Good Morning Primary 3!
How are you all getting on with writing your description of the candy house? I love the pink and white, soft, fluffy marshmallow window frames. They look delicious!
Today is outdoor classroom day. Here are some outdoor activities we have planned for you to try in your garden or when on your daily exercise. We would love it if you could take some pictures and share them on your OneNote profile or email them to us.
Bug Hotel
Placing a bug hotel in the garden helps attract different insects to naturally visit your garden. Over the next few weeks it will be really interesting to see what bugs come to visit your garden. Lots of bugs help keep garden pests away and protect the beautiful flowers. Can you make your own bug hotel for your garden or an area you like to visit? Here are some examples. Try to use recyclable materials.
Bird Feeder
I love seeing all the different types of birds visiting my garden. Bird feeders help attract birds to come and visit you. Can you make your own bird feeder using recyclable materials? Here are some examples.
Dressing up in Nature
Dressing up can be lots of fun! Can you use nature to create some dressing up items?
– Make a nature crown out of leaves, cardboard or twigs.
– Use a cardboard box and paints to make beautiful butterfly wings.
– Turn yourself into your favourite animal with a simple mask.
Feast of the Ascension
Today we celebrate the Feast of the Ascension and had we been at school we would have celebrated mass together as a school family.
Fr Kenneth has prepared a video for us to reflect on today Happy Feast Day!
Have a great day.
from Mrs Caskie and Mrs Keegan
Today we celebrate the Feast of the Ascension and had we been at school we would have celebrated mass together as a school family.
Fr Kenneth has prepared a video for us to reflect on today
Happy Feast Day!