Home Learning Grid
Good morning! How are you getting on with your reading? Have you been reading for enjoyment at home? I like to relax with a book.
Here are your files for this week:
Escape from Black Mountain WB 08.06
Further Spelling Activity Suggestions
RRS Article of the Week P2 08.06
Let’s link listening and our topic work today! Here is a song to listen and dance to about what bones are connected in our bodies.
Play a game of Guess My Number. Write down numbers 1-20 or 1-30. You can choose! Choose any number on the number line and keep it SECRET! Your partner is going to ask you maths questions to try to guess what the number is! You are only allowed to answer yes or no.
For example, is it 2+13?
If it is NOT 15 – Score 15 out!
You can also word questions in different ways, such as is it more than 4?
Good luck!
Miss Lydon