Complete these Snow themed activities if you wish.
Feel free to post photos on dojo!
Go on a sight word hunt in the snow. Once you have found your word read it and then write it in the snow.
Build a snowman and act out your own snowman story.
- Where will the snowman go?
- What will he do when he gets there?
- Read or listen to a Snow themed story on Oxford Owl.
Complete the following activities:
Find a word.
Draw a picture of your favourite character.
Design a new front cover.
Numeracy and maths:
- Make different shapes with the snow.
- Make different sized snowmen e.g. A tall snowman and a short snowman. Use sticks to measure the different sizes. How many sticks tall are each snowman?
- Subtraction snowballs: e.g. make 7 snowballs, throw 4 of them away. How many do you have left?
Health and Wellbeing:
- Get wrapped up, think about what you need to wear to keep warm in the snow.
- Play! Have fun in the snow, build an igloo, make snow angels, throw a snowball as far as you can! What muscles can you feel getting stronger?