P5R Weekly News

We have had a really busy couple of weeks. Here are our highlights:


Last week:

On Wednesday morning we made pizzas.

On Thursday it was our election day and all the different houses voted for the new House Captains and Vice Captains for next year.

Orla, Brooke and Jack went to Deans High School to take part in the Triathlon races. They did really well and they all came back with a medal!

We all went to the library and then we went to the park.

We all went to the Bowling Club in Murieston and took part in some games – it was really good fun!

We were learning how to calculate area of a rectangle using a formula: A=BXL.

In P.E. we played Extreme Dodgeball with new rules. We had a ‘Joker’, a ‘Queen’ or a ‘King’ in each team. If the King or Queen was hit then the whole team was out, so we had to protect the King and Queen.

This week was health week.

Rachel: We learnt some different football skills which was good fun.

Sophie: We all worked in groups to research different body systems and we prepared and presented our findings to the class.

Kate: Then we went to Relax Kids where we learnt different calming strategies.

Niamh: We went to Dynamic Earth for the day. We learnt about the rain forest, icebergs, time travelling, the animals that used to live thousands of years ago, volcanoes and how astronauts made their first trip to walk on the moon.

Richard: We also had a workshop where we learnt about the effect plastic has on the environment.

Michael: We learnt about negative and positive peer pressure and how to deal with difficult situations.

Cameron: Mr McCurdy set up a Kahoot Question of Sport quiz which we all took part in.

Kate: We all took place in an obstacle course and it was really rainy, slippy and muddy! It was really fun and Jack came first and Kate was the first girl!

Niamh:We then took part in a golf lesson where we learnt the difference between a putter and a driver.

Rachel: Some people from St. Margaret’s came to take us for a dance lesson. At the end we all performed a dance for Mrs Reeves to see.

Richard: We all loved the Parkour where we were practising swinging backwards and forwards.

We finished off the day with hand massages with Primary 6.

The Glee girls went to the Centre and we performed all our songs twice and raised a lot of money.

Have a great weekend!

Mrs Reeves and P5R

P5R: Two blogs for the price of one!

Here are our Class blogs for the last two weeks!

Last week:


PE- we learned how to perform relay races. In sprinting you had to learn how to move really quickly. We had to learn the best way to hold the baton so it could be passed on safely and quickly. Also about developing a quick reaction.

Writing- In writing we were writing a description about something of our choice for example a pet, house or place. We used our knowledge of  structure having to have an introduction, characteristics and an evaluation. We liked being able to choose what we wanted to describe.

Outdoor learning day-on Thursday we went to four different activities. We used the outdoor environment to build a cat bed for a regular visitor to our nursery! We had to look around for letters in our environment and solve a puzzle. We also had outdoor PE with fitness stations and it was fun getting to do PE in the fresh air. We had to find different natural objects such as a leaf, a stone, a stick, a piece of grass and a daisy. Each object linked to a number puzzle which we had to solve.

By Brooke and Michael


This week:

Another amazing week in primary 5R. Here is what we have been doing …


Mass – The whole school walked down to the Lanthorn on Thursday. We went because it was Ascension day.


French – In French we learnt the French words for feelings and we read a French book called ‘The small caterpillar who was always hungry’. We also learnt the days of the week.


Maths- In maths we did some division because we thought we needed some practise to get better.


R.E- In R.E. we were learning about Ascension day with Mrs Howley.


PE- With Mr McCurdy we made our own games in groups with different objects like tyres, balls, Frisbees, hurdles, cones and many more.


We had a Judo taster lesson and then they gave us leaflets to see if we wanted to join their club.


Bowls- Special people came in and they taught us how to play bowling. Then they gave us fliers to see if we wanted to go to their bowling club.


Art- In art Mrs Young was helping us make flip flops with unique patterns on them. Then we cut them out and put paper straps on them.


Assembly- In assembly, a man came in and taught us dances and phrases like “July” and they are meant to help you relax.


Written by Kate and Niamh!


Have a great weekend!

Mrs Reeves and P5R

Primary 5R Weekly News

Here are some of our our highlights for the week:

P.E: In P.E we did Cross Country and also we did some sprinting.

Maths: In maths we were estimating and weighing items in the classroom so we had an idea of what kg and grams feel like. Also we made posters about kg and grams.

Topic: We had to finish our Global Goals Sway presentations and we also had to perform our IMovies and Sway/PowerPoints to our parents as part of our Global goals showcase.

Spanish: In Spanish we were learning how to say fruits and vegetables.

R.E: We created our own prayers to Mary. We decorated our prayers and some of us shared them with the class.

Achievement Assembly: P5R went to the Achievement Assembly. Some people from our class were able to speak about the St. Ninian’s football team because they are currently first in the league.

Comprehension Box: Our class were continuing to do some comprehensions.

Our class were also playing a game outside called Quick Draw Maths for National Numeracy Day.

By Kuba and Cameron F (Lead Learners)

Have a great weekend!

Mrs Reeves and P5R


P5R Weekly News

Here are some of our highlights for this week:

Carly: In PE  we did the high jump  and we jumped up to a height of 1m 45 cm .

Rachel: In maths we have been learning about how to measure  perimeters  in metres and centimetres (lots of fun!)

Brooke:  In PM writing we have moved on to a different story to learn about writing a description .

Katie, Orla, Kate:  In topic we have been preparing for our presentations for our Global Goals showcase.

Lennon , Richard ,Michael, Kuba ,Pawel and Maya:   On Thursday a visitor came to our class.  She was watching and helping us when we were learning and next week on Monday she is going to give us a Spanish lesson. We are very excited about this!

Emma, Daniel, Jack, Seamus  and Cameron C : We learnt how to use iMovie that is so much fun.

Niamh:  In R.E we were practising finding readings in the Bible and Mrs Purdie was watching us.

Alexis:  We made posters  for our Global Goals topic.


Have a great weekend!

Mrs Reeves and P5R



Primary 5R Weekly News

It has been another busy week in Primary 5R. Here are some of our highlights:


Sophie: The Glee club is practising another show from the past.

Carly: In P.E. we did the high jump. It was really fun! Anyone who managed to stay in jumped over a metre high.

Kate: We have moved on to a new story in our PM writing and this time it is a description about the moon.

Maya: For our new topic we are learning about the Global Goals and we are all making IMovies.

Michael and Kuba: We did some writing about our Global Goals using a netbook.

Rachel: In maths we are starting to learn about measure. We have been looking at length this week.

Maya: We mixed our P.E. and our maths together by using the trundle wheels to measure the new athletics tracks. At the end we all ran different races.

Michael: We also measured different items in the classroom to practise our measuring skills.

Brooke: In R.E. we were learning about different prayers, the Angelus and the Gloria.

Have a great weekend!

Mrs Reeves and P5R




P5R Weekly News

Welcome back to another fantastic P5R blog!!!!

Maths – For maths we went outside in the snow and used our devices as compasses. We all had to face different directions such as: north, south, west, east, south west, south east, north west and north east.

Topic – For our topic France we watched a tutorial on YouTube of how to draw an Eiffel Tower. We all really enjoyed drawing them and they all turned out amazing. We also used French dictionaries to locate different French words and we made a poster and shared them with the rest of the class.

P.E – For P.E we were inside our classroom doing 5 rounds of workout with Miss Ford.

Mindfulness – For mindfulness we drew posters about how much we liked/did not like mindfulness.

On Tuesday we watched the P6 – P7 dress rehearsal for their show called The Gospel Show. We loved it!

Today we linked up with P2/3 as a team link. We watched them read their stories to us on the Smartboard and then we were able to give them feedback. It was good fun!

Well done to Cameron F for being nominated for the Praise postcard this week.



By Cameron C. , Cameron F. , Daniel, Orla & Brooke JJ.


Happy Easter!

Mrs Reeves amd P5R



1+2 Spanish Word Boost

Here are the recent Spanish phrases we have all been learning  in class:


Can I have a pencil please?

 ¿Puedo tener un lápiz por favor?


Can I go to the toilet please?

¿Puedo ir al servicio por favor?


I’m having a packed lunch today.

 Yo tengo lonchera hoy. 


Can I get a drink of water please?

 ¿Puedo tomar agua por favor?


Keep practising!

Mrs Reeves and the 1+2 Language Ambassadors

Primary 5R Weekly News

Welcome to the P5R blog….


Maths: In maths we were learning to try different strategies to calculate multiplication sums.

PE: In PE we did some football with Miss Ford on the field. We learnt how to dribble the ball and then we were split into our houses and we played mini games. We also ran around the track as a warm up and later we played King of the Ring.

Writing: In writing we redrafted our recount where we had to improve it by adding better vocabulary such as adjectives and conjunctions. We also edited it by checking our spelling and punctuation.

Assembly: In assembly we had a picture taken with the Scottish cup which is held right now by Celtic Football Club and also a picture with the mascot.

Health & Wellbeing: For health and wellbeing we talked about feelings.  We made a feelings ruler on a scale of 1 to 10 and we were asked challenge questions and we would place ourselves on the ruler depending on how we felt about that thing. We found out that people have different opinions and feelings about different things.

Art: We started to draw the Eiffel Tower as part of our France topic.


Science: We were learning about water this week. We discussed where it comes from and why we need it.  We made water information posters in groups and we presented them to the class.


Well done to Orla and Daniel for achieving Praise Postcards this week.



Written by Cameron F and Cameron C

Have a great weekend!

Mrs Reeves and P5R



P5R Weekly News

We have all worked hard this week. Here are some of our highlights:


Topic: P5R were learning to  play French games outside . We learnt how to play ‘What’s the time Mr Wolf?’ using French numbers . We learnt it because our topic is France.

Writing: In writing we have been looking at a story called ‘The Apple Orchard’. It  is a recount so we used all the information we have learnt about writing a recount. We got to write about whatever we wanted, for example – our holidays, our weekend or anything else.

P.E.: In P.E. we played Football and we had a tournament to see who the champions were.  Fourth: dark blues,  third: yellows, second: greens and first: :light blues. We also played mini  basketball with Mrs Reeves.

R.E : In R.E. we were learning about St. Joseph. He was a carpenter and we did a crossword about him.

PM Writing : We did a video about recounts for Mrs Purdie including everything we needed to remember.

Maths: We were learning about hundredths and looking at the labels on bottles and packets to see if we could find any examples of hundredths on the labels.


Written by our Lead Learners: Kate and Daniel!

Have a great weekend!

Mrs Reeves and P5R




P5R Weekly News

Here is the news from P5R for this week:

Some of the girls in P5R went to the Glee competition last night and they came 2nd  place! They all really enjoyed it and they all received a medal for their hard work and great achievement.

We all took part to complete some scientific research about an explorer of our choice. We used the internet and made notes and then we presented our notes.  Some people chose to do a Power Point but most people chose to do a SWAY.

We continued to learn about  PM Writing, looking at past tense verbs, nouns and time and sequence words.

We also went to the library and chose some new books.

In reading we learned about an apple orchard.

For PE we played football and some people wanted to play inside and some out.

We learnt about St Patrick’s Day in R.E.

On Tuesday we had a Stay, Play and Be Well morning. There were four different workshops:

Mindfulness:  We learnt how to make a glitter bottle.

Online Safety: We answered questions sheets using a website and completed a word search.

Sleep Scotland: We learnt how to sleep and what to avoid in order to ensure a good night’s sleep.

Resilience: We worked in groups to design a poster about being resilient.

We also made aeroplanes and helicopters in Science. We had a competition to determine how far all of our planes could travel. Seamus managed to throw his for the longest distance – 10.06 metres!

This blog is from Katie & Pawel.

Have a great weekend!

Mrs Reeves and P5R




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