Mrs Docherty HWB: Self-esteem 14.5.20

Good morning everyone. These are very different times we are living in and especially for your children as they adjust to the new normal routine. They may find it difficult at times and so for this week I would like to focus on some Health and Wellbeing activities about self-esteem and managing change and emotions during this period.

Self-esteem is something that allows children to feel good about themselves. It allows them to recognise what they are good at, helps them to persevere even when they don’t get things first time and supports them to recognise that it is ok to make mistakes. I have included a link below for a lovely story called The Girl Who Never Made Mistakes. Please have a listen and share it with your child.



Self-esteem gives your children the courage to try new things, make new friends and also gives them the ability to recognise that good things happen when they try.

A few ways to help develop their self-esteem include:

  • Sharing with them their successes and telling them you can see how well they are doing with something.
  • Get them to make a list of what they are good at. If they are finding this difficult you and other family members can share what you feel they are good at.
  • Get them to practise the things they do well.
  • Encourage your child to do their best at all times and to persevere even when things are hard. When they have success doing this their self-esteem grows.
  • Right now in these times spending time with their family doing things they love will help to build your child’s self-esteem.


I have attached a little activity you could try at home with your child. Share the strength cards attached below with your child. Get them to recognise what they think their strengths are from the cards. Then  cut out five strips of paper and get your child to write their 5 strengths on these strips attaching them to the cloud template below. Everyone in the family could make one and you could all share what makes you special.




self-esteem-cloud (1)


Next week we will focus on exploring feelings as part of our HWB. Have fun with the activity above and enjoy building up each other’s self-esteem.

As always, take care and stay safe,

Mrs Docherty

Writing support and ideas: Day 3 13.5.20

For our final day of writing support I would like to share further advice and strategies to support you when supporting your child.  Writing is an important form of communication and one which plays an important part in your child’s life.

Today’s final tips will be simple ways you can further encourage writing at home using everyday routines.


  1. Send a message

As parents you can leave messages for your child around the house, on their pillow, in their lunchbox or on a chalkboard. Encourage your child to write a response. The tooth fairy could even leave a message!!  That  happened in my house and caused great excitement leading to my child writing a response which I have kept for years!


  1. Keep a Year in Review book:

A lovely idea is to keep a diary of things you have done as a family throughout the year. Everyone can add to this and it will encourage your child to write in it too. Pictures and photographs could also be added to make it all come to life.


  1. Make a menu

Have your child create a menu/recipe for your family dinner. They could use the ingredients to help with spelling and vocabulary.


  1. Copy

Think of your child’s favourite rhyme or song and get them to copy some of the lyrics.


  1. Saying Thank You

Get your child to write thank you notes to friends and relatives.

On that note thank you for sharing in our blog posts and literacy supports and please do not hesitate to contact me for further ideas, supports or links when supporting your child with aspects of their literacy and language skills.

Have a great day everyone,

Mrs Docherty

Nursery 12.5.20 Right of the Week: Article 7

Good morning everyone,

I hope you are all keeping well and staying safe. We are missing you all dearly and hope you are all  safe, happy and adjusting to the new normal.

As we are a Rights Respecting School and Nursery we are continuing to share our children’s rights with  them during the lockdown.

To stay connected we will post a weekly Blog about Children’s Rights with some nice activities for you to share with your child.


Our Children’s Rights are to the forefront in our Nursery and could be observed daily in the Nursery environment. We focus on The Right to Play, The Right to Belong and The Right to an Identity to name but a few. These are evident in the language we use with our children, on the displays around our Nursery and in all of the learning experiences on offer.


As part of our Right’s Respecting journey we will be sharing a Right of the Week with you to continue to keep this to the forefront of our values, ethos and your child’s learning.


The Right of the Week for this week is Article 7: You have the right to a name and nationality.

 Please click on the link below to access your activities.


RRS ARticle of the Week Nursery 11.05.20

Please enjoy these activities and please also share them with us on your child’s Online Learning Journal or by sending a photograph to the school website:


Have a great week everyone, take care and stay safe,


The Nursery Team

Mrs Davenport’s Daily Update: 12.5.20

Good morning,

I hope you are all getting on well with the weekly grid this week. If you are having any difficulty with any of the home learning activities please remember to ask your question in the comments section below.

There is a little extra challenge included for this week – Guess Who?


Use this template to write down your predictions:


Home Learning Grid


I had a go at writing the sentences with the ‘qu’ sound yesterday. Can you have a look to see how I got on? Did I make any mistakes?

  1. The quen has a hat
  2. The dukc went qack.
  3. the train is Quick.


Use the link below to access a pre-recorded ‘BBC Authors Live’ with Emily MacKenzie. Emily MacKenzie is an author and an illustrator. Can you remember what an author does and what an illustrator does? In the video Emily reads a book she wrote and illustrated called ‘There’s Broccoli in My Ice Cream’. Have something to draw on reading as you can draw along at home too!



I have set a sumdog challenge for you called ‘Time Challenge’. This challenge will be about the hands of the clock, o’clock and halves and quarters of shapes. The challenge begins at 9am today and finishes at 3pm on Friday.

Good luck!



P1: Mrs Currie’s P1 Daily Update: 12.5.20

Good morning,

It is Mrs Docherty posting your learning today. Mrs Currie will be back tomorrow. I hope you are all getting on well with the weekly grid this week. If you are having any difficulty with any of the home learning activities please remember to ask your question in the comments section below.

There is a little extra challenge included for this week – Guess Who?


Use this template to write down your predictions:


Home Learning Grid


I had a go at writing the sentences with the ‘qu’ sound yesterday. Can you have a look to see how I got on? Did I make any mistakes?

  1. The quen has a hat
  2. The dukc went qack.
  3. the train is Quick.


Use the link below to access a pre-recorded ‘BBC Authors Live’ with Emily MacKenzie. Emily MacKenzie is an author and an illustrator. Can you remember what an author does and what an illustrator does? In the video Emily reads a book she wrote and illustrated called ‘There’s Broccoli in My Ice Cream’. Have something to draw on reading as you can draw along at home too!



I have set a sumdog challenge for you called ‘Time Challenge’. This challenge will be about the hands of the clock, o’clock and halves and quarters of shapes. The challenge begins at 9am today and finishes at 3pm on Friday.

Good luck!


Have a great day,

Mrs Docherty


P2: Mrs Currie’s P2 Daily Update 12.5.20

Good morning everyone,

It is Mrs Docherty here today posting your blog.  Mrs Currie will be back tomorrow.  Please find in this blog the links to this week’s weekly grid and spelling activities sheet.

P2 Learning-Grid-Week-6 (1)

More Spelling Activity Suggestions

Please remember if you have any questions or want to share any learning please use the comment section below.

Home Learning Grid

How are you getting on with playing Sports Charades? It can be tricky and very funny to act out doing sports.


Here is a talking task.  Look at the picture below and discuss the questions:

  1. Who is in the picture?
  2. Where are the people in the picture?
  3. Think of three adjectives to describe this picture e.g. colourful


Here is a game all about working out what objects are heavier and lighter:

Have a lovely day,

Mrs Docherty

Mrs Docherty’s Positive Song for the Week: Somewhere Over the Rainbow 11.5.20

Good morning and welcome back to the start of another week. I hope you have all had a lovely weekend and have continued to make memories along the way. I love to start our week with a positive song and today is no different. One of my all-time favourite films is The Wizard of Oz and with it, its iconic song Somewhere Over the Rainbow.


In the film the characters have to show courage and determination as they embark on a journey like no other. This is very reflective of what we are all doing with life at the moment. We are all on a journey like no other and what is important to get through it is bravery, determination, friendship, support and love.


The lyrics of the song are reflective of what we are thinking and feeling every day as we wish for the brighter days ahead when we can all be together again. As we go into this week let’s think of the lyrics from the song and stay positive looking forward to another week of exciting learning and support of each other.

Somewhere over the rainbow, way up high
There’s a land that I’ve heard of once in a lullaby.
Somewhere over the rainbow, skies are blue
And the dreams that you dare to dream,
Really do come true.


The lyrics provide us with hope and knowledge that as each day goes by we will be getting closer to being together again and starting our new journey after the storm.


Have a great week everyone, take care and stay safe,


Mrs Docherty

Mrs Wassell’s P3 Girls Weekly Round up 8.5.20

Good morning girls,

It is Mrs Docherty for you this morning. Can you believe it is Friday again and we are entering another weekend with hopefully more lovely sunshine.

Friday is our day for reflection and assessment and so today’s tasks will help you to look back at your week and focus on what you have achieved and had success with. It also allows us to think about what we can work on to make things even better.

Writing :

In Writing you had to compose a Poem all about The Months. When you are self-assessing can you identify the following:

Correct layout: Did you take a new line for each new sentence in your poem?

Vocabulary: Can you highlight key vocabulary that you included in pink and think about why you chose that word.

Can you identify rhyming words?

Punctuation: Did you include correct punctuation at the end of each line of your poem?


Numeracy and Maths:


Using what you have learned in length can you use a fist of 5 to decide how you have got on. Was there something that you found tricky and would like to look at again. Was there something that you did really well on? Can you tell estimate how tall you are in cm? Please share your learning on your One Note Profile or comment on the Blog to share how you have got on.


There has been lots of fabulous work going on with our Global Goals and RRS. Please remember to send your RRS work to Mrs Conway.

Finally have a great weekend everyone and enjoy your time with your family. Remember to log back on, on Monday for your new and of course exciting learning grid for next week.

Happy weekend everyone. Take care and stay safe,

Mrs Docherty


As we look back at another week of learning, friendships, support and hope we realise what a journey we have been on and indeed are still on. Hopefully for all of you things are starting to fall into a new normal and a new routine that works for you all.

While things have changed and we are all adjusting, what is important is to remember that when we come to the end of this part of the journey we are all here for you and as we get closer to that time we are getting more and more excited to see you all.

They always say absence makes the heart grow fonder and I know that is the case for us at St Ninian’s. When we remember the words of our song of the week from Monday “Rise Up ” by Andra Day please keep in your minds the lines:

All we need, all we need is hope
And for that we have each other
We will rise

This song means a lot to me and I have used it as a writing stimulus in school which resulted in amazing pieces of writing based on hope, strength and courage. Please know these are the qualities you are showing at the minute and we are so appreciative of your support and engagement. Our special quote for this week is:



We know that as a school and as a community we will grow even stronger through this and look forward to a new chapter of learning, laughter and fun.


Have a lovely  weekend with each other, continue to make special memories and please stay safe.

Mrs Docherty

Mrs Docherty: Early Years Writing Support Day 2 7.5.20

Following on from yesterday’s support we will continue with how to support your child with writing in the early years. There are many processes taking place when your child is writing from thinking of ideas, getting the vocabulary and grammar and the transferring it onto paper, never mind the handwriting aspect too. Through this whole process your child is able to share what they have learned and what they know.


For today we will look at a few more ideas to help you to support your child with how to develop their writing skills and foster a love of writing.


  1. Help them to get started

Children can often find it difficult to get started and a blank page may be overwhelming for them. This is where you can help. You could give them the first few sentences or even words to help formulate ideas and thoughts for their writing. A good way to do this is to start with a question and then create a mind map or create a bank of words form their answer to the question. This could be: What did you see on your walk today? Who is the character in your story? Where is your story taking place?  Allow your child to then free write using their thoughts.


  1. Connect their interests

Think about your child’s interests. What is their favourite story, who is their favourite character, what is their favourite activity or toy? Whatever their interests are connect them to their writing.


  1. Create Story Prompts

A fun way to do this is to cut out pictures from magazines with characters and settings on them. I have included a link for the story We’re going on a Bear Hunt with visuals for setting and characters  that could support your child to write the story and sequence it.





These are a few more ideas to help you when supporting your child with writing and we will conclude with our final ideas on Tuesday. As always please get in touch if you have any questions or would like more ideas/resources for writing

Take care everyone,

Mrs Docherty

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