
We have had a superb week in P4!

This week, we continued with International Week and have been learning about Poland, Italy and India as these are some of the cultures we have in our class. We got to research and learn about these interesting countries, learn the language courtesy of our class mates and the highlight for us was getting to taste different foods. We got to taste village sausage, braided bread, mashed potatoes, vegetable and steak stew, mjeione (meat balls) and dumplings from Poland, Lasagne from Italy and vegetable pakora from India. We thoroughly enjoyed these delicious foods so much so we wanted more. We would like to thank the families in our class for providing us with the different foods to try!

What the children thought:-

‘I liked the Polish food, especially the mashed potatoes’ – Haseeb

‘I loved the lasagne from Italy!’ – Mark

‘I loved my mums cooking! ALL of it!’ – Aleksander

‘I enjoyed the lasagne from Italy and the Polish Sausage the best!’ – Jacob

‘The pakora was awesome! Thank you Adrin and his mum!’ – Jan

In maths, we have continued with multiplication and have been multiplying 2 digit numbers. We have introduced our 6 and 7 times tables and can’t wait to see what is in store for us next week.

During spelling this week, we got to explore Microsoft word and change the colour, font and size whilst typing our spelling words and we really enjoyed using magazines to find the letters required to make our spelling words.

We have been practising for our 40th Anniversary concert which is still a work in progress but we are really enjoying it!

We finished our week with our pupil committees that were all very productive. We had people looking at Fairtrade, charity, budgeting, bakes sales, school prayers and lots more.

We hope you have a nice weekend!

P4, Miss Crookston and Miss Diamond :)!

An emotion end to the week!

We have had a very busy week in P4! We are 100 % back into the swing of school life after our Christmas break.

We have been participating in ‘International Week’ this week where we focussed on Malawi! We have been learning about a girl who lives in Malawi called Memory. We had an insight into her daily life and compared her life to our own lives. We learned some African dancing, made African instruments and used the netbooks to carry out research about the country itself. We will be continuing with International Week next week but focusing more on different nationalities that we have in our class. Watch this space!

We have been learning about multiplication in maths and have used a range of activities to help us learn. Shannon really enjoyed playing multiplication bingo, Jay enjoyed the written tasks and Haseeb enjoyed playing hit the button on the netbooks.

In PE this week, we have started our new block of Gymnastics. We focussed particularly on rotation and different types of rolls. Ailie enjoyed trying out the dish roll, Brooke enjoyed using the forward roll to move and Evie liked doing her front walkover on both the floor and on the vault.

In literacy, we have been working hard to develop our dictionary skills. Miss Crookston really challenged us ad made us find VERY tricky words. We also had to fid out what type of word it was, e.g. adjective, nouns, or verbs.

We have been working on our typing skills and enjoyed using dance mat typing on the netbooks to help us familiarise ourselves with the keyboard. This got more difficult as we worked through the different stages.

We had an emotional end to the week where we had to say goodbye to Miss Smyth! It is safe to say she will be missed and in P4 we do not know how anyone is going to fill her shoes!! Thank you for everything Miss Smyth!


The Christmas spirit has arrived in P4!

We have had a busy week in P4 this week. 

We had a mysterious gift arrive in our classroom with a letter attached! We had to try to guess who the gift was from and how it got here! We recorded our ideas and thoughts in a story board format which helped us write a story about ‘The Mysteries Gift’. We enjoyed another visit to the library where we learned more about how to navigate our way through the books and enojoyed doing a relay race to find different authors. 

In maths this week we have been learning about grid references and compass points. We made a picture of Santa using grid references and had to navigate our way through Santa’s workshop using our knowledge of compass points. Hannah remembers her compass points using ‘Naughty Elephants Squirt Water’ and Brooke remembers hers by using the ‘Never Eat Shredded Wheat’ acronym. 

In topic we have been learning about the different senses. We made posters to share our learning with others and then carried out an investigation to explore how reliable our senses are. We had to smell, listen, taste, feel and look at various different things. Lauren was NOT a fan of the lemon! 

We have been getting into the Christmas spirit with our class Christmas tree, our exciting pantomime experience, our Christmas lunch and last but not least our Christmas jumper day! The Choir have been performing at the Lime Kiln and will be joining the community links committee at Crusader Court to entertain the residents with our Christmas Carol singing. 

Have a great weekend, Miss Diamond and P4! 

P4 weekly update!

We are all exhausted after a busy week full of hard work and fun in P4.

We are improving every week during our Ceilidh dancing and Mr McCurdy has been blown away by our efforts. He is amazed at how quickly we pick up the dances and has even taught us dances that he would usually only teach to P7!!!!

In Maths, we have been learning about money and making total amounts. Some of our favourite activities have been making a shopping list within a budget to work out what we could buy for children in Africa, using the money loop cards and timing ourselves to try and improve each time and solving money word problems.  We had visitors to our school who joined us during our money lesson and Mr Conway was very impressed with our focus, concentration and the ability to share our number strategies.

We wrote a story about ‘The Night Before Christmas’ this week for our writing assessment. We included everything we have been learning about so far,  including adjectives, similes, description of the setting and onomatopoeia.

As part of our science topic, we have been learning about forces. We went on a magnetic object hunt in the classroom and in the garden and had to make predictions to decide whether we thought it would be magnetic or not. Some of us were very surprised with our findings.

Have a great Weekend, P4 and Miss Diamond.

Wintery Week in P4!

We had a wonderful wintery week in P4!

We have introduced money in maths this week where we have been looking at using the ‘£’ and ‘p’ sign. We are looking forward to learning more about amounts, values and change.

In PE we have been enjoying learning our Scottish Dancing. We now know 6 dances and are ready to Ceilidh dance at New Year!

In story writing, we were using adjectives and similes to create a winter setting. Hannah described the trees as being ‘once emerald green and now tall and bare.’ Ailie used a simile to describe the snow as being ‘like a soft, white marshmallow.’ Adrin used his senses to help create the setting ‘when he stepped outside, he heard the grass crunching beneath his feet.’ Joseph blew everyones socks off with his excellent writing this week!

In art, we have been exploring shade and tone using paint, charcoal, tissue paper and pencils. We experimented with the colours on our tone sheet and will continue to develop these skills in our next art lesson. Keep your eyes peeled!

In topic, we made our very own circuits. We had to use a battery, a switch, a light bulb and multiple wires. We had a discussion about what materials would work as a conductor and complete the circuit.

We got right into the festive spirit when we made a very ‘professional’ recording of our Christmas song ‘That First Christmas Day’. Our debut single will be released on Friday 2nd Dec at our school Christmas fayre. This should not be missed!


Have a good weekend :)!

It’s cool to be kind in P4!

We have had a ‘cool to be kind’ week in P4!

We started our week with a very energetic fitness circuit where we were working on developing our upper and lower body and core strength.

We then had a visit from a special visitor from the SSPCA called Loui. He shared some interesting stories and knowledge about wild animals and how to help them. We played games and answered quiz questions! Aleksander was the winner in our class. Some of us had the opportunity to act like various animals! Ryan B done a super impression of a pig oinking and rolling in the mud.

We have been learning about electricity and now know the main components of an electric circuit and can explain how it works. We are looking forward to building our own next week and experimenting with different materials.

As part of our ‘cool to be kind’ week. We made a friendship kite where we all had to write 3 nice things about a member of our class. It would appear that we are all kind and caring in P4.

In writing, we used our imaginations to write a story about a trip to space where we had to help an alien in need. Before we could write our own, we had to help Sid, Miss Diamond’s imaginary friend, ‘s who had made lot’s of mistakes in his story. We were very good at highlighting the problem words and missing punctuation. Mark’s alien had a bleeding knee, Haseeb’s alien was feeling sick Jay’s alien lost his family in meteor shower and he had to help him find them.

We had our achievements assembly where Ambra was selected to be our kindness queen as she is always very thoughtful and caring towards others. Jan passed his guitar exam and was presented with his certificate during the assembly.

We ended our week with a cosy pyjama day to support Children in Need. We enjoyed running the daily mile in our jammies to support the great cause. Ailie and Brooke took great pleasure in giving Miss Diamond crazy hair for the occasion!

We hope you have a great weekend, see you next week for the next weekly update!

Miss Diamond and P4 :)!

P4 Weekly Update

We have had a brilliant week in P4! We have continued with our subtracting with borrowing and introduced addition and subtraction word problems. Mrs Gardner was very good at presenting the problems. We have enjoyed using sumdog as part of our carousel and are all keen to play/ compete with one another.

We have introduced our new science topic this week which we shared our current knowledge about and planned what we would like to learn as a class. We have been learning about electricity and where it comes from and about mains and battery powered appliances.

In writing we wrote interesting acrostic poems about fireworks. We worked in groups to think of  similes, adjectives, onomatopoeia and alliteration and used these in our writing to make them super interesting. Shannon described the noises her fireworks were making as ‘sizzling, ka-boom and bang’. Batshewa described the colours as being ‘like a rainbow in the dark night sky’. We used oil pastels to create beautiful firework displays with reflections in the water.

We have enjoyed doing circuits in PE where we are continuously improving our fitness levels. We have had some very pink cheeks when we return to class! Clearly shows we have been working hard.

Have a great weekend!

Titanic Showcase

We have had a VERY busy week in P4!

The highlight of our week was our Titanic showcase and banquet. We invited parents in and enjoyed sharing our learning with them! We were busy making all the foods for our banquet and all managed to gain knowledge and develop skills that will enable us to help make dinner at home!

In writing we made menus to advertise the selection of tasty foods available on our banquet!

We enjoyed learning our song and had great fun quizzing our parents!

We hope you have a nice weekend,

P4 and Miss Diamond

Primary 4 weekly update!

We have had a good first week back after our October break! The highlight for many was the Halloween Disco! Fun times had by all!

We have been learning about subtraction with borrowing this week! It was really hard to begin with but we have made great progress with this!

In writing, we have been writing about the ‘Titanic Disaster’. We had a huge focus on using VCOP to make our writing as interesting as possible!

We were learning all about the class system and different passengers on the Titanic as part of our topic. You will be blown away when you see our cabins we made during technology!

We will be continuing our STEM week into next week when we will be preparing for our Titanic Showcase. We will be preparing food for our Grand Banquet which we are very excited about already!

Have a nice weekend,

P4 and Miss Diamond.

Hooray for the holiday!

Another busy week in P4 this week!

We had another brown envelope delivered and were set two tasks in our mission.  We had to research information about 1st, 2nd and 3rd class passengers to create a fact file and now have to build cabins to suit! We can’t wait to get started after the holiday!

We wrote diary entries this week in our writing lesson. We had to pretend we were a passenger boarding The Titanic for her maiden voyage. We learned about the key features of a diary entry and what should be included. Why not quiz us on it? We have also been learning about homophones. Ask us what a homophone is to see if we can remember.


We have been learning how to add 2 and 3 digit numbers with carrying in numeracy! This has proved to be very tricky! We must remember to think about place value when carrying.


We have enjoyed learning about the life of Pope Francis and the work that he does. Did you know he only has one functioning lung? Some of us decided we would like to record our learning in our class talking book.


Have a great holiday and stay safe :)!

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