P4 Weekly Update!

Hip Hip Hooray for the HOLIDAYS!

What a busy week we have had considering it has been the last week of term.

We have had to complete our CEM tests which we all tried our best in!

In Maths, we have continued to learn about equivalent fractions and finding fractions on a number line.

Two of our favourite activities this week have been our art activity and our web challenge.

We focussed on using line to create a landscape. Everything we included had to made up of different styles of lines.  Dominika enjoyed using line to make her landscape and thought it was fun.

Our web challenge meant we had to learn and use lots of different skills including typing, creating bookmarks, cut and paste and navigating the site. We had to complete activities to receive secret codes which then meant we could complete the final challenge. Ryan B  –  “There was a lot of quizzes and we could only get the secret code if we got the answers correct. It was quite hard but good fun!”

We enjoyed our third week of our P4 and P4/5 football tournament. Brazil are currently in the lead on the league table.

We have been preparing for Easter and focussed on learning about the Easter Story. We had to sequence the events and write a short sentence to explain the story.

Have a lovely holiday,

Primary 4 and Miss Diamond!

P4 Weekly Update!

What a busy week we have had in Primary 4!

In reading, we have been looking at inference questions because we were finding this tricky! We have learned that we need to use the information we are given from a photograph or a text to make sensible suggestions when giving answers.  We enjoyed using the comprehension cubes during reading.

We thoroughly enjoyed writing this week where we were writing a recipe for our Viking Oatcakes. We learned all about the important features that have to be used when writing instructions.

Ailie – “I learned how to lay it out and put a list of the ingredients and the equipment at the top.”

Brooke – “We had to use time conjunctions like first, next and finally.”

Evie – “I learned that we had to use bossy words to explain the method. Some of the bossy words I used were; mixed, pour and stir.”

In maths, we have been developing our understanding of fractions! We have been revising fractions of shapes and learning about fractions of a set, fractions on a number line and equivalent fractions.

Jan – “I know that if I am stuck with a fraction I can go back and use my division knowledge to help me!”

In RE this week, we have continued preparing for our First Holy Communion.  We were remembering the importance of Sunday being a day of rest and a time where we reflect on our faith. We have been revising the prayers we learned for our reconciliation and discussing the importance of going to confession.

As we are coming to the end of our Viking topic, we worked collaboratively to create posters to show all that we have learned about Vikings! Some of our favourite facts have been:

“Vikings used to play piggy in the middle with bear skins.” – Haseeb

“Vikings were very active in the slave trade.” – Kacper

“Vikings ate pork, fish, berries and oats.” – Hannah

“On the front of a Viking Longboat there is a figure head which represents a spiritual Viking God!” – Adrin.

We enjoyed sharing some of our Topic homework with our classmates. They were all super! Models, posters, PowerPoints and props! Great effort P4!

We hope you have a nice weekend and Happy Mother’s Day to all of our fabulous Mums!

Goodbye Miss Crookston!

This week, we have been very creative.

This week for topic we have been learning about Viking food. We made oatcakes using: porridge oats, melted butter, honey and apricots. Mark said  “They tasted absolutely delicious”.

We have also been making presentations, using posters and Power Points. Ailie said “I liked doing it because we could show our work in front of the class.”

This week in maths we have been learning about Geometry. We have been looking at 2D and 3D shapes. Ryan B said “It has been enjoyable.” Adrin said “I want to learn more shapes. We know these new shapes: Tetrahedron, Triangular Prism, Hexagonal Prism, Pentagon, and a Sphere. We also had fun creating shape nets, in the shape of household objects.

We have been creating imaginative writing pieces about Viking sagas. This week we created a new story that had ourselves as a character, as well as our favourite Viking gods. “I thought it was a fun way to write because anything can happen.” Hannah

This week in PE we had a mini football world cup. Haseeb told us “we got to make our own team and the colour was the flag our bibs were the same as the different countries.” We have put in a lot of effort with our football skills and Camryn thinks “we might be saying goodbye to rounders for this week.”

This week we have also started our preparation to make our Holy Communion, and will continue on our faith journey next week.

Stay tuned for next weeks P4 news! Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Diamond and Primary 4 would like to wish Miss Crookston the best of luck for her future career as a teacher! She has been a privilege to work with and we certainly will miss her!

This week has been: amazingly fun and tiring for P4!

For our topic we have been learning about Viking Gods and we have shared all of the facts that we have learned during our show and tell. We learned that the last Viking battle in Scotland was in October, 1263. We learned this from Neve and Aoife who they shared their exciting experience of a trip to Vikingar in Largs with us.

Hannah enjoyed learning about the Viking Gods and particularly liked Freya. She is the God of love, beauty, fertility, and war.

Ailie enjoyed learning about Frey, who was the god of wind, water, sun, and harvest. He is also the brother of Freya.

We have enjoyed writing about the Vikings during story writing this week too. We have been writing our own Viking sagas, which Mark enjoyed because we were allowed to use our favourite Gods, or make one up using our imagination to be the characters in the Saga’s.

Haseeb enjoyed learning a new topic in maths. We have been learning about 2D and 3D shapes and thinking about their lines of symmetry.  Jacob enjoyed exploring the different objects and identifying the names of the shapes. Aleksander enjoyed going on a shape hunt, looking for the shapes that match each description.

We really enjoyed PE this week! Charlie particularly liked football. We have been developing our balls skills and focussing hard on team work. We learned how to dribble. It is not as easy at it looks!

Jacob particularly liked working with his team mates during rounders and Haseeb thinks “ROUNDERS IS SO FUN!”

Finally, Evie enjoyed RE because we were thinking about the difference between wants and needs. We drew around someone in our group and stuck things that we need inside or body and things that we want on the outside. This helped us to decide what things to give up for our Lenten promises.


Have a lovely weekend and keep updated by following our blog, from Primary 4 and Miss Crookston.

Mother’s Day High Tea!

The Community Links Committee will be hosting their annual Mother’s Day High Tea event on Friday 24th March from 12.30-2pm. Tickets will be on sale from tomorrow morning, Tuesday 7th March, until Wednesday 22nd March and cost £2.00 per adult and £1.50 per child. Tickets can be purchased from the school office. Anyone wishing to attend MUST have a ticket to allow for catering.
Thanks in advance, Miss Diamond, Mrs Gardner and the Community Links Committee.

Super Star Performers!

“This week in P4 it has been a tasty week because we had pancake day yum yum!” – Jan

In maths we have been learning about division and measure. We had to divide ingredients to make pancakes using a recipe then we cooked the pancakes and they were delicious. We had lots of different toppings to choose from and even though it was Miss Diamond’s first attempt at making them, she was very good at it according to Mark.

We used netbooks, ipads, top trump cards and code breaker activities to help us develop our division skills.

We received an email from Skulky the Viking asking for our help. We had to highlight key information from word problems to work out a maths problem for him.

This week in topic, we have been learning all about the key features of a Viking Long house and have started making our very own long house models. We wrote an advert for a ‘Long House For Sale’ and had to include a description of the features, use positive language to persuade our reader and had to have a rhetorical question.

We participated in the school Ash Wednesday service and wrote Lenten promises to prepare us for the beginning of Lent.

We have been preparing for our class assembly which we performed today for the whole school and our parents. We put a lot of effort into this and enjoyed learning about lent in preparation.

Have a great weekend, Miss Diamond, Miss Crookston and P4!

Exciting Times in P4!

This has been an amazing week for P4! We have had so much fun that it felt like a short week.

It kicked off with a Vicious Viking visit which we really enjoyed!! We learned so many new things and loved getting to see some of the weapons, jewellery and different animal skins.

We would like to share some of the interesting things we learned with you:

“The cheapest weapon was the club and it caused the most damage even when chainmail was involved!” – Adrin

“The Vikings washed their white clothes in ammonia (which is PEE) to keep them clean!” –  Hannah

“The sword was very rare because of how expensive they were.” – Haseeb

“It took 25,000 crushed sea snails to make enough purple dye to make a dress.” – Ailie

“The woman kept a knife in their pocket in case they were attacked at home.” – Evie

“Some of the jewellery had a cross on it but when you turned it upside down it looked like Thor’s hammer.” – Brooke

After our exciting visit we decided to use what we had learned to make our very own Viking weapons and jewellery. We wrote newspaper articles about our visit and hope to make the into a class newspaper!

In maths, we have been learning about division in the standard form. This proved to be very tricky in the beginning but we are more confident with it now! We have enjoyed using sumdog, board games and written tasks to help us learn.

In preparation for our sacraments, we were learning about different Saints including Saint Vincent De Paul, Saint Margaret and Saint Francis of Assisi.

We have been preparing for our class assembly which is next Friday morning and will be focussing on Lent.

Some of our classmates participated in World Thinking day and enjoyed wearing their Brownie uniforms to school.

Have a great weekend, Miss Diamond, Miss Crookston and P4!


A fun filled short week in P4!


We have had a short but busy week in P4 this week!

We have been celebrating Catholic Education Week and wrote a ‘Faith Community’ poem as a class. Some of us decided we would like to write our own and we have shared them on the School Twitter.


As part of our Viking topic, we have been learning about settlements, lifestyle and travel. We got to make our very own Viking and got to design our own shields.

One of the highlights of our week was participating in the Cluster Handball Festival. Everyone tried their very best and every team won a few games. The most important thing is that we all had lots of fun!

In writing this week, we were writing news reports all about our 40th celebrations. We had to include title, pictures and quotes from members of our school community.

We have an exciting week ahead next week so stay tuned for our next blog post.

P4 Weekly Update!

This has been a very eventful week as we have been celebrating our School’s 40th Birthday.

We have been learning about the history of our school, rehearsing for our school concert, enjoyed a fun day where we got to watch a movie, dress down and participate in fun activities in the afternoon. Mark enjoyed the ‘chill out zone’, Aleksander enjoyed using the ipads and netbooks and chose to play sumdog, Batshewa enjoyed making her very own superhero and Aoife enjoyed playing golden time games with her friends. Finally and most importantly we participated in a school mass with Archbishop Cushley and Fr Tony.

We continued to revise multiplication in maths where we are multiplying two digit numbers by single digit numbers. We enjoyed playing different games to help us learn including bingo, jenga and hit the button.

In our topic lessons we have been learning about how Vikings travel and where they travelled to. We made our very own longboats from paper. Adrin said ‘It was fascinating’!

We have a busy week ahead with our concert performances but we are really looking forward to it. We hop to see you there :)!

Have a great weekend, Primary 4, Miss Diamond and Miss Crookston.

P4 News Round!

It has been a very quick week in Primary 4 because we have been SO busy!

We have been learning about the school and its 40th Anniversary and have been putting a lot of effort and enthusiasm into rehearsing for our concert.

As our new topic is The Vikings, we have been learning about their lifestyle and we have been looking at maps to find out where they raided and where they settled.  In our writing lesson, we wrote a letter to Viggot Samsson (a Viking) to ask questions and share information about ourselves.

We have continued with learning about multiplication this week but have been focussing more on our 6,7 and 8 times tables. Jay enjoyed playing multiplication card war, Aleksander enjoyed the written tasks, Shannon enjoyed using loop cards and Hannah enjoyed using Sumdog to practise her tables.

We have also had our class mass this week. We were a credit to St.Ninian’s with our participation and behaviour during the mass so much so, a parishioner thanked us for attending and complimented us on our behaviour. As a little treat/reward, we had a trip to the park on our way back to school which was great fun.  We would also like to thank Mrs Slater (Ailie’s mum) for participating in our mass and supporting us.

Have a great weekend, P4 and Miss Diamond :)!

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