P4/5 Weekly Update!

We have had a phenomenal first week back at school after our enjoyable summer holidays. We have all settled in well to Primary 4/5 ad are already working as a team. We certainly are ‘Superheroes in training!’

We decided that we would like our class charter to have an ‘emoji’ theme. We all created our own emoji to represent us on our class charter. Then we spoke about our rights and used our school values to help us brainstorm and personalise our own class charter. We will use this to make sure everyone has a successful year in P4/5, feels safe and enjoys coming to school.

Our class novel is ‘Gangsta Granny’ by David Walliams which we have started doing some work on. We have had to complete a word search, write instructions, draw illustrations and make our very own self portrait of us being Gangsta Granny’s apprentice.

We have thought about our learning and have set new goals for this session. We have decided to set one goal at a time allowing us to really focus on achieving it and will regularly evaluate our learning and set our next challenge.

We look forward to what P4/5 has in store for us this session.

Have a great weekend, P4/5 and Miss Diamond.

P4 Weekly News!

This has been a long week and we are all exhausted. We have been finishing off assessments in preparation for our move to P5!

We had a positive start to the week when we had the opportunity to have a go on the inflatable ‘Battle Zone’ where we had to try and knock one another off of the podium with a wrecking ball! This was a huge hit! We then had a nice celebration in the afternoon where we had a party to celebrate our First Holy Communions. The cake was delicious thanks to the Parish Community. The day was rounded off with another special treat where we got to meet and handle different animals. We even got to meet Nula the Fox. She’s the only one in Scotland!


On Tuesday we had sports day! We were grouped into our houses and had lots of different activities to take part in.

We were very proud of our classmate Batshewa as she was the youngest member running in the relay races! Well done Batshewa, you done us proud.

In writing this week, we were reflecting on our time in P4 and wrote a prayer about our hopes and dreams for P5 and what we were thankful for in P4.

Now that everyone managed to complete their power point presentations about Food Chains, we shared them with the class. We put a lot of thought and effort into these so it took a little while but it was good.

We had our moving up morning on Thursday:-

“I am staying in the same classroom this year and I have the same teacher but this makes me happy.” – Aleksander

“I thought the moving up day was great because I got to meet lots of new friends!” – Hannah

“I thought the moving up day was good because our new teacher is really nice and she does fun activities like Miss Diamond.” – Jay

“I am super excited about going into P5 and the upper area because it makes me feel as old as my sister!” – Ambra

“I have enjoyed having Miss Diamond again and staying in this classroom for another year!” – Evie

“I am happy that I am moving into a new classroom because it is new scenery and I see lots of new faces.” – Ailie

“I really like my classroom so I am very happy that I am staying in it for another year with the same teacher.” – Jan

With only 1 week left in P4, the countdown is on! We are super excited for the holidays!

Have a great weekend, P4 and Miss Diamond.

P4 Weekly News

This week has been fantastic! We took control of our own blog post this morning! Let us know what you think!

In art we have been completing our pointillism clown pictures and have been creating art work in the style of the artist Piet Mondrian.

In maths we have been learning how to measure the area of shapes and looked at different instruments to measure length.  We were using centimetres squared to record the area of shapes. We worked with a partner and measured each other’s body parts including head, neck, waist, hips etc. using a measuring tape.

In topic we have been learning about food chains as part of our endangered animals’ topic. We have also been learning about producers and consumers a producer is a living thing that gets its energy from the sun. A consumer is something that feeds from plants or living things to get its energy. We made PowerPoints to share our learning about food chains.

We had the rights respecting schools inspectors in this week to see if we had achieved level 2. We hope to have an answer on this achievement soon and can’t wait to share the result with you.

In PE, we have been learning the rules of Russian Long Ball and have had our 200m race heats for sports day. We had a focus on our health and fitness and joined I with The Body Coach, Joe Wicks, and his school HIIT session.

Jan made a contribution to the P1 bake sale this week. They were a huge hit within our class. Fidget Spinner cookies!!

We have been preparing for our Thanksgiving mass which will be held on Sunday and are really looking forward to it.

Have a great weekend :),

Miss Diamond and P4!

P4 Weekly Update

This week has been an awesome week! A HUGE hit was our homework task where we had to revise our measuring skills by baking/making cakes weighing out all the ingredients. The best bit was having the chance to taste what each other had made! DELICIOUS!

In writing, we listened to a piece of music as our stimulus and had to write a personal recount about our Learning Journey during P4! Some of our highs were:

‘I enjoyed our endangered animals topic!’ – Hannah

‘I liked learning about Global Goals.’ – Ailie

‘I loved the 40th Anniversary show!’ – Joshua

‘I loved learning about time and measure in maths.’ – Haseeb

‘I enjoyed learning about The Titanic.’ – Evie

In maths this week we have been learning all about measure. We have been focussing on measuring length and weight. We had lots of fun using classroom objects to measure and used rulers, metre sticks and scales. We had to make predictions and estimate the weights and lengths before we actually measured them too! This was so much fun! We have also been converting measurements. Did you know 500g + 500g = 1000g which is the same as 1kg?

In topic work this week we have been sharing our presentations with one another about an endangered animal of our choice. We have had PowerPoint presentations, sway presentations, sculptures, poster, pictures, fact books and cakes to help inform our learning. Lots of the presentations were followed with a quiz so we could test each other on what we have learned. During our smart start we got to use the pic collage app to create collages of soe of our favourite endangered animals.

A huge well done to the new house captains and vice captains! We can’t wait to see what you have in store for us. Good Luck from P4!

We would like to thank our parents/ grandparents for helping with our baking homework this week and making these activities possible.

Have a great weekend, P4 and Miss Diamond!

P4 Weekly News!

Primary 4 Weekly News!

Now that Health Week is almost over, we are all exhausted but we have had a great week! We have been focussing on our physical, mental and emotional wellbeing and have participated in lots of different activities.

Some of our highlights have been captured bellow!

“I liked the assault course because we got to go on it lots of times and I kept getting stuck!” – Mark

“I like the cross country run because we all participated in it and performed really well!” – Hannah

“I enjoyed playing catch the flag against P4/5!” – Dominika

(Obviously, The Dream Team won :)!)

“My favourite was the basketball because I go to basketball and it is my hobby!” – Adrin

“I enjoyed Karate because it was fun to learn!” – Aleksander

“I enjoyed capture the flag because it was a fair game and I had fun!” – Aidan G

“I enjoyed Judo because it was hilarious when we had to flip each other over!” – Kacper

We used our cooking kitchen trolley to make fresh fruit smoothies! They were really good! We used 2 kinds of fruit, milk and yoghurt to make them.

We enjoyed some meditation and yoga to relax our body and mind.

We would like to thank Mr McCurdy for all of his hard work :)! We had a brilliant week!

P4 Weekly News!

This week has been a busy and boiling week in P4! The weather was roasting, not that we are complaining!!

In PE, we have been doing the high jump. Our Class champions were Aleksander for the boys who managed to jump 1m15 and Aoife for the girls who managed to jump 1m10! How impressive is that!?

In maths, we have been learning about AM and PM and 24 hour time. This has been pretty tricky to get the hang of but we are making good progress.

‘I have learned that you don’t use AM or PM when working with 24 hour time.’ Evie

‘I found time tricky in the beginning but I now think learning time is fun!’ Ailie

‘I found time really fun at first and am coping well with what I have learned.’ Jacob

In writing this week, we made posters about the causes of endangerment to try to persuade and make people more aware of the impact it is having on the environment.

In topic, we have been using Microsoft word to make fact files about different endangered species. We had to include information, 1 picture and use different fonts. We then painted pictures of our chosen animal to go with the fact files.

We celebrated the Feast of the Ascension yesterday at a mass with the whole school and enjoyed having the opportunity to perform a song that we learned at the confirmation retreat.

Have a great weekend, P4 and Miss Diamond :)!

P4 Weekly News!

We have had a busy week in Primary 4!

In maths this week, we have still been working on time but looking at the link between analogue and digital time and trying to work out durations. Time is a tricky concept for us to learn!

“I am feeling more confident about time and I tried to teach my little brother how it works this morning!” – Jan

“I can read analogue and digital clocks now!” – Batshewa

In PE, Mr Robinson taught us all about the triple jump. This is when you have to sequence a hop, a skip then a jump and travel as far as you possibly can.

“I enjoyed trying to beat my partners distance” – Evie

In writing, we wrote a letter that we hope to send to the parent council to share what we have been learning about endangered animals and global warming to raise awareness.

In topic, we have been researching endangered animals using different websites to find out about habitats, diet and the causes of endangerment. We are going to use what we have found out to create fact files for the different animals.

We had a visitor in school this week called Patricia. She held a special retreat in preparation for making our confirmations this Sunday. We learned songs, wrote prayers and drew pictures whilst reflecting on our Faith journey.

The children who are making their Confirmation on Sunday are really looking forward to it and have worked hard preparing for this special day.

Have a great weekend,  P4 and Miss Diamond J!

Short but amazing week!!

This week has been  fantastic not just because it’s been a short week but because we have been learning lots of new things!

Aleksander: In writing we have been writing  letters to Mrs Purdie about Global Warming and climate change.

Aidan: We have written formal letters using formal language and layout.

Ailie: In Art we have been drawing self portraits. We used photos of ourselves and had to draw facial features using lots of detail.

Hannah: In RE we were learning about The Last Supper and The Passover.

Camryn: In PE we have been learning all about Athletics. Javelin was our main focus this week.

Evie: We were put in groups to see who could throw the furthest and try to hit the wall.

Jacob: We are going to extend this next week using real javelins!!

Haseeb: We watched a clip all about Climate Change and learned about four different climates. They were tropical, warm, cold and changeable/temperate.

Shannon: In maths we have been learning about Time using an analogue clock and we answered lots of questions. There was questions like calculating the time for journeys and reading analogue clocks.

We are sure you will agree that it has been a busy week, as always, but a really enjoyable week too.

Have a lovely weekend and enjoy the sunshine.


P4 Weekly News!

This has been an exciting week in Primary 4!

We have, as part of our topic, been researching endangered animals from different climates. We used world atlases to help us identify different climates on a world map. We have learned about tropical, warm, polar and temperate climates.

In writing, we wrote formal letters to The WWF (World Wildlife Fund) to ask for any possible information leaflets, posters or video clips that they could send us to help learn more about the work that they do and how we can help. We will keep you posted as to whether we get a reply.

In maths, we have been learning about time. We have been looking at how many days are in each month and used a catchy little song to help us learn. We then moved on to learning how to read analogue clocks looking at 5 minute intervals. Trying to decide which hand was the minute hand and which hand was the hour hand proved to be tricky but also working out if we were using minutes past or minutes to challenged us a little so we will continue working on this. Haseeb enjoyed using netbooks to play time games. Charlie enjoyed using loop cards to help him learn.

We have been continuing to prepare for our First Holy Communion and have been learning about The Last Supper. We can recognise the link between the Last supper and the celebration of The Eucharist and know how we can participate in this special part of the mass. We are looking forward to having a visit from Fr Kenneth on Tuesday as part of our Confirmation preparations.

We had art this week with Mrs Young where we drew self-portraits using pencil. We had to include every fine detail to make sure it looked exactly like us!

We are looking forward to a long weekend and hope you are too!

Have a good one, P4 and Miss Diamond :)!


P4 News Round!

We have thoroughly enjoyed using our outdoor environment to enhance our learning this week. In maths, we have been learning all about different types of angles. We can recognise right, acute, obtuse, straight and even reflex angles now. We went out into the garden to find angles in the environment, took photos then edited the photos to show which angles were which before collating them in a ‘pic collage’!

We then went a walk to the woods to gather sticks which we made shapes and objects from. Our shapes or objects had to show different angles. We used markers to identify which type of angle was which.

When we were at the woods, we spotted a squirrel eating a nut up a tree. This caused great excitement!


In writing this week, we used the outdoor environment as the stimulus for our story setting. We had to use our senses to help us explore. Some of our stories were set in a mystical/ magical garden that was bright and colourful, whereas others were set in a spirit field that was dark and gloomy!

In art, we stuck with the Spring/ Outdoor theme and created a daffodil picture using warm and cool colours. We chose daffodils as we spotted lots of them when exploring.

We are continuing on our Faith journey and were learning all about The Passover in RE this week.

We have been introduced to our new topic, Endangered Animals and worked together with Miss Diamond to plan what we would like to cover and learn during this topic.

“I enjoyed learning about angles this week although it was quite hard!” – Aoife

“I liked making angle shapes using the sticks from the woods!” – Ambra

“I liked using the outdoor environment to help make a setting for my story!” – Ailie

“I liked drawing the daffodil in art!” – Brooke


We hope you have a great weekend,

P4 and Miss Diamond :)!

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