P5D Weekly Update

Welcome to our Weekly blog. We have had lots of fun this week!

We were very  lucky to be invited to Dedridge PS to watch a production of ‘Pondlife’ which was all about friendship and bullying.

‘It was not what I thought it was going to be, it was better!’ – Maliha

‘It was very very very fun and I enjoyed it A LOT. I would rate it 100/100!’ – Aaron

‘It was good and I really liked it. I learned that you should always be nice to other people!’ – Morgan

We have been using our imaginations to write a story about our own made up food-animals which took place in our creative settings. We had to make sure our story had a clear beginning, middle and end and that our character was faced with a problem but also had a solution.

We have been learning some Scottish poetry with Mrs Smith. We learned ‘a dug a dug’, ‘To a moose’, ‘The snowman’, ‘Three craws sittin on a wa’ and lots more.

We have been working hard to put together our P3-P5 show which is something not to be missed.

In maths, we have been trying out a new interactive quiz game called kahoot. We all got a controller (netbook/ipad) and answered maths questions against the clock.  It was great fun and caused a healthy level of competitiveness in our classroom. We can’t wait to use it again.

Congratulations to Levente for being awarded our praise postcard this week for hard work and a great attitude towards learning. Well done!

Have a great weekend,

P5D and Miss Diamond.

P5D Weekly News!


This week we have been working hard in P5D!

In maths, we have been trying to solve ‘Murder Mysteries’ using all of our knowledge about different concepts including, shape, angles, compass points and co-ordinates. We have also been learning about decimal numbers and learning how to multiply and divide decimals.

In writing, we have been learning about the important features required to create a successful set of instructions. This week we had to write instructions on how to access our Glow profile on one note.

In art, we have been looking at the one point perspective again this week but from a different angle. We created pictures that looked like we were surrounded by sky scraper buildings.

We have been getting into the Christmas Spirit this week. First of all we got to watch the P1 and P2 Nativity dress rehearsal and the AM nursery nativity.

‘The nursery nativity was AMAZING.’ – Ola

‘It was really funny and cute!’ – Kasia

‘The Donkey (Kevin) was the cutest of them all when he used the microphone!’ – Zuzanna

‘The P1 and P2 Nativity was really good and I enjoyed helping the sing.’ – Michelle

‘It was really good and they all done well.’ – Sophie R

‘They were all very cute and I liked their performance!’ – Morgan

Yesterday afternoon, we had the pleasure of attending Howden Park Centre Panto, Jack and the Beanstalk 2.0. We all thoroughly enjoyed the show. It was so funny. The giant was our favourite! The experience was made even better when we got some ice-cream!


Have a great weekend,

Miss Diamond and P5D!


P5D Weekly News

This week, we have been busy in P5D

We have been celebrating St. Andrew’s day and have been learning about his life.

We have been improving our digital literacy skills and learning how to use Word Processing. We had to change font colour, style and size, add a picture from the internet and then had to email our saved document to Miss Diamond.

We have enjoyed helping our school by making facecloth Reindeers to sell at the Christmas Fair. We enjoyed planning this project and learning about successful businesses when we had to think about pricing and profit. We planned adverts in writing and then work collaboratively in groups to create the posers to help advertise and sell our product.

In Maths, we have been learning about decimal numbers and how to multiply them by 10, 100 and 1000. We have had a range of activities to help us with this learning including using digital question cards and written tasks as well as physically using our bodies to make numbers.  We have been recapping on lots of our previous learning using a murder mystery investigation keeping all maths concepts fresh in our brains.

In PE, we have started our preparations for our Christmas party and have started our Scottish Country dancing block.

We had one group working with Mr Turner this week, learning all about plastic pollution and the children were having conversations about the effects of plastic pollution and they then put their ideas into posters.

Well done to Emily from our class and her team in gymnastic who came second in their level 2 group competitions.

Most of us attended the school Christmas Fair and had a great time.

“I liked taking my little cousin Chloe to meet Santa!” – Sophie R

“I liked going to the Christmas Fair because there was lots of things I liked to buy!” – Ola

“I liked taking my sister to meet Santa.” – Michelle

“I enjoyed the Christmas Fair because it was really fun. My favourite bit was designing my own Christmas mug!” – Emily

Have a great weekend, Miss Diamond and P5D!



P5D Weekly News


Welcome to our P5D weekly blog.

We have been busy this week. In writing, we used our pictures that we illustrated during our visual literacy lesson as the stimulus for our creative writing. We focussed on setting and character in this story.

In PE, we learned how to play two new games, Russian and Swedish long ball. It was really really fun because we could play two games.

We have been learning about one point perspective art and created our own pictures using the skills we learned. We also used our prior learning about tone to help create a 3D effect when we were adding colour to our pictures.

In maths, we have came to the end of our money topic and completed a little assessment. We also set up our own Pizza Parlour to help us with our understanding of money. In number talks, Zuzanna shared a new strategy with us where she used place value negative numbers! How impressive for P5!!

We have been learning about Road Safety this week and have made posters as part of the Road Safety competition that had to include a slogan.

We have been learning how to send an email using our Glow accounts and all successfully managed to email Miss Diamond.

We have been continuing with our class novel ‘Billionaire Boy’ and have been using this to learn new vocabulary through word boost.

Huge congratulations to Zuzanna this week for being awarded our praise post card! She always tried hard and tackles challenges with a growth mind-set! Keep up the good work Zuzanna.

Have a great weekend, Miss Diamond and P5D J!


P5D Weekly News

Welcome to our P5D weekly blog. In PE we have been trying to improve our stamina by participating in timed running activities and have been playing capture the flag with P5R!

In art, we have been learning about tone and how we can use dark, mid, light and highlight tones to create a 3D picture. We used our skills to create landscapes.

This week we have been celebrating ‘Cool to be Kind’ and anti-bullying week. We have been learning about Jessie J and Dolly Parton and how they wrote songs about a time when they were bullied at school. We had to analyse the song lyrics to work out the messages being given. We then used emotion works to explore the emotion that both of these ladies were going through.

We worked in groups to read and learn about different forms of bullying and leaned that there can be cyber, physical, verbal and emotional bullying and all are just as important as each other.

In maths, we have been trying to solve more challenging money problems that had at least 2 steps to them. We used calculators to help us.

In writing, we were being visual authors and had to create a fantasy story through drawing. Next week we will be using our drawings to then write a story.

Congratulations to Hasan this week for being awarded our praise postcard. He has demonstrated a mature attitude towards learning and has tried very hard in all tasks this week. Well done Hasan.

Have a great weekend. Miss Diamond and P5D!


P5D Weekly News

This week we have been continuing on with our optical illusion art work using straight and curved lines.

We have been extending our knowledge of money by using the four processes to work out 1 and 2 step word problems. We had great fun setting up a shop and using money to buy different products and giving change from different amounts.

In Number Talks, we have moved our focus to subtraction and have been sharing our strategies and ideas on how to work out some tricky calculations.

In PE, we have been focussing on our own personal fitness during full body workouts and building up our stamina by running for a certain amount of time.

We have been using our class novel ‘Billionaire Boy’ to learn new vocabulary during our word boost sessions this week. Our favourite word was ‘deafening’.

We have been successful with our use of Glow. As well as carrying out homework tasks using our online accounts, we have also been developing our own personal profiles. We have all managed to complete our community profile page and set our new goals online. Why not have a look at home and see if you can add anything to your WOW wall that you are super proud of.

Our topic focus for the next few weeks in Enterprise and we plan on making a lovely craft which can be bought at the Christmas Fayre. We have been carrying out the research to find the best place to buy the resources we need to ensure we can sell our products at a reasonable price and still make a small profit. Keep your eyes peeled.

Congratulations to Maliha this week for being awarded our praise post card for trying very hard in all areas and being helpful to others during group tasks.

Have a great weekend, Miss Diamond and P5D!

P5D Weekly News!

We have been working hard in P5D this week and would like to share some of the things we have been getting up to with you!

Most importantly, we celebrated Miss Diamond’s Birthday! She is not 30, she is 18 with 12 years experience :)!

With it being the week of Halloween, in writing, we described a spooky, haunted house setting and focussed on using our senses to help with the description.

In maths, we had to complete a Halloween Party challenge using lots of different maths concepts. We had to use multiplying, roman numerals, adding, subtracting, odd/even, rounding and read graphs to work out who the blindfold thief was! We had fun completing this task and developed our team work skills in the process. We had to be determined, focussed and display a growth mind-set to make this challenge a success. Well done to ‘The Mathematicals’ for working extremely well as a team and completing the challenge first!

In PE, we are developing our own personal fitness by joining in with various activities. We have been doing body weight exercises to strengthen different muscles and continued to work on our skipping skills. We also had a Halloween themed session with Mr McCurdy.

In art, we created optical illusions using line and colour. They were very effective and easy to recreate at home if you fancied giving it a go!

We had our class mass this week which we celebrated with Primary 5R, some of our families and other parishioners from our community. We also participated in a whole school celebration for All Saint’s Day.

Finally, congratulations to Robbie and Ethan for being rewarded our praise postcards this week. Both boys have been giving 100% in all areas of their learning and multiple members of staff commented on this throughout the week. Well done boys!

Have a great weekend, Miss Diamond and P5D!


P5D Weekly News

We have had a busy week in P5D!

I maths, we have been learning about money as this term we will be doing an enterprise topic so felt that learning about money would fit in. We have been learning about adding and subtracting total amounts.

In PE we have been focussing on fitness. We have been improving our stamina by all over body workouts and have been developing our skipping skills with Mr McCurdy.

In writing this week, we wrote book reviews about our old class novel. Most of us rated it 5* and would highly recommend it to others.

We have tried to set up our online profiles this week. It has proved to be very tricky but keep your eyes peeled for progress and updates.

We had our class visit to the library this week and some of us are keen to participate in the reading challenge but this requires our families to take us along and to join the library at the Lanthorn.


Have a great weekend, Miss Diamond and P5D!


Weekly News P5D!

This week has been fantastic in P5D!

We have been learning about things that are soluble and insoluble and what solids would dissolve. We have learned that different variables can have an effect on what happens. We also learned the difference between dissolving and melting.


In maths, we have been using tower sums to solve more complex addition and subtraction problems. We carried out a small number assessment to see what we have learned.

In art this week, we linked it to our science topic and used watercolours and salt to see what happened. We discovered that the salt absorb the colour and change the look of our painting.

We celebrated national poetry day by writing poems all about our teacher eating our homework!

My teacher ate my homework,

She was VERY hungry!

I spent AGES on that homework,

So I was very angry!


My teacher ate my homework,

I was so surprised.

She swallowed it in one gulp!

I couldn’t believe my eyes!


My teacher ate my homework,

I won’t be doing it again!

So I just said to my teacher,

Thank you and AMEN!

By, Calvin, Michelle, Aaron and Andrew.


We have been learning about being ready, respectful and safe and Miss Diamond will be looking out for people being very respectful next week as some children will be chosen for hot chocolate Friday.

Congratulations to Andrew for being awarded our praise postcard this week 🙂 !


Have a great weekend, Miss Diamond and P5D!


P5D Weekly News!

P5D weekly update!

Welcome to P5D’s weekly news! We have had a busy week learning new things and celebrating with our St.Ninian’s family.

We learned about rounding numbers to give estimated answers to calculations in maths and have been working out how to read different scales.

‘It was hard to read different scales in the beginning but I still enjoyed it.’ – Aaron

In art this week, we used line to create landscapes of a setting in our novel, Mudge Park.

‘I liked using line to add colour to my landscape.’ – Kasia

We have started our science topic about materials and have been focussing on separating materials. We received a message from a local supermarket to tell us that their products had spilled in the back of the delivery truck and were all mixed up! We had to work out the best methods to use to separate flour from raisins, salt from water, paperclips from rice and sand from water! We learned about filtration, sieving, evaporation and magnetic attraction.

‘It was really fun!’ – Emily

‘It was interesting.’ – Kasia

‘I liked the using the magnets.’ – Rhia

Now that we have completed our class novel, we wrote letters to Mr Mudge telling him all about or adventures and to thank him for his help. We used informal language and focussed on using paragraphs.

‘It was very interesting because we wrote our own letter.’ – Michelle

‘It was fun writing the letter because I like writing!’ – Morgan

Finally we had an assembly to celebrate Wee John the Janny’s retirement.

‘It was sad but it was fun as well!’ – Levente

‘It was emotional but we will still remember him!’ – Emily

‘He was always really nice to us.’ – Michelle

‘He is very funny and makes me laugh when he dresses up!’ – Sophie R

Congratulations to Sophie D on being awarded our praise postcard this week.

Have a great weekend, Miss Diamond and P5D!

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