Sleep Scotland: Sound Sleep

Good morning everyone,

I recently was lucky enough to attend the Sleep Scotland Sound Sleep training and I was very excited to come back and share this with the St Ninian’s Family. As a school, Health and Wellbeing is at the core of everything we do and we have been learning all about the importance of sleep and its impact on our daily lives. I have attached a copy of the presentation for Primary parents and Nursery parents with additional notes for you to have a read over. The children from P1-P7 will  be participating in a series of lessons in class to  highlight the importance of sleep to them and also how it affects their learning.

Please contact me if you have any questions and I will upload different pieces of information over the coming weeks to support bedtime routines, how to get a good nights sleep and also checklists to support your child with this.

Many thanks,

Mrs Docherty


Nursery Parent Presentation with notes

One World Committee

Good evening,  just wanted to let the parents of pupils in the One World Committee that we will be having our Diwali feast tomorrow morning during our committee time. A letter was sent home with your child today detailing what we will be having to eat. There will be a choice of vegetarian pakoras, onion bhajis, poppadums and naan bread with pakora dip and mango chutney. If your child is unable to participate or have any of the food please let me know by sending in a note with your child tomorrow or replying to this message.

I am really looking forward to our feast tomorrow. I’m sure you child will tell you all about it when they get home.

Many thanks,

Mrs Docherty

Primary 5D Our awesome learning blog!

It’s been  a very busy week for Primary 5D and they  would love to share their learning with you.

Kasia: In Maths we did 5 and 6 digit numbers and even stretched ourselves with 8 digit numbers.

Andrew: Maths was fun, we rolled  a dice and if we got a number we wrote it down and made a bigger number by adding on digits. This helped us with our place value.

Ola: In PE we have been learning all about hockey. We had 4 teams and we played matches against each other. The yellow and blue teams were the winners. We all like PE as we get lots of exercise and Mr Mc Curdy makes it lots of fun. Aaron agrees!!

Angel: This was our first week in P5 to do story writing. We got to create a character and use lots of  adjectives  to describe our characters. Mine was Annabelle, she is helpful and generous.

You would love to read all about our characters and see how creative we are!! We think we will have movie directors from our class in the future because they were so good!!

Emily: In RE with Mrs Howley we designed Friendship posters in groups. We thanked God for all our friends and family.

Michelle: We are really liking our class novel. Junkyard Jack and the Horse that Talked. We have done lots of emotion work using our novel. This helped us to look at emotions and behaviours.

Hasan: With our novel we even got to make videos to predict what we think will happen in the next chapter.

We are looking forward to next week to see where our learning takes us. Have a great weekend everyone.

One World Committee

A fabulous morning was had by the One World Committee. We completed our learning about Diwali by having a Diwali feast. We put our rangoli patterns on the floor at the door of Mrs Docherty’s classroom and then made a path of lights with the tealight holders we made. This led us to our Diwali feast. We had some beautiful food and everyone agreed they loved it. We completed our morning by learning all about Christmas across the world and the amazing traditions associated with each country. A great end to this term’s learning in our committee and the development of our understanding and respect for other’s beliefs and religions.

Fantastic Fours

Today I had the pleasure of teaching P4. I was so impressed by their positive attitude to learning and the amazing start they have made to the new school year as P4 pupils. The classroom is looking so bright and inviting and there is a wealth of learning already on display.

As part of our learning this morning we were looking at  the year ahead and what we would like to get from this year. We listened to the song One Moment in Time and found the lyrics really applied to how the children would like to be this year and how they would like their learning journey to be.

We wrote very reflective prayers for the year ahead and used words like inspire, guide and help when asking for support. The children really put thought and effort into the prayers and were very proud of what they produced as was I.

The children are also are very enthused by the class novel James and the Giant Peach and they laughed out loud at the style of the author.

I have to say that the children’s organisational skills, manners and focus were outstanding and I thoroughly enjoyed my morning.

Thank you P4 and have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Docherty


Busy Busy P1R

What a busy, exciting and jam packed week P1R have had. There has been non stop excitement and Christmas cheer in P1! Firstly I would like to say we are extremely proud of the children following their amazing performances in our annual Nativity. The children rose to the occasion and were confident individuals on stage. They retold this special story and made sure we all reflected on the true meaning of Christmas. Well done boys and girls.

This was just the start of our busy busy week as we also had a pantomime which was so much fun. All of the children participated in the singing and audience interaction during the pantomime and all came away with BIG smiles on their faces. The smiles never left that day as we followed the pantomime with our delicious Christmas dinner. The tables were all decorated and there was Christmas music playing to add to the festive cheer.

The next day saw us take part in our Achievements assembly. Our special prize on the day went to Dexter for all his hard work and effort. Well done Dexter. Then it was time for the big event, our Christmas Party! You will not believe it but we had a special visitor who took time out of their very busy schedule to come and see us. It was none other than Santa himself!! When we went in he was fast asleep so we had to shout SURPRISE to wake him up! We sang songs, did our Scottish country dancing, had snack, played games and then showed off our dance moves as we danced and sang the afternoon away. It was a well deserved party for such wonderful P1 children. The teachers loved it as well as they all got on their sparkly party clothes and danced the afternoon away too.

Today rounded off the week with our Christmas Jumpers. We wonder what next week will hold for us. What we do know  right now is that the boys and girls deserve a well earned rest this weekend. Have a great weekend everyone and we look forward to whatever next week holds.


Mrs Docherty, Mrs Caskie and Mrs Stewart


P5 Awesome Sciencetific Assembly

Chi Chi: Today we performed our assembly. We had been practising all week for it and the hard work paid off.

Joseph: It was a huge success and everyone had fun.

Chloe: we have started our Christmas countdown in school and we are all very excited.

Taylor: At the assembly I enjoyed performing in the drama.

Ethan: Kieron Achara the Glasgow Rocks Basketball player joined us again and we were very lucky to get signatures from him. He has also been coaching us.

Rebecca: On Monday we had a famous author join us at Monday Circles. He talked to us about one of his Spy Quest books and he showed us how an Apple iPad came make one of the pictures come to life.

Preston: At our assembly it was amazing to find out all about inventions and I was amazed at how long ago people invented cars.

Toni: In writing we created our Christmas setting using descriptive vocabulary and ly openers. We also used feelings and emotions to support our writing.

Have a great weekend and Happy Advent.

Primary 5

Shining examples in P7

Today I had the pleasure of teaching our P7 class. We started the morning in a reflective way with a quote from Nelson Mandela. This really set the tone for our Global Citizenship theme. The children were insightful, thoughtful and mature in their responses and attitude to the topic of “Stand as One.” I was so impressed by how they linked their learning to our Visions and Values and also our Rights Respecting Journey. The children have produced high quality reflective pieces of work while developing their higher order and critical thinking skills. Thank you so much for a wonderful, thought provoking morning P7. You are truly a shining example for our younger children and great ambassadors for our school.

Mrs Docherty

P6/7 Weekly News

This week we have started our new topic Sport Science. We will be learning about what Sport Science is and the effect sport has on our body.

To start the topic we have been learning about the function of our heart and the circulatory system. We looked at our resting heart rate and then our heart rate after exercising. We did this before and after our daily mile which is really linking into our new topic. We also learned about our 4 chambers and the functions of arteries and valves.

We enjoyed the experiment testing our muscle connection to our brains. This is one you could try at home! We worked in pairs with one partner blindfolded holding two cups with equal amounts of chickpeas. As the experiment progressed we added chickpeas to one cup gradually until we could detect the difference and work out which cup had the most chickpeas in it.

Our focus in literacy this week was the novel Pig Heart Boy and we had to write a diary entry showing empathy towards the characters in the story. This really made us think about feelings and emotions.

In maths we have been finding percentages linking our knowledge of fractions. We also looked at the properties of circles focusing on radius, diameter and circumference. We could draw accurate circles using our compass after being given one measurement.

Have a lovely long weekend boys and girls, you deserve it.

Primary 4 weekly news

This was a busy week for P4 as we had Mrs Young and we were learning more interesting facts about Scotland.

Vanessa:This week we have been learning all about Mary Queen of Scots and how she lived her life.  Some of the facts we were taught included all about her early life and about when she was put into prison,

Beth: She had three husbands,

Paige: She was Queen of France for a short time and her cousin was Queen Elizabeth 1st of England.

We also started lovely self portraits and we are looking forward to finishing these off next week.

In maths we were looking at our mental maths strategies and we focused on the four number processes. We thought it was like P6 work!!

We rounded off the week with Mrs Docherty and we looked at our Health and well-being indicators. Mrs Docherty was so impressed by how we could discuss these confidently and link them to our Values. We really are clever boys and girls in P4.

The icing on the cake was getting to wear our pyjamas to school on Friday to help raise money for our Lenten appeal.

Charlie: It was awesome!

Have a lovely weekend boys and girls you deserve it.


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