Good Morning Primary 3.
Hope you are all well and enjoying some of the sunshine we have had over the past few days.
Here are all your learning activities for this week.
Activity Instructions – Virtual Sports Day (1)
RRS Article of the Week P1-3 11.05.20
Remember if you are having any problems or have any questions please ask in the comment box below or email the school.
In your grid this week Mr Cumming has set a virtual Sports Day challenge . Let us know how you get on with this. We are loving seeing all your great work on your one note profiles. Keep posting!
Mrs Kerr has also extended the Art activity for another week so you can still complete this and send it to kathryn.kerr@westlothian .
Have a great day.
Mrs Caskie and Mrs Keegan.
Have a lovely evening Primary 3. Look at tomorrow’s Blog for the next exciting learning activities.
Take care. Mrs Caskie