P3 Mrs Caskie and Mrs Keegan Daily update: 9.6.20

Good morning P3,

How are you all doing this week? It is Mrs Docherty online for you today.  I hope you are enjoying your learning this week

I have included all your links below for this week’s learning:

Art 8th June First Level

Core Grid Week 10 P3 – COMPLETE

Greek Salad Recipe – Reading

P3 Find a half Week 10 Lesson 3

P3 Find a quarter Week 10 Lesson 4

P3 Fractions Lesson 1 Week 10

P3 Non-unit fractions Lesson 2 Week 10

RRS Article of the Week P1-3 08.06

Spanish challenges

RE Core Grid T4W8(P3)

Your grid has lots of lovely and exciting Health and Wellbeing tasks. I love your Fruit Kebab task. I am going to make mine today for lunch.

On mine I will have Kiwi, Mango, Strawberries, Melon and Pineapple. These are my favourite fruits.

As part of the Health and Wellbeing posts I have posted a song for the week. It is a message about working together and supporting each other when we need it. It is a song I know you will recognise and love as we use it lots at our assemblies. It is Bruno Mars: Count on Me.


Can you listen to the song using the link above and think of someone who has really helped you during lockdown.

Can you think of a nice way to say thank you to them:

  • You could write a thank you note
  • You could create a poster for them
  • You could make up a special quote for them like the one below. To help with this you could also use the words of the song.

Let’s get creative and remember to share your thank you message on your One Note Profile.

Exciting news coming. Teams is being launched for P3 on Thursday. Look out for a message on the school app.

Have a great day everyone

Mrs Docherty

Mrs Docherty Positive Song for the Week: 8.6.20

Good morning everyone. As we start a new week of online learning I hope you have managed to have a lovely weekend with your families. One of my favourite things is deciding what song suits who we are as a school and as a team.  We are a very special team made up of you as parents, our staff, and of course and most importantly your children.

One song that immediately came to mind was Bruno Mars: Count on Me. If ever there was a song that applied to who we all are at St Ninian’s it is this song. Please have a listen I’m sure you’ll agree:




Just like the quote above the words of the song absolutely ring true:

Find out what we’re made of
When we are called to help our friends in need

You can count on me like one two three
I’ll be there
And I know when I need it I can count on you like four three two
You’ll be there
‘Cause that’s what friends are supposed to do, oh yeah


We have certainly found out what we are all made of during this time. We have been there for each other, counted on each other and showed trust and respect towards each other. This has been evident from the amazing work shared, the messages of support and the touching base asking how are you, and how are you getting on that have been permanent fixtures of our connectedness.

All done with a real sense of compassion and care. What a team St Ninian’s, we are certainly NUMBER 1!!!

Have a great day everyone full of care and compassion,

Mrs Docherty

Mrs Docherty Positive Thought for the week: 5.6.20

Good morning. Wow, it is amazing that we are that the end of our first week in June. I hope that our theme of happiness has continued for you all throughout the week.

Happiness comes in so many forms and throughout the week I have been sharing ideas on how to promote positivity and support your children in having positive experiences in their day. I think that main message for the week has been that:

There has never been a time in our lives that makes this message more important as we have all sat down and really appreciated what we have. The most important thing to us is our family and friends in life as they are the constants for us. Other things will come and go but connections that we make stay a lifetime. This has certainly made us stop and think about the amazing connections we have formed and cemented as a school and the happiness and support this has given us.

So going into the weekend I have given you a poster that you can look at to help you remember what happiness really is and how it can be part of every day for us.  I have also included a lnik so you can print the poster if you like.




Have a great weekend filled with happiness and love,

Mrs Docherty

Mrs Keegan and Mrs Caskie’s Daily Update 5.6.20

Good morning boys and girls and Happy Friday. It is Mrs Docherty online for you this morning. I can’t believe we are at the end of another week already and you are all doing so well. I really hope you have had a good week even though the sunshine decided to go on a little holiday this week.

To start today I have included the link below for Peep and the Big Wide World: The Many Moons of Quack the duck.


Can you learn anything about the moon from this little science programme? Who do you agree with?

As it is Friday we will spend today reviewing our learning and sharing our successes.

In Reading how did you get on with your reading for meaning. Were you able to find the answers and use information form the text to support your answers. Were there any questions that you had to use clues from the text to help you answer. Please use the answer sheet at the end of the pack to help you assess how you did.


In Writing please get a pink and green pencil or pen to help you identify your Success Criteria. Did you

  • Include paragraphs to separate your ideas
  • Use your senses to describe in more detail your walk
  • Did you use exciting openers to engage your reader?
  • If you did all of these can you please highlight all of your successes in pink and look for any areas you could improve by highlighting in green.
  • Remember to share your self- assessment of your writing on your One Note Profile.


Were you able to make equal groups using the 2 ,3, 4, 5 and even 10 times tables?

How did you do this? Did you make arrays or did you have another pictorial or concrete way to do this?  You can share this on your One Note.

Using your fist to five share on your one note profile how you feel about sharing equally and how well you are doing with your times tables knowledge.


Have a great weekend everyone and please have fun. Remember to log back on for your new learning grid for next week.

Stay safe everyone,

Mrs Docherty


Mrs Docherty Health and Wellbeing Happiness Day 3: 4.6.20

Good morning everyone. Day 3 and we are continuing our happiness activities today with our final set of activities to do as a family. These will build upon our previous activities and will help us to focus on what and who is important to us and for us. In previous posts I’ve spoken about self-esteem and also sleep and our two activities today will link with these.


Our first activity today is to WAYS TO BE RESILIENT:

We have spoken about being resilient and how to support your child with this. One of our key messages was to speak with someone and to ask for help. Below is a little poster to help you have discussions with your child and some ideas on how to support your child if they are anxious or worried. I’ve also included the link below so you can print off the poster as part of your pack.

50_ways_download_-_ways_to_be_resilient (1)


Our final activity for this week is: HAPPY SLEEP HABITS

Sleep has been an important theme for us in lockdown and we have shared many wonderful resources from Sleep Scotland. Today’s tips support your child in achieving a good night’s sleep and a Happy Sleep. This in turn will lead to Happiness.



As always thank you for taking part and sharing in our positivity blog posts and in particular our Week of Happiness.

We will finish the week tomorrow with our Positive Quote of the week.

Have a great day,

Mrs Docherty

Nursery Right of the Week: 2.6.20

Good morning everyone,

We are continuing with our weekly right from Mrs Conway as part of our Right’s Respecting Journey. This week’s Right is Article 15: You have the Right to join groups.

Particularly at this time it is important more than ever to stay in touch with people so the activities this week are linked to Friendships, our Nursery family and any groups your child may be part of. They are activities to support your child in recognising the friends who are important to them and our Nursery values and motto.

Click on the link below and enjoy taking part in the activities with your child. Remember you can share these via the blog in the comments section or on your child’s online journal where you can upload pictures.

RRS Article of the Week Nursery 01.06 (1)


Stay safe everyone, we, miss you all

The Nursery Team

Mrs Docherty Health and Wellbeing Happiness Day 2: 3.6.20

Good morning. Happy Wednesday. I hope your week is going well and you are all managing to continue to make special memories along the way.

We are continuing our happiness activities today with some more special fun filled activities to do as a family.


Our first activity today is to GIVE A COMLPIMENT CARD:

This is a lovely activity and one which will not only make you feel good but also someone else feel good too. Compliments are a lovely way to connect with someone and show them admiration. Try out the little activity below and please let me know how you get on and if someone has paid you a compliment. I have also added a link below the picture if you would like to get the printable version to make a pack for all of this week’s activities.


The second activity today is INTERVIEW A FRIEND:

In my previous posts I have spoken about friendships and the importance of these especially at this time. But how much do you really know about your friends? Finding out more about each other is a great way of building up friendships and here’s a little activity to help with this.

See if you can find out something new about your friend that you didn’t know before.


Please try these activities out and as always let me know how you get on.


Have a wonderful day everyone and be happy,

Mrs Docherty

Mrs Docherty Health and Wellbeing Happiness Day 1: 2.6.20

Good morning everyone. What an amazing spell of weather we have had bringing some happiness and sunshine to our lives. Our theme for this week is Happiness and so on this positive note we will share some feel-good ideas to try with family, friends and on your own. These will help you to explore what happiness looks like and how we can start our days on a happy note in the simplest of ways.

To start the most important thing is to ask ourselves is what makes us feel happy. Think of people, places and activities. There is no right or wrong answer as it is personal to each and everyone of us. You and your child can write these down or draw them in a little happiness journal. Now really think of the top three things that makes you feel happy. This is a great start for our happiness activities.


As we all know life can be busy and sometimes we don’t realise we have not stopped for a break or indeed had a break to stop and think. One way to help this is to start your day the mindful way. I have included an image below for you to help with helpful hints on how to do this. Instead of on your way to school or work at the minute we could use our daily walk as a way of being mindful about what we can see, hear and smell.


Use your happiness journal to record some of the things you could see, feel, smell and hear when completing some of these activities. Did you notice something you have never noticed before, did you hear a familiar sound that you had taken for granted?


Let me know how you get on with this activity and over the coming days we will continue to explore more activities and ideas to help boost our happiness.


Have a lovely day,

Mrs Docherty

Mrs Docherty Positive Song for the Week 1.6.20: Happy

Good morning everyone. I cannot believe we are in June already. You have all come a long way since the start of lockdown and adjusted remarkably to the whole new way of life we have been living.

June is a lovely month in school as it is a time when we reflect on the year gone by and we look forward to the coming year getting ready for new experiences and new challenges. It is always a happy time in school and so I have made our theme of positivity about Happiness this week both in our positive song and indeed our positive thought for the week.

There was only one song I could choose this week, the one that the children sing and dance to in school at Assemblies and during our Funky Fridays. It is a song that sums up our time in school when we are all together. It is of course the one and only Happy by Pharrell Williams.




Have a listen to it and please singalong and dance with your children to rouse that happiness feeling and positivity for the week.  So come on everyone:

Clap along if you feel like a room without a roof
(Because I’m happy)
Clap along if you feel like happiness is the truth
(Because I’m happy)
Clap along if you know what happiness is to you
(Because I’m happy)
Clap along if you feel like that’s what you wanna do

I hope this has made you smile and has been an upbeat start to your week ahead. Know that as a staff this will be our theme tune too for the week and please also know we are here for you at all times.

Have a happy, fun filled week and as always stay safe everyone,


Mrs Docherty Positive Thought For The Week: 29.5.20

Good morning as we approach another weekend and look back at what has gone we think of the word Friendship and realise that it has never meant so much as it means just now. As our Positive Song of the Week was I’ll be There for You we think about all of those whio have been there for us during th past 10 weeks and those who have supported us and each other in many different ways. The meaning of a true friend is summed up beautifully below:

A true friend is a friend who is always there for you. They standby you consistently both when you are present and when you are not.



Friendship can mean so many things to so many people but for us as a School, Friendship is one of our core values and one that is at the heart of everything we do and say. It is about support and kindness and this has not changed because we are not together. Indeed we have formed a stronger friendship as we all realise how important it is to be there for each other and how the smallest of things and the simplest of words can brighten up someone’s day or week. Just knowing that we are supporting each other and that we are always just a phone call or email away has meant we have been able to sustain and strengthen the bonds we have in our school community. As we continue to move forward and plan for the next stage please know that we are grateful to you and to your children for all you do to continue to make our school a special place to be in with special people to work with. Thank you.


Have a great weekend everyone and as always stay safe and look after each other.

Mrs Docherty

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