St Ninian’s Whole School GUESS WHO? Challenge – ANSWERS

Hello everyone!

It’s now time for the BIG reveal….

I just wanted to say a HUGE thanks to all the families and staff who sent in their entries!
Hopefully you have all received emails from me in response. 

I have to say it did turn out to be much trickier than I had thought it would be even though I knew the answers!

If you managed to take part then I hope you had some fun at home.

I’ve attached the answers in two ways – ST NINIAN’S GUESS WHO ANSWERSGuess Who Answers
1) The powerpoint slides have the current photos alongside the child photos
(one for Nursery and one for School)

2) A list of the corresponding Letters and Numbers.

Have a lovely weekend and stay safe.
Mrs Scott

P3/4 Weekly News!

Learning Overview from Primary 3/4

Primary 3/4 have chosen to share the following learning from this week!

In Literacy we have been improving our accuracy and understanding at using their, there and they’re.

  • we should use ‘they’re’ as a shorter way of writing ‘they are’
  • we should use ‘their’ when we are writing about something ‘belonging to’
  • we should use ‘there’ when we are writing about ‘position’

We also wrote Haiku poems about Spring and they had to have a syllable rhythm of 5, 7, 5.

In Maths we were using what we have learned so far to convert digital times to analogue times and vice versa.

For example

‘quarter to one would be 12.45’

‘half past six would be 6.30’


In PE we have been learning some of the rules for Basketball matches eg ‘bouncing the ball when running’ and ‘taking two steps with the ball in your hand’

As a class, most of Primary 3/4 tried hard to keep running for the whole of the Daily Mile.

‘We kept encouraging each other to keep going and that helped us’

Pupil Voice – Our Highlights…

We practised our times tables. We had to make sure we had the correct answers so we could complete our coloured mosaics properly. It was fun.

We are very proud at how hard we worked and focused  when completing our SNSAs as well.


Home Learning Opportunity

This idea of creating cloze sentences is a good one!  Make some sentences with spaces for words. Someone in your family has to decide which words will fit so that the sentences still make sense.

P4 Weekly Round Up!

Learning Overview

Primary 4 definitely impressed me with their positive attitude to learning and enthusiasm for all tasks. Thank you for a lovely few days!

In Literacy this week part of our focus has been on self-editing. We had to fix sentences  which had spelling mistakes, no capital letters and no full stops. With our partner, we used  our dictionary skills to help us find the correct spellings for the tricky and unfamiliar words. Some of the words were long but we didn’t give up and managed it!

In Maths we continued to develop our understanding of Time. Building on what we know already about  o’clock, half past, quarter to and quarter past we have been converting digital times to analogue times and vice versa.

For example,

‘quarter to 12’ would be ’11:45’

‘quarter past 3’ would be ‘3:15’

‘twelve o’clock’ would be ’12:00’

Time can be tricky but reading, writing and drawing the different times has helped us. We also really enjoyed competing with each other to win Time Bingo!

In Number Talks, our focus was to identify and explain different strategies to solve two step addition and subtraction word problems. Mrs Scott thought our strategies were very detailed and clear!


In PE this week we have been working in pairs to develop our Basketball technique at performing chest and bounce passes. We have also used B.E.E.F. to help us.

B – maintaining balance

E –  focusing our eyes on the target

E – positioning our elbows properly

F – following through with stable hand and elbow movements


We all contributed to a valuable discussion about ‘Peace’ and what it means to us. Some of our ideas were –

‘Peace is important because it helps us be calm’

‘Peace is important because it means no-one is fighting’

‘Peace is important because it means people can work things out’

‘Peace is important because it means we can take time out when we need it’

Our Highlights…..

*We worked very hard on our SNSA tasks and liked accessing the different activities on the netbooks.

*We loved using the Kapla blocks to build amazing structures together eg a shop, a bridge, tall towers with lots of different levels.

*We also really liked creating face sculptures using 3D paper sculpture techniques. If a sculpture is in the round then it can stand on its own and be seen from all sides. If a sculpture is in relief it is attached to a background and can’t really be seen from the back. Some of us created animal faces and others created faces simply from our imagination!


Home Learning Opportunities

It would be fun at home to make more sculptures from paper. We liked being creative!


Mrs Scott and Primary 4

Primary 3

Hi everyone

Another very busy week in Primary 3!

During Catholic Education Week which continues next week too,  Primary 3 showed great insight and maturity in their understanding of what poverty means – in terms of what you really need to survive.

We have been celebrating Book Week Scotland this week.  On Thursday we were able to ‘Bring a Book to Lunch’ on Thursday which was fun! Along with Primary 4, we were also lucky enough to attend an Author Visit event at the Lanthorn Library. We actually got to meet Badger the Mystical Muff – wow! Here are some comments:

“We love reading…” and “This was the best day ever!”

This morning it was the gifting session of our Primary 3 Bookbags as part of the Read, Write, Count nationwide initiative. Thanks so much to the parents who were able to manage along to our event. We hope it was informative as well as enjoyable for you too! The presentation powerpoint and other documents will be available via the app for you to access.

In Number, Primary 3 have begun to look at Subtraction and have really been focusing on the thinking process they use individually. To support this they have been recording their thinking on a number line – this has proven a little tricky as Primary 3 have also been challenged to create their own number lines. We have been using maths language such as to the decade, crossing the decade, multiples of ten, single digits etc. We will be continuing to build on this next week and use the context of our Enterprise topic to add/subtract money.

Next week, Primary 3 will be busy preparing for our Lollipop stall…. They will be working in teams to create the lollipop bases and make posters etc. A huge thanks to everyone who has taken the time to donate lollipops, shoe boxes and prizes – it is much appreciated!

We hope you all have a lovely weekend!

From Mrs Scott and Primary 3.

Primary 3

Primary 3 Learning

Hi everyone!

Here are some of our highlights from Primary 3 this week which the children wished to share.

Exciting news! Primary 3 have decided that they are going to become authors of their own books. They are going to be writing their own imaginative stories through a writing process, just like real authors! We have started our setting this week and are very excited about it! We plan to produce our books, complete with front cover and blurb etc. Watch this space!


In preparation for our Writing lesson where we were describing a Fireworks Setting, we had some SENSORY experiences.

James – we were smelling hot chocolate, tomato ketchup and fried onions. This helped us imagine we were actually at a Fireworks display.

Kerr – we had a picture of a bonfire on the smartboard. It made us think we were at a bonfire because it looked realistic. It made popping noises.

Sahara – we opened our classroom door so the wind could come in and make us feel cold.

Klaudia – we had to put our jackets on, just as if it was a real bonfire night.

Kaitlyn – Mrs Scott splashed a little water on us at the end so we could pretend it was raining.


Dawid – We used chalk pastels to help us draw fireworks. It was a fun task to do. It helped me learn about the lines and shapes of fireworks.

Adam – Mrs Scott made a skyline on our classroom wall and our fireworks look amazing above it!

Lucy – I noticed that part of the skyline looks like the Macarthur Glen glass dome and the clock tower on top of Morrisons.

Stefan – I liked doing my fireworks art. It was really fun.


Kerr – I enjoyed making my poppy and I learned that people died during the war.


Klaudia – I enjoy writing in my author jotters because it is up to me  what I want to write about. I have been writing about the monster, the talking pen. Little Lucy and I am thnking of more characters.

Jarred – I am writing a story of my own called Super Poop. It is a detective story and a mystery. There is pizza and coca cola in it too and someone saves the day.

Amber – I wrote a story and it was called Boo the Hamster and his house.

Leigha – I’m writing a story called The Robbers and it is finished now.

Kaitlyn – My story is called Floofie Bunny and it’s fun.

Kayla – During Smartstart, I was showing my friends how to make 3d triangles using our collage materials.

Esmee – I am writing a story and it is funny. It is called My Cat Milo.


If you haven’t already, please return your child’s permission slip for the trip on Monday.


Have a fabulous weekend!


Mrs Scott and Primary 3

Primary 3

Phew! Another busy week in Primary 3.

Primary 3s as Teachers

Kerr – We helped show the Primary 1s how to use a netbook. We used our own instructions that we had written during our Writing lesson.

Ephraim – I loved teaching the Primary 1s all the things that they needed to do to use a netbook.

Kyle – It was a fun thing to do to help the Primary 1s learn more about netbooks.

Sahara- My group was showing the Primary 1s how to log on to Sumdog.

Kaitlyn – We got to be like teachers by teaching a small group how to use a netbook.

Klaudia – I think it was really cool and fun to do. Some of the children were quite shy and I’d like to do it again to get to know them more. Then they might ask more questions!

James – Our netbook went out of charge when we were using it so we were able to show the Primary 1s how to plug the charger in and solve the problem.

Lucy – I thought it was funny because the Primary 1s were surrounding me when I was explaining things to them.

Amber – We were mini teachers teaching little children!

Primary 3 Author Jotters

Lots of excitement in Primary 3 this week! As part of our focus on Developing a Writing Culture across our school, we thought it would be a good idea to create more opportunities for free writing in Primary 3.  The wealth of quality  discussion from this stimulus has been fantastic and their enthusiasm has impressed both Mrs Conway and I very much. We may well need to move onto our second jotters soon! In just a few days, we have talked about some of the aspects of an Author’s process of writing including editing, changing ideas, doodling, drawing, illustrations etc – keep it up Primary 3!

Brooke – we got our first Author jotters this week. We can write our own stories and they can be made up as well. We can write about ourselves, it is up to us!

Jarred – I was reading my story to my reading group. They were my Audience and I was the Author.

James – Lucy read her story to me. I was her Audience. My story title was ‘Superpig’ as the pig called Wilbur in my reading book gave me the idea!

Adam – My story was a pretend one and I drew lots of pictures just like a real Illustrator.

Kaitlyn – I made a book and it was called ‘Floofie Bunny and Her Great Adventures’.

Kerr – I wrote some poems as our Autumn Shape Poem in Writing gave me some ideas.



We have continued to look at Place Value and developing our understanding of how numbers relate to each other when adding.

Ephraim – I liked getting to use the Diennes materials for hundreds, tens and units.


Our new Social Studies topic will have some different areas of focus around our Local Community. Primary 3 will be discussing this as a class next week and helping to form our plan on what would be helpful to learn. Watch this space!


Have a lovely weekend everyone!

Kind regards

Mrs Scott

Primary 3

Hi everyone!

Another very busy week in Primary 3, phew!

In Number we have been counting in 10s and 100s so we are using bigger numbers.

In Adding we have been working on our strategies to add within 100.

In PE, we have been focusing on our hand to eye coordination. We played Skunk Tag, Rock Paper Scissors as well as throwing/catching with a partner. These games also helped us think carefully  about the importance of good sportsmanship when someone is the winner and team work skills.

Here are some of our reflections on learning this week.

Brooke – We have been practising our spelling words in different ways. I have been learning that some words end in _ffs and others in _ves.

Ephraim – I like using the Spelling Challenge cards to stretch and exercise my brain.

Kerr – We made a very special class card for John our Janny who is leaving today. We will miss him a lot. There are lots of different bones in our body and they all have different names like pelvis, collar bone and backbone. We have been learning about compass points – North, South, East and West.

Riley – I learned that we have a shoulder blade.

Ephraim – I learned that we have a knee cap.

Stefan – In between the compass points you get South West and South East.


Lucy – We were learning about the Sun, Moon and Earth. It takes 24 hours for the Earth to move all the way around. When you are an adult you have more than 200 bones.

Amber – Your bones are hard.

Kaitlyn – We drew pictures of the Sun and Moon using warm and cool colours. When you are a baby your bones are not very strong. They get stronger as you grow. Your knee cap can bend.

Klaudia – We have a rib cage and there are parts of your body inside it.

Mrs Heather was in our class for Number Talks and she was very impressed at how well we could talk about Number strategies.

In Grammar, we have been looking at nouns, verbs and adjectives. We have been looking for them in our reading books, listening for them in The Cultivated Wolf and trying to notice if someone uses one. We are finding it tricky to tell the difference. So, we have decided that from next week we will be focusing on verbs.   Try this Verbs game below:


This week, our Word Boost words were ache, ignore, budge, improve, emerge and racket. Our story was ‘A Cultivated Wolf’. It had an unusual context and the children loved it, especially as it was about a wolf who grew to love reading – just like lots of our Primary 3s!  Word Boost words next week are nudge, nervous, astonished, continue, separate, co-operate and our Word Boost story is going to be ‘Myron’s Magic Cow’.

Have a lovely weekend, from Primary 3.

Primary 3

Hola everyone!

Another busy week in Primary 3!

St Ninian’s Feast Day Mass

Well done to the boys and girls in Primary 3 who behaved impeccably during our mass which was celebrated by Fr Kenneth this morning.  They definitely deserved their longer break time!

Ninian’s Natter

Thank you so much to those who were able to manage along to our Ninian’s Natter and Meet the Teacher evening. It was really lovely to meet all of you and we hope you enjoyed it.


Primary 3 have came up with some ideas of their own when learning  about skeletons after the September break.  Mrs Scott was amazed at what the children know already!


WORD BOOST – Our Word Boost story this week was The Obvious Elephant. The Word Boost words are confident, curious, obvious and bewildered. Due to next week  being a shorter school week, we will have a revision week where we consolidate the Word Boost words covered in Six Dinner Sid and Baby Brains.

In writing, we continued to use Flat Stanley as our context for learning. Building on our newspaper  report from last week, we wrote another report but this time it had bullet points. We wrote about  the advantages and disadvantages of being flat.

In spelling, we have been practising our key words – these are words which we come across lots of times during reading and writing. We sometimes need to use a strategy  to help us remember how to spell  them  eg  Does it look right? OR Words inside words.

Here are some of our thoughts.

Sahara – I liked listening to the Word Boost story.

Amber – I liked the part of the story where Eric got to ride on top of the elephant.

Stefan – I liked interviewing Flat Stanley to find out what he liked and didn’t like about being flat. It was fun!

Maths Week Challenges

These were a big success!

Kerr – I liked the coloured square challenge because it was interesting.

Ephraim – I liked adding up the coins in our Role Play shop to pay for things.

Leigha – I made triangles and diamond shapes with the elastic band shapes. It was fun.


Our Primary 3 class is now set up and most of the children should now have their Sumdog logins glued into their green diaries for easy reference. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.

Have a lovely holiday weekend and hopefully the sun will shine a little.

Kind regards,

Mrs Scott

Primary 3


Wow – what a week in Primary 3!

Health & Wellbeing

We are working really hard to remember our special St Ninian’s message – Be Ready, Be Respectful, Be Safe which is central to our Class Charter.  Our aim is for this simple but powerful language to be part and parcel of our everyday ethos. Well done Primary 3 for making a fantastic start!

Interdisciplinary Learning

We have loved using Flat Stanley as one of our contexts for learning.

“In Writing, we wrote letters to someone in our family telling them all about Flat Stanley .” – Ephraim. Watch out for these letters arriving in the post soon as Primary 3 will be posting them to you!

Next week, Primary 3 will be writing a newspaper report on the museum burglars from the story and how Flat Stanley saved the day. On Monday we will be discussing as a class the  layout of a newspaper and the purpose of a newspaper report. A great preparation  would be perhaps talking with your child about this beforehand as this can help their contribution to the discussion.

Primary 3 loved the part of the story where Flat Stanley disguised himself as Bo Peep. Just like Flat Stanley they  disguised themselves to see what it was like.

Lucy – ‘I had a mask and a summer hat on, it was fun!”

Dawid – “I was dressed as a skeleton and I had a mask on too!”

Stefan – “I was dressed up as a firefighter. I had a firefighter helmet on. It was very weird!”

Klaudia – ‘I had a firefighter hat and a police outfit. I had glasses on that made me dizzy!”

Dexter – “I was a skeleton and I was wearing a summer hat for some reason.”

Adam – “I wore a red and blue scarf!”

Primary 3 also learned about some of the machines that a letter goes through on its journey to its destination.”

“One of them is called IMP and it takes a picture of the address so it can read the post code!” – Kerr.

“The Sorter Balls sort the letters that are too fat from the ones that are flat.” – Esmee


During Number Talks we have been talking about the strategies we use to help us work out which number is halfway between. We also met Odd Todd and Even Steven for the first time to help us with odd and even numbers.  We will be consolidating our understanding of addition within 20. We know this is really important as these will form our building blocks for manipulating larger numbers.

This interactive Number Facts activity is helpful for extra reinforcement.


“I love my new reading book” – Leigha.

Word Boost & Handwriting– we have loved our Word Boost Story this week, it was called ‘Six Dinner Sid’s Highland Adventure’.  Primary 3 have been so receptive to the story and all of the associated activities to extend their vocabulary. Words for this week have been agile, require, dare, swoop, defend and appetite. We have been practicing how to form certain letters using an appropriate size and trying especially to stay on the line.



Mrs Scott was very impressed with how many Spanish Greetings Primary 3 could remember! We will be working on developing confidence at using them with each other.

Have a lovely weekend everyone, from Primary 3.



Mrs Scott & Mrs Conway

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