Primary 5 Weekly News!

Bea: This week we haven’t been in school very much because we had a holiday for 2 days! One day was on Monday and another on Thursday. But we have still been busy! Here are our comments:

Charlie: This week in writing we practised note-taking.

Bea: This week we have been busy preparing for our writing. We are going to write to Jeremy Hunt and we are talking about how sugar is making people unhealthy and what he is going to do about it. It’s about key arguments.

Rachel M: This week we were learning about sugar tax and what the Government are going to do.

Isla: We wrote about how sugary food and drinks are going to get more expensive so less children will buy them.

Joseph and Maxx: We’ve been learning about the human body!

 Matt: In our topic about the human body, we are learning about the heart, lungs and other organs.

Lucas: In our topic we were talking about how we breathe.

Chi-Chi: This week we learned about a stimulus and we also learned if you touch someone closer to the brain they will react faster and vice versa. Here we are testing our reactions to touch:

Beth: This week we did a science experiment to measure our reaction times. We worked with a partner and a ruler. One of us held the ruler at the 30cm mark and the other person hovered their fingers near the 1cm point. Then, the person who was holding the ruler let it go and the person who was waiting near the 1cm point tried to catch it between their fingers as quickly as possible. We recorded our scores and worked out our reaction times. For example, if the person caught the ruler at the 14cm mark, they had reacted quickly. We repeated this a few times to try to beat our scores and compared our results.

Preston: This week we did P.E. and we raced against each other and it was fun!

Lorena: This week we continued with our relay races.

Vanessa: We had a really great time doing our P.E. outside on the new track.

Chloe: This week we had our committees.

Louise: My committee is Enterprise and Mrs. Purdie said we might be able to design the playground!

Taylor: We were able to make pizzas and our families could come!


Have a great weekend!

Primary 5 and Mrs Reeves

Primary 5 Weekly News

Primary 5 have had a fabulous week! The highlight has to be our trip to the New Lanark Visitor Centre as part of our Highland Clearances topic. We spent the whole day learning how people of New Lanark lived back in the time of Robert Owen. We learned many interesting facts and had lots of fun. Here are our comments:

Charlie: On our school trip we went to an old school room.

Lucas: We went on our school trip and we went to Robert Owen’s house.

Brandon:  On our school trip we went on a ride that was called the Annie Mcleod ride – it was really fun!

Rebecca: On our school trip we went to an old mill and our tour guide told us to look, listen and smell.

Taylor: On our school trip we visited an old school. We were able to dress up in old fashioned clothes and we got to write on mini blackboards and we had a small lead to write with!

Grace: The Annie Mcleod experience was my favourite thing!

Rachel M: On our trip to New Lanark, we saw the cotton machines.

Lorena: On our school trip we went on a Annie Mcleod ride it was dark and exciting!!!

Toni: In PE we went out into the field and had girls and boys races and a competition.

Thomas: In P.E. we raced each other on the field!!

Preston: The races were really fun!

Beth: We took part in relay races in PE. I came 2nd out of the girls. I’m so proud of myself!!

Vanessa: For P.E on Thursday we went outside and we ran the 800 metres and the 60 metres. We split into groups and the boys who were in the top 3 were:

1st Ethan, 2nd Matt, 3rd Thomas

The girls were:

1st Chi Chi, 2nd Vanessa, 3rd Paige

Mixed races:

1st Vanessa, 2nd Chi Chi, 3rd Ethan

I enjoyed coming first over all – BEST P.E. EVER!!!!!


Louise: On Tuesday we were doing the standing broad jump in P.E. and there were 3 in a group. One was the marker, one was the judge and the other was the jumper. We all switched places and I enjoyed the jumper the most.

Kerrigan: Today at assembly we watched and enjoyed the primary 2/3 assembly. It was about the Egypt. Primary 2/3 were very good and they sang two songs. Afterwards Mrs Purdie told us all about fairness.

Chi Chi: This week on Friday, we were told that fairness isn’t about giving every child the same thing; it’s about giving every child what they need to succeed.

Bea: This week in maths we were learning about measure. It was fun. We were in carousels and did fun activities.

Isla: In writing we wrote a report about our school trip to New Lanark.

Have a great weekend!

Primary 5 and Mrs Reeves

Primary 5 Weekly News

We can’t believe this is the end of another term and we have finished with another busy week!

Here are some of our comments:

Chloe: This week we finished our spontaneous talks.

Lucas: We finished our time and money carousel in Maths. We have got much better at multiplying and dividing using a decimal point and we are still improving our ability to read analogue time and convert between 12 hour and 24 hour.

Bea: We finished our Black houses and then we showcased them to Primary 6 who visited our class to see them.

Rachel W: This week we had a dress down day.

Taylor: I suggested that we dress down and give money to SCIAF and Mrs Purdie agreed!

Rebecca: Our entries were sent off for the Young Writer’s Competition.

Vanessa: In P.E. we did the Bleep test again and quite a few people improved their scores.

Taylor: We were sad to say goodbye to Mrs Craig and Mrs Black.

Chloe: Some of us changed our spelling groups this week and now we have five groups.

Charlie: We played a game of Rounders outside during P.E. with Mrs Reeves this week.

We are all looking forward to our Easter holidays and wish you a great Easter!

From Primary 5 and Mrs Reeves

Primary 5 Weekly News

This week has been an amazing week in Primary 5! Everyone has worked really hard and there has been some fabulous learning taking place. In Maths we have been learning about Money and we have been multiplying and dividing and remembering our decimal points!

During our French we have been learning how to describe ourselves and we have been playing ‘C’est qui?’ which is the French version of ‘Guess who?’.

We also took part in the James Young Cluster Basketball Festival on Thursday and we showed what fantastic basketball skills we have! We all scored loads of points and we had a really enjoyable afternoon. Mrs Reeves was extremely proud of us all!

Here are some of our comments:

Bea: This week in Writing we were working on an emotional piece of dialogue. We learnt how to use punctuation for speech and we based our dialogues on the characters from our class novel, The Desperate Journey. It was awesome and mine was read out and shared with the whole class!

Taylor: We met our new deputy head teacher Mrs Smith today and she is amazing! We hope she enjoys being at St Ninian’s!

Lorena: On Thursday we went to Craigswood Sports Centre for our Basketball Festival. It was really fun and active and we all really enjoyed it.

Vanessa: When we were at the Basketball trip, we were split into six different teams and we all tried to earn as many points as we could. I managed to score two points by myself and I was so proud!

Toni: Today Mrs smith came to teach us and we really enjoyed it. She is so nice!

Have a wonderful weekend and Mother’s Day!

Primary 5 and Mrs Reeves

Primary 5 Weekly News

This week has been very exciting as our classroom has been freshly painted and it looks fantastic! We have all worked very hard and here are some of our comments:

Rebecca: This week we were working in the Hub because our classroom was getting painted dark purple and grey.

Bea: On Monday we met our new Deputy Head teacher and her name is Mrs Smith.  We love her very much and we will welcome her into our St. Ninian’s family!

Bea: In P.E. on Thursday people came in from The James Young high School to teach us basketball in preparation for the tournament.

Gaby: Our basketball tournament is coming up and we are very excited!

Vanessa: On Thursday we had our P.E with two basketball players and it was really fun because we played lots of fun games with them!!!!

Grace: Yesterday we made little balls the size of marbles for science.

Maxx: On Thursday we designed and created boats out of tin foil and we got playdough balls and put them inside the boats to see if they would sink or float.

Taylor: On Thursday we did a science experiment where we made boats out of tin foil and we used play dough and shaped them into marble- shapes and we had to see if the boat would sink and how much play dough we could put in. It was sooooo fun!!!!!!!

Louise: During the week we were in the hub doing Science and we were learning about rust. Into four separate jars we put tap water, boiled water, salty water, dry air and silica gel to see which ones would rust.

Kerrigan: Next week we will be doing spontaneous talks but we will not have to research in order to prepare for the talk because they are about topics we already know about.  For example, we could talk about animals or about our family.

Isla: We’re in the middle of reading our Class novel called The Desperate Journey, it’s a really interesting book!

Chi-Chi: In Drama we were doing a game called Hot Seating where you had to act like a character from The Desperate Journey and express their feelings.

Rebecca: We were preparing ourselves for the Young Writer of the Year competition and we all chose our best piece of written work.


Lorena and Beth: For our topic we have been making Black houses from shoe boxes it was a lot of fun.

Have a great weekend!

Primary 5 and Mrs Reeves

Primary 5 Weekly News

We have had another busy week as usual! Here are some of our highlights:

Bea: We have been continuing our learning about the Highland Clearances in the 1800’s.

Rachel: We have been making little cottages from the 1800’s called Black houses using shoeboxes.

Vanessa and Taylor: In Writing we were developing a character and we were writing about characters from our class novel The Desperate Journey.

Beth: In Drama we were Hot-Seating and trying to get into role as different characters from our class novel.

Lorena: In Spanish we have been learning how to tell the time and in Maths we have been looking at 12 hour and 24 hour time.

Brandon: In P.E. we playing indoor hockey.

Charlie: We were making games in P.E. with Mr McCurdy.

Chloe: I really enjoyed the assembly today when pupils from St. Margaret’s came in to talk to us about SCIAF.

Have a great weekend!

From Primary 5 and Mrs Reeves

Primary 5 Weekly News

Primary 5 have been working very hard this week and as part of their topic they have learnt all about what happened to the people who were living in the Highlands at the time of the Highland Clearances. They have been learning about decimals in Maths and they have been reading and talking about their reading.

Here are some of their comments:

Charlie: We were planning how to make our cottages (Blackhouses) for  our Highland Clearances topic.

Rachel: We learnt how to use an index to find places on a map and we located different places in Scotland.

Toni: This week we had an assembly for Ash Wednesday and everyone received their ashes.

Vanessa: We also enjoyed Pancake Tuesday (Shrove Tuesday)!

Chloe: This week we started our new maths carousel and it was really fun, especially the maths games. I really enjoyed the decimal bingo.

Beth: We were learning about decimals this week.

Cole F and Lucas: We were learning how to convert tenths fractions to decimals.

Lorena: In P.E we made up our own games.

Cole F: My group made Ninja ball and it was very fun.

Chloe: We also made a game a bit like Rounders, which we called Mountain Climber.

Bea: Yesterday we had World Book day and lots of people dressed up as their favourite book characters. I was dressed up as Amber from ‘The Midnight Gang’ by David Walliams.

Thomas: In Writing we made our own book cover!

Taylor: We took selfies with Mrs Reeves!


Have a great weekend!

Primary 5 and Mrs Reeves

Primary 5 Weekly Update

Here are our comments for this week:

Ethan: I came first in the whole school in the Bleep test with 10.3!

Brandon: We started a new maths carousel learning about finding fractions of quantities.

Thomas: We played ‘Hit the ball’ in P.E.

Rebecca: We did our spelling assessment – it was quite fun!

Cole B: We all wrote a report about the St. Ninian’s 40th anniversary celebrations for our assessment.

Vanessa: Today some of my friends went to sing our St Ninian’s school song to some of the parents.

Matt: We started our new topic about the Highland clearances.

Charlie: We learnt that years ago many people living in the Highlands were thrown out of their houses and their farms were replaced with lots of sheep to make money.

Cole F: I learnt that the word ‘clan’ comes from the Gaelic language and it means ‘children’.

Have a great weekend!

Primary 5 and Mrs Reeves

Primary 5 Weekly News

A short but busy week in Primary 5!  As part of Catholic Education Week we each wrote and decorated a Faith Community poem.


We were delighted to have Father Kenneth attend our whole school assembly yesterday and he told us all about his visit to Jerusalem. We learnt lots of interesting facts and enjoyed looking at his slide show.

We also started to discuss our new topic about the Highland Clearances and we were sharing our ideas about what we would like to learn about and what activities we would most like to do.

Our writing this week involved learning the important aspects of the layout of a report. We wrote about our recent 40th anniversary school concert.

During our P.E. lesson we created some of our own gymnastic sequences and performed them in front of the class to the music from a James Bond movie! We all were very enthusiastic and we had lots of fun!


Have a great weekend.

Primary 5 and Mrs Reeves

Primary 5 Weekly News

What an amazing week we’ve had! Here are our comments:

Rebecca: On Wednesday we celebrated St Ninian’s 40th birthday.

Chi Chi: We had a very special Mass to celebrate.

Bea: During our special Mass we had lots of important visitors and we were so pleased to see Miss Smyth again!

Rachel M: It was also really exciting to see Archbishop Cushley who came to our celebration Mass.

Rebecca: I was able to hand a special plate to the Archbishop as a gift.

Ethan: We all received St Ninian’s prayer cards as a souvenir to remember the anniversary.

Beth: At the Mass I said a bidding prayer.

Chloe: We all enjoyed clapping for Mrs Purdie’s boss!

Lucas: On Thursday we also had a fun day.

Maxx: On the fun day we took part in an art competition, which was fun!

Joseph: We all watched the movie The Incredibles and we were allowed to eat snacks.

Brandon: We all had a slice of St Ninian’s cake during our party. Also we have had two dress rehearsals for the concert and we all performed in front of the nursery and the Primary 1s and 2s.

Vanessa: In gymnastics we learned side vaulting and we tried to challenge ourselves to build up our skill!!

Cole B: We are all very excited to go to the basketball match tonight.

Have a great weekend and we are thoroughly looking forward to seeing you all at  our celebratory concert next week!


Primary 5 and Mrs Reeves



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