Primary 5 Weekly Update!

Another very busy week in Primary 5!  We have continued to learn about place value and we have looked at large numbers up to 100,000. We have also started to look at and describe some 2D shapes. In Writing we have been focusing on using descriptive language and we all wrote some amazing sentences to describe our story setting.

This week Batshewa and Marcella were chosen as our first Class Lead Learners. They have done an excellent job and they have been very busy writing comments in our Talking Book and they have also written our blog comments today. Very well done girls!

Here are some of our comments:

Kuba: I enjoyed basketball in PE

Jay: I have been enjoying the class novel. My favourite part of the story was when Rory Rooney turned green with his arch nemesis Grim Komissky

Dominika: In Spanish we learned how to count up to 20.

Louise: We learned how to count up to 20 in French.

Samuel: In big maths I got 17/17!

Abi: We played basketball in PE.

Neve: We started to write an imaginary story in writing.

Aria: I was chosen for  the Young Engineering Lego Class.

Ryan B: I am drawing the Broccoli Boy while Mrs Reeves was reading the story.

Hasseb: I have enjoyed the Class novel.


Have a great weekend!

Primary 5 and Mrs Reeves

Primary 5 Weekly News

This week in Primary 5 we have been working hard and we have been reading our class novel and using it to help us think about vocabulary and ideas for our story writing. We have based our Drama around super hero powers too! In Maths we have started to look at ordering numbers and we are going to focus on writing large numbers in words and figures next week.

Here are some of our comments:


Samuel: Today was the first day of Big Maths Beat That.

Lauren: In maths we have been learning about Place Value and we have been ordering numbers from smallest to biggest and I also enjoyed writing our Superhero stories.

Jay: I wrote a story about a Super hero called the Incredible Shark!

Vanessa: in art we all drew pictures of our Superheroes.

Kuba: In our class novel, The Astounding Broccoli Boy, we have discovered that Rory has ended up sharing a hospital room with his arch-enemy Grim Komissky!

Batshewa: We all finished making our Primary 5 birthday cards and I was able to choose one!

Aidan P: In P.E. we started to do Basketball and we are learning dribbling techniques.

Ambra: Drama was so funny. I worked in a group with Jay and Aidan and I was the person with the super power. All the class laughed!


Have a great weekend from Primary 5 and Mrs Reeves.




Primary 5 Weekly News

Primary 5 all feel refreshed after our summer holidays and we have had an amazing first week back!

We have started our first topic, based on our new class novel called The Astounding Broccoli Boy by Frank Cottrell Boyce. The story is all about a boy who suddenly turns green and is ‘Green by day, hero by night!’ We have started to discover what happens to him and we have been thinking about super heroes and what makes them super! We have started to think about what kind of super power we would all have, if we were suddenly to become superheroes.

We have also been creating our new class charter and we all decided to represent ourselves with  the theme of different Disney characters.  We all worked together to discuss the importance of a class charter and to decide on all the important points to include, ensuring that Primary 5 work hard, have lots of fun and enjoy  the best year ever!

We have talked about our learning and our hopes and expectations for Primary 5.


Here are our comments:

Jay: We are reading about The Astounding Broccoli Boy.

Louise: We are ready to set new goals.

Marcella: We made Disney characters.

Ambra: We had fun creating the class charter because we needed to draw and I love drawing!

Kuba: I liked drawing the Disney characters.

Charlie: I enjoyed P5 this week.

Aria: We made birthday cards.

Mirren: We played handball in P.E. this week.

Vanesa: we have had a nice day in Primary 5.

Aidan P: I loved art.

Finlay: I loved P.E. and I have enjoyed making the class charter.


Have a great weekend!

Primary 5 and Mrs Reeves



Primary 5 Weekly News

We have had another busy week and here are our highlights:

Lucas: On Monday we had Micro Fitness.

Louise and Grace: This week we had a huge wrecking ball bouncy castle to play on and we had to stand on a podium and knock people off.

Vanessa and Bea: This week we went to our new classes for next year and we met our new teachers. Our new teacher is Miss Ford. We met a new girl who is going to be in our class and she is lovely!

Taylor: We had our Sports Day – it was lots of fun! I ran in a relay race and our house won both of them!

Ethan: I came first in the races!

Rachel M: We took part in a house competition and many other races.

Kerrigan: This week we had a transition day. My new teacher is Mrs Roy. We all took part in a marshmallow challenge. It was fun and I am really looking forward to Primary 6.

Chi Chi: For the marshmallow challenge we needed 20 sticks of spaghetti, some string, masking tape and a marshmallow that goes on the top. Our challenge was to build the tallest tower. None of the towers won so it was a draw and we got to eat the marshmallows!

Toni: We were able to take home our art folders and our old jotters.

Preston: this week we has a Sumdog competition for homework. I did it and came 10th!

Kalin and Rachel W: In assembly we were given chocolate!

Max and Brandon: We had P.E. with the P6’s. It was fun!

Have a great weekend!

Primary 5 and Mrs Reeves


Primary 5 Weekly News

Another busy week! Here are our comments:

Cole F: on Monday we had the auditions for the Talent show.

Rachel M: This week we discovered who was selected to be in the Talent show. Sadly, I didn’t get chosen but I am very happy for the people who did and nothing can stop me from trying again next year!

Preston: On Friday we did a hilarious drama about Respect and I was lucky enough to play the role of Mr Rude.

Bea: This week Mrs Reeves set us all a challenge to prepare a talk about the body systems.

Toni: This week we listened to lots of presentations about the body.

Louise: This week we have got a new Sumdog competition for our class. Only six days left..!

Kerrigan: This week we took part in races for P.E. I came 3rd in the first race.

Lorena: I got into the finals for the relay races!

Ethan: I won all of the races!

Grace and Thomas: In P.E. we joined with the Primary 6 class and we played in our house teams.

Joseph and Max: We played a fun game in P.E.

Beth: Next week we will find out our new class for next year and who is going to be our new teacher.

Rebecca: In maths we have been doing lots of revision.

Rachel W: In Glee club we performed in our concert. We worked really hard and it was really good fun.

Chi Chi: This week we wrote about our journey in Primary 5.

Isla: In writing we wrote about some of our Primary 5 memories.

Kalin: The whole school went into the gym hall for a live workout and we did lots of exercises.


Have a great weekend from Primary 5 and Mrs Reeves



Primary 5 Weekly News

Another busy week! Here are some of our comments:

Chloe: This week we focused on the Global Goals and one group in our class made up a song.

Rebecca: We were thinking about the Global Goals and we were given the choice to either make a poster, a drama or a song about 3 of the goals. We worked in groups.

Grace: This week we completed some activities for the Rights of the Child. My group did two things, we made a poster and a piece of drama it was such fun!

Thomas: Yesterday we had to vote for our new House Captains.

Beth, Lorena and Toni: Today we found out who the new House Captains and Vice Captains are going to be. We voted yesterday and the results were announced by Mrs Purdie during assembly.  The Glasserton Captain is Erin and our Vice is Kalvin.

Joseph: Galloway’s Captains are Emily and Amera.

Bea: The House Captains for Whithorn are  Mia and Ben.

Rachel M: This week we voted for our new House Captains and Emma and Erin won for Calder.

Vanessa: This week we started writing about our highlights of Health Week.

Chi-Chi: On Wednesday we described our Health Week in our Writing lesson.  I wrote about Boot Camp, Cheerleading and Yoga because they were my favourite activities.

Maxx: This week we had Miss Ford for R.E.

Isla: This week for Maths we did height and weight and I found it pretty easy.

Max K: This week some people got their personal passwords for AAL and got to bring in their own devices. I was the first one to get a password!

Matt: We all watched the rehearsal for the Glee show. It was really good.

Have a great weekend! Primary 5 and Mrs Reeves.

Primary 5’s Health Week Highlights!

What a fantastic Health Week we have had! Here are some of our comments:

Charlie: This week has been packed full of different activities.

Bea: We have taken part in lots of fun activities such as Sports, Outdoor Adventures, Cooking and having fun!

Brandon: Health Week has been great! Mrs Reeves helped us to chop, peel and grate vegetables and to cook pasta. We also played Capture the Flag with P6. In Judo, Cole and Vanessa showed us some different moves.

Cole B: Judo was the best activity.

Vanessa: I enjoyed doing the Judo because one of my Judo coaches was there and I knew what to do!

Preston: Sadly, we lost the game of Capture the Flag.

Max: In Yoga, we practised lots of poses such as the ‘horse’ and the ‘cobra’.

Thomas: Golf was so much fun and the Golf teacher hit the roof with the ball!

Gaby: I won 2 points for my team in Golf!

Kalin: This week has been such fun. My favourite activity has been the Golf.

Lucas: We had Football and we did some dribbling and played games.

Ethan: The Football was really good fun. I scored a hat trick for my team.

Louise: On Tuesday, we did some Karate and we learned some kicks and punches.

Kerrigan: This week we played on a giant inflatable assault course – it was really exciting!

Rachel: We all raced each other on the inflatable course and I beat Chi Chi!

Beth: During our Health Week, we had some Cheerleading which was good fun!

Rebecca: We got to dance with Pom-Poms!

Taylor: We made up a Cheerleading dance, it was so much fun!

Lorena: My favourite activity was the Cheerleading.

Chi Chi: We practised all sorts of balances in Astro Gymnastics.

Chloe: We went to Bootcamp and we took part in a Tug of War, the girls beat the boys!

Toni: This week Mrs Reeves gave us health booklets all about how to keep yourself healthy and safe.



Have a great weekend!

Primary 5 and Mrs Reeves

Primary 5 Weekly News

This week was busy as usual. We started the week by visiting the library at the Lanthorn and we all were able to choose a new library book. We learnt all about the Dewey reference system.

Here are some of the other things we did:

Grace and Isla: This week in Writing we were allowed to write a story of our choice, it was great!

Rebecca: All the stories sound good.

Brandon: We did Big Maths. I really enjoy it.

Louise: In P.E. we were practising the High Jump and I cleared a metre!

Chi Chi: I jumped a metre in P.E.

Matt: In P.E. we did the High Jump and Ethan and Rebecca managed the highest jumps!

Thomas and Joseph: We had Ascension Mass at the Lanthorn on Thursday.

Taylor: The whole school went to the Mass, it was lovely!

Lucas: In Drama we had a lesson about forgiveness.

Gaby: At parents night I was able to buy a new book. It was called ‘Diary of a Wimpy Kid’.

Kerrigan: On Wednesday and Thursday we had Parents’ evening and we talked about our reports.

Preston: I got a really good report!

Maxx: Today it was the Primary 1 assembly.

Toni: Kaitlyn my sister did well.

Beth: Next week is Health Week and we have lots of activities to look forward to.

Ethan: Every year I look forward to Health Week!

Cole B: This week it has been very hot.

Vanessa: Today we just walked the Daily Mile because it was so hot!


Have a great weekend!

Primary 5 and Mrs Reeves

Primary 5 Weekly News

Another busy week has flown by! In French this week, Primary 5 were consolidating their knowledge of food, colours, hobbies, sports and animals. We all conducted surveys to find out our class preferences and then we collected the data using tally marks and presented our findings by creating colourful bar charts. We used dictionaries and Google Translate to help us find any difficult vocabulary or phrases.

Here are our comments:

Rebecca: This week in maths we did tallies and then we had to make a bar graph. Also we had to do it all in French!

Rachel M: This week in maths we completed our tallies and made them into bar charts and now they are on display on the walls in our classroom.

Isla: Also in Maths we practised converting grams to kilograms.

Chloe and Ethan: On Thursday we had our achievements assembly and the Mini Vinnies received badges.

Toni: This week we completed our writing assessment it was hard yet fun!

Kerrigan: We wrote a letter to Jeremy Hunt about the introduction of the Sugar Tax.

Gaby: During our Smart Start today we watched Newsround and we learnt about the cute little white baby tigers.

Bea: In our Drama lesson we focused on thinking about others’ feelings. In my drama scenario there were two new girls in a school and one was happy and joined in and the other was sad and did not want to play with others. By being kind to her, we discovered that the girl was unhappy because she had lost her kitten. In the end the kitten was found and we were all happy!

Charlie and Grace: In P.E. we started to do high jump.

Kalin: Only a couple of people won the high jump and I was one of them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Beth: On Tuesday in PE we did the high jump it was fun!!!!!!!!

Preston: We tested our scissor kick!

Taylor: We had a little competition where we had to do scissor kicks over the rope. It was fun!

Louise: Instead of having P.E. on Thursday, we had it today and we played Capture the Flag.

Vanessa: Today in P.E. we played Capture the Flag and we split into teams and played against each other and all really enjoyed it!!!!

Chi Chi: My team won each round of Capture the Flag, but it’s not all about winning, it’s about fun and taking part.

Have a great weekend from Primary 5 and Mrs Reeves

Primary 5 Weekly News

Another busy week in Primary 5! Here are some of our comments:

Toni: This week we talked a bit more about the idea of introducing a sugar tax to help encourage children to eat and drink more healthily.

Isla: We started writing a letter to Jeremy Hunt about the sugar tax.

Beth: We started a new Class Charter.

Kerrigan: We looked at our Class Charter and we had a vote to decide what designs we wanted to use.

Gaby: We chose to draw food with faces. I drew an ice cream with a face!

Taylor: We started to do our CEM testing.

Rebecca and Bea: We did lots of CEM testing and we love it!

Lorena: We jumped over hurdles in P.E.

Louise: In P.E. we had to jump from 2 feet to 1 foot and then 1 foot to another. The yellow hurdles were the smallest, the cardboard ones were medium-sized and the red ones were the biggest.

Max: This week we started doing hurdle jumps and at the end of the lesson we all raced and then played rounders.

Brandon: Running was fun.

Preston: We did P.E. on the field and the relay racing was really good fun!

Matt: In maths we were measuring in litres and millilitres.

Chi Chi: This week we started to prepare our questions in French to do a survey.

Rachel: In Science we learnt about the bones in our skeleton and we all drew different bones and made up our own class skeleton!

Have a great weekend from Primary 5 and Mrs Reeves!

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