Awesome P3!

Another very busy week for Primary 3!


The whole class showed their resilience and ability to cope well with change on Tuesday when our Shelter Building Activity was postponed at the very last minute. This was unavoidable due to the weather but we are delighted to announce that it will now be taking place on Tuesday 20 June in the afternoon (P1-P3 Sports Day in the morning)… watch this space!


Primary 3 also discussed the importance of having enough sleep, rest and exercise each day. They were very good at explaining how they feel when they are tired and how this can impact on how well they concentrate in school.

In Maths, we were consolidating our understanding of Measure as well as looking at timetables and durations of time then combining this with some interpretation of diagrams. The boys and girls enjoyed using Mr McCurdy’s Health Week timetable to do this where they had to interpret the information to find out which day P3 were doing a particular activity, where the activity was being held, the time the activity started/finished then working out how long it lasted.

GLOBAL GOALS – Clean Water and Sanitation

Primary 3 have been really thinking hard this week about the availability of clean water in school (or at home) and clean toilets which flush – things we all take for granted. They saw images of poor toilets in some African countries for schoolchildren and had to imagine what they would do if they didn’t have access to either taps or toilets – not pleasant but the children were really engrossed and engaged in considering these situations. In writing they had to suggest reasons as to what might happen if there were not taps or toilets in St Ninian’s – ask your child to explain what they wrote about!

READING – Primary 3 have continued to develop their independence at making sense of what they read  by accessing non-fiction texts  and finding information from the texts to answer questions.


BIG TALK homework next week

Would you rather be the Three Little Pigs or the Wolf? Give your reasons!

Have a lovely weekend from Mrs Scott and Primary 3!


Good afternoon from Primary 3!

We have had another really busy week and here are some of our highlights!


Primary 3 were learning about the Feast of the Ascension and behaved beautifully during our Mass at the Lanthorn on Thursday. They really enjoyed listening to the Primary 4s who shared their special Communion hymn with us.

Jack – ‘It was perfection!’  Emma – ‘It was good because they all tried their best.’

During the month of May we have also continued our learning about Our Lady and the importance of saying the Rosary prayer regularly.  We now know that she appeared to St Bernadette in Lourdes, France and the three children in Fatima, Portugal – Mrs Scott has promised to bring in special photos from Fatima because her oldest son Matthew was there for the 100th anniversary celebrations recently!  The children have also been able to use their individual Rosary beads, received as a special gift this week – practising moving along one bead at a time to say the different prayers.


Writing –  ‘We loved writing about Humpty Dumpty because we got to use our imagination and we could all write different stories about what happened to him. It was up to us to decide what he was doing before he went on the wall, why he was on the wall, how he managed to fall off the wall and what happened next!’ – Emily & Niamh.

The children had some fantastic ideas about why Humpty Dumpty fell off the wall – they really entertained me on Thursday!

He was trying to fly; He was pulling his socks up and fell over; He was trying to catch a butterfly: He was watching a parade and was leaning forward to see more closely; He was reaching for an apple from a tree. Brilliant aren’t they?

Reading – ‘It was fun getting to read two books on the netbook then find the answers to the questions all by myself. One of them was about Chameleons and the other one was about a type of hippo!’ – Orla; ‘It was good to do this on my own because I wouldn’t normally read those kinds of books.’ – Emma; ‘They were non-fiction books.’

GLOBAL GOALS – Having a  Quality Education

Thank you for all the foodbank pictures as our class collage is now complete.

Cameron – ‘We were learning about schools in Africa this week and some schools don’t even have any fences around them.’ Teegan – ‘I liked seeing how happy the children were when they got a better school.’ Kate – ‘They didn’t have any classrooms and had to do their work outside.’ Michael – ‘The country in Africa we looked at was Ethiopia.’ Orla – ‘When they got new toilets they were outside.’


Sophie YM – ‘I learned that the Earth spins round and round. When the sun shines on one side of the Earth, it means that it is daytime there and where it doesn’t shine that means it is night-time.’

Maliha – ‘It takes 24 hours for the Earth to spin around and that is why we have 24 hours in a day.’


Emma – ‘It was really interesting making my McCoo Highland Cow. I hadn’t used oil pastels before.’ Richard – ‘We learned that we had to use different colours for the stripes and draw them from the top to the bottom.’

EVERYONE –  ‘We learned that the man who made these pictures is an artist and his name was Steve McCoo.’


‘I’ve learned in Measure that you can use different things to measure with.’ – Emma; ‘You use scales to measure weight and we were reading kg.’ – Daniel; Emily – ‘We were reading different scales about kg.’ Richard – ‘When the arrow is in the middle of two numbers it means ½.’

Enjoy what is left of the sunshine!

From Mrs Scott and Primary 3.

Awesome P3

Another week full of learning in Primary 3!


Following on from our activity last week to help understand what it might be like to not have the things we need, we discussed what that might mean. We talked about how it could mean not having a bed to sleep in or a warm house in the winter time or proper clothes to wear. The children were very receptive and each wrote their own prayer to Jesus which we have displayed in our classroom.


Thanks so much for having this discussion with your child this week – here are some of the questions P3 came up with and their answers!

Jack – Why did he do it? For fun! – Kate

Richard – Was the moon big? Yes – enormous, gigantic! – Alexis, Huda

Ola – How did you actually manage to jump over the moon? Maybe he had jumping  hooves ! Sophie YM

Emily – Did you feel big compared to the moon? Yes – I felt massive!

Emma – How did you survive going through the moon’s atmosphere?

Michael – Did you see stars? What did it feel like?

Sophie R – Did you see aliens?

Alexis, Seamus –  Did you see rockets?

Sophie D, Sophie YM – Was the moon made out of cheese?

Robbie, Bartosz – If the moon was made of cheese, did you eat it?

Daniel – Did you see lots of planets up there?

Cameron – How did you breathe up there?


This is our talk question to discuss next week – we would love to see some of your responses on our blog and/or  your comments on this as a task?


Hickory dickory dock, The mouse ran up the clock.

The clock struck one, The mouse ran down,
Hickory dickory dock.

Why was the mouse running up the clock? What could he see?



VOLUME – We wanted to see what 27 litres of water looked like because Jess the RHET farmer told us that a cow gives 27 litres of milk every day.

Sophie R – Each person filled a jug with water and poured it in to a plastic box.

Kate – We used jugs that measured up to 1 litre and then we filled them ourselves up to the line.

Ava – It looked a lot! Orla – that’s a lot of milk from a cow in one day!

DATA HANDLING & TECHNOLOGY – We worked in groups to measure our heights and decide whether we were more than 1 metre, about 1 metre or less than 1 metre.  If we were doing this task again we would challenge ourselves by recording our actual heights in metres and centimetres though! We showed this information on a tally chart then used it to make our own Bar Chart using technology. We used this online activity to make them



Cameron – we got to look at Dedridge on Google Maps.

Jack – we had to look for places that we knew.

Sophie D, Maliha, Emily, Sophie YM, Sophie R, Jack, Cameron, Richard, Michael & Niamh – we found Lizzie Brice roundabout and Asda.

EXTRA CHALLENGE:  and key in Saint Ninian’s Primary School, Douglas Rise, Livingston

How long does it take to get to school by walking/by car/by bus?

Click on directions then key in home address to find out!

Why don’t you post  what you find out on the blog next week!

To reinforce their recent learning on what a noun is, Primary 3 had to read a passage about Lizzie Brice then spot all the nouns. Super work Primary 3!


Richard – We wrote a thank you letter to Jess from RHET to thank her for coming in to visit us and telling us all about her farm. Mrs Scott was very impressed at how neat our handwriting was and our layout of a letter!


Have a lovely weekend from Mrs Scott and Primary 3!

Awesome P3

Welcome back after our lovely Easter break! The children are looking nice and refreshed, ready for another busy, fun filled term!


Even though this has been a shorter week, Primary 3 have made the most of their Outdoor Learning theme. Interdisciplinary learning has included developing simple map drawing skills where the children drew a map of the shape of the school and a  Senses Walk where they used their senses to heighten their observational skills.

Primary 3 have also used the outdoor environment to apply their understanding of Measure this week.  We have been learning about the importance of estimating (guessing roughly) how long something might be then checking it against the actual measurement – lots of the children have found the estimating part harder than the actual estimating and this is very true as estimating itself is an important skill. We also discussed in each instance the importance of the difference between our estimates and our actual measurements as this shows us the gap.

During our Daily Mile, the children guessed how long they thought it would take to complete one lap then recorded their actual time.

In our school garden, the children found natural objects such as stones, blades of grass and leaves to measure in cm using rulers.  They also took a closer look at our spring flowers and used finger painting to record the details they could see.

To compare units of measurement, Primary 3 then worked in groups to measure each side of our upper/middle area playground in metres. They began with estimating how many metres their side was, then they measured it using metre sticks and used a tally chart to record each metre measured – some great collaborative learning and team work.  Back in class, we added all the measurements together to work out the total of all of the sides, introduced ‘perimeter’ as new maths vocabulary and recorded the lengths on a diagram.

Ancient Egypt topic

So how did the Egyptians actually move the large stones when building the pyramids? Well, we found out that they possibly used tree trunks as rollers to move the stones along – ask your child to demonstrate this to you using pencils and a heavy book! How many Egyptian inventions do we still use today? We talked about lots of these this week and then the children worked in pairs to mime using them to their peers – they did a really good job and really enjoyed the process! We’ve now evaluated our learning on this fabulous topic and even the children were amazed at how much they have learned – well done!

A busy term ahead for Primary 3….

Primary 3 worked in small groups to record what they would like to find out in our new topics and their ideas/questions will form the basis for our interdisciplinary learning.

Our main focus will be studying our local area by looking at the different ways our land is used and the features of our landscape, the ways we can look after our community. food and farming including the use of our own cooking kitchens to develop food technology.

We will also be further developing our understanding of time by learning about days, weeks, months and how they relate to the Sun and the Moon. In relation to our weather, the children have asked to find out why we have so much rain in Scotland!

Next Thursday, Primary 3 will have an exciting visit from the Royal Highland Education Trust (RHET) who will kickstart our topic with an interactive session about the use of land for farming. We will also be looking at how our local area outside the school is used in different ways – it would be helpful if you could help your child observe these differences eg we have houses, we have parks, we have roads and paths to stimulate discussion about who builds them, how do they get there etc.

Towards the end of the term, Primary 3 will also be taking part in a fabulous shelter building activity with the West Lothian Ranger Service – we will update you on this nearer the time!


Everyone loved writing about the favourite part of her Easter holidays and were very proud of their efforts, especially those who were careful with handwriting and remembered VCOP!

Sophie R loved playing spelling words hopscotch using chalk outside.


Primary 3 each made a special wish for baby Kelsey that they hope comes true as she grows up – they certainly brought a tear or two to the eyes of Mrs Brutin and Mrs Scott.

Really sorry, but due to technical issues I’m unable to upload any other photos related to senses walk or map skills or measuring or Roots of Empathy – watch this space!

Have a lovely weekend! from Mrs Scott and Primary 3!

Awesome P3

Can’t quite believe this is the last blog for Term 3, hard to believe where the time has gone! Here are some highlights of this week…


The children used their knowledge and understanding of the Easter story to work collaboratively in small groups of 4. Working together and demonstrating good turn taking, listening and talking skills they sequenced the whole story with both pictures and sentences. They were then able to justify their ordering and continued to build on the reading skill of inference which we have been looking at recently. Well done!

Read, Write, Count ‘Future Me’ – P3 shared with each other what their dream job would be and discussed the different skills they would need.  Their dreams are very varied and include…

Hairdresser, motorbike racer, policeman, pilot, vet, doctor, actress/fashion designer, drama teacher, primary school teacher, footballer, comedian, fisherman, artist, horse rider

Reach for the sky Primary 3!


Cameron and Bartosz liked designing their own Eqyptian coffin and using hieroglyphics to write their names on it.


This week we edited our Egyptian Adventures just like real authors.

Emily liked that she was able to improve some of her sentences all by herself. Teegan enjoyed changing some of her punctuation to add more interest when she read over her story again. Sophie R liked writing her story very neatly. We thought it would be a good idea to share them with some of the other classes when we return next term.

Information Handling – Robbie and Cameron liked looking at pictograms to find out information and reminding  everyone of all the other data handling work we have done before.   Primary 3 were showing how much they had remembered as it has been a while since we looked at this part of Maths.


Roots of Empathy

Primary 3 told each other why their parents gave them their names and why they are all special. It was sad to hear that we will only see baby Kelsey one more time so we are really looking forward to that.

Technology Task

Many thanks to those children who completed the homework and were able to talk about the vast amount of technology we use in our daily lives. Primary 3 found it interesting that we use technology for different reasons eg to cook, to heat our homes, to entertain us or to find out information.

Primary 3 have had a super term and we hope everyone has a well-deserved break!

Mrs Scott and Primary 3

Awesome P3

Another busy week in Primary 3!

Sacrament of Reconciliation

Pupils from P2/3 and P3  paid a visit to St Philip’s chapel on Thursday for their Sacrament of Reconciliation rehearsal. Some of the children have been a little worried about the format so it was really helpful to have the opportunity beforehand to go along. All of the children have worked really hard completing their Sacramental lessons in school as well as their homework tasks. They know their prayers and the hymns well, so we have been reassuring the children not to worry about anything at all!

Cameron – I liked getting the chance to go into the little room where I will make my First Confession – it means I don’t need to worry about it.

Robbie – I liked going to St Philip’s yesterday for our practice because I was able to ask Fr Kenneth questions.


Niamh – in writing this week we continued to write about our Egyptian adventure with our imaginary Egyptian girl (Akila) or Egyptian boy (Abasi).

Teegan – we had to write about what happened in our adventure.

Emily – I enjoyed writing about getting lost and getting found again.

Emma – Our adventure had to have a problem and the problem had to get solved because that is what happens in real stories! I am very proud of my handwriting this week.

Sophie YM – I enjoyed thinking about the place my story started in.

Cameron, Michael & Richard – we liked uplevelling our sentences so they could be longer and more interesting.


Richard – I worked in a group to make a jigsaw of big numbers that went up in 10s.

Teegan – I liked having to make my own sums that added ten to numbers. It helped me show what I have learned.

Sophie – I have liked skip counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. It has been fun learning to link my times tables with dividing.


We were learning about Ancient Egyptian Gods and we had to write facts about them.

Roots of Empathy

Primary 3 could see that it won’t be long before Kelsey is walking on her own as she is using her baby walker!

Robbie asked Kelsey’s mummy if she liked someone to walk with her by holding her two hands but Kelsey likes it better when she uses her baby walker.

Primary 3 were able to talk about all the things that Kelsey can’t do yet such as talking in sentences or using a knife and fork. They noticed that Kelsey likes to make her own choices when playing. They were also amazed that Kelsey could remember where the toys had been hidden under the blanket because she looked for them later on.

Kelsey also likes to eat the same food as mum and dad. Eating food with her fingers is her favourite. Ethan asked if Kelsey liked toast and her mummy said yes! We got to see Kelsey’s reaction to trying green peppers for the first time!

She likes to be cuddled by dad and then by mum, turning it into a game.

Cameron asked if Kelsey is able to climb up the stairs yet and her mummy said she is allowed to do one step just now but she definitely wants to climb up all of them!

Have a lovely weekend from Mrs Scott and Primary 3.

Awesome P3

World Book Day

First of all, thank you so much for encouraging your children to dress up as their favourite book character. They were all able to explain which character they were and why they liked them. They all arrived in school very excited and engaged!

Primary 3 became authors and illustrators of their very own book. Yes that’s right, they collaboratively wrote a story as a class from beginning to end following the Storysteps of real authors!  First of all, as a class, P3 decided on a genre which was SCARY. Next they discussed and agreed a SETTING for their story just like a real author would.  Then they worked collaboratively in groups to illustrate and write about different parts of the story –  CHARACTER, PROBLEM, MOTIVATION, SURPRISE, RESOLUTION  & ENDING. Our book is not quite finished yet as we still have to edit what we have done so far, design a front cover, come up with a title and contents page – we do hope to have it on display in our classroom in due course for any visitors to read though!


Kate – I liked doing our writing assessment this week as we wrote instructions on how to make a mummy and I thought really hard about the writing skills I have learned so far.  It was fun!


In Maths we have been looking at how to calculate change and talking about different ways to work this out. We have been building on our existing understanding of addition and subtracting – linking our learning!

Roots of Empathy

More excitement in P3 with baby Kelsey!  We learned  that she likes different toys now and if she sees one that she wants she will crawl to get it. Her mummy sometimes uses toys as a distraction.

Sophie YM suggested everyone sing ‘Head Shoulders Knees and Toes’ in Spanish which the whole class did – well done, it was super and baby Kelsey loved it!

Here are some of the questions asked:

Emily – does she have lots of toys and does she have favourites? She likes knocking down building blocks.

Emma – Does she try to eat the covers in her bed? Not really but hard things like the remote control and mobile phones.

Cameron – does Kelsey sleep in her own room? She sleeps in her own bed at first but during the night she cuddles in with mummy and daddy.

Alexis – can Kelsey come again when she is older?




The excitement has continued to build this week as we prepare for our Death In Ancient Egypt Assembly.  Thank you to those who have been practising their Assembly lines at home, especially working hard on projecting their voice and expression. We have even had a few ad libs and an extra line or two added in – brilliant! We have also been preparing various props…

Your child will come home with an Egyptian Collar and colouring instructions today. As it will be worn  during our Assembly, it needs to be decorated  and returned to school by THURSDAY 9.3.17 at the latest. If your child could also cut up the thick black line and cut out the inner and outer circles it will be ready for wearing!

Have a look at the link below for the Mummy Dance – the children loved it. Additional practise at home with the actions would be helpful in preparation for our Assembly.  We’re not learning the words, just the actions.

Have a lovely weekend from  Mrs Scott and Primary 3!

Awesome P3

We have lots to share with you this week, especially our exciting Ancient Egypt learning!

The children really enjoyed watching a very interesting documentary clip about the different uses of plants. They discovered that the Ancient Egyptians discovered the bark of the Willow Tree provided relief from swelling and fever. This ancient discovery has resulted in the production of Aspirin. The children were amazed that the Ancient Egyptians were able to use the natural plant as a pain relief medicine. They watched the clip and were able to work together to write down important notes about the clip. We will use these  next  week to write a short summary. Good job!

Ancient Egypt Museum Trip

P3 had a FABULOUS time at the National Museum of Scotland yesterday!  It was a great way to really kick start our learning about Death In Ancient Egypt.

Here are some highlights…

‘I loved acting out the part of an important person in Egypt who had died. I was so important that I had servants. I had to lie on the floor and pretend I was dead.’ Alexis

‘I loved seeing the mummy of a real priest in Egypt. I thought learning about the different mummy coffins was really interesting as well as finding out about the little charms that were buried with them.’Kate

‘I learned that there was an Egyptian charm called a ‘fish charm’ that was worn by an Egyptian child to stop them drowning.’ Huda

‘We had to work in groups to guess what different objects were used for in Ancient Egypt. We had to use our thinking skills and be investigators!’ Richard

‘We had to look at different pictures of mummy coffins and decide which belonged to a man, woman or child.’ We looked at the length in cm to see who was the tallest and the face for clues like the man had a beard.’ Richard

‘I guessed that the wooden object was something for resting your head on.’ Robbie

Many thanks to Ms Lynas and Mrs Azam for giving up their time to come along as parent helpers – your help was very much appreciated!



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Some of our children visited the Nursery children this morning to share their learning about money!

Cameron  – I told them you can get money out of the cash machine. I explained you put a card in and the money comes off your bank account.

Emma – I explained that you can use different coins to make the same amount of money. For example 10p = a 10p coin, 2 x 5ps, 10 x 1ps or 5 x 2ps.

Seamus – I told them all of the different coins that you can get and that sometimes a smaller coin can have a bigger value than another coin.


Emily – We made jelly and then wrote instructions on how to do it.

Sophie YM – We had to remember order words at the beginning of our sentences.

Richard – You have to write about everything you need.

Michael – We had to make a list of what we needed.

Kate – I really liked thinking about the different steps to do and how to keep safe with hot water.

Almost all of us LOVED eating the jelly yesterday after our school trip.

Have a lovely weekend from Mrs Scott and P3.

Awesome P3

Primary 3 have had a very busy week

Here are some of their highlights…

RE – Sacramental Preparation

Fr Kenneth paid us a very important and lovely visit yesterday as part of our P3 Sacramental journey towards making our First Reconciliation in March.  The children discussed some of the important stories – ‘The Lost Coin’, ‘The Father & Two Sons’ and ‘The Lost Sheep’ which show God’s love for us. The boys and girls were able to confidently give examples of actions that show love and actions which don’t. Fr also told us that he is going on a well-deserved holiday to Jerusalem soon so we will look forward to hearing all about it when he comes back.

Maths (Money)

Learning about equivalence –  many 1ps, 2ps, 5ps and 10ps are in given amounts of money. Really quite tricky… but loved being able to use real coins.

‘I liked using different coins to make different amounts – it was fun using REAL money!’ – Emma

‘I liked adding the money up in Maths’ – Sophie YM


‘I loved making Egyptian bracelets’ – Ethan ‘I loved making my own bracelet especially as finding out what Egyptians wore was something I wanted to learn’ – Emily


P3 were super this week at singing their VCOP song which is always part of our writing warm up!

The storybook ‘Prince Cinders’ was a big hit as a context for  writing, reading comprehension and listening and talking. Our writing focus was using interesting openers as well as still including a connective to write longer sentences. Super focus too! The children also worked in pairs or small groups, asking and answering different types of comprehension questions to show their understanding of the story.

‘Prince Cinders story was funny and it was fun to write about it’ – Sophie R, Kate, Niamh

‘I liked drawing my pictures first in my plan and then writing about it because it helped me remember what I was writing’ – Emma


Last week, we had a special visit from NYCOS  where we learned that the pulse in music is a steady beat. We also practised this funny rhyme when clapping to help us with rhythm too:

‘Coca-cola went to town’

‘Pepsi-cola knocked him down’

‘Dr Pepper fixed him up’

‘Turned him into 7-up’

Roots of Empathy

We had a really interesting session this morning where P3 learned about ways of keeping a baby safe, especially once a baby has started to grab things, crawl and walk. We impressed Mrs Brutin with our sensible contributions and our good examples of real life situations which demonstrated our understanding. We also had an informative discussion about the importance of keeping a baby safe in mummy’s tummy before it is born – the boys and girls displayed a very good insight into the dangers of smoking and drinking alcohol.


P3-7 Show

P3 have worked so hard this week  and have been fantastic at learning our songs with actions. They will definitely amaze you at their performance – keep up all the great help you are giving them at home!

Have a lovely weekend from Primary 3 and Mrs Scott.

Awesome P3






International Week – P3 listened to salsa music and learned sentences in Spanish. They also learned greetings in different languages: Luganda, Polish, Irish & Urdu. Thank you to Emma, Bartosz, Cameron, Ola, Emily, Huda & Maliha for your contributions as well as Mrs Docherty who came to visit and taught us some Irish phrases!  Watch and listen to our soundbites – sorry but due to technical issues, some of them didn’t manage to upload!  The children also  introduced themselves in Spanish by saying and writing their names with their own character. They look fantastic as part of our display! This will be shared with school children in Spain using our 1plus2 school links.

Maths – P3 began multiplication this week and continued with their exploration of 2d/3d shape.

Writing  – Michael – we retold the story of Jack and the Beanstalk.

Jack – we had to remember to use connectives. Orla – connectives help us write longer and more interesting sentences.

IDL – Daniel – we are going to be learning about Ancient Egypt. P3  decided that these are the aspects of Ancient Egypt we want to learn more about, they are very excited!

ART – We did a very special job with Mrs Thomson as we helped her create our fantastic St Ninian’s Family Tree which is going to be at the very front of our school.

Roots of Empathy – P3 were so excited to see baby Kelsey this week. They just couldn’t believe it when they learned that she can crawl now!


We said goodbye to Miss Smyth at a lovely (and funny) Assembly which made us very sad (and Miss Smyth) but we made her a lovely collection of pictures and messages. We know she will keep it forever!

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