Welcome back after the long weekend!

Welcome back after a few days off!

I hope you have all had a lovely Bank Holiday weekend at home with your families. I enjoyed going for walks and doing some planting in my garden. I even met some St Ninian’s families whilst I was out walking, it was so good to chat and hear how you were getting on.

Last week our teachers were contacting families via phonecall and they were all so pleased to get this opportunity for a quick chat and update on how you were all getting on. If they couldn’t get you they left a message or we sent a groupcall just to check in and to offer our support. Please contact myself or Mrs Smith if there is anything we can support you with via email or at St Ninian’s on a Monday when we are working in the HUB school.

This is a short week of learning for you and your teachers will post your learning grids online. Last week I sent out lots of virtual Golden Tickets and I am looking forward to seeing who the teachers will nominate this week.

As May is the month of Mary, Fr Kenneth has kindly recorded a video message for the schools of the Livingston & East Calder Parishes. It would be lovely if you could dedicate some time to this during your week for prayer and reflection, https://youtu.be/bK4Vnz46ldI

West Lothian are releasing challenges every Monday named ‘INspired’, these are challenges designed to challenge your skills, knowledge and understanding. It would be great if some of our children and families could give these a go. You can access the challenges via the blog https://blogs.glowscotland.org.uk/wl/stayinspired/ or via Twitter @StayINspiredWL.

As a staff team we are always keen to gather your views so with this mind we have prepared a short survey about the continuation of learning during this school closure which we would appreciate you taking the time to complete. It can be accessed with this link and we have also sent it out via groupcall https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeuBppqbcNrLJgsDJUrQoNQVhmpOqtObtFXaczyMQaxXrPDCg/viewform?usp=sf_link

Have a great week and stay safe!

Mrs Roy

One thought on “Welcome back after the long weekend!”

  1. Good morning Mrs Roy
    We had a lovely weekend – cycling, reading, gardening, drawing, baking and watching films, etc. Finlay is particularly enjoying the fact that we are going further afield on our bike rides and finding new places. He’s also enjoys our walks at dusk as we see bats and hear the owls.
    Thanks for the above information, there’s lots going on!
    We particularly liked the transition work set by Mrs Scott and Mrs Conway last week. It was useful for us as well as Finlay, well done St Ninians!!!
    I have completed the survey.
    Have a good week!

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