P5D Weekly Blog!

We have been working hard this week and are really excited to share our learning with you.

In RE, we have been learning about bidding prayers and finding out what they mean and their purpose.

In literacy we have been learning about past, present and future verb tenses and using them in sentences.

We have continued with our hockey tournament and have been earning lots of points for our teams.

We have been learning how to say greetings in Spanish and enjoyed whole class conversations using what we learned.

We have been sharing strategies in number talks and are becoming more confident when working with and understanding numbers.

We had our first pupil committees this morning; we all had fun and are looking forward to what has still to come;

‘Community Links committee have been making an action plan for the year ahead and designed posters to advertise the Halloween disco.’ – Aaron

‘We have been learning about Credit Union and had 3 stations, the first one was the bank, the second one was the book updates and the third one was looking at the receipts and paying in slips.’ – Rhia

‘In HWB we have been thinking about and making posters about what we think is important about HWB.’ – Ola

‘We have been playing different games on the netbooks in the digital technology committee.’ – Andrew

‘In Mini  Vinnie’s we were planning to donate toys and clothes and make Christmas decorations to sell at the Christmas Fayre. We are also going to make cakes for Easter.’ – Ethan


Have a great weekend, Miss Diamond and P5D.

P5D Weekly Blog

Welcome to our P5D blog post. This has been a really good week.

We have been learning about how to log in to Glow using our own login details and exploring the site and the available features. We enjoyed using Microsoft word online and accessing it through our one drive!

“It has been really interesting and fun to learn about Glow and I managed to login and write on word at home!” – Ola

As it has been maths week, in art we made portraits using numbers only. This meant we had to be VERY creative.  We also made pattern pictures using shape and colour This was trickier than you would expect.

“It was really fun to make the portraits out of numbers!” – Kasia

To help with our number knowledge we have been doing daily number talks, number of the week and the countdown challenge where we have to use the four processes to try and reach the target number.

“I enjoyed doing the number of the week because it was challenging!” – Emily

We have been creating and interpreting different graphs and know that not all graphs contain numbers.

In writing, we pretended to be the main character in our class novel, Jack, and wrote informal letters to his mum to tell her  what we had been up to and how we planned to help her escape from prison.

“What I really liked about writing a letter to Jack’s mum was that we could pretend we were someone else and got to pretend we jumped into Jack’s body!” – Zuzanna

In PE, we have been developing our dribbling skills in hockey. We started a small class tournament and can be rewarded points for winning and good sportsmanship!

“I enjoy hockey and shaking hands with other teams to be a good sportsman.” – Ethan

We have been learning about fiction and non-fiction texts and developed our comprehension skills using a short extract about Ed Sheeran and his musical talent.

“I liked learning about Ed Sheeran and the songs he sings.” – Michelle

“I didn’t know that he wrote his own songs!” – Kasia

“I learned that he wrote a song for Justin Bieber once!” – Calvin

Congratulations to Kasia this week for being awarded our praise postcard for always giving 100% in everything she does!

Have a great long weekend,

Miss Diamond and P5D

P5D Weekly Blog!

We have had a good week in P5D.

We have continued with our class novel which has been interesting because it is full of surprises. Who would have thought Boadicea could talk!? We wrote our own predictions about what we thought would happen next.

“It was interesting to listen to other people’s predictions!” – Michelle

We have been doing drama related to our class novel ‘Junkyard Jack’ and recorded ourselves to share with the rest of our class.

“I enjoyed getting to watch the other group’s videos. It was really fun!” – Ola

In maths, we have been rounding whole numbers to the nearest, 10, 100 and 1000.

“I have enjoyed learning about rounding to the nearest 1000 using big numbers.” – Emily

We have been focussing on addition in our Number Talks sessions.

“It is really fun and quite challenging sharing strategies with the class, that’s why I like it!” – Aaron

In PE, we have been developing our skills in hockey. We have been getting our teams ready for an in-school tournament.

“I really enjoy hockey because you have a position to play in the team e.g. a striker, a defender, a midfielder and a goal keeper!” – Zuzanna.

We have been learning about keeping ourselves safe as this month’s GIRFEC focus is ‘safe’. We learned about ‘Stranger Danger’ and how to keep ourselves safe when we are out and about.

“I enjoyed making a poster about Stranger Danger with a group.” – Robbie.

In RE we wrote our own prayers about our hopes and dreams for the new school year.

“I liked writing sentences about important things in school like being ready, safe and respectful, having a growth mind-set and being hard working all the time.” – Kasia

We are looking forward to Scotland’s Maths Week next week.

Congratulations to Ola who is taking our first praise postcard home this week for always being kind, caring and helpful to her peers.


Have a great weekend, Miss Diamond and P5D!

Welcome to P5D!

Good morning and a warm welcome back to Primary 5D!

We have had a busy first week creating our class charter focussing on being ready, safe and respectful and have started our novel study on ‘Junkyard Jack and the Horse That Talked’ by Adrian Edmonson. We have enjoyed getting to know one another and welcome our 2 new pupils to our class. We will have PE on a Tuesday and a Wednesday so please ensure you come fully equipped with PE kits and appropriate footwear. I look forward to the year ahead and the exciting times we are going to have.

Miss Diamond

P4/5 Snow Day

Good afternoon P4/5! I hope you have been having fun in the snow today.

I have put a few suggestions of activities you could get up to below, but don’t forget you also have our homework menu with lots of exciting activities you can use.

•Wrap up warm, drag the family outside with you and work as a team to try to build an igloo. As an extra challenge, try to make it big enough for you to fit inside.
•Continue with the daily mile and go a mile (or so) walk with the family.
•Some people may need your help in weather like this. If possible, go out with a shovel and help clear a path/walk way to help others and to play your part in community.

Numeracy/ Maths
•Keep practising times tables. Use games, songs or write them out to help you. Hit the button is an all time fav!
•We have been learning about number sequences in class, why not test someone at home by making your own sequence and asking them to work out the rule! Remember the numbers don’t always have to get bigger!
•Sumdog is ready and waiting whenever you are ready! That will give you a chance to practise what we have been covering in class over the last couple of weeks.
•Snowman competition!! Build a snowman, making him/her as tall as you can. Estimate his/her height using your own height as a guide then measure his/her height and we will see who has managed to build the tallest one!

•World Book Day – think of an alternative ending for your favourite book.

•Pick 4 interesting words from your book and find out what part of speech they are and their meaning.

•Mrs Purdie is thinking about cancelling world book day in our dhool next year. Can you think of pros and cons for world book day so we can try and save? I know how much you all love it!


Food Technology
•Why not make your family a tasty snack that they can enjoy with a cup of hot chocolate. You will have to measure the ingredients to make sure they taste the best they can! Write to me on dojo and add some photographs to tell me how it goes and if they were as delicious as our healthy pizzas! There are lots of healthy recipes online you could use. I am going to make a healthy banana loaf!

•We have been learning about Romans and the Roman army. Why not have the chat with a family member about whether or not they would like to join the army and record their reasons for/against it.



•Daily lent challenges – you have been great so far so keep up the good work and join in with the daily challenges.

Most importantly boys and girls, stay safe, wrap up warm and make sure you have fun!! Keep me involved in the fun by sending photos via Dojo!!
Miss Diamond


P4/5 Weekly News!

This has been a very inspirational week. We worked hard on different maths and numeracy activities and enjoyed sharing these with some of our parents at Ninian’s Natter. The highlight for most of us was baking cupcakes. We were focussing on reading scales and weighing out the correct amount of ingredients.

Another activity that we enjoyed was getting the chance to play one another’s home-made maths games. We had board games, online games,  physical games and quizzes.

We have had lots of opportunities to work in groups this week. One of the challenges was to make numbers 1-20 by only using the number 4 and the four processes. This was tricky!

We loved being part of the Sumdog competition set up for Inspirational Maths week.

We have taken a new approach to the daily mile which has proved to be a huge success so far. We now have to complete as many laps as possible and record the distance in miles ran as a class.

Hannah – ‘I liked creating a diamond in art using grid references.’

Emily – ‘I liked designing my own cupcake.’

Maliha – ‘I liked using number maps to share different strategies.’

Evie – ‘I liked completing the numbers to 20 challenge only using ‘4’.

Aoife – ‘I enjoyed improving my daily mile.’

Alekander + Aaron – ‘I liked making the icing to use on my cupcake.’

Mark – ‘I liked getting to eat my own cake that I made.’

Congratulations to this week’s lead learnes, Kasia and Kacper.

Have a good weekend, P4/5 and Miss Diamond :).

P4/5 Weekly Update!

This week has been amazing! We have had lots of fun learning including, learning about food safety and hygiene, learning about place value of whole numbers and decimals, exploring warm and cool colours and making up our own characters using adjectives to describe them.

‘My favourite part of the week was creating my own character and drawing a picture of it.’ – Joshua

‘My favourite part was when I wrote a description of a character.’  – Shannon

‘My favourite part was learning about warm and cool colours and drawing a sun/moon picture to demonstrate what I had learned.’ – Jan

‘We liked doing art using warm and cool colours.’ – Ethan and Aaron.

‘My favourite part of the week was when we were helping Miss Diamond plan what recipes we would like to make during food technology and learning about keeping safe when cooking.’ – Hannah

‘I enjoyed taking part in basketball matches in PE.’ – Evie

‘I liked doing handwriting using a song and we had to try and guess what song the lyrics were from and then try to sing it.’ – Kasia

‘We liked writing my own prayer about ‘starting the new term’.’ Adrin and Joseph

We would like to congratulate our first P4/5 lead learners who have been a great help and super role models this week. Well done Mark and Emily.

P4/5 Weekly News!

It has been a very busy first full week back in P4/5.  The class are all working well as a team and are enjoying learning together.   Highlights this week in our learning include learning our special prayer to St Ninian.  Using our novel Gangsta Granny by David Walliams, we have been exploring character feelings.

In Maths we have been looking at the importance of place value and we all had the chance to take part in a range of carousel activities to help us get more confident at sequencing numbers accurately.

We enjoyed Father Kenneth and Father Matthew speaking to us about what going to school is like in Malawi.   We would like to fundraise to help Father Matthew with his work and maybe write to some children in Father Matthew’s School.

Mark – I was sad when I heard that children in Malawi have classes with more than 100 pupils in them with only 1 teacher.   They also sit on rocks and don’t have chairs and desks.

Hannah –   I am enjoying reading Gangsta Granny and completing the activities that go with it.

Emily – I loved Maths this week and I am more confident with forward and backward numbers.

Evie –   I was shocked to learn that children in Malawi need to use rocks to help them count while we have lots of different things to use.

Ethan –  I loved taking part in handball this week in PE.

Aaron – I enjoyed playing buzz and shazam with Mrs Purdie on Friday.

Aoife –  We are excited that we will be researching the country of Spain for our new topic and we discussed what we would like to find out about Spain with Mrs Smith.

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