P2 Miss Lydon Daily Update 29.04.20

Home Learning Grid

Good morning! How are you getting on with your 1 minute talk? Have you remembered the importance of using a clear voice and making eye contact?

Here are the link to your weekly activities:

Core Grid Week 4

RRS Article of the Week P2 27.04

Spelling Activity Suggestions


Below is a song that will help you to remember the days of the week in Spanish. Sing along and see if you can say ‘hoy es miércoles’ (today is Wednesday) in Spanish.


Your maths work this week is all about data handling. Watch this video to understand why data handling is an important skill for learning, work and life:


You could try making your own survey at home to find out which flavour of ice cream is the most popular in your household. You can even ask toys or teddies. Here is an example for how you could lay out your survey:

Be careful of the spelling of flavour, this example was made in America! 


Can you spot the mistakes in these sentences? As an extension you  could write the sentences with the mistakes corrected. Ask someone at home to look over your work or post it in the comments section of this blog.

  1. It was the hotist day of the yere so ben culdnt play outside without ani sun cream
  2. the boy throwd the boll.


Miss Lydon

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