Awesome P3

Primary 3 have had a lovely week as they countdown to Christmas. As part of their preparation during Advent, they wrote their own lovely prayers to God to help them make good choices.  Their understanding and sincerity was very moving. They were a perfect audience for the Nativity dress rehearsal and thought Primary 1 & 2 were amazing performers!  Here are some of their other highlights….

They were all enthralled during the Beauty and the Beast pantomime.

‘I liked that the story was a little different.’ – Emma

‘We liked it when Gaston pretended to sing and his dancing was really funny.’ – Ola & Emily

‘I loved the part where they sang ‘Shut Up and Dance’’- Alexis

Everyone liked the cheeky parts as well. Hee! Hee! ‘Oh yes they did!’


‘We built 3d shapes using card although it was quite tricky to cut them out and get them to stick! We have also been going over the differences between 2d and 3d shapes, how many faces different 3d shapes have and the shapes of their faces.’ – Seamus


‘The panto was such fun that we got to retell the real Beauty and the Beast story during writing afterwards and we liked doing that a lot.’ – Seamus, Jack, Ola, Emma, Sophie YM, Lennon

Christmas Lunch

P3 thought it was great that they got served by the P7s!

‘I liked what I picked, the turkey was lovely.’ – Michael

‘The chocolate cake was huge and yummy.’ –  Orla and Ethan

Have a lovely weekend from Mrs Scott and Primary 3.

Awesome P3

Another busy week for Primary 3…..

The children have impressed us with their existing knowledge and understanding of Advent. They were very keen to share the Advent activities they have carried out already which we are displaying  in our Sacred Space after discussing them.

The boys and girls have been learning about similes and alliteration recently and applied their learning in writing this week to describe a winter scene – super work!

They continued their exploration of different ways to sort and display information by looking at Venn Diagrams. Using their observational skills they sorted different rainforest birds by the detailed colouring on their beaks.


In Number Talks this week, we have been talking about our strategies for adding numbers and how we can tell whether a number is odd or even.

We were lucky enough to have a visit from baby Kelsey which is sadly the last visit before the holidays. Primary 3 learned more about  Kelsey’s development.

: Kelsey is now beginning to eat mashed banana, sweet potato puree and apple puree but still has milk too.

: Kelsey can sit on her own now and only falls over if she tries to reach for something on the floor that is too far away.

: Although Kelsey still likes lying on her tummy, she is not yet able to roll over all by herself but it probably won’t be too long!

Primary 3 sang Wheels on the Bus to Kelsey (not too loudly!) and she absolutely loved it, especially the new verses she hasn’t heard before.

Here are some of the interesting questions, Primary 3 asked Leona & Neil (Kelsey’s mummy and daddy).

Michael – Has Kelsey got her first tooth yet?

Niamh – Is Kelsey grabbing things more now?

Sophie R – Does Kelsey try to move if you hold her legs when she’s lying on her tummy?

Thank you Kelsey for the lovely Christmas card!

From Primary 3 and Mrs Scott.


Crazy PJs/Children In Need – Well done to all the children for dressing down today for charity. So much effort has been put into taking part and thank you for all your donations. 

Roots of Empathy

Last week, we had a lovely visit from baby Kelsey with her mummy and daddy. We couldn’t believe how much Kelsey has changed.

Daniel – ‘She is moving her legs and arms more.’

Sophie YM – ‘If a toy is spinning, Kelsey can grab on to it now.’

Ola – ‘Kelsey is teething now and she is chewing on anything she can!”

Alexis – ‘Kelsey’s hair has grown and it looks much darker.”

Katie – ‘She can roll onto her back as well.’

This week, Mrs Brutin visited us and P3 talked about their achievements and drew pictures of lots of proud moments.

Emma – ‘I moved up a level in my dance class.’

Orla – ‘My first Brownie badge.’

Emily – ‘I went down a big, scary water slide and it was fun!’

Sophie R – ‘Riding my bike without stabilisers.’

Kate – ‘When I got Star Writer!’

Cool To Be Kind Week

As part of the UNICEF Outright Campaign, P3 have been learning about some refugees and their stories of how they have had to move away from their Syrian homes. We have had lots of discussions about how these children must feel moving to a strange place and how the new children they meet can make them feel welcome.

Maliha – ‘Teba had to move house six times because of the war in Syria.’

Sophie D – ‘We had to read about Malak who had to leave her home in Syria and travel by boat to Greece. She was scared on the boat. Then we answered questions.’

Niamh – ‘We also learned about a refugee called Bashir who lived in a refugee camp in Jordan. In writing we had to compare Bashir’s life with ours and write what was the same and what was different.’

In RE, we have been preparing for our Class Mass on 24 November. Part of homework next week, will be to practise singing our entrance and exit hymns.  The hymn words will come home on Monday but here are two weblinks to the instrumental  versions of our hymns ‘Here I am Lord’ and ‘Bind Us Together’.


P3 have been learning about the life of Saint Margaret as it was her feast day this week.

Richard – ‘St Margaret cared a lot for the poor people. She washed their feet and took food to them by herself even though she was a Queen.’

Robbie – ‘She was a very kind person.’

In Number,  P3 continued to develop their recognition of Odds and Evens through sorting activities.  We are really getting used to Number Talks and like the chance to talk about our own strategies as well as listen to the strategies that others have.

We have finished our work on Time for the moment but we will continue to use our class clock to develop our understanding every day.

Michael – ‘We were matching quarter past and quarter to the hour with digital times.’

Jack –  ‘We worked with a partner to make our own matching quarter past and quarter to game.’

Emily – ‘We were using our applying and creating skills to make the game.’

We have also finished learning about Skeletons. We recorded our learning in our Talking Book and checked that we had answered all the questions we had in the beginning!

Christmas CD – P3 will be recording their class Christmas song next week for our whole school Christmas CD. The weblink below is the instrumental version of Santa Claus Is Coming To Town with lyrics. Please encourage your child to practise this at home!

P3 said goodbye to Miss Ross today as it was her last day. We have loved having her in our class as she has been a huge help to us. We have made her promise to come back and visit so we can show her how much we are learning! Thank you and good luck, Miss Ross!

Have a lovely weekend from Mrs Scott and Primary 3.

Awesome P3

Science – Last week, P3 had to decide what they wanted to learn about skeletons. Mrs Scott wrote their questions in the class Talking Book. There is a photo below that shows you all the different questions they have! Ask your child to tell you what they know about the ‘strings’ on their hand!

P3 have been learning why we have skeletons as well as the names of some of the bones and the special jobs some of them do.  Ask your child if they can tell you the special job that the rib cage does or one of the reasons a skeleton is important!

Sophie YM – I liked learning about the jobs of a skeleton.

Cameron – I enjoyed it when Kate and Emma drew an outline around Lennon and then we all took turns to cut out the bones and place them where they belonged.

Why don’t you sing and dance to this Skeleton song?

Writing – P3 were learning the very tricky writing technique of using similes this week.  Their writing was super!

Here is a Simile Song we watched and listened to on Thursday.

Maliha –  I had to imagine I was a firework and I used similes to help describe myself…

Jack – If I were a beautiful, shiny firework….. Richard – I would be as high as the moon…..

Maths – In Maths, looking at digital time and matching digital times with the analogue clock times has been a little tricky! These matching pairs are helpful.

Numeracy –  we are learning the importance of being able to think about our own strategies for doubling big numbers and talk about them.

Art – this week we were painting a picture of the rainforest and later on this term part of our topic is going to look at animals in the rainforest!

Have a lovely weekend everyone!  Mrs Scott and P3image

Awesome P3

Well done to Glasserton and Calder houses – we hope you enjoyed your movie morning! The boys and girls from Whithorn and Galloway had fun too when learning about Punch and Judy.img_4094

P3 designed their own Christmas cards with lots of attention to detail this week so watch this space as we might have a P3 winner!

We thought we would update you on all of our learning about baby Kelsey. We have been lucky enough to have Kelsey’s mummy and daddy both visit us!

Kelsey’s mummy sent us a clip which showed Kelsey laughing properly for the first time and everyone was so excited to watch and listen to this….(once Mrs Scott figured out the technology!).

Here are just some examples of P3 learning.

Babies can cry for different reasons: Ola & Michael – ‘needs her nappy changed or feels too hot’, Emma – ‘is tired and wants her mummy or daddy’, Teegan – ‘wants her blanket’, Robbie – ‘she might feel sick’, Kate – ‘wants a cuddle’, Ethan – ‘might be cold’, Emily, Ola & Orla – ‘is hungry’, Jack – ‘wants her toys’

How babies like to be held: Alexis & Sophie D – ‘Kelsey likes to be held on her daddy’s shoulder.’ Emma – ‘Kelsey likes to see what is going on around her’, Katie – ‘Kelsey likes being held in different ways’

Being nice and warm can make babies feel nice: Richard – ‘Kelsey likes a cuddle that makes her feel hot’

Babies like looking at objects close to them: Lennon, Huda & Cameron – ‘ Kelsey always likes looking at the black and white book.’, Daniel & Bartosz – ‘Kelsey has lots of fun looking at the mirror.’

Babies like to explore things with their mouth: Emily – ‘Kelsey likes to chew her socks’.

Some babies can get upset when in new places but others are okay:

Ava & Seamus– ‘Kelsey likes it when we sing the Welcome and Goodbye songs to her’, Sophie R – ‘Kelsey likes looking at us when she is playing on the blanket’


Have a fantastic holiday everyone!

Mrs Scott and Primary 3

Awesome P3


Another busy week for P3. On European Languages day, Primary 3 learned a Spanish hello and goodbye song – why don’t you try it at home?


Emily – we were learning how to use different materials to make our own clowns in Art with Mrs Thomson, I loved making mine!

In Maths, we have introduced mild, hot and spicy activities where we can choose our own level of challenge.

Katie – I chose the hot one first then moved onto the spicy one and it was fun!

Seamus – I liked doing Maths in my Maths jotter.

Using our bunny ears to show our number answers is still a big hit with everyone!

In Drama, P3 tried something new called Thought Tracking, using the stimulus of a picture of a little boy who was lost at the fun fair. Emma and Ola were in role as the little boy.

Orla – We had to say our thoughts out loud to Emma as she walked past about how she might be feeling.

Emma – It helped me feel like I was actually in the funfair and worried.

Ola – When I walked by everyone, they had to tell me what they thought I should do. It made me feel that I was somewhere else and lost.

Emma, Kate, Sophie R, Sophie YM, Ava, Jack, Teegan, Daniel & Cameron really liked writing about Pingu’s visit to the funfair.

In Literacy, P3 continued to use different media to help practise spelling words. It was shaving  foam and salt this week, so a bit messy! Apparently you have to practise spelling a word at least seven times before you can remember it – so keep practising boys and girls!

Have a lovely weekend from Mrs Scott and P3.img_0540 img_0526 img_0376 img_0348 img_0347 img_0379

Amazing P3

Seamus and Teegan have really enjoyed learning to read the time this week, well done, a great skill to have.

Bartosz has learned new maths learn its this week during Beat That Big Maths.

Sophie Young Murray has really seen an improvement in her handwriting this week, good job Sophie.

Last week we recorded ourselves using a measuring tape, we watched these this week and were so impressed with everyones skills at measuring.

Primary 3 have been writing surprise letters to Mrs McMullen, I cannot wait to read them and find out what they are about!

We had a lovely visit from Father Kenneth this week.  Cameron was really interested to find out if he feels welcome at St. Ninians and Orla wanted to know how he feels being here.  Luckily, he feels so welcome and very happy to be part of St Ninians.

Also, today we had our first committee meeting in our new groups.  Everyone is very happy in their committees and looking forward to learning lots from them.

Have a great weekend from Primary 3, Mrs McMullen and Mrs Scott.  🙂

Awesome P3

P3 were excited to learn this week that baby Kelsey is able to laugh properly now. Alexis showed the other boys and girls a nursery rhyme she knows and used our Roots of Empathy doll on her knees to demonstrate! P3 can’t wait to see Kelsey again in two weeks time!

Well done P3 for your exemplary participation at our St Ninian Feast Day Mass this morning – Mrs Scott was very proud of you all.

Emily – Enjoyed working with different materials in Art to make clowns.

Sophie YM – Really liked seeing and hearing about the dream jars that Sophie R, Teegan, Ethan, Alexis, Sophie D, Bartosz, Huda and Emily made at home and brought in to class to share.

Maliha, Kate, Jack, Cameron, Ola and Daniel liked looking for unfamiliar words in story books from the library to help them learn new vocabulary.

Richard  found it interesting to learn about St Ninian’s life a long time ago.

Huda, Jack, Emma, Kate & Emily thought  our rhyming tasks were fun.

Thank you once again to all of the parents and children who were able to manage our Ninian’s Natter last night.

Have a lovely September holiday!

Mrs Scott

Awesome P3

Lennon – enjoyed making the healthy meal plate and thinking about all the different food.

Emily – Enjoyed handwriting and learning ew joins

Sophie – Enjoyed finishing Maths About me to display our pictures

Emma – I enjoyed writing about the Dream Jars

Maliha – Really enjoyed Art with Mrs Thompson, finishing the Hot Air Balloons.

Alexis – Is really enjoying her reading book.

Richard and most of the class found the Maths test too difficult but are excited about learning new maths skills.

Bartosz enjoys doing maths.

Robbie finds things tricky until he gives them a go and then he can do them.

Well done, another great week of learning.  Looking forward to next week,


Mrs McMullen and Mrs Scott

Awesome P3!

Well what can we say? Another very busy week for Primary 3 who have continued to impress us both with their positive mindsets and enthusiasm. Lots of excitement and anticipation ……..P3 had a very special baby girl as a visitor.

 Through the Roots of Empathy programme, P3 are learning all about what she can do and what she can’t do yet as well as her different needs. They were super at singing the Welcome and Goodbye Songs for her and followed all the rules about listening well and not shouting in case it was too noisy.

We are enjoying our learning focus on the BFG story and wrote fantastic Acrostic poems using all of our own ideas. We also had lots of fun using measuring tapes to measure our arms and legs – we even had to measure Mrs Scott’s arm and leg when we were comparing all of our measurements! IMG_0143 IMG_0146 IMG_0147 IMG_0149 IMG_0151 IMG_0156

Sadly, we said goodbye to Fr Paul during a lovely assembly prepared by the P7s. We drew detailed pictures of Fr Paul saying Mass for his special book and we hope he remembers us when he looks at them. We will miss you Fr Paul!

Mrs Scott and Mrs McMullen

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