P5D Weekly News

This week P5D have been working really hard. We have been learning all about Global Goals and are in the process of using iMovie to make a video about them. We are working in groups to make our video and each group has chosen to focus on a different goal. Some of the goals we are focussing on are; Climate Action, Good Health and Wellbeing, Life Below Water, Affordable and Clean Energy, Water sanitation and  Zero Hunger.

“Using iMovie is fun and I like working in groups!” – Maliha

“I enjoy using iMovie because in groups we get to share ideas and see if we all agree.” – Michelle.

“It is fun using iMovie!” – Sophie R

In art this week we were creating 3D drawings and creating optical illusions.

“I loved doing the 3D hand again, it makes it look like it is popping out of the page.” – Andrew

“My railway track actually looked really real!” – Robbie

In maths, we have started a new topic. We have been learning how to do algebra. We know how to solve simple equations that have unknown letters or symbols in the calculation.

“It is interesting to learn about algebra even though it is tricky!” – Rhia

“Using the Numicon helped us find the missing number!” – Ethan

In PE, we continued with high jump. Some people managed to jump over 1m15cm.

“In PE it was fun trying to jump over the rope!” – Sophie D

“It is more challenging because we had to use a scissor kick and try to dodge the rope and land.” – Hasan

“I liked doing it because you got to jump over it but I didn’t land on my feet so will try that next time.” – Calvin

We have continued with PM writing this week and will be using this to write a descriptive piece next week.

Have a great weekend, P5D and Miss Diamond.


P5D Weekly News!

In Primary 5D, we have been doing some outdoor learning. We used devices to take photos of different landscapes around our school building and are going to use collage to recreate the image. We have been working in teams to decide/plan what collage resources we will need to make the landscape look realistic.

“It was fun to find a good spot to take the picture!” – Ola

In maths, we have learning about percentages and are able to apply our knowledge to find a simple percentage of a number and make relevant link to fractions and decimals. Some of us have been looking at the link between multiplication and division and used dice games to help us.

“Maths was really fun!” – Sophie R

We have introduced our new HWB topic, Global Goals this week. We got into groups of 3 or 4 and chose 1 Global Goal to research. We will be inviting you to a showcase later this month to help you understand more about the Goals through video clips.

“It was good fun to use technology to design a logo for our goal and I am excited to make our video!” – Maliha

In PE, we have been developing skills in both the long jump and the high jump. In the high jump, we were trying to jump higher than 1m.

“In PE, it was fun learning the scissor kick!” – Angel

“When we done the scissor kick it was very fun but sometimes it was quite challenging to jump high!” – Levente

In writing, we used Newsround as a stimulus to write a news report about one of the stories that interested us. This was an extended piece of writing as we have just introduced our next block of PM writing which is focussing on descriptive texts.

“I enjoyed doing the news report and wrote about the world’s biggest teddy bear!” – Emily

We worked with P4 this week to teach them how to use SWAY. We demonstrated skills we have already learned so that they can use this programme to present information.

“I liked working with the P4s and teaching them how to use SWAY!” – Sophie D

“I like getting to know a bit about the P4s when we were helping them use SWAY!” – Michelle

“I liked helping the P4s make a presentation ‘all about us’ and getting to learn a bit about them!” – Morgan

Congratulations to Emily for being awarded our praise postcard this week for her efforts in writing. Well done!


Have a great long weeked, Miss D and Primary 5D!

P5D Weekly News!

This week in P5D we have been working really hard.

We have been learning all about ‘Building Resilience’ and this week, worked in pairs to create a SWAY presentation to share what we have learned. Using SWAY was something new for lots of people in our class.

“It was fun to change the designs.” – Kasia

“It was hard to get used to SWAY but it was fun learning how to use it!” – Ola

“It was fun working with a partner because it made it a little easier!” – Maliha

We were having a chat about the importance of having a positive attitude and a growth mind-set. We made quote posters that we will display all around our classroom just to remind us how great we are.

In maths, we completed our fractions block with an assessment and have moved on to learning about negative numbers. We have discovered that you can find negative numbers in everyday life situations like in bank accounts (unfortunately), elevators/lifts in buildings, when reading the temperature and maybe when playing games. We enjoyed playing a ‘tug of war’ style board game using negative numbers.

“It was fun doing fractions and I liked playing the tug of war too.” – Zuzanna

“In tug of war it was fun competing against each other!” – Angel

In PE, we have been working on our fitness and stamina with Miss Ford and completed a Joe Wicks workout. Some of our muscles were sore the next day!

We also played games of tennis with a partner but also played doubles.

A highlight of our week was when we attended the P6 and 7 dress rehearsal of ‘The Gospel Show’!

“It was really good and taught us about stories from the Bible!” – Michelle

“It was really interesting to learn about the stories.” – Emily

“It was great fun watching the show and they were all very good at performing!” – Morgan

“It was really good when they were doing all the singing and acting!” – Sophie R

Congratulations to Michelle this week for receiving our praise post card for demonstrating perseverance and a positive attitude in maths!

Have a great weekend and enjoy the Easter break, Miss Diamond and P5D!

P5D Weekly Update


We have been busy this week in P5D!


We have been researching famous/well known scientists and journeys that they made. We had to skim and scan information on websites and use our findings to create a new text in the form of a powerpoint, a SWAY presentation, a poster or a report.

“It was really fun and it was fun to find out information about the person!” – Ola

“It was quite hard to do the research but it was fun getting to make a SWAY!” – Kasia.

We have been learning about fractions of a quantity and some of them were quite tricky. We had to find 1/3 and more challenging fractions like 2/8 of a quantity.

In writing, we were writing a recount about ‘The True Story Of The Three Little Pigs!” Did you know the ‘big bad wolf’ wasn’t actually a bad guy? We had to use our knowledge of recounts and make sure we included a title, an orientation, a sequence of events and a personal comment to make it a successful piece of writing.

In art, we completed our very detailed drawings of the Eiffel Tower. We have attached some of them below to show you our great work.

At achievements assembly, the coding club were awarded a certificate for their hard work and effort at coding club. Quite a few of the children in our class are in this club and we are very proud of them.

Another celebration we have had in our class this week, was celebrating the success of Sophie D who successfully managed to ride a bike unaided! Sophie found it very difficult and could not ride a bike before starting her bikeability sessions so we are super proud of her. The whole class received a certificate and a badge for being able to ride a bike safely and responsibly.

Our praise postcard this week has been decided by children in the class and they would like to award this to Sophie D for her hard work and perseverance when riding a bike.

Have a great weekend, Miss D and P5D.

P5D Weekly News!

This week in P5D we have been busy writing a recount about Archbishop Cushley’s visit. We made sure that we had all the key features of a recount in our finished piece of work. These included a title, an orientation, a sequence of events and a personal comment. We enjoyed getting to share some of our finished pieces with Mrs Smith.

In PE, we were focussing on hill sprints as there is a big hill on our cross country route and on our daily mile route. We had to walk, jog and sprint throughout the route.

We have been learning all about building resilience and know that our lives are not always perfect and easy to manage. Sometimes we have challenges to face and there will always be ups and downs. We have been looking at how to manage our emotions and how we can deal with different situations we may be faced with. We have made short films using i-movie to show how life is like a river.

We have enjoyed our second session of bikeability this week. We have been cycling around the track and trying to take one hand off the handles bars while going round the cones. We were also doing a slow race again this week. Congratulations to Aaron, Maliha and Hasan who could not ride a bike without stabilisers before but who are all now riding free.

In maths, we have been learning all about equivalent fractions. These are fractions that are equal. You can find equivalent fractions but multiplying the top and bottom number by the same number or dividing them.

In art this week, we have been focussing on using line and following a step by step guide on how to draw The Eiffel Tower. We aim to get this completed next week and will share some of the finished articles with you.

“I am proud of myself for learning how to ride a bike!” – Maliha

“I really enjoyed making a movie using i-movie and I hope we can do it again!” – Zuzanna

“I am so proud of myself that I can actually ride a bike with pedals now and I am no longer afraid!” – Aaron

“I have enjoyed maths, making groups from different amounts!” – Sophie R

“I enjoyed doing the Eiffel Tower art this week!” – Morgan

“I enjoyed writing a recount about Archbishops Cushley’s visit!” – Ola

“I really enjoyed doing the slow race in bikeability!” – Andrew

Congratulations to Aaron and Sophie R this week who received our praise postcards. Aaron for super focus in writing and applying his learning to his independent tasks and Sophie for her hard work, determination as well as having a positive attitude in maths. Well done Aaron and Sophie R!

P5D Weekly Update

In P5D we have been working very hard this week. We have been continuing with our work on PM writing, still focussing on recounts. We have learned that the key features of a recount are a title, orientation, sequence of events and personal comment. We have been focussing on nouns and pronouns, past tense verbs and using sequential language.

We have also had the chance to do an extended piece of writing this week all about what we have learned during our sleep Scotland lessons. We are all full of very important information so why not ask us to share this with you.

We are enjoying using our new reading resource which focuses on our understanding of what we have read. Getting to use the answer cards to assess ourselves is one of the perks.

We enjoyed our class trip to the library this week. We got to pick another book of our choice and enjoyed having the chance to read some of these in the library whilst sheltering from the crazy hail and windy weather.


In maths, we have been learning about decimal numbers. We have been reading scales with decimals and placing decimal numbers on number lines. This has been quite difficult as we have had to work out what each increment represents.


On Wednesday and Thursday of this week, and for the next 2 weeks, we will be participating in a bike ability course. This week we have learned how to do ‘M checks’ to ensure they are fit for purpose, how to put the bike down properly to avoid any damage to the chain and how to use our brakes properly. We had lots of fun activities like a slow race, emergency stop and the cone colour game to make sure our heads were looking up and not down towards the ground.


We got to support some of our classmates and watch the Glee performance of their 2 songs which they participated with in a competition this week.

“They sang beautifully!” – Zuzanna

“They worked well as a team,” – Hasan

“My favourite song was Proud Mary!” – Andrew


We enjoyed our stay, play and be well session this week where we got to showcase some of the HWB activities we have been doing in class. Thank you to the parents/families who were able to come in and join us.


We had the opportunity to join the nursery again this week for 10minutes of their PE lesson helping them develop their throwing and catching skills. In our own PE lesson we have been doing team cross country relay.

Congratulations to Calvin this week who has been awarded our praise postcard for good teamwork and being ready to learn :)!

Have a great weekend, P5D and Miss Diamond.



P5D Weekly Update

This week in P5D we took part in an Ash Wednesday service to mark the beginning of Lent. We have spoken about our Lenten promises and what we are going to give up.

We have also celebrated World Book Day and enjoyed taking part in a ‘Drop Everything and Read’ session.

In maths, we have started a new topic and have been learning about decimal fractions and how they appear on a number line. We have also being consolidation our knowledge of time, making games to share with our class. We have a mixture of board games, snakes and ladders, kahoot quizzes online and snap. “I had fun making my game about 12 and 24 hour time!” – Maliha. “Making our game was really fun because we got to use our knowledge of time to help us!” – Emily.

We have been continuing with Number Talks and sharing strategies with one another.

We have been learning all about how to structure sentences properly and have learned that there is different sentence patterns. Why not ask us about what we have learned.

We have continued using PM writing this week and have been applying our knowledge of recount texts in a recount about our school show. We have enjoyed learning about past tense verbs, irregular verbs, sequential language, nouns and the important features of a recount. “I enjoyed PM writing because it was fun and I learned more about verbs.” – Sophie R. “In PM writing, I really enjoyed it because I learned about regular and irregular past tense verbs.” – Michelle.

In PE, we have enjoyed developing our tennis skills and look forward to applying these in games of tennis. We have also been building up our stamina with Mr McCurdy by doing cross country running and ab exercises. “I really enjoyed playing Russian long ball!” – Morgan.

We have also been supporting the nursery and helping them develop their throwing, catching and bouncing ball skills.

Congratulations to Huda for being awarded our praise postcard this week for always having a good attitude towards tasks, even when they are challengingJ!

Have a great weekend, P5D and Miss D!

P5D Weekly News

This week we have been working really hard.

We have been finishing up our time topic and have made evaluation posters to share all we have learned and evaluate what we know.

We have introduced something new for writing this week called PM writing. We have really enjoyed using this so far.

“It was fun learning about a recount!” – Ola

“It helped us learn about sequential language!” – Zuzanna

“”I really enjoyed it because it made learning about nouns, verbs and past tense verbs easier.” – Michelle.

In art we have been using still life images to create pictures using cubism. We will share some of these with you next week.

We have continued with number talks and have enjoyed sharing strategies about how we solve calculations and our number sense.

We have enjoyed working with the nursery in PE where they have been developing their throwing and catching skills. We have been demonstrating real responsibility during this activity.

In our own PE lesson, we were learning tennis skills and participated in cross country running. Next week we will try to beat our personal time.

This week our praise postcard was awarded to Ola for going over and above in her role as 1+2 language ambassador ensuring we all know how to pronounce our phrase of the fortnight. Well done Ola!

Have a great weekend,

P5D and Miss D

Primary 5D Weekly News!

This week we have been very busy.

We have been rehearsing our show a blast from the past! We had a dress rehearsal in front of the whole school.

In maths we have been doing 24 and 12 hour clock times.

“When we were doing time it was very very VERY fun”- Aaron

“It was difficult but fun!” – Emily

“I like playing shut the box with Mrs Currie in maths.” – Sophie R

In number talks, we enjoyed sharing strategies about how we solved subtraction calculations.

In writing, we used a picture as a stimulus and had to use our imaginations to put together a story.

“I liked writing about it because I love the Ocean!” – Andrew

“I liked to write about the picture because I got to use my imagination!” – Kasia

We had our first mindfulness workshop with Miss Townley. We had to relax and lie down and think about only positive things. This helped us get rid of worries, relax and more focussed. We could feel the changes in our own bodies.

In PE, we have been using the apparatus in gymnastics. We had a focus on body tension this week to help strengthen our muscles.

We hope you have a great weekend, P5D and Miss Diamond




P5D Weekly News

In P5D we have been redrafting our imaginative stories that we have been working on over the last few weeks. We are making them into our own books so used word processing to type them up and have been drawing illustrations to go with our stories.

“I liked to type up my story and then was able to print it out.” – Maliha

“I thought this was fun because I got to write it in my jotter then up-level it on the computer. I like drawing pictures and colouring them in!” – Morgan

“I enjoyed doing this because I could make my own imaginative character and make my story into a book!” – Levente

“I enjoyed it because I got to use my imagination!” – Emily


We have had lots of fun in PE because we are doing our gymnastics block at the moment so got to use the equipment. We had to do handstands, make up balances using the rope rings, we were tensing our muscles to create body tension to help with balance.

“It was really fun because we got to hang upside down!” – Zuzanna.

“In PE it was super fun because we did a lot of balances and practised doing handstands!” – Aaron

“It was really fun because we got to do a sit down balance but in the air on the rings!” – Michelle


In maths, we have been learning about time and converting times from 12hour-24hour and vice versa. We are finding this quite tricky but will keep trying. We are trying to use our classroom clock to help us!


We have been working very hard to get our show ready for our audience performances next week and can’t wait to show you all! We have had our first rehearsal without scripts and everyone managed very well.

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