We have had another busy week as usual! Here are some of our highlights:
Bea: We have been continuing our learning about the Highland Clearances in the 1800’s.
Rachel: We have been making little cottages from the 1800’s called Black houses using shoeboxes.
Vanessa and Taylor: In Writing we were developing a character and we were writing about characters from our class novel The Desperate Journey.
Beth: In Drama we were Hot-Seating and trying to get into role as different characters from our class novel.
Lorena: In Spanish we have been learning how to tell the time and in Maths we have been looking at 12 hour and 24 hour time.
Brandon: In P.E. we playing indoor hockey.
Charlie: We were making games in P.E. with Mr McCurdy.
Chloe: I really enjoyed the assembly today when pupils from St. Margaret’s came in to talk to us about SCIAF.
Have a great weekend!
From Primary 5 and Mrs Reeves