  We decorated pebbles from St Ninian’s beach.


Have a lovely long weekend.

Mrs Howley and Mrs Keegan



P2/3 weekly news

It has been another fantastic week for Primary 2/3.  The class is working so well and really enjoying all of the learning opportunities.

One of our favourite tasks was making our spelling words with pipe cleaners then recording our achievements using the iPads.

Drama was great fun when we took turns in answering questions as George and Grandma from George’s Marvellous Medicine – lots of imaginative questions and answers.

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Our writing was  a real challenge when we wrote descriptions of George  – lots of super describing words were used and the use of punctuation was really impressive.

Yoga was great on Thursday to help us to concentrate – and we all had fun getting into stretches. We’re working hard to improve our fitness during the Daily Mile and our times are improving each time we run.

In maths we’ve been working on telling the time – there’s been lots of time-telling all week.

We’re working on greetings in Spanish.  Our short conversations were really confident and we loved using our Spanish to play games on the smartboard.  One of our favourites is all about colours.

Each of the children has now set an individual aim for the term and look forward to sharing these with you at Ninian’s Natter on Thursday 15th September.

Have a great weekend!

Mrs Howley and Mrs Keegan

A Great Week in P2/3!

What a great week we’ve had in Primary 2/3!

Our literacy carousels have been a great success, with the children working on spelling, reading and handwriting activities.

Drama was a huge hit, when we played ‘Hot Seating’ and took it in turns to ask questions of George, from our novel George’s Marvellous Medicine.  We explored healthy living when we thought about medicines and how we feel when we are ill.

We tried yoga on Thursday to help make our concentration even better and we all had great fun.

One of our favourite activities this week was our  Go Noodle PE session where we improved some of our dance moves!

On Thursday we said goodbye to Father Paul with a surprise assembly and we all contributed to a special book which the school made for him.

We’re all looking forward to another exciting week next week in Primary 2/3.

Primary 2/3, Mrs Howley and Mrs Keegan

A Great Start for Primary 2/3

P2/3 have settled in really well and have worked very hard this week.  We have been so impressed with their team work!  They have enjoyed all of our activities this week including writing snapshots of themselves and creating Marvellous Medicines.  Drama was great fun as we tried out lots of class building activities – there were a lot of laughs and giggles!  Lots of great ideas went into the creation of our Class Charter which we look forward to sharing with you.

Our focus in class over the first three weeks of term is George’s Marvellous Medicine by Roald Dahl. We’re on Chapter 4 already and loving learning about George and his gruesome Grandma!

PE days this year are Monday and Wednesday.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Howley and Mrs Keegan

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