P3 Mrs Caskie and Mrs Keegan 22.4.20

Good morning Primary 3. Welcome to Wednesday! Here are some additional tasks for today.  You can complete these along with the tasks in your grid. Let us know if you have any problems accessing the grid.  I have attached it here for you.

Core-Grid-Week-3-Primary 3

Remember to do the learning in a way that suits you and your family  and also remember to take breaks and get some fresh air. Have a great day!

Home Learning Grid

How are you getting on with the 2D maths task?  Remember that you can use pens, pencils, cutlery or anything else that you can find to make your shapes.

Maths – Solving Problems

Today you can use your understanding of fractions to help you solve problems.  Visit the nrich website and try to solve the Fair Feast problem.  You can draw a picture of your answers to share your learning.



Today we’re going to have fun with our spelling words by playing Headbandz with a family member.  Write your spelling word on a post it or make  a headband.  You can give each other clues to work out the word.  Have fun!

You can also read a story and see if you can answer these questions:

  • Who was in the story?
  • Where was the story set?
  • What happened?
  • How did it end?

You’ll find lots of stories online at stories.audible.com  oxfordowl.co.uk  booktrust.org.uk

Have a great day and enjoy the sunshine!

from Mrs Caskie and Mrs Keegan


4 thoughts on “P3 Mrs Caskie and Mrs Keegan 22.4.20”

  1. Could the core work sheet be reposted for P3.
    We are having difficulty with the link for Oxford Owl
    Thank you
    Maureen Franks

    1. Hi there, many thanks for your message. Of course, I’ll pop up the core work grid for P3 on a new blog post just now and I’ll email it to you as well.
      Let me check the Oxford Owl link and I’ll get back to you.
      Mrs Keegan

  2. What a great day P3! It has been lovely to hear from so many of you . Have a lovely evening and enjoy the sunshine.

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