Home Learning Grid
Hello, P2!
It is Mrs Docherty writing your blog post today. Mrs Currie will be back tomorrow. I can’t wait to see how you are getting on with your learning today. Remember if you are having any difficulty with any of the home learning activities please ask your question in the comments section below.
Here is a little fun activity that you can try if you would like to, it will get you thinking.
The purple flower is tricky! Think about a flower that gives off a lovely smell that is said to help you relax.
In class you all really liked the counting in 5s and 10s song, here are the links for two of your favourite ones.
Have a great day everyone and remember I am here if you need anything.
Mrs Docherty
Thank you for letting me share in your learning today boys and girls. You really have exciting things going on in your class.
Have a lovely evening and enjoy the sunshine that is out this evening.
Mrs Docherty