Good Morning Everyone!
The learning grid for this week has been shared on TEAMs and via email with the pupils.
I would suggest doing one literacy, one numeracy and one HWB/across the curriculum task each day.
Our learning materials are available on the OneDrive link – we are now working from folder ‘Week 7′. I update this on a Friday for the following week, if it is helpful for you to plan ahead – save this link.
UNICEF have asked schools to think about how we are hearing and respecting the views of our pupils. There is a survey for children to complete by using the following link;
Every week I offer a ‘wellbeing check in’ form for our class. The pupils can do this every day, once in the week or more often if they need to. They can access it through this link
Our wellbeing focus for this week is making a ‘MEME COLLECTION’ as a way to lift our spirits when things start to get us down. As it is mental health awareness week, please take time as a family to explore some wellbeing strategies 🙂 — if you would like any ideas or resources for this please just pop me an email on
Have a great week!
Mrs C