Primary 6 Weekly News

This week has been a very different week for all of us. We have continued with our learning but we have also tried to focus on being positive and happy over the next few weeks to come.

Learning Overview:

Numeracy and Maths:

We have been learning about finding percentages, calculating time intervals, looking at timetables and solving mysteries.


We have continued with our discussion writing and we have had a discussion about the issue of school closure as part of our Listening and Talking.

Health and Wellbeing:

We have worked on a School ‘Happy News’ Newspaper to help stay happy. This involved news stories, both in school and worldwide, puzzles, recipes, inspirational quotes and pictures.

Pupil voice:

Angel: We were up levelling our Writing, using our plans to write a perfect discussion.

Brooke: I liked writing about my ‘Wierd Day’ by explaining how I have felt today and through the week.

Emily: Yesterday we all worked hard producing and researching different pieces of information to go into our St. Ninian’s Primary School Happy News Paper.

Daniel: We went around the whole school interviewing people to discover their happy news.

Jack: It was nice to hear everyone’s kind and happy thoughts.

Orla: I enjoyed Maths because we had to solve the mystery of the Putrid Pumpkin Poisoner. We had fun working in pairs or trios to do this.

Kate: I enjoyed working with Orla in Maths being detectives, even though some of it was quite hard, it was fun.

Sophie YM: During our Maths, we learnt the useful rhyme to help us remember the number of days in each month:

30 days hath September, April, June and November,

All the rest have 31,except February alone,

Which has 28 days clear and 29 each leap year.

Sophie R: I had fun working in teams in Maths because we had to work together to solve all the different clues.

Calvin: I enjoyed playing basketball in P.E. because it was fun and we played with the P6/7s.

Carly: In Art we made a 3D paper sculpture of a face and we had to make different designs using many different paper folding techniques such as folding, crimping, curling and cutting.

Maliha: We all visited the nursery this week to meet our buddies. We all loved it even those of us who weren’t able to meet our buddies. We enjoyed playing with them.

Sophie D: I made a PowerPoint which contained lots of positive quotes for the class to make us all feel happy. I really enjoyed making this for everyone.

Home Learning:

Remember to look after each other and keep washing your hands! Learning and Teaching will continue on TEAMs from next week.

Enjoy the weekend and hopefully we will all see each other again very soon!

Mrs Reeves and P6

P6 Weekly News

Learning Overview


We  continued to modify and up level our discussion planning skills to enable us to write a perfect discussion next week. In addition, we thought about our listening skills as we listened carefully to the details of an African Folk story. Then we discussed the moral of the story. 

Numeracy and Maths

We did our Maths outside this week. As part of our learning about time, we had to go into groups and measure out a few metres, then run or do a different activity of our choice up and down the line for five minutes. We used stop watches to take turns to time ourselves. 

We also started our new ‘Chooseday’ Numeracy actvities this week. We had 8 different Numeracy tasks to choose from. Some of us chose to work outdoors, some made Eat Well plates, some used a Numeracy Workout website and others played snap. All the activities helped us to practise and consolidate our learning about fractions, decimals and percentages.

Learning Across the Curriculum

Health and Wellbeing: In P.E. we learnt some new skills in basketball where we would spin the basketball around our back and lots of other fun skills. Also, we got put into two groups and played ‘Killer where you have to try and shoot and if you miss, the person behind you scores and then you are out 


Art: In Art with Mrs. Conway we were making paper sculptures. We got taught lots of different paper folding and cutting methods and we used them to make random things of our choice. Next week we are going to make a FACE SCULPTURE!  


Torness Power Station:  We had a class trip to Torness Power Station and we got a tour around the premises which enabled us to see the big machines and the control room. Then we got put into groups of six and we had to try and build the tallest and prettiest tower we could using just a roll of sellotape, scissors, A3 paper and A4  paper.  


Music: Drumming – This week a man came into school and was teaching us how to play the drums but they were special drums, they were huge! They are often used in films and in Japanese festivals. We got told how to do a drum roll and a song. It was lots of fun. 

Pupil Voice: 

Brooke: We found out the names of our buddies today and we are going to meet them next week. 

 Kate: I really enjoyed doing the art this week and all my family were very impressed with our sculptures. 

 Angel: I enjoyed taking part in the Chooseday Numeracy activities because we were able to make our own choices and do different things. 

 Michelle: I enjoyed using the drums and being taught how to play a tune. 

 Cameron: Basketball was good because we learnt some new skills. 

 Maya: The World of Work website was fun. 

  Emily: Visiting Torness Power Station was really interesting and we learnt lots and we all had lots of fun. 


Home Learning

Please ask your child to talk about their learning during the school trip to Torness Power Station.

Many of the children are concerned about the Coronavirus so please discuss this with your child and remember to talk about the importance of handwashing!

Also please ask your child if they are fully aware how to access Glow and OneNote from home, so that they can ask me next week if they have forgotten their password or login details.


Have a great weekend from P6 and Mrs Reeves

P6 Weekly News

Learning Overview



This week for our Writing lesson we each wrote a discussion about whether paper maps should be replaced by electronic maps. We talked about the advantages and disadvantages of both types of maps.

As part of World Book Day we all read our books and we also had an Author and Illustrator Masterclass where we were able to see Jamie Littler and Laura Ellen Anderson talk to us and they both read us some extracts from their books ‘Amelia Fang’ and ‘Frostheart’.

We also took part in a giant quiz with 3 other classes. We had to answer questions about the title and author names of different books.

Numeracy and Maths

We worked on our fractions, decimals and percentages to help Mrs Reeves decide what she was going to teach us next.


Health and Well being

In P.E. we have started to do Basketball by practising our Basketball skills and playing a few games.

We have made a kindness box for our class. If someone is kind to us, we now write their name on a piece of paper and say how they have been kind to us and put this in the box. At the end of the day the acts of kindness are all read out and the people who have been kind get their names put on our recognition board.

World of Work

We are all taking part in a World of Work survey to help us find out our different work skills. So far we have started to do a quiz which tells us what type of animal we are.


Pupil Voice:


I really enjoyed going to the hall to take part in the Cahoot quiz. We talked about World Book Day and Mrs Conway read us all a poem.


I enjoyed drawing the different characters as part of the World Book Day author’s challenge.


I loved playing Basketball this week.

I  liked making up our own characters and drawing them in our Learning Journals.

Home Learning

Help your child to keep practising telling the time and ask them to convert the time into 12 hour and 24 hour time.  See if you can have a look at some timetables together to work out different journey times.

Ask your child to talk about the different characters they created on World Book Day.


We will be visiting Torness Power Station on Monday to support our learning in science about energy and electricity.
All pupils should bring a snack and a packed lunch.
Pupils should not bring devices. Devices are not allowed on the tour. I suggest devices are left at home on Monday or left at the office as there will be no one in the classroom.

Have a great weekend!

Mrs Reeves and P6


Primary 6 Weekly News

Learning Overview:

Numeracy: We have been continuing to learn about finding percentages using our knowledge of fractions. We have also been interpreting simple timetables.

Literacy: We have been focusing on writing discussions and we have written a discussion about the use of mobile phones in school. We have also prepared and performed a scripted piece of drama.

Health and Well being:

We have been discussing  the Rights Respecting Article  5 and thinking about the  best piece of advice we  have received.


Pupil Voice:

Maths –  In Numeracy we did fractions and percentages. We were converting  fractions into percentages. We all enjoyed doing this.

P.E –In P.E we were doing gymnastics and performing routines on the equipment. We all really enjoyed this activity.

Art – In Art with Mrs Conway we were learning about fair trade and how if you buy something with a fair trade sticker you know you are helping less fortunate people. We were drawing and colouring the fair trade logo.

Music – We were learning about our voice box when we sing and we watched an ‘Operation Ouch’ video which told us about our voice and how gasses can make our voice sound funny.


Home Learning:

Look at all the food packaging in your house or at the shops and see if you can spot any Fairtrade logos.

See if you can find any timetables for trains or buses etc. and see if you can work out the times between different journeys.

Continue to practise learning your times tables to help with fractions.

P6 Weekly News

Learning Overview

Maths and Numeracy

This week we have been continuing to reinforce our learning of fractions and decimals, whilst making comparisons to percentages. We have been looking at equivalent fractions and then trying to identify the perentage. We shall be continuing with this next week. Also we have been learning about time and we have been converting analogue times to 24 hour times. We shall continue with this and start looking at using timetables next week.


We have been focusing on the structure and the importance of planning to write an explanation of how energy from the sun can be transferred. We have also been focusing on different spelling patterns to reinforce our spelling skills. This week our focus is on the spelling pattern:  -ed.


We have been learning about electricity and we have been drawing and making electric circuits using the following components: a switch, a battery, wires and a bulb. We have also carried out some experiments by testing different items with our electric circuits to determine which substances are conductors or insulators.

Pupil Voice

Art: In art we made pendulums with paper cups and string. Then we added paint and put a big piece of paper on the bottom of it.  We spun it, pushed it or whatever we wanted and my group’s second one looked like a shoe!

 RE: In R.E. someone pretended to be St. Paul in our hot seat activity.

 Sky: We made story boards in preparation for our Sky Studios trip on Monday.

 Writing: We wrote an explanation about how energy comes from the sun.

Maths: In maths we did fractions, decimals and percentages, but mostly percentages. We talked about them and then discussed how confident we felt about percentages.

P.E: In P.E. we did gymnastics with balances and rolls. We also went on the vault and we did jumps, shapes and front flips.

 Posters: We made posters which were about what we wanted to do when we were older. In the middle of the paper we wrote the name of what job we wanted to have and then we had to write a skill connected to that job for each letter.

 Mrs Reeves lost her voice then Mrs Quinn aka Jack had to ‘step in’ to save the week for Mrs Reeves!

Home Learning

Next week we will be focusing on internet safety. Please take this opportunity to discuss staying safe online with your children, especially safe and responsible use of social media. There are resources available here:

A reminder that next week we will be visiting Sky Skills Studios on Monday.




Primary 6 weekly News

Learning Highlights:


This week our main highlight was our ‘Scotland the Brave’ show and we thoroughly enjoyed performing in front of our families this morning. We loved acting, narrating, and singing all the Scottish songs.


We have been revising our knowledge of fractions in Numeracy this week and we have been calculating fractions of a value.


We have started to plan and write explanations and we will be practising this genre over the next couple of weeks.


Pupil Voice:

Calvin: I liked Science and we made paper helicopters.

Kate: I have learnt about different types of energy and I have really enjoyed learning this.

Maya: I learnt that when we held the helicopters up in the air they had potential energy and when we let go it changed to kinetic energy.

Maliha: I enjoyed jumping over the vault in P.E.

Angel: In P.E. we did balances and rolls and we jumped on the vault.

Daniel : I really enjoyed rehearsing for the show.

Michael: I learned how to write an explanation.

Kuba: I learnt how to find fractions of a number.


Home Learning:

We would like to be asked about telling the time on an analogue clock as we will be starting to learn about time next week. We also need to keep practising our times tables.

Have a great weekend!

Mrs Reeves and P6

P6 Weekly News

Weekly overview:

This week in writing we described a picture of some WWII evacuees.

In P.E we took part in gymnastics in groups or pairs with our new P.E. teacher Mr Cummings.  We were working on our balances and rolls and we put them together and did a sequence. We are going to share them with everyone in our class next week.

In R.E we learned about Jesus being baptised at the river Jordan were Jesus was baptised by

John the Baptist.

In maths we learned about equivalent fractions and although we found it tricky we managed to do it.

In science we learned about different types of energy we also learnt that we need to get lots of sleep to get energy and we enjoyed it.

In art we coloured in a picture with light pens on the white paper and dark pens on the grey paper.

We practised our lines and had lots of rehearsals for our Scotland assembly/show.


Pupil Voice:

Sophie YM: I enjoyed learning about energy for our new Science topic.

Angel: I enjoyed learning about fractions because it helped my understanding.

It was really good fun having gymnastics with Mr Cummings.

Kate: I have really been enjoying practising for the Scotland the Brave show.

Brooke: I really liked doing the news report for our homework activity this week.

Maya: The drama was fun in R.E. with Mrs Howley.


Home  Learning Opportunities:

Suggestions from P6:

We are keen to take part in outdoor activities and anything creative!

Can we try a family trivia quiz night?

Ask us about this week’s boost words (what they mean, whether they are nouns, adjectives, verbs or adverbs and if we can use them in a sentence).










Have a great weekend!

Mrs Reeves and P6




Primary 6 Weekly News

Learning Overview:

This week we have been consolidating our learning for this term’s interesting topic of discrimination. We have used group work to discuss the issues regarding the definition of discrimination and we have looked at how different groups of people are affected due to reasons such as skin colour, gender, age, religion and even disability. We have learned about Rosa Parks and had fun creating drama scenes in connection with this. We finished this topic through our writing this week where we wrote about the importance of treating everyone equally, using the genre of exposition.

We have been assessing our learning and understanding in numeracy and looking at addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. We have been very successful with our methods and use of different strategies although we all need to continue to practise learning our times tables and understanding of worded problems to identify the calculations within them.

We have been busy presenting our class talks where we have researched into different jobs and possible careers for our futures. We have been particularly discussing the skills for work and making links where possible to the skills we are learning at school. We have all made a fantastic effort and we have been focusing on including an introduction and a conclusion which has really improved our presenting skills.

Pupil Voice:

Carly: We went to Advent Mass and Father Kenneth put baby Jesus in the crib.

Angel: We did a presentation about people who have inspired us.

Sophie R: We have been taking part in a house Sumdog competition.

Brooke: We have been sharing our talks about careers that interest us.

Sophie YM: We learnt a new dance in P.E.

Katie: We all sang ‘Last Christmas’ during the Cake and Carols, in front of parents, grandparents and other visitors.

Lennon: We wrote about discrimination for writing and we all wrote an exposition stating that everyone should be treated fairly.

Next Steps – Home Learning Opportunities:

Continue to practise learning your times tables to help you improve your multiplication and division skills.

Practise presenting your solo talks for next week. We are looking forward to hearing them!


Primary 6 Weekly News


This week we have been learning how to multiply decimal fractions and how to divide whole numbers by 19, 100 and 1000. We have had some more practice with measuring angles using a protractor and we are feeling more confident with this now.

In Writing we have been looking at the structure of an exposition and we planned and wrote one about the Daily Mile.

We have spent a great deal of time preparing for the school Christmas Fayre and making our calendars, snow globe decorations and decorating the Christmas trees. We also spent some time calculating the cost of making the different items, ready to calculate the profit for the class.

Pupil voice:

Angel: I liked decorating the Christmas trees with glitter and

pom-poms for the Christmas Fayre.

Jack: I prepared my solo talk about being a footballer.

Niamh: In RE we performed dramas about St. Andrew.

Lennon: We learnt how to measure angles using a protractor.

Rachel: For Writing we wrote an exposition about running the Daily Mile.

Andrew: We all made snow globes for the Christmas Fayre.

Angel: We made advertising posters about everything we were selling for the Fayre.

Carly: We finished our Christmas Spanish calendars.

Pawel: I really enjoyed making the poster for the fayre.

Calvin: Our new PM Writing genre is Exposition.

Rachel: In PE we did Scottish dancing. We joined with the Primary 7 class for our dancing.

Kate: In Maths we were working out the cost of making our enterprise products and then we decided on the prices of our products and we will be calculating the profit later on.

Home Challenge:

Next time you are out shopping, look out for packs containing several items. See if you can calculate how much each individual item costs by dividing the cost of the packet by the number of items inside,

Look out for different angles at home. Can you find examples of right angels, acute angles or obtuse angles?

Try to practise the Primary 6 Christmas song using the link below:


Primary 6 Weekly News



This week we have been learning different strategies to help with division. We have looked at dividing multiples of 10.100 and 1000. We have also looked at how to solve division problems by multiplying and partitioning.

We started trying to measure angles using a protractor and as we found this quite tricky, we shall be focusing on this a bit more next week to help us improve our measuring skills.


Having made our water wheels last week, this week we have been learning how energy can be harnessed by the flow of water and converted into electricity. We wrote fantastic procedures to explain how to make a water wheel in our writing lesson. Next week we will be testing our water wheels outside.

We have also researched and prepared a powerpoint to present at the Primary 6 St. Andrews Cluster Assembly next week.

Health and Wellbeing:

We have continued with our Discrimination topic and we have been learning what discrimination means and that some people are treated unfairly because of their characteristics.


Parental Involvement:

When reading at home, try reading aloud and pay close  attention to the punctuation to help you to improve your reading with expression. Remember to try to use your voice to make it more interesting and exciting.

Division is so much easier if you have a good knowledge of your times tables! Keep practising and use this website to help:


Pupil Voice:

Angel: I enjoyed creating a poem for the road safety competition.

Michelle: I learnt how to divide big numbers using partitioning.

Cameron: I enjoyed making the St Ninian’s leaflet as part of the Pope Francis Faith Award.

Brooke: I enjoyed creating our own definition of the word Respect.

Orla: We started Scottish dancing this week.

Carly: I liked writing our procedure about the water wheel and we loved sharing our skills with Mrs Roy.

Michael: This week we learnt about discrimination and we had fun creating small drama scenarios.

Kate: I enjoyed making a Boost Word poster for our Literacy Wall.

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