Good morning! I hope your first week back after the holidays is going well.

Learning Grid Week 3

Fortune Teller

Spelling Activity Suggestions

Here are some additional and support activities to extend your grid learning.

Home Learning Grid

How are you getting on with Number Talks? Can you name  any of the strategies you have used to work them out? Here are some ideas:

  • Counting in ones
  • Five wise (seeing a pattern of five) and counting on
  • Counting in twos

Here is a link you can use to create your own Number Talks dice pattern challenge:


If you are having any difficulty with any of the home learning activities please remember to ask your question in the comments section below. We will try to answer your question as soon as we are able to.


This is our first week back after Easter. I loved the treasure hunt challenge from one of our previous blog posts.

Try and find something in your house that begins with each of the letters in Easter, such as eggs, armchair etc.

You could take a picture of your objects and send to the school email account or draw pictures and label them in your jotter.


I have set up a Sumdog Challenge for all of you. It focuses on number words up to 20, such as two, fourteen etc. It is open for you to complete from today and closes at 3pm on Thursday.

Your log in details are in your home learning bags and your jotters that you received before the school closed. You have until Friday to complete it. Good luck!

Miss Lydon

2 thoughts on “P2 MISS LYDON DAILY UPDATE 21.04.20”

  1. Hello miss lydon, i miss you. I am doing my spelling words. Mummy helped me and found a game to play with the words. It is a roller coaster and is was lots of fun. Love from roma x

    1. I miss you too, Roma! That sounds like a fun game to help practise your spelling words. I searched for it and think I might have found the same game. Well done!

      Miss Lydon 🙂

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