Primary 5R Weekly News

This week in Primary 5R:

In P.E. we played Swedish Long Ball and we had two teams, the fielders and the runners.

We also made some Road Safety Posters to enter for the school competition.

Using GLOW we have now finished our Spanish Power Points about our families and we shared them with the class.

We really enjoyed sharing our Number Talks strategies with our visitor this week.

As part of Catholic Education Fortnight we learned all about the lifestyle of people living in India. We discovered that many people have to make paper bags by hand in order to survive, so we all tried to make bags to see what it would be like.

We learnt how to write a newspaper report and we wrote about the people in India.

We identified different types of punctuation during reading.

In Spanish we revised how to say the date.

We started to learn about decimal numbers and fractions this week and we also learnt  how to divide by 10,100 and 1000.

Emma received the Praise Postcard today as she has worked very hard this week and contributed extremely well during our writing lesson discussions. Very well done!


By Kuba and Richard

Lead Learners


Have a great weekend!

P5R and Mrs Reeves

Primary 5R Weekly News

Welcome back to awesome P5R. This week …


As part of our ‘Cool to be Kind Week’  in art we have created  posters with the theme ‘What RESPECT means to us’.

We started and some finished our Spanish power points using GLOW.

We discussed anti bullying and in drama we acted out some strategies to help deal with bullying and we tried  to guess the different strategies.

We all designed money posters describing the different forms of money.

We talked about advertising and we created advertisements for our Christmas Fair enterprise topic.

In Word Boost  we learnt new  words such as  ‘paced’  and  ‘jostled’.

In PE we took part in a Fitness Challenge and we also played Capture the Flag against the P5D and P5R won!

To celebrate anti bullying week  we wore odd socks  and for Children in Need  we  had a dress down  day.

Congratulations to Lennon for receiving the Praise Postcard this week. Well done!

By Carly and  Jack .

Lead Learners

Have a great weekend!

P5R and Mrs Reeves

Primary 5R Weekly News

This is what we were learning this week –

For our maths and numeracy we started to discuss money and we looked at division.

We logged on to GLOW and we started to input our goals and update the details on our Community Profile pages on One Note. We all started to send emails to Mrs Reeves.


We read a book about poppies and we talked about the 2 minute silence for Remembrance Day.

In writing we were trying to think of what silence would sound, feel, look, taste and smell like, all of them are imaginative thinking! We wrote silence poems as calligram poems using pictures.

For our topic we are learning about enterprise. We are preparing to make reindeer soaps and so we researched the best value materials and designed our product. Working in groups we researched what shops our teacher needs to go to purchase the materials and how much it will cost.

In PE we are focusing on fitness at the moment and we did a baby shark ab challenge and we worked with a partner to work on our core exercises.

During RE we talked about how God created the world in 7 days.

Congratulations to Katie and Pawel who both received Praise postcards. Well done!

From the lead learners Rachel and Emma.

Have a great weekend!


P5R and Mrs Reeves


Primary 5R Weekly News

Sophie: We had our All Saints Day Mass on Thursday.

Pawel: We also had our Class Mass and we went with P5D.

Kate: It was Halloween this week!

Carly: On Tuesday we had our Halloween disco and there were  competitions for the best pumpkin, the best dressed girl/boy and the best dancer. The best pumpkin was Lennon  and the best dressed girl was Rachel  -both from P5R Well done to them!!

Cameron: During writing we wrote Halloween poems and we made them rhyme.

Sophie: We watched some spooky poem videos to get us in the mood!

Katie: We took part in a Halloween workout in PE, playing  Zombie Tig and Dodgehead.

Jack: In Word Boost we mimed out the meaning of the words.

Rachel: We talked about our new enterprise topic to raise money for the school fund.

Maya: In maths we practised our multiplication skills.

Brooke: In RE we wrote our own All Saints Day prayers.

Seamus: We had our committees this week.

Kuba: In the Digital Technologies we shared and sorted all the school devices and handed them out equally to all  the classes.

Cameron: In the Health and Wellbeing committee we made posters about kindness and we made them colourful to make everyone feel happier. We are also thinking about starting a healthy tuck shop in school.

Brooke: In the Community Links committee we were talking about taking part in a bag packing event.


This week the Praise Postcard was awarded to Niamh – Well done!

Have a great weekend!

Primary 5R and Mrs Reeves

P5R Weekly News

This week in primary 5R…

  • We had a visit to the library and we each chose a new book to take back to school.
  • In maths this week we completed our triangle information posters and we presented it to our class in groups.
  • During writing we learned how to layout and write a science report.
  • We learned how to log on to our GLOW accounts and we all started to make our own Power Points that we can access at home.
  • We continued to learn how to introduce our family in Spanish.
  • We took part in some balance and stretches during P.E.
  • In RE we learned that if you love God you love your neighbour, so the two most important commandments are loving your neighbour and loving God.
  • Congratulations to Cameron who received this week’s Praise Postcard!


By Sophie and Seamus

P5R Lead Learners

Have a great weekend!

Primary 5R and Mrs Reeves!



P5R Weekly News

Yet another busy  week in P5 and we have been learning how to do lots of new things:

In Maths we have been rounding numbers and in Number Talks we have been revising our subtraction strategies. We have also been learning the names of different angles and we have been identifying triangles by the length of their sides and also their angles.

In Writing we wrote about Francis part two, where we wrote about what happened next to the girl in our story from last week.

In R.E. we have been thanking God for all the things we have and we have been learning how prayer can help us in our life. We have been discussing what people were respected in the time of Jesus and we have been talking about Jesus helping the Tax Collectors and the Sinners.

For Word Boost we have been learning some new words and their meanings and here are some examples: ‘stooping, flickering’ and ‘thundered’. We have been using these words throughout the week.

In Spanish we have continued to talk about our families and we are going to learn about pet names next week.

We are continuing to read our reading books and we are still enjoying our class novel, ‘Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone’ by J.K. Rowling. It is amazing!

In Spelling we had some new spelling words. We all have challenging words this week but we were all still successful.

In Science we have had fun learning about the difference between dissolving and melting and we have been testing different materials to see if they are soluble or insoluble in water. We tested salt, sugar, coffee, flour, rice, chalk, gravy and sand.

For our homework task we all read an extract from Harry Potter and answered questions about it.

In P.E. we have been learning Tennis skills and playing practice games. We also had a choice to take part in dancing.

Congratulations to Jack for being awarded the Praise Postcard this week!

The Lead Learners this week are Kate and Daniel.


By Kate and Daniel and P5R


Primary 5R Weekly News

Another busy week in P5R:

As part of our Science topic this week we took part in some science experiments. We were learning about using different processes to separate mixtures of materials. This is what we did:

  1. We mixed salt and water together and then we had to wait for the water to evaporate to see the salt crystals appear.
  2. We mixed rice and paper clips and we used a magnet to pick up and separate the paper clips.
  3. We mixed sand with water and for this we used a funnel and used a filtration process to separate the sand from the water.
  4. We mixed raisins and flour and then we used a sieve to separate the raisins from the flour.

In P.E. we played tennis and we also played Jailbreak and Boil the Kettle.

For Word Boost we made up sentences using our Boost words.

We practised our new spellings.

We wrote a story about a girl called Francis who disappeared into the darkness.

We had a special assembly for  ‘Wee John the Janny’ who is retiring today and we all gave him a card with our special messages and pictures.

It was European Day of Languages this week and we took part in a quiz to see where in Europe all the different languages are spoken.

Congratulations to Sophie for being awarded the Praise Postcard this week!

Katie and Pawel

Lead Learners

Have a great weekend!

Primary 5R and Mrs Reeves

Primary 5R Weekly News

We have had another short but busy week. Here are some of our comments:

In Writing we continued a story starter about an old cottage and we used descriptive openers – Kate

In PE we played Jailbreak and Boil the Kettle – Kuba

This week we were given our new reading books – Pawel

We started to discuss our new Science topic and we all shared our ideas with Mrs Reeves – Maya

We learned that the Statue of Liberty has changed colour over the years as it used to be a gold colour as it is made of a metal called copper – Carly

This happened due to a chemical reaction as the copper statue reacted with water and gases in the air which turned into copper carbonate, making the statue become a green colour – Emma

We learned how to talk about our families in Spanish – Sophie

We wrote some bidding prayers in R.E. – Orla

We had a Number Talks specialist come in to see us and we talked about lots of different strategies including the ‘Niamh strategy’ – Jack

We all enjoyed starting our new committees today – Emma

By Niamh and Alexis

Have a great weekend!

Primary 5R and Mrs Reeves

Primary 5R Weekly News

It has been another fantastic week in Primary 5R!

This week has been Maths week and we have all been learning that it is okay to make a mistake because we can learn a lot from a mistake if you believe in yourself. When you make a mistake, synapses in your brain fire and make new pathways in your brain.  We also discovered that speed is not important when trying to calculate an answer as it is more important that you understand how to use your different strategies to work things out.

We  were all shown an image of 6 dots for just a few seconds and then we described exactly how we could remember the sequence of dots. We noticed that many of us saw the dots in our own unique way.

We also learnt about the Hailstone Sequences which follow these rules:

If a number is even, divide it by 2

If a number is odd, multiply it by 3 and add 1.

A mathematician called Lothar Collatz proposed that for any number you pick, if you follow the procedure enough times you will eventually get to 1. We all enjoyed trying to test this out using different numbers.

We have been learning that a polygon is a shape with many sides, usually more than 4. We have found out the names of some regular polygons:

A quadrilateral has 4 sides and 4 angles , a pentagon has 5 sides and 5 angles, a hexagon has 6 sides and 6 angles, a heptagon has 7 sides and 7 angles,an octagon has 8 sides and 8 angles, a nonagon has 9 sides and 9 angles  and a decagon has 10 sides and 10 angles.

In Art we used 2D shapes to make pictures of faces, people and animals.

In R.E. we designed DVD covers for a 21st Century Saviour and we discussed how he/she could help us.

In Writing we have been thinking about creating a setting and we all described a house and garden made entirely of sweets.

We have also been revising our spelling of numbers this week.

In P.E. we played Bean Bag tennis and Jailbreak.

Have a great long weekend!

Brooke, Michael and all of P5R



Primary 5R – still amazing!!

This week in Primary 5…


Maths – In maths this week we have been looking at subtraction and we have been doing maths bingo. We were also revising 2D shapes and in Number talks we were learning about number bonds.


Word Boost – These are some of our words this week – vanished, scented, deafening and vigorously. We really enjoyed miming our boost words.


Writing – In writing we wrote in a diary entry about Harry Potter’s emotions when he was living in the Dursley’s house but we made mind maps to help us.


PE – In PE we learned to play tennis by doing rallies against Mr McCurdy and running around him.


Health & Wellbeing – In health & wellbeing we have been focusing on being safe and we discussed Stranger Danger. We also have a new poster for our Class Charter and new wristbands for being Ready, Respectful and Safe.


RE – In RE this week we were thanking God for all the things that we have like friends, gifts and talents.


Drama – We were doing drama scenes about Harry Potter to help us to think about his feelings and emotions.


Spanish – We were using our Spanish words and we had to translate them into English by using our knowledge and memory. We all talked about  feelings in Spanish.


Have a great weekend!

Buen fin de semana!

Kate and Cameron C




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