Father’s Day!

A quick reminder that tickets are now available from the school office for the Community Links Father’s Day event – Beetle Drive and buffet. Tickets cost £2 per person and everyone who wishes to attend must have purchased their ticket by Wednesday 15th June! Thank you in advance, Community Links Committee.


The end is near!


I can’t believe we are approaching the last few weeks of Primary 1!

We have had lots of fun this week and learned lots of new things!

Min literacy we have been learning about ‘ar’ and ‘or’ words! We had lots of different activities to help us but a class favourite was the ‘Pirates say Ar’ four in a row!

In maths, we have been learning skip counting in 2s and 3s and looking at odd and even numbers! We used songs, number lines, numicon and games to help us!

As part of our ‘All about me’ topic, we have been looking at healthy relationships and friendship! We have discovered that actually, we all have qualities that make us excellent friends! Two of the highlights of the week have been making friendship bracelets and playing in the park with P1R for golden time! This proves we are all great friends in Primary 1!

Have a great weekend, Miss Diamond and P1D!



A good week in P1D!

The boys and girls have had a good week in Primary 1D! We have been very busy preparing for sports day and had our 200m race competition. Everyone tried their very best and we were all exhausted by the end of Thursday’s PE lesson!

In maths we have been learning all about number names to 20! Some of these were very tricky to read but we know that we can use the classroom environment, the numblerline, to help us! We played bingo and pairs to help us learn!

We have been helping the nursery boys and girls prepare for coming to Primary 1! We were so well behaved and proved that we are definitely ready to move on to Primary 2! We were scientists in the classrroom and nature detectives in the school garden!

Have a loveley weekend from Miss Diamond and P1D!

I hope the boys and girls enjoy Chloe’s birthday party this afternoon, they are all SUPER excited!

Health week for P1D!

What a brilliant week we have had being super healthy and keeping ourselves extremely fit! We had lots of different activities to participate in and all tried our very best!!

Meet had gymnastics,  bootcamp with Flex Fitness, yoga, synergy fitness, an inflatable assault course, basketball, football, dancing and lots more! Here are some of our highlights…

As usual? We had a great team spirit and helped each other along the way!


What a team!

Have a great long weekend, Miss Diamond and P1D!

The stars of the show!

What a brilliant week we have had in P1D! One of the highlights of our week was preparing for and performing our class assembly for the other boys and girls from nursery to P3! We were all brilliant at our speaking parts and sang our hearts out! Mrs Purdie videoed us singing and she is going to post it on the school Facebook page! Let us know what you think!

In maths we have been learning about numbers that are more or less than! We enjoyed playing bingo and using the loop cards where we tried to beat the clock working as a team!

This week, we have enjoyed doing our daily mile in the sunshine and are now all able to complete the route in the time given!! How good are we!?

Remember, next week is health week so we need to wear sporty clothing all week! REMEMBER to bring a water bottle!

Have a great weekend, Primary 1D and Miss Diamond!



A short but busy week in P1D!

We have had a nice first week back after our long weekend! We have been doing lots of number work trying to sequence numbers from largest to smallest and vice versa! We have used number cards, games on the smart board and our bodies to try and help us as we are finding this quite tricky!

We enjoyed sharing our ‘all about me’ bags which had 1,2, or 3 things which show what we are good at, interested in or are special to us! We were all super confident when standing up and sharing our bags with one another! We also learned about consonant blends and tried to make different words with the letters ‘s,n,i,p’! We had lots of fun during this activity, especially when we had to beat the clock!

We had a chat about our families and how they are all different. Some of us have lot’s of brothers and sisters, some of us have none! We made our very own hand print family trees to represent our family! They look beautiful.

We celebrated the feast of the Ascension on Thursday by attending a whole school mass. We all tried hard to participate and really enjoyed the final hymn, Sing It In The Valleys, which we pretty much sang for the rest of the day!

We have a very busy week next week trying to prepare for our class assembly!

Have a great weekend, Miss Diamond and P1D.

A week full of emotion in P1D!

This week we have been looking at our feelings and emotions in P1D and how we are all unique. We have had lots of great discussions about what affects the way we feel and how we can recognise if someone is down. One of the highlights was using ‘mood music’ and trying to decide how it made us feel. We then used the music to make a feelings wheel in art using colour and line! You will see these on display at parents night. Miss Diamond was very impressed with our efforts.

In maths we have been counting objects and looking at different spot patterns to help with our numbers to 20. We have been sharing our ‘thinking skills’ with one another to given each other new ideas. Julia said ‘I counted 3 and 3 because I know that’s 6 and added 2 more on to make 8’.

In literacy we have been learning the ‘ng’ sound! This is a tricky one but we were able to read it, write it and build words using this sound! Are you impressed?

We enjoyed having the nursery in our class this week as part of the transition program. We love being able to help them and show them how much we have learned since starting Primary 1! They were all super stars!

Have a great weekend :)!

A credit to St.Ninian’s PS!

What a great week we have had in Primary 1D!

One of our highlights this week was attending and participating in our class Mass at St.Philip’s on Thursday morning. The children were all fantastic and fully participated in the mass which was recognised and highly commended by the parishioners, parents and Father Paul. As a little reward for our hard work, we had a little trip to the park on our way home. The sun was shining and we all had a blast!

In maths, we have continued to develop our understanding of number looking at numbers before, after and in between! This was tricky but were super at it! We have enjoyed playing different games and singing number songs to help us learn. One of the activities we really enjoyed this week was during our CLIC session, we had to work out how many dots there was in a pattern and explain our answer.

We have just started our new ‘All about Me!’ topic which we had lots of ideas for to help Miss Diamond plan. We really focused on appearance and how we are all different. Two of our favourite activities were making  self portraits using torn paper and using a pictograph to record the different eye colours in our class. Are you impressed?

These are just a few highlights from our week. We hope you enjoy reading about them.

Last but not least, a HUGE thank you to the parents/carers/grannies/grandads who donated cakes for us to sell at our class bake sale. We received £45 which we can use to buy some new exciting resources for our class. Thank you again!

Have a great weekend,

Miss Diamond and P1D!


Rhyme Time!

We have had a busy first week back in Primary 1D! We worked closely with the nursery on our ‘Rhyme Time’ week where we had to chose our favourite nursery rhyme and perform it for the nursery boys and girls! ‘Rhyme’ can be very tricky but we are getting good at it! We had lots of fun making pictures, puppets and most of all masks that we used during our performance! We even wrote our very own nursery rhymes which blew Mrs Caskie away! We really enjoyed working with the nursery and look forward to showing them what school is about over the next few weeks!

In maths, we have been ordering and sequencing numbers! We enjoyed playing different games on the smart board which we could show you next week as it is part of our homework!

We have enjoyed learning about athletics in PE and have been focusing on jumping, running and throwing! You should see how good we are at long jump even though our legs are not that long yet! You would be amazed!

Have a great weekend😊!

Fantástico week in P1D!

We have had a fun filled week in P1D again this week.

We have decided as a class what our highlights have been and decided to share some of them with you!

We have been learning all about time and are experts at exploring O’Clock times using analogue and digital clocks. Maybe you could quiz us at home!

We loved playing time games on the Smart board and i-pads, making our very own clock and using playdough to make a specific time.

In Literacy we have been learning new sounds. We have been using the sounds to help us read words, spell words and practise writing using joined up handwriting! One of the highlight was using glitter trays to practise writing shiny ‘sh’s’.

As part of our farming topic we ave been looking at Scottish produce and where in Scotland some of these come from. We loved our  food tasting session  where we tasted haggis, potatoes, strawberries, raspberries, tablet, oatcakes, shortbread, cheese and smoked salmon! After deciding what we liked and what we weren’t so keen on, we wrote about our favourite one in story writing.

We ended the week with a music lesson exploring pitch, sound and rhythm and were very musical when we introduced musical instruments to the mix!

Happy Friday!

Have a great weekend!

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