Primary 5R #Amazing!!!!

Fantastic Primary 5 have had an amazing second week! Here are some of our comments to let you know what we’ve been doing:

Cameron C: We all learnt how to draw a wizard using a Youtube video.

Maya: We also created our own wizards and witches independently.

Kate: For our writing lesson, we also described our own wizards that we had created.

Emma: We played ‘Guess the character’, where we all had to think of descriptive words to describe our character.

Richard: Some people did some miming for our Word Boost activities.

Carly and Niamh: We drew our word Boost words and we drew pictures to represent the words.

Kuba: We started to learn about 2D shapes.

Emma: We looked about the classroom to find as many 2D shapes as we could.

Alexis: We drew the shapes, coloured them in and named them.

Richard: In Maths we learned about Place Value.

Maya and Sophie: We learnt about the signs for ‘Is greater than’ and ‘Is less than’ in Maths.

Brooke and Kate: We are learning Tennis in P.E.

Orla: We all decided on our new goals for this term.

Sophie: We had our photo taken to put outside our classroom.

Brooke: We all made Number Talks posters.

Have a great weekend!


Primary 5R and Mrs Reeves


Welcome to Primary 5R!

It’s been a great first week! So lovely to see everyone looking so refreshed and ready to learn after our lovely summer break. We are all enjoying our new class novel Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone which we will be focusing on for the next few weeks and we are excited to talk about all the new characters. We will also be using this novel to start learning our new Boost Words. We have created a new class charter and agreed on what is best for our classroom. We have spoken about the three themes for our school: Ready, Respectful, Safe. 

Important information for this term:

P.E days are Monday and Wednesday.

Pupils should have indoor shoes for wearing in class and for P.E. lessons.

Pupils should be ready to learn by bringing a sharp pencil to school every day and a full water bottle.

I am looking forward to a great year with Primary 5R!

Have a great weekend!

Mrs Reeves


P5 Visit to Hopetoun House

Last week we had a wonderful trip to Hopetoun House. We were able to dress up in Victorian clothing and we all took on the role of servants for the day! We got led through the amazing rooms of the house and we were able to use role play  to act out our different roles. Later we carried out hands-on chores such as polishing, ironing and butter churning. We also had a go at using quill pens. It was a great day!

We enjoyed tasting our finished butter with scones and jam back in class the next day!

Primary 5 and Mrs Reeves

Credit Union Competition!


West Lothian Credit Union will be 20 Years old in 2018 and they are having a competition to celebrate, which involves all children who save and have an account in the school, giving a suggestion to rename the Junior Savers account.

Only children, who are members of West Lothian Credit Union and pay in at their school, can enter in the competition.

Each child has been given a competition slip and all they need to do is to complete their name, class and school on one side and on the reverse side they should put their suggestion for the new name of West Lothian Credit Union’s Junior Savers Account. The Credit Union Committee members will collect the entry slips next Wednesday. There are still plenty of entry slips left if anyone still needs one!

All entries must be returned to the school by 14th March 2018 and placed in the Collection Box provided.

The Collection Boxes will be uplifted from each school on Thursday 15th March 2018.

There will be two finalists chosen from each school and the schools will be informed of who the finalists are. The overall winner will be announced at the event.

The finalists, their parents/guardians, staff and volunteers will all be invited to join in in this celebration.

The prizes will be presented to the successful entries. There is no cash equivalent.

The event will be held on Tuesday the 20th of March 2018, in the Almondbank Centre, Craigshill Livingston EH54 5EH between 10.00am and 12 noon.

Primary 5 Snowy Day Activities

Happy Snow Day Primary 5! I hope you are all enjoying your day off in the snow and having lots of fun!

Here are a few activities you can try if you want to while you are at home:


We have been learning about Victorian children and thinking about the poor children who had to go to work. Can you write a short story about a Victorian child using some of your Boost Words? See how many Boost Words you can include!

(Boost Words: craning, clutching, coldly, drummed, deafening, enraged, furiously, jerked, peculiar, revolting, scented, swiftly, seized, slithering, vigorously, vanished)

Here is a website link that tells you about the different types of work that Victorian children had to do:

World Book Day Activities:

  • Read a chapter of your favourite book to a partner. Explain why you like it and ask them for their opinion.
  • Write an alternative ending to your favourite story.
  • Create a biography of your favourite author (Find out about your favourite author and write about them!)
  • Think of questions that you could ask your favourite author.
  • Make an acrostic poem based on the title of your favourite story.


  • We have been learning a lot about fractions. Can you make up a fractions question of your own and explain how to work out the answer. See if you can use the words numerator and denominator!
  • Can you draw some equivalent fractions in the snow? If you can take a photo and send it on Class Dojo.
  • Keep on practising your time tables. Here are some websites you can use to help you practice.


You can type your answers onto the school blog or you can write down your answers and bring them into school.




Credit Union Accounts

The Credit Union accounts were launched successfully today and the Credit Union Committee, along with some parent volunteers were extremely busy taking in deposits and handing out Piggy Banks to all new account holders.

Pupils can now pay into their accounts every Friday morning or Thursday at midday for afternoon nursery pupils.

If any pupils still wish to open an account and have lost their application form, see the link below to print another copy.

Application form and ID form


Primary 5 Weekly News

For our Inspirational Maths  Week Primary 5 have looked at shapes, patterns and graphs without numbers. We have been learning that it is good to make mistakes and that our brains develop and grow every time we make a mistake and then try again.

Our new Lead Learners this week are Haseeb and Aidan G and they have written our  blog today.

Here are our comments:

Ambra: I liked it when we made robots with batteries and I loved being a partner with Aidan P.

Mirren: We played half games of basketball in P.E. this week and it was fun.

Louise: We had Mass today and the new P5’s were able to try the bread.

Dominika: We played Sumdog for one of our homework tasks,

Sam: Today was our third day of  Big Maths Beat That.

Ailie: In Writing we wrote a story setting about an old temple.

Aria: I really enjoyed looking at patterns in Maths this week.

Ryan B: I liked doing patterns in maths.

Have a great weekend!

Primary 5 and Mrs Reeves

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