Christmas news from P2/3

What a busy and exciting week it has been in Primary 2/3!

All of our P2s our excelled themselves in the nativity show ‘Busy, Busy Bethlehem’. They worked so hard on learning their lines and practising the songs and their hard work paid off in three fantastic performances. Thanks too to all the parents who helped the children learn their parts then came along to see them.  Our P3s loved watching the rehearsal too!

On Wednesday we all watched a fantastic performance of ‘Beauty and the Beast’.

On Wednesday we also had our Christmas lunch and everyone loved being served by the Primary 7s.


Our writing this week centred around ‘Beauty and the Beast’ too! We listened to the story again on an E-book then sequenced a series of pictures. We used our pictures to retell the story – look out for capital letters, full stops, connectives and wow words in our writing jotters! This was a big project and everyone was very proud of their work.

Wednesday finished with a visit to the library to return our books. Everyone wants to visit again soon to borrow some more books.


Thursday’s highlight for the Primary 2s had to be the Christmas party! A very special visitor even came along to join us – although we caught him having 40 winks!! It certainly is a busy time of year.


The Achievement Assembly on Thursday reminded us all what talented pupils we have. We were all proud of Levente when he got a special award for working so hard in class.

Maths this week has been very seasonal as everyone has used shapes to create Christmas pictures. Mrs Keegan and Mrs Howley were very impressed with the creative use of 2D shapes and the children’s understanding of the properties of shapes.

Have a lovely weekend.

Primary 2/3, Mrs Howley and Mrs Keegan


Primary 2/3 Weekly Update

On Wednesday, in Health and Well-being, we discussed the qualities of a good friend.  We came up with an amazing list:

  • a friend plays with you
  • a friend is loving and caring
  • a friend has fun with you
  • a friend helps you
  • a friend is respectful to you
  • a friend says nice words to you
  • a friend keeps you company

We went on to complete application forms to be a friend.  Look out for our application forms in our Learning Journals!

Our P2s have been really busy perfecting their roles in the nativity show.  They are looking forward to sharing their nativity with you next week.  We think you’ll be very impressed!

On Thursday we received a letter from Harry the Hot Dog Stand owner, asking for our help.  The roof of his hot dog stand had a leak and he needed our help to choose some materials to mend his roof.  The children used Glow first to find our more about the properties of materials then designed an experiment to test some materials.  Everyone had great fun helping Harry and we wrote back to him quickly to let him know the best waterproof materials to mend his roof.

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Everyone loved watching the video clip of Monty the Penguin then creating their own imaginative stories about Monty’s visit to the Fun Fair.  Look out for our VCOP skills in our imaginative stories.  You can see the clip too by clicking here  to visit the Literacy Shed.

Our yoga also took us to the Fun Fair this week – we went on a Fun Fair adventure with Cosmic Kids and it really helped us to focus on our learning.

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It was lovely to see parents at Ninian’s Natter this morning.  All jotters went home today for parents who couldn’t make it so please have a look at the work we have been doing and discuss this with your child.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Howley, Mrs Keegan and Primary 2/3


Primary 2/3 Weekly News

It has been another busy week in Primary 2/3!  Mrs Keegan and Mrs Howley are really proud of the children and all of their hard work.

The children would like to let you know about some of their highlights:

Maya liked learning the colours in Spanish and using them to play a game.

Levente, Annayah and Zuzanna liked learning about gravity when we investigate how a helter skelter works in our Funfair topic.

James has enjoyed joining letters in handwriting.

Oma loved learning about 3D shapes in maths.

Andrew and Rachel loved exploring money in our Funfair topic and deciding which coins to use for different rides.


Carly liked writing an imaginative story about a visit to the Funfair.  We thought about sights, sounds and smells and everyone produced fantastic writing!

Maeve liked when our surprise visitor, ‘Terence’ popped in to our class on Thursday to help us with our writing.

Aaron liked learning about Advent and painting an advent wreath.

Matthew loved talking about maths to our visitors during our numeracy review on Wednesday.


Alishba has loved rehearsing for the Nativity play and thinks that our Primary 2s are doing a great job!

Calvin has enjoyed skip counting in 2s, 3s, 5s and 10s during our maths lessons.

Chloe really enjoyed yoga because she thinks that it helps her learn better.

Have a lovely weekend.

From Mrs Howley, Mrs Keegan and Primary 2/3



Caring P2/3

It has been another amazing week in Primary 2/3

In maths we are working on our addition skills.  We have used lots and lots of different materials to help us add this week.  Zuzanna liked the counting beads best and Pawel liked using the 100 squares.  Alishba liked using the ten frames to add and Maya liked using the number line to 100.  Michelle liked using straws to help her add and she found it helpful to bundle them in to groups of 10.  Matthew has loved working on Sumdog because ‘I can answer lots of questions and my maths skills are improving.   Carly loved playing Hit the Button to improve her addition skills.  You can try this game at home

We have all enjoyed Cool to Be Kind Week.  We have made posters to share our ideas (Rachel).

We thought about some key questions:

  • Why do you think children need rights?
  • Why are children’s rights important to you?
  • Can you think of any barriers that prevent children from enjoying their rights?

We thought about children’s needs (Chloe) and wrote our answers on post-it notes and stuck them to our class chart.  Do visit our class to have a peek at our ideas.

Next we watched a video about a child who had to leave Syria and travel by boat to Greece.  We all felt very sad when we learnt this story (Kasia) and decided to take action!  Everyone wrote a letter to Amber Rudd, Home Secretary (Matthew), to ask her to change the plight of refugee children.  Look out for our letters appearing in our online journals.

We were all very proud of Zuzanna when she got a certificate at assembly for being extra-kind during Cool to be Kind Week.

Have a great weekend!

Mrs Howley, Mrs Keegan and Primary 2/3


Primary 2/3 News

Thank you to everyone who came along to Parents’ Night.  It was lovely to have so many positive conversations about the children’s learning.

It has been another really productive week in Primary 2/3.

The class has set an ambitious dojo challenge!   Ask your child what is going to happen when we reach 2000 points. Everyone is very excited and working together to reach our target.

We have been working hard to tell the time to o’clock and half past (Primary 2) and quarter to and quarter past (Primary 3).  There are some great activities to consolidate these skills  at Doorway Online .

In Spanish we have been trying hard to count up to 20 – there are some tricky numbers!  We really liked playing the Magician game to help us learn the numbers.  If you’d like to try it at home click here .

This week we  tried our hand at playing Hoopla as part of our Funfair topic then we produced some fabulous instructions in our Big Writing lesson, explaining how to play Hoopla.

We also  investigated how dodgems work.  We found out about forces then did an investigation in groups and wrote up science reports.  Everyone loved making the dodgems crash into each other!

In Numeracy we’ve been developing our addition skills to 20 (Primary 2) and to 100 (Primary 3).  We’ve all used Sumdog to consolidate our learning, with lots of expert help from our Sumdog experts in Primary 6.

In Health and Well-being we thought about our November theme of ‘Achieving’ and told each other how we achieve both inside and outside school and our friends reported back to the class.  What a talented class we have!

Have a great weekend!

Mrs Howley, Mrs Keegan and Primary 2/3




Fantastic P2/3

It has been another busy week in Primary 2/3 with lots and lots of fantastic learning.

We have reached the last chapter of  The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark and we have loved listening to the adventures of Plop, the little barn owl. Ask your child what their favourite part of the book was and let us know in the comments.

We celebrated All Saints’ Day with a lovely whole school mass. It was great to have so many parents joining us for this special feast day.

In Spanish we have been counting to 20 and having great fun challenging ourselves to learn the trickier numbers.

In maths we have continued our work on telling the time. In numeracy P2 have been adding doubles and near doubles and   P3 have been adding teen numbers.

We are so excited that our new topic is The Funfair! We had a busy and creative planning session on Thursday when we worked in groups to plan our topic. Our first challenge was to create a price list for a Fairground food stall – you can see our  creative price lists in our Learning Journals.

Everyone has been busy setting their targets in literacy, numeracy and health and well-being. Our targets are all in our online learning journals – please log in and have a look.

In writing we thought about firework safety and created rules to keep everyone safe at the weekend. Look out for our stories appearing on our Learning Journals.

The highlight of our week was the multi-sports festival at James Young High School. We tried badminton, rugby, basketball, football and a mini assault course and we loved all of the activities. It was great to try so many new skills!


Have a great weekend.

Mrs Howley, Mrs Keegan and P2/3

STEM week in Primary 2/3

Everyone in Primary 2/3 has loved STEM week.  One of our favourite activities as working in pairs on a STEM maths challenge – you’ll see from the pictures how hard we had to concentrate! imageimageimageimageimage

We also enjoyed investigating the skeleton and working in teams to create a diagram of the solar system in groups – there was lots of great talking and listening here too. Our team work skills were really important.

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In Spanish we have been working on Spanish numbers and used our numbers to play games. It was great fun and we were all really confident.

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Our Big Writing  lesson was all about Halloween – we all wrote spooky stories. We had to concentrate really hard and worked on our VCOP skills first.  We dimmed the lights and used music to help our brains work.

Have a great weekend.

Mrs Howley, Mrs Keegan and Primary 2/3


Primary 2/3 Weekly News

It has been another amazing week in Primary 2/3 and we would like to share some of our highlights.

Matthew – A highlight was learning about the layers inside the earth and what happens when a volcano erupts.  I liked looking at diagrams of the mantle of the earth.

Maeve – I liked when we made a volcano then watched it erupt.

Hasan – I liked working on the Tig Tag website and watching the film clip which showed us what’s inside the earth.

Alishba – I liked adding to 20 and working in my maths workbook.

Maya – I liked art when we made pictures of spacemen with Mrs Thomson.

Annayah – I liked using our Spanish weather phrases to make weather wheels.

Carly – I liked writing about our science experiment.

Harry and Dominic – I liked playing dodgeball in PE with Mr McCurdy.

Pawel – I liked going to the library and borrowing books for our class.

We were all very proud of Alishba when she got a certificate in our achievement assembly this morning for working so hard in Primary 2/3.  All the children from Glasserton and Calder had a fantastic time at the movie morning on Friday!

P2/3 Weekly Update

It has been another fantastic week in Primary 2/3 with lots of amazing learning.

Today everyone dressed in yellow for Friendship Friday and donated £1 to charity.

Our groups have got very competitive this week as we have introduced group Dojo points for sitting down quickly, tidying up well etc. It is great to see everyone working so well together!

In our Planet Earth, Sun and Moon topic we have been finding out what is inside the earth. Do come into our class to see the 2D models that we made on Thursday.

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Maeve and Pawel shared books from home to tell everyone more about our topic.

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Everyone worked really hard in our literacy carousels to improve their skills in reading, spelling and handwriting.

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Have a great weekend!

from Mrs Howley, Mrs Keegan and Primary 2/3

P2/3 Weekly News

Another fantastic week for Primary 2/3.    Our highlights included celebrating European Day of Languages and making flags from other countries.

In maths, we’ve been improving our addition skills.  Our favourite activities included playing matching games and using apps on the iPads to consolidate our learning.

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In health and well-being we did our Smart Start to Cosmic Kids .  Click the link if you would like to try it at home – we all had great fun.

Our Planet Earth, Sun and Moon topic involved lots of learning about the weather this week.  We found out how rain is created and annotated diagrams showing the water cycle.

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This led us to learning phrases for different types of weather in Spanish and we’re looking forward to making Spanish weather wheels next week.   One of our favourite Spanish games is on the BBC website – you can try it at home.  Linked to our topic, we’re loving listening to the story of Plop, the Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark.

Primary 2/3 fitness is improving every day and everyone is going further and faster each week.  We find that it really helps us to concentrate on our learning.

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Have a good weekend!

Mrs Keegan, Mrs Howley and Primary 2/3





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